Secret Police -Anime-


She's alone


Name -

Age -

Agent Number -

Race - human, spirit, etc.

Gender -

Position - Tech, Field, etc.

Appearance - Anime

Extras -

Esper Abilities - OPT

Enemies -

Allies -

Combat Abilities - Beginner - Advanced
(you can add what their combat abilities are)
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/azuma_sekai_seifuku_anime_girl_render_by_schorch2812-d83z6yy.png.8ea4a80f89f70a46ea684eaf31798255.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39366" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/azuma_sekai_seifuku_anime_girl_render_by_schorch2812-d83z6yy.png.8ea4a80f89f70a46ea684eaf31798255.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Akiyama, Yukino Full Name: Yukino Akiyama

Nickname: Yuki

Sex: Female

Age: 17

Weight: 46.2664217 kg (102 lbs)

Height: 161 cm (5'3)

Race: Human

Agent Number: 13

Position: Special Forces

Combat Abilities: Advanced

Esper Abilities: Electromaster

Railgun/Super Electromagnetic Cannon: Yukino can fire metal objects at three times the speed of sound by forming parallel currents on both sides of her arm with her electricity. Her railgun has a muzzle velocity of 1030 m/s (2307.2 mph), and can be fired at a rate of 8 shots per minute. She has hinted she can fire multiple coins at once creating a Rail-Shotgun, however this has never been seen. She primarily uses arcade coins as her projectiles for portability, limiting her normal range to 50 meters. Going back to her coins, on special occasions Yukino will take her Titanium coins which inflict much more damage and destruction than arcade coins.

Lightning Attack Spear: Yukino has the ability to generate a "spear of lightning" originating from her forehead.

Powerful Electromagnetic Pulse: Yukino has the ability to create magnetic pulses that target the organs

Lightning Strike: Yukino can call down real lightning using her ability regardless of season. This attack was shown to be powerful enough to cause a city-wide blackout.

Electromagnetism: Yukino can use electromagnetism to attract and repel metallic materials and use it to her advantage. Examples include creating a make-shift shield out of scrap metal, walking on walls and ceilings, as well as attracting iron particles in the ground around her.

Whip Sword or Iron Sand Sword: Using her magnetic powers, Yukino can form a "whip sword" by gathering iron sand, manipulating it into a sword that she can lengthen into a whip at will. By making the sand particles of the blade vibrate, she can dramatically increase the weapon's cutting power into something resembling that of a chainsaw.

Cracking/Hacking: Using her electric powers she can hack any electronic device and bypass normal electronic security measures with ease. She can decode the electronic flow of information, like steal the information from a credit card's magnetic strip, as well as directly process a computer's information in binary. This skill also enables her to perform acts such as erasing herself from security footage in real time or taking control of Judgments computers.

Unique Sensory Perception of Electric-type Espers: As an electromaster, Yukino is of course able to sense electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic phenomena. She is, however, able to follow the electric and magnetic field lines using her eyes, something that normal electromasters are unable to do with their limited power. She takes this ability one step further by analyzing the reflections of the electromagnetic waves she generates, giving her no blind spots.

Flight: Using formulas similar to those she is using for her Iron Sand sword, Yukino can fly if she is surrounded by a large amount of atomized water vapor. She manipulated the water vapor forming it into wings using the static electricity from interactions between particles. By using her electric power to induce electrolysis on a large body of water such as the ocean, she can obtain enough hydrogen and oxygen to use as fuel.

Telepathic Immunity: Yukino has been shown to be immune to the effects of telepathic manipulation due to the electromagnetic barrier created by her AIM dispersion field.

Radar Sense: Yukino can sense and release electromagnetic waves around her to enable her to see the image of the room three-dimensionally without the use of her sight.

Control of nerves and muscles: Perhaps a reference to her powers being applied to help those with muscular dystrophy. Yukino is shown to be able to use her powers to take control of her muscles and nerves when they have been rendered ineffective through the use of drugs. The cost of this however is that she requires to constantly use her powers on her body, making her a walking stun gun.

Esper Level 0-6: 6

Agility- She is very agile and is able to do many things that normally a person could not do

Strength- She can take down a larger person with much less difficultly than a regular person

Light weight- She is quiet light and so if air born she can go very high

Dodging- Her dodges are very quick and precise so that she can find a weak point of counter. She has learned to dodge both blades and bullets from when she and her sister would train

Landing- She is able to land on the side of a building or wall without crashing through it

Running- She is faster than the above average human and she is fastest runner of course excluding the one gifted with the ability of speed.

Adaption- She can adapt to her opponents fighting techniques

Allies- She makes lots of allies, but will turn on them if they threaten her or Judgment

Sniping- She is amazing at sniping and can hit her target even when shooting through a car (ex. on the outside of a car and shoots through the windshield and back window hitting target)

Combat- She is very gifted in about any type of combat especially the ones that involve guns, hand to hand, electricity, and gun to blade.

Enemies: Whoever seems to be a threat is an enemy

Allies: Yukino has a hard time making friends, but her allies are in Judgment.



  • azuma_sekai_seifuku_anime_girl_render_by_schorch2812-d83z6yy.png
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Name - Senrigan doragon

Nickname: Dragon eye

Age - 16

Agent Number - 14

Race - Human

Gender - Male

Position - Tech/surveillance

Appearance -

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/anime-art-boy-headphone-Favimcom-316902_large_zpsec2dddb1.jpg.17c62a1393ff07fe5a77594a3aa3167a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39396" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/anime-art-boy-headphone-Favimcom-316902_large_zpsec2dddb1.jpg.17c62a1393ff07fe5a77594a3aa3167a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Extras - He doesn't take anything serious

Esper Abilities - Clairvoyance

Esper level- 4

Enemies - anybody that gets on his nerves

Allies - He doesn't really consider anybody an ally. He prefers the term, acquaintance.

Combat Abilities - Mediocre



  • anime-art-boy-headphone-Favimcom-316902_large_zpsec2dddb1.jpg
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[QUOTE="Jason Vertigo]
Name - Senrigan doragon
Nickname: Dragon eye

Age - 16

Agent Number - 14

Race - Human

Gender - Male

Position - Tech/surveillance

Appearance -

View attachment 96427

Extras - He doesn't take anything serious

Esper Abilities - Clairvoyance

Esper level- 4

Enemies - anybody that gets on his nerves

Allies - He doesn't really consider anybody an ally. He prefers the term, acquaintance.

Combat Abilities - Mediocre


Let me know if I'm missin' anything. Probably gonna take another look through it myself real soon.


"Well, seeing as I'd need a name fitting of both genders... Makoto. My real name? Haven't gone by my real name in so long, it's pretty much lost."


"I'm fifteen or sixteen, I think. Yeah, fifteen, a few months from being sixteen."

Agent Number

"Agent number five."


"Well, I'm human; I think."


"Way too unsure of that one... I don't think I'm even allowed to declare myself a gender for one big reason. You'll find out soon what I mean."


"I work quite well in the field, since my skills are quite valuable in combat. Guess it really helps to be able to track somebody without them knowing, as well as kick anybody in the face without them having the 'time' to block."


"Truth is, I have multiple appearances. Pretty difficult to tell who I am with that? Then I'll give you pictures of all the appearances I'll be using while working for this place. Just don't let the public know all of these are me."







Esper Abilities

"Well, I can sort of manipulate the flow of time on myself and a select number of objects that I touch. It's actually quite interesting."

Makoto can change his appearance and gender through manipulating time flow on his body. This also allows various different appearances, including change in gender. This does also have an affect on Makoto's state of mind though, making it that of whatever gender he is, as well as sometimes, gaining a personality specific to that appearance.

Makoto can also manipulate time flow to make everything around him/her frozen for a short period of time. This doesn't last long, but it does help quite a bit. There are limits to how often Makoto can do this, as well. However, there is no delay between uses unless they're long uses. For example, every time a bullet is fired at him/her, time can be stopped for just a second to dodge, and can be done repeatedly until his/her powers are exhausted. He can also keep one other person able to move with time frozen alongside him, but drags the length and number of times he can do it down.

Exhausting his/her powers means no more changing appearance or gender as well, but the appearance doesn't reverse. In other words, changes in appearance and gender are permanent, unless changed by him/herself, making for his/her true gender and appearance to be lost forever as just another one of his appearances he/she may at some point take.


"Well, you can't have enemies if your enemies can't ever tell it's you."


"I have the entire team backing me up, though even they'll be at a loss if I take an appearance they don't know."

Combat Abilities

"Well, I'm pretty advanced in combat, but the real killer's what I do with my skills mixed in with my abilities of time. Pretty hard to block a kick that's moving while you're frozen in place."
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UltraYuseke said:

Let me know if I'm missin' anything. Probably gonna take another look through it myself real soon.


"Well, seeing as I'd need a name fitting of both genders... Makoto. My real name? Haven't gone by my real name in so long, it's pretty much lost."


"I'm fifteen or sixteen, I think. Yeah, fifteen, a few months from being sixteen."

Agent Number

"Agent number five."


"Well, I'm human; I think."


"Way too unsure of that one... I don't think I'm even allowed to declare myself a gender for one big reason. You'll find out soon what I mean."


"I work quite well in the field, since my skills are quite valuable in combat. Guess it really helps to be able to track somebody without them knowing, as well as kick anybody in the face without them having the 'time' to block."


"Truth is, I have multiple appearances. Pretty difficult to tell who I am with that? Then I'll give you pictures of all the appearances I'll be using while working for this place. Just don't let the public know all of these are me."







Esper Abilities

"Well, I can sort of manipulate the flow of time on myself and a select number of objects that I touch. It's actually quite interesting."

Makoto can change his appearance and gender through manipulating time flow on his body. This also allows various different appearances, including change in gender. This does also have an affect on Makoto's state of mind though, making it that of whatever gender he is, as well as sometimes, gaining a personality specific to that appearance.

Makoto can also manipulate time flow to make everything around him/her frozen for a short period of time. This doesn't last long, but it does help quite a bit. There are limits to how often Makoto can do this, as well. However, there is no delay between uses unless they're long uses. For example, every time a bullet is fired at him/her, time can be stopped for just a second to dodge, and can be done repeatedly until his/her powers are exhausted. He can also keep one other person able to move with time frozen alongside him, but drags the length and number of times he can do it down.

Exhausting his/her powers means no more changing appearance or gender as well, but the appearance doesn't reverse. In other words, changes in appearance and gender are permanent, unless changed by him/herself, making for his/her true gender and appearance to be lost forever as just another one of his appearances he/she may at some point take.


"Well, you can't have enemies if your enemies can't ever tell it's you."


"I have the entire team backing me up, though even they'll be at a loss if I take an appearance they don't know."

Combat Abilities

"Well, I'm pretty advanced in combat, but the real killer's what I do with my skills mixed in with my abilities of time. Pretty hard to block a kick that's moving while you're frozen in place."

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/render__anime_girl__18__ryuko_matoi__by_kiyoshi_sempai-d83m8ha.png.779e34df7405a253c6e52545754b3a69.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39442" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/render__anime_girl__18__ryuko_matoi__by_kiyoshi_sempai-d83m8ha.png.779e34df7405a253c6e52545754b3a69.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Yamamoto, Rin Full Name: Rin Yamamoto

Nickname: Rinny

Sex: Female

Age: 16

Weight: 54.43 kg (119 lbs)

Height: 167.64 cm (5'6)

Race: Unknown

Agent Number: 2

Position: Field, but hopes to transfer

Combat Abilities: Advanced

Esper Abilities: Demon Weapon Wielder (Soul Weapon Wielder) [shall be updated later]

Esper Level 0-6: 5

Combat- She is very well known for her combat abilities and is able to stand up to Yukino when they fight.

Agility- She is able to do things that many can't such as being able to land on the side of a building without breaking it.

Counters- Since she is a wielder of two swords her counters are very precise and can take down an opponent if the counter is strong


Landing- She is able to land on the side of a building or wall without crashing through it

Adaption- Rin learned to adapt to the fighting technics of her opponents.

Dodging- She trained hard with Yuki and learned to be able to dodge most of her attacks (without using her EP) so she is now a skilled girl when needing to dodge.

Strength- She is able to hold her own against taller and heavier opponents.

Ultima- Ultima is Rin's larger sword that she wields. This is her more powerful sword as she has had it longer and 'upgraded' it more than her recent Oblivion. However the powers and traits of the sword are still unknown. Though there are rumors that Ultima is one of purest light.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/anime_render_99_by_michelleurs-d81kg05.png.9ab1a8f9bcb5957419da3a2a0d40256f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39448" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/anime_render_99_by_michelleurs-d81kg05.png.9ab1a8f9bcb5957419da3a2a0d40256f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Oblivion- Like Ultima, Oblivion is also a sword in which Rin wields. This sword however has a dark power that contrasts greatly with that of Ultima. Oblivion's and Ultima's powers however haven't been revealed to anyone, but their Wielder. The rumored power of Oblivion is said to be as powerful as a demon. However Oblivion isn't as strong as Ultima.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/yuuki_natsuno_render_by_cherish_romance-d5hnl4n.png.1d61ee5adeedc4e4cfb9a3b048ce4d97.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39449" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/yuuki_natsuno_render_by_cherish_romance-d5hnl4n.png.1d61ee5adeedc4e4cfb9a3b048ce4d97.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Enemies: Whoever seems to be a threat is an enemy.

Allies: Rin's allies are in Judgment.



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Name - Akuma iki

Age - 14

Agent Number - 20

Race - human

Gender - male

Position - Field

Appearance -

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/elsword-fire-knight-hd-anime-manga-316917_zps40d1f468.jpg.0c02c83d1b2424b83a6c460f20d06810.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39470" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/elsword-fire-knight-hd-anime-manga-316917_zps40d1f468.jpg.0c02c83d1b2424b83a6c460f20d06810.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height- 5'2

Extras - He does not like to be made fun of and is sensitive about his height.

Esper Abilities - Pyrokinesis

Esper level-5

Enemies - people who insult him

Allies - people who don't insult him

Combat Abilities - Advanced



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Sacred said:
Name - Akuma iki
Age - 14

Agent Number - 20

Race - human

Gender - male

Position - Field

Appearance -

View attachment 96559

Height- 5'2

Extras - He does not like to be made fun of and is sensitive about his height.

Esper Abilities - Pyrokinesis

Esper level-5

Enemies - people who insult him

Allies - people who don't insult him

Combat Abilities - Advanced
Name -Ichigo miruku

Age: 17

Agent Number - 18

Race: Human

Gender - male

Position - Special Forces

Appearance -

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/c6559b995d4a7f18d51f451b64db4d97.jpg.012d3152bba71e4cff62ecd1fe581e73.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39498" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/c6559b995d4a7f18d51f451b64db4d97.jpg.012d3152bba71e4cff62ecd1fe581e73.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Extras - He's not one for conversation or mercy.

Esper Abilities - Umbrakinesis

Enemies - He hates just about everyone, enemies are the people he dislikes the most

Allies: The only way your his Ally is if you act like his human shield.

Combat Abilities - Advanced



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[QUOTE="Emperor Lelouch]
Name -Ichigo miruku
Age: 17

Agent Number - 18

Race: Human

Gender - male

Position - Special Forces

Appearance -

View attachment 96603

Extras - He's not one for conversation or mercy.

Esper Abilities - Umbrakinesis

Enemies - He hates just about everyone, enemies are the people he dislikes the most

Allies: The only way your his Ally is if you act like his human shield.

Combat Abilities - Advanced

Accepted however the limit for combat abilities is advanced

UltraYuseke said:

Kiyoko Tomoe



"Kiyomi Tomoe."



Personality (Necessary Information for Kiyomi)

Kiyomi Tomoe has two sides to her personality. She always shows herself as childish and utterly useless, but that's only half of her. Kiyomi may seem sweet, but once you give her a gun, her other self comes out. Her other self is something she completely hates, but usually ends up having to deal with because of her job.

As her "other" self, she'll kill anything in her way, and won't care for allies and enemies, just as long as whatever orders she's given are completed. She refers to her oddly-accurate name when talking about her two halves. Kiyomi for her kind, childish, and "pure" self, then Tomoe for her "other" self.

Agent Number

Kiyomi Answer

"I'm zero. Probably because I can't do much..."

Tomoe Answer

"Zero. The same number applies to how many times I've screwed up."


Kiyomi Answer

"I think I'm human...? But I have these horns... I don't know... Oh well."

Tomoe Answer

"Call me anything but human and I'll kill you."


Kiyomi Answer

"I'm just your average female clutz."

Tomoe Answer

"Female, but you should already be able to tell."


Kiyomi Answer

"For some reason, I'm in Special Forces... I don't really like guns though..."

Tomoe Answer

"Special Forces. I hate it."


Kiyomi Answer

"I have no enemies, because everybody's my friend."

Tomoe Answer

"Anything that breathes."


Kiyomi Answer

"The whole world is my friend, so I have a lot of allies."

Tomoe Answer

"Allies? I don't care; I just shoot whatever gets in the way of my gun."

Combat Abilities

Kiyomi Answer

"I don't like fighting..."

Tomoe Answer

"I can make a skyscraper collapse with a single grenade and a pistol. Is that good enough for you?"​
Accepted, but remember what we discussed about her character
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Kiyoko Tomoe



"Kiyoko Tomoe."



Personality (Necessary Information for Kiyoko)

Kiyoko Tomoe has two sides to her personality. She always shows herself as childish and utterly useless, but that's only half of her. Kiyoko may seem sweet, but once you give her a gun, her other self comes out. Her other self is something she completely hates, but usually ends up having to deal with because of her job.

As her "other" self, she'll kill anything in her way, and won't care for allies and enemies, just as long as whatever orders she's given are completed. She refers to her oddly-accurate name when talking about her two halves. Kiyoko for her kind, childish, and "pure" self, then Tomoe for her "other" self.

Agent Number

Kiyoko Answer

"I'm zero. Probably because I can't do much..."

Tomoe Answer

"Zero. The same number applies to how many times I've screwed up."


Kiyoko Answer

"I think I'm human...? But I have these horns... I don't know... Oh well."

Tomoe Answer

"Call me anything but human and I'll kill you."


Kiyoko Answer

"I'm just your average female clutz."

Tomoe Answer

"Female, but you should already be able to tell."


Kiyoko Answer

"For some reason, I'm in Special Forces... I don't really like guns though..."

Tomoe Answer

"Special Forces. I hate it."


Kiyoko Answer

"I have no enemies, because everybody's my friend."

Tomoe Answer

"Anything that breathes."


Kiyoko Answer

"The whole world is my friend, so I have a lot of allies."

Tomoe Answer

"Allies? I don't care; I just shoot whatever gets in the way of my gun."

Combat Abilities

Kiyoko Answer

"I don't like fighting..."

Tomoe Answer

"I can make a skyscraper collapse with a single grenade and a pistol. Is that good enough for you?"​
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Fukumoto, Amaterasu

Full Name: Amaterasu Fukumoto

Nickname: Ammy

Sex: Female

Age: 18

Weight: 54.43 kg (119 lbs)

Height: 165.1 cm (5'5)

Race: Half Shinigami

Agent Number: 3

Position: Special Forces

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/maybe.png.b135e741c6936f2445707ab86c193b82.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39562" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/maybe.png.b135e741c6936f2445707ab86c193b82.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Combat Abilities: Advanced

Esper Abilities: Gunner (These abilities will be updated later...)

Esper Level 0-6: 6

Agility- She is very agile and is able to do many things that normally a person could not do

Strength- She can take down a larger person with much less difficultly than a regular person

Light weight- She is quiet light and so if air born she can go very high

Dodging- Her dodges are very quick and precise so that she can find a weak point of counter. She has learned to dodge both blades and bullets from when she and her sister would train

Landing- She is able to land on the side of a building or wall without crashing through it

Running- She is faster than the top track star on the force

Adaption- She can adapt to her opponents fighting techniques

Allies- She makes lots of allies, but will turn on them if they threaten her or Judgment

Sniping- She is amazing at sniping and can hit her target even when shooting through a car (ex. on the outside of a car and shoots through the windshield and back window hitting target)

Combat- She is very gifted in about any type of combat especially the ones that involve guns, hand to hand, electricity, and gun to blade.

Spirit Track- As she is a half Shinigami, Ammy is able to track any spirit that she has a picture or name of which makes Judgment's job a bit easier.

Soul Connect- Soul connect is something that she learned when she joined Judgment. This is an ability that allows her to be able to connect with the souls of those close to her. What she can do when she connects is still unknown.

Enemies: Whoever she feels isn't a good person is usually the enemy.

Allies: Ammy is friends with anyone who wants to be her friend so she has lots of allies.

PGM Ultima Ratio Hecate II

Gun Statistics

*Length - 138 cm, 114 cm with stock removed*

*Barrel Length - 700mm*

*Weight - 13.8 kg with no sight (14.4 kg loaded)*

*Caliber - .50 BMG*

*Ammunition - 12.7x99mm NATO*


In the real world, Hecate is classified as anti-material due to its incredible power, which gives it the ability to penetrate vehicles and buildings.

Originally, the term 'Hecate' was the name of the Greek goddess of magic, but in the novel Hecate is referenced as the goddess of the underworld.

The PGM Ultima Ratio Hecate II is named after the two sniper rifles made by PGM Precision of France: the PGM Hécate II, an anti-material sniper rifle named after the Greek goddess Hecate, and the PGM Ultima Ratio, which is an anti-personnel sniper rifle named after a Latin expression which means "the last resort".

Although in Japanese, Hecate is called "PGM Ultima Ratio Hecate II", the loot window for Hecate displayed the English version of its name as "PGM Hécate II".

The Hecate II is almost as long (138 cm) as Ammy is tall (165.1 cm), and weighs over 13.8 kilograms (30.42 pounds) with scope attached, thus it would be extremely difficult for someone of her size to lift, let alone aim and fire however for some reason she is able to do this without problem, this is probably because of her heritage that she is able to use this heavy weapon.


FR F2 Sniper Rifle

Gun Statistics

*Weight 5.8 kg (12.75 lbs) loaded*

*Length 47.2 inches*

*Barrel length 650 mm*

*Cartridge 7.62x51mm NATO*

*Action Bolt-action*

*Rate of fire 5 rpm*

Muzzle velocity 820 m/s (2,690.3 ft/s)

*Effective firing range 800 m (874.9 yd)*

*Feed system 10-round detachable box-magazine*

*Sights Telescopic sight*



Gun Statistics

*Weight 1.2kg (2.65 lbs) with 20 round empty magazine (PDW) 1.9 kg (4.19 lbs) without magazine (MP7A1)*

*Length 638 mm (25.1 in) stock extended / 415 mm (16.3 in) stock collapsed*

*Barrel length 180 mm (7.1 in)*

*Width 51 mm (2.0 in)*

*Height 169.5 mm (6.7 in)*

*Cartridge HK 4.6x30mm*

*Action Gas-operated, short stroke piston, rotating bolt*

*Rate of fire 950 rounds/min*

*Muzzle velocity 735 m/s (2,411 ft/s) (Fiocchi CPS Black Tip ammunition)*

*Effective firing range 200 m (656 ft)*

*Feed system 20, 30 or 40 round box magazine*

*Sights Tritium-illuminated flip-up night sights; handgun and rifle sights (adjustable)*



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Name - 小泉 Koizumi (small spring of water) 幸代 Sachiyo (generation of blessing)

Age - 19

Agent Number - 4 (I hope that not taken ouo)

Race - Human

Gender - Female

Position - Medic (I hope that's okay >—<)

Appearance -




Extras -

Koizumi, preferably Koi or Zumi, is surprisingly very bubbly. But she can have very harsh mood swings that can make her from happy one second to angry the other. She likes to help people but she won't hesitate to hurt someone if it's needed.

Oh and also, the glass is half empty

Esper Abilities - "Healing" (It's not really like healing but oh well)

Koizumi can restore biotic organisms to their optimal health, curing damaged or withered organisms, wounds, broken bones, low vitality, and diseases/poisoning. Though Koizumi may potentially heal any form of bodily damage, the patient must be alive, even if hanging by a thin thread, in order to be healed; once the patient has died, it would transcend healing and would require resurrection instead.

Enemies - Potentially dangerous people (And inanimate object)

Allies - Her friends! And other people in this secret force

Combat Abilities - Intermediate (If that isn't valid it's beginner)

Psh this is probably not gonna get accepted because medic/healing isn't a valid form of well whatever and yeah okay bye


Name: Nathan Grimm

Nickname: Kidd Grimm


Agent Number: 7

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Position: Field



Extra: Has a little dark and twisted side when it comes to interrogations but always gets the job done.

Esper: Darkness

Esper Level:6 at night

4 during day

Enemies: Depends on who's trying to kill me

Allies: Depends on who's not trying to killing me

Combat Abilities: Advanced​
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Niqo said:
Name - 小泉 Koizumi (small spring of water) 幸代 Sachiyo (generation of blessing)
Age - 19

Agent Number - 4 (I hope that not taken ouo)

Race - Human

Gender - Female

Position - Medic (I hope that's okay >—<)

Appearance -




Extras -

Koizumi, preferably Koi or Zumi, is surprisingly very bubbly. But she can have very harsh mood swings that can make her from happy one second to angry the other. She likes to help people but she won't hesitate to hurt someone if it's needed.

Oh and also, the glass is half empty

Esper Abilities - "Healing" (It's not really like healing but oh well)

Koizumi can restore biotic organisms to their optimal health, curing damaged or withered organisms, wounds, broken bones, low vitality, and diseases/poisoning. Though Koizumi may potentially heal any form of bodily damage, the patient must be alive, even if hanging by a thin thread, in order to be healed; once the patient has died, it would transcend healing and would require resurrection instead.

Enemies - Potentially dangerous people (And inanimate object)

Allies - Her friends! And other people in this secret force

Combat Abilities - Intermediate (If that isn't valid it's beginner)

Psh this is probably not gonna get accepted because medic/healing isn't a valid form of well whatever and yeah okay bye

Yes you're right medic isn't a position. Sorry :/

TheGrimmFairyTales said:
Name: Nathan Grimm

Nickname: Kidd Grimm

Agent Number: 7

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Position: Field



Extra: Has a little dark and twisted side when it comes to interrogations but always gets the job done.

Esper: Darkness

Esper Level:6 at night

4 during day

Enemies: Depends on who's trying to kill me

Allies: Depends on who's not trying to killing me

Combat Abilities: Advanced


Name - "Yui Hamata, though most of them call me speed." Yui Hamata

Age - "19, only six years since I took my first joy ride." 19

Agent Number - "Agent number 6, the most dangerous of all." 6

Race - "Pretty much everyone who get's in my car or sees my wings, pretty much agree I'm not human." Unknown

Gender - "Do you not see these balls of fat on my chest?" Female

Position - Secret Forces

Personality - "Hello there~" Yui is a bubbly, hyper, and a speed junkie. She is always on the move, and is without a doubt the fastest girl on the team. She is dangerous, speedy, and likes to keep up the spirits with any friend she has. But somewhere deep inside, she has always lacked love, due to the way she grew up.

Appearance Extra - Yui has large wings that are pure white, fading to a light blue at the tips. They stretch out wide when she doesn't have them tucked against her back, and it is often curious how she even has these. She has occasional problems with her back because of their weight.

Extras - Never get her near alcohol, she get's crazy if she does, and I do not advise

Esper Abilities - "I have a need for speed!" Yui can run at the speed of sound, which proved difficult for people to fight her.

Esper Level - 6

Enemies - Anyone who threatens her friends

Allies - Anyone who can stand her.

Combat Abilities - Advanced "I like to light things up with guns! I don got them sniper skills!"
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Icefox11 said:

Name - "Yui Hamata, though most of them call me speed." Yui Hamata

Age - "19, only six years since I took my first joy ride." 19

Agent Number - "Agent number 4, the most dangerous of all." 4

Race - "Pretty much everyone who get's in my car or sees my wings, pretty much agree I'm not human." Unknown

Gender - "Do you not see these balls of fat on my chest?" Female

Position - Secret Forces

Personality - "Hello there~" Yui is a bubbly, hyper, and a speed junkie. She is always on the move, and is without a doubt the fastest girl on the team. She is dangerous, speedy, and likes to keep up the spirits with any friend she has. But somewhere deep inside, she has always lacked love, due to the way she grew up.

Extras - Never get her near alcohol, she get's crazy if she does, and I do not advise

Esper Abilities - "I have a need for speed!" Yui can run at the speed of sound, which proved difficult for people to fight her.

Esper Level - 6

Enemies - Anyone who threatens her friends

Allies - Anyone who can stand her.

Combat Abilities - Advanced "I like to light things up with guns! I don got them sniper skills!"
Accepted however the agent number four has already been taken
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Name -Vincent Cruuger

Alias -

"Feel free to call me Vince","Judgements' White Knight!!! Got a nice ring to it don'tcha think?"

"Judgements' Number One Playboy!!-W..Wait who said that!?"

Age -18

Agent Number - 1

Race - Human

Gender - Male

Position -

Special Forces - "Just sit back and leave this one to me"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/Homopero.full.979328.jpg.9d4f0980f918109da1886390d4f8fe3a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39678" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/Homopero.full.979328.jpg.9d4f0980f918109da1886390d4f8fe3a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Senpai told me...Being a part of Judgement...You'll always have a big bullseye on your back,but that's okay...because someone will always be there to knock anything that tries touch that bulls-eye into next week.So just concentrate on what's infront of you and leave that pesky Bulls-Eye to me.

Extra - The kind of guy you would find flipping up Girls skirts just for laughs and fun,despite being among the oldest in Judgement,Vincent prefers to let his Playful Brother side show rather than his stern faced office work companion,He's one of the friendliest and easiest to get along with,though to say his playfulness tends to get him reprimanded often.

Though not all the time,often prefers the company of Females,this being one of the reasson he was burdended with the title "Judgements Number One Playboy" Due to his constant skirt chasing and Flirting,Vincent hates this Nickname,and will whine and complain about it if mentioned.He earned his other Nicknames through repetative accomplishments for Judgement.








A certain Nickname

Spicy or Sour foods

Esper Abilities -

White Step - Short Range Teleportation,Allows the user to instantaneously transport oneself(Possibly Objects) from 1 cm to the maximum of 87 ft with a single "Jump" in a gentle white flash of light.

Above Average Physical strength.

Downside of White Step - Use of White Step past in quantities exceeding its current maximum limit (5 times in succession)will result in the following depending on the number of jumps taken:

-Temporarily Impaired Vision

- Induced Nausea/Profuse Vomiting

- Dislocated/Broken Bones

- Rupturing of Organs/ Internal Bleeding

- Brain Damage

- Comatose State Or Death

Esper Level - 6

Enemies -

A man with a vendetta against Judgement and the same abilities of the White Step but dosen't seem to be limited by the same limitations,Identity Unknown,Judgement has codenamed this Person and his ability Darga of the Black Step.Vincent has had multiple run ins with this opponent and has been bested on multiple occasions on more than one occasion ending up in a hospitalized condition,though not life threatening, Darga is still at large and continues to interfere with Judgement activities.

Allies -

Whether requited or not Vincent thinks of everyone as a valued friend,with no shy bone in his body,even the most anti-social members of Judgement are no stranger to Vincent often over zealous and sometimes off putting ways.

" Let's go find some cute girls!!!"

Combat Abilities - Advanced (you can add what their combat abilities are)

-Military Close Quarters Combat


-Muay Thai



  • Homopero.full.979328.jpg
    72.7 KB · Views: 99
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[QUOTE="XxCrimson DynamoxX]
Name -Vincent Cruuger
Alias -

"Feel free to call me Vince","Judgements' White Knight!!! Got a nice ring to it don'tcha think?"

"Judgements' Number One Playboy!!-W..Wait who said that!?"

Age -18

Agent Number - 1

Race - Human

Gender - Male

Position -

Special Forces - "Just sit back and leave this one to me"

Senpai told me...Being a part of Judgement...You'll always have a big bullseye on your back,but that's okay...because someone will always be there to knock anything that tries touch that bulls-eye into next week.So just concentrate on what's infront of you and leave that pesky Bulls-Eye to me.

Extra - The kind of guy you would find flipping up Girls skirts just for laughs and fun,despite being among the oldest in Judgement,Vincent prefers to let his Playful Brother side show rather than his stern faced office work companion,He's one of the friendliest and easiest to get along with,though to say his playfulness tends to get him reprimanded often.

Though not all the time,often prefers the company of Females,this being one of the reasson he was burdended with the title "Judgements Number One Playboy" Due to his constant skirt chasing and Flirting,Vincent hates this Nickname,and will whine and complain about it if mentioned.He earned his other Nicknames through repetative accomplishments for Judgement.








A certain Nickname

Spicy or Sour foods

Esper Abilities -

White Step - Short Range Teleportation,Allows the user to instantaneously transport oneself(Possibly Objects) from 1 cm to the maximum of 87 ft with a single "Jump" in a gentle white flash of light.

Above Average Physical strength.

Downside of White Step - Use of White Step past in quantities exceeding its current maximum limit (5 times in succession)will result in the following depending on the number of jumps taken:

-Temporarily Impaired Vision

- Induced Nausea/Profuse Vomiting

- Dislocated/Broken Bones

- Rupturing of Organs/ Internal Bleeding

- Brain Damage

- Comatose State Or Death

Esper Level - 6

Enemies -

A man with a vendetta against Judgement and the same abilities of the White Step but dosen't seem to be limited by the same limitations,Identity Unknown,Judgement has codenamed this Person and his ability Darga of the Black Step.Vincent has had multiple run ins with this opponent and has been bested on multiple occasions on more than one occasion ending up in a hospitalized condition,though not life threatening, Darga is still at large and continues to interfere with Judgement activities.

Allies -

Whether requited or not Vincent thinks of everyone as a valued friend,with no shy bone in his body,even the most anti-social members of Judgement are no stranger to Vincent often over zealous and sometimes off putting ways.

" Let's go find some cute girls!!!"

Combat Abilities - Advanced (you can add what their combat abilities are)

-Military Close Quarters Combat


-Muay Thai

Name - Rena Tsubasa (Prefers to be called "Ren" since "Rena" sounds too "girly" in her opinion)

Age - 16 1/2

Agent Number - 34

Race - Angel/Unknown

Gender - Female

Position - Tech

Appearance -

Extras - Rena is good at scavenging for things and analyzing the situation. She is skilled with electronics and any forms of formal organization. She likes to keep things neat and orderly so she could retrieve it when she wants. She scavenges for valuable goods, and has an easy time finding those than other herbs, medicines, and things that won't make a lot of money for her. Rena is very keen with small details, which is why she joined the group she did. She may act childish, but underneath that is a natural leader who knows when or when not to make a move. She is very competitive, even if she seems like an angel (no pun intended) on the outside. She can be dark and snappy when she's angered or annoyed, which may happen frequently.

Rena also has a hard time relaxing, and is always stiff, as if expecting an attack. She is buried with lots of work, whether its her personal life or her work as a Tech. She can get irritable in the morning and deathly tired at night. It is never a good idea to wake Rena up, as she will lash out without thinking, mostly with her sturdy wings that may leave a serious injury.

Esper Abilities - Levitation, Flying, Scavenging

Rena can levitate off the ground without using much energy, as if it is second-nature. She can fly by using her hair, and as strange as it is, those her her wings. She can transfer them to her back and return her hair to normal, human-like hair, though that will only drain her energy since the wings are naturally her hair. (when untied and entirely loose, the strands of her hair appear feather-like, while when it is separated into two segments, wings form)

Rena is a detector for valuable goods such as jewelry, gold, and precious irons. She believes it is from her unknown origin, and enjoys going on the hunts with the Special Force to try and grab some items while they're there, and also to watch them in action so she could report back to the base. Even though it is not needed for her to report, as the Field members usually take that job, she does it while she's there, as a little extra information won't be harmful to the Tech, and might even help in the future. To her, it is a "why not?" as she searches for her treasure.

Enemies - Anyone who tries to order her around without reason (she won't kill them, but hold a grudge against them)

Allies - Anyone who can help her relax

Combat Abilities - Intermediate

Her Esper Level is 5

Rena has amazing physical strength and can dodge things pretty easily, but her stamina is low. She cannot last a long time on the battle field, even if she is using a little bit of her energy at a time. Her attacks are strong and steady, often strong enough to take out two full-grown men alone with the assistance of her powerful wings. She usually needs someone with her, or it is unlikely that she would survive alone, or manage to make it back to safety.

Due to her wings, Rena is able to soundlessly travel, as her wings were designed to absorb pressure and impact. She often uses walls to push herself back with momentum, and uses her wings to crush or break down walls, as they as strong enough to, depending on the thickness. She can control her wings just like a limb, and occasionally might use them as arms (not hands).

Rena's grip can crush someone's hand or wrist, and though the arms and leg bones are more difficult for her, she can apply some more pressure and she can break them. However, her stamina and ability to take hits is low, so once she gets severely injured, it is likely that she cannot continue duty. Luckily, she is healthy and her angel origins help her heal twice as fast as humans, so she is usually back in office by a certain day.

Name -Henri Ito (Sometimes referred to as "Rito" as a nickname between his friends)

Age - 17

Agent Number - 46

Race - Human

Gender - Male

Position - Field

Appearance -

Extras - Henri is calm and and composed, often appearing like a gentleman while being polite to others. He is logical and appears to understand situations quickly, and take every factor into consideration, which is a quality that got him into Field. He felt that he would waste his political and other educations if he entered the Special Forces, so he joined Field to do a little bit of both.

Even though he is not stoic, he is generally void of emotions, though he does smile, laugh, and such. Usually, he wears a serious, though not gravely serious, look and a solid light in his eyes. They would usually warm up or appear slightly clearer when he is at peace, but with so many things going on, vacation wasn't an option anytime soon. Henri is someone who is dearly attached to rules and laws, including the basics of respect and physiology of it.

Henri knows that he cannot back up on his words, so he does his best to prevent that. He is emotionally unstable at times, especially when it comes to touchy subjects, so he locks everything in until he can comfort himself on his own. He dislikes displays of weakness, especially when he needs to be strong for the job he applied for.

Esper Abilities - Strength

Henri posses inhuman strength, which is why he tends to stay away from people when he's in a negative mood. He can fall from heights that would usually kill a human, as his body is a lot sturdier than that of a average man's. He can also jump very high as his legs have enough strength to help him jump greater heights. His bones are also harder to break, though his skin is just like a humans. Injuries don't tend to be as severe, as if his organs were prepared and enhanced beforehand.

Henri can also lift heavy weights without using much effort. He can lift a minivan without too much trouble, though it is like holding a 120 lb person for a while. At some point, he would get tired and have to let go. Along with this, Henri can break things without getting hurt. For example, normally, someone would have a concussion in trying to bang their head into a brick wall. However, in Henri's case, he can do the same thing without being too affected. Of course, he has a limit in which he can break with his sheer strength.

Enemies - Anyone who get on his bad side, or seems suspicious

Allies - Those who cooperate and work well with him

Combat Abilities - Intermediate-Advanced

His Esper Level is 6

Henri is someone who knows how to fight, and knows how to control his energy and hits. He has a lot of stamina, and can last a long time on the battle field, especially when he has an unfinished task looming behind him. Rather than dodging, he blocks most attacks since his inhuman body strength can withstand a variety of pressures and attack from his opponents. Due to this, his dodging skills are weak and clumsy, even if they seem unnecessary when it comes to cases like him.

However, he is not one who is "agile", even if he is quick on his feet. When he would land, the ground beneath him usually cracks from the force he stores within his muscles. This is why he has separate training equipment than those in the Field since he would need strongly reinforced gear so he could actually use them without breaking them.

Name - Cianne Takemoto (Nicknamed 'Solo,' or referred to as 'Cia')

Age - 15

Agent Number - 21

Race - Human, Witch blood

Gender - Female

Position - Special Forces

Appearance -

Extras - Cia is generally lax and calm, a little air-headed and lazy in movement. However, she is sharp, calculating and fierce in battle, able to finish a job without a second thought. Her smiles and her general face expression appear sleepy and loose, and she rarely shows any emotions besides sleepiness, mild happiness and slight surprise. Cia is surprisingly hard to anger or annoy, as she has a lot of patience, but when a nerve is struck, she can become harsh, or break down. Luckily, it is hard to find such sensitive topics, as Cia is very secretive.

Cia hates to lead people, which is why she doesn't party often, and when she does, she is usually comfortable taking orders. Her soft personality makes her an easy person to confide in, even if she doesn't have much to offer but her attention. Cia is someone who accepts things the way they are, though she may have her rare stubborn moments, and respects other's opinion, since she almost always is void of one. Her strange attraction to water is still a part of her, and her love for sweet foods as well.

Cia loves to get lost in thought, since it brings peace to her mind. She loves sitting in warm, quiet areas just to enjoy the moment, and takes everything, or most things lightly. She can be gravely serious many times, but outside of danger, she is light-hearted and supportive. She usually worries about others and their safety over hers, which is why she needs to be supervised sometimes to be held back from throwing herself into life-threatening situations. (She is usually looking for crepes to snack on)

NOTE: Cooking is one of her greatest strengths, mostly to satisfy her own hunger

NOTE (2): Her nickname "Solo" comes from the fact that she usually goes and returns from missions, and has never lead a party (she has been a part of a couple of parties, but this is rare as well)

Esper Abilities - Water Matter Manipulation

Temperature: Cianne can make the temperature around her drop, and can return it to normal temperature, but cannot make it any higher than its original state (ex: if a room were to be 20 degrees C, then she could make it drop to -10 degrees C, and later return back to 20 degrees C, though cannot make it any hotter than that)

Manipulation: She can manipulate forms of water (solid, liquid, gas), and control them to her will.

Abilities: She can create a thin/thick mist or fog when needed, freeze/unfreeze water, and make gas skip a stage to turn directly to ice (in times of crisis). She can use these for minor healing, as she has witch blood running through her veins. Healing a severe or fatal wound will prove more difficult and time consuming than healing a large gash or a small cut. Healing is what is most exhausting, so it must be used in a timely manner for Cianne to be able to recover from using too much energy.

Generation: She can generate her own water source, or pull it from her surroundings. (Ex: nearby trees, moisture in the air, etc.)

Enemies - Anyone who sets her on edge

Allies - None that she recognizes, but gets along fairly well with others

Combat Abilities - Advanced

Her Esper Level is 6

Cia is very nimble and can jump great heights and land soundlessly. She is known for her stealth, and can usually maneuver around without being detected, which is what she usually goes for when set onto missions. Her physical strength isn't as strong as those who are also in the Special Forces, though it is immense for those her age, as she could take down an armed, full-grown man alone.

Cia doesn't usually go straight for offense, but stays on the defense. She dodges and evades her opponents until they grow clumsy with their movement to leave her an open area where she could finish the job. When needed, she can go for the offense, but her preferred style is to "annoy" her foes by evading them constantly, as if playing a game of tag.

Cia may be small, but she posses a great amount of stamina, almost matching Henri's, but not quite. Observation is one of her greatest skills, as she usually is sitting and observing most of the time. She learns to read movement during battle, though she doesn't necessarily uses her opponents' techniques against them. Since she is quite small, a larger man would have the advantage, but she has learned to use leverage to turn someone's own energy against them.
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macaron said:
Name - Rena Tsubasa (Prefers to be called "Ren" since "Rena" sounds too "girly" in her opinion)

Age - 16 1/2

Agent Number - 34

Race - Angel/Unknown

Gender - Female

Position - Tech

Appearance -

Extras - Rena is good at scavenging for things and analyzing the situation. She is skilled with electronics and any forms of formal organization. She likes to keep things neat and orderly so she could retrieve it when she wants. She scavenges for valuable goods, and has an easy time finding those than other herbs, medicines, and things that won't make a lot of money for her. Rena is very keen with small details, which is why she joined the group she did. She may act childish, but underneath that is a natural leader who knows when or when not to make a move. She is very competitive, even if she seems like an angel (no pun intended) on the outside. She can be dark and snappy when she's angered or annoyed, which may happen frequently.

Rena also has a hard time relaxing, and is always stiff, as if expecting an attack. She is buried with lots of work, whether its her personal life or her work as a Tech. She can get irritable in the morning and deathly tired at night. It is never a good idea to wake Rena up, as she will lash out without thinking, mostly with her sturdy wings that may leave a serious injury.

Esper Abilities - Levitation, Flying, Scavenging

Rena can levitate off the ground without using much energy, as if it is second-nature. She can fly by using her hair, and as strange as it is, those her her wings. She can transfer them to her back and return her hair to normal, human-like hair, though that will only drain her energy since the wings are naturally her hair. (when untied and entirely loose, the strands of her hair appear feather-like, while when it is separated into two segments, wings form)

Rena is a detector for valuable goods such as jewelry, gold, and precious irons. She believes it is from her unknown origin, and enjoys going on the hunts with the Special Force to try and grab some items while they're there, and also to watch them in action so she could report back to the base. Even though it is not needed for her to report, as the Field members usually take that job, she does it while she's there, as a little extra information won't be harmful to the Tech, and might even help in the future. To her, it is a "why not?" as she searches for her treasure.

Enemies - Anyone who tries to order her around without reason (she won't kill them, but hold a grudge against them)

Allies - Anyone who can help her relax

Combat Abilities - Intermediate

Her Esper Level is 5

Rena has amazing physical strength and can dodge things pretty easily, but her stamina is low. She cannot last a long time on the battle field, even if she is using a little bit of her energy at a time. Her attacks are strong and steady, often strong enough to take out two full-grown men alone with the assistance of her powerful wings. She usually needs someone with her, or it is unlikely that she would survive alone, or manage to make it back to safety.

Due to her wings, Rena is able to soundlessly travel, as her wings were designed to absorb pressure and impact. She often uses walls to push herself back with momentum, and uses her wings to crush or break down walls, as they as strong enough to, depending on the thickness. She can control her wings just like a limb, and occasionally might use them as arms (not hands).

Rena's grip can crush someone's hand or wrist, and though the arms and leg bones are more difficult for her, she can apply some more pressure and she can break them. However, her stamina and ability to take hits is low, so once she gets severely injured, it is likely that she cannot continue duty. Luckily, she is healthy and her angel origins help her heal twice as fast as humans, so she is usually back in office by a certain day.

Name -Henri Ito (Sometimes referred to as "Rito" as a nickname between his friends)

Age - 17

Agent Number - 46

Race - Human

Gender - Male

Position - Field

Appearance -

Extras - Henri is calm and and composed, often appearing like a gentleman while being polite to others. He is logical and appears to understand situations quickly, and take every factor into consideration, which is a quality that got him into Field. He felt that he would waste his political and other educations if he entered the Special Forces, so he joined Field to do a little bit of both.

Even though he is not stoic, he is generally void of emotions, though he does smile, laugh, and such. Usually, he wears a serious, though not gravely serious, look and a solid light in his eyes. They would usually warm up or appear slightly clearer when he is at peace, but with so many things going on, vacation wasn't an option anytime soon. Henri is someone who is dearly attached to rules and laws, including the basics of respect and physiology of it.

Henri knows that he cannot back up on his words, so he does his best to prevent that. He is emotionally unstable at times, especially when it comes to touchy subjects, so he locks everything in until he can comfort himself on his own. He dislikes displays of weakness, especially when he needs to be strong for the job he applied for.

Esper Abilities - Strength

Henri posses inhuman strength, which is why he tends to stay away from people when he's in a negative mood. He can fall from heights that would usually kill a human, as his body is a lot sturdier than that of a average man's. He can also jump very high as his legs have enough strength to help him jump greater heights. His bones are also harder to break, though his skin is just like a humans. Injuries don't tend to be as severe, as if his organs were prepared and enhanced beforehand.

Henri can also lift heavy weights without using much effort. He can lift a minivan without too much trouble, though it is like holding a 120 lb person for a while. At some point, he would get tired and have to let go. Along with this, Henri can break things without getting hurt. For example, normally, someone would have a concussion in trying to bang their head into a brick wall. However, in Henri's case, he can do the same thing without being too affected. Of course, he has a limit in which he can break with his sheer strength.

Enemies - Anyone who get on his bad side, or seems suspicious

Allies - Those who cooperate and work well with him

Combat Abilities - Intermediate-Advanced

His Esper Level is 6

Henri is someone who knows how to fight, and knows how to control his energy and hits. He has a lot of stamina, and can last a long time on the battle field, especially when he has an unfinished task looming behind him. Rather than dodging, he blocks most attacks since his inhuman body strength can withstand a variety of pressures and attack from his opponents. Due to this, his dodging skills are weak and clumsy, even if they seem unnecessary when it comes to cases like him.

However, he is not one who is "agile", even if he is quick on his feet. When he would land, the ground beneath him usually cracks from the force he stores within his muscles. This is why he has separate training equipment than those in the Field since he would need strongly reinforced gear so he could actually use them without breaking them.

Name - Cianne Takemoto (Nicknamed 'Solo,' or referred to as 'Cia')

Age - 15

Agent Number - 21

Race - Human, Witch blood

Gender - Female

Position - Special Forces

Appearance -

Extras - Cia is generally lax and calm, a little air-headed and lazy in movement. However, she is sharp, calculating and fierce in battle, able to finish a job without a second thought. Her smiles and her general face expression appear sleepy and loose, and she rarely shows any emotions besides sleepiness, mild happiness and slight surprise. Cia is surprisingly hard to anger or annoy, as she has a lot of patience, but when a nerve is struck, she can become harsh, or break down. Luckily, it is hard to find such sensitive topics, as Cia is very secretive.

Cia hates to lead people, which is why she doesn't party often, and when she does, she is usually comfortable taking orders. Her soft personality makes her an easy person to confide in, even if she doesn't have much to offer but her attention. Cia is someone who accepts things the way they are, though she may have her rare stubborn moments, and respects other's opinion, since she almost always is void of one. Her strange attraction to water is still a part of her, and her love for sweet foods as well.

Cia loves to get lost in thought, since it brings peace to her mind. She loves sitting in warm, quiet areas just to enjoy the moment, and takes everything, or most things lightly. She can be gravely serious many times, but outside of danger, she is light-hearted and supportive. She usually worries about others and their safety over hers, which is why she needs to be supervised sometimes to be held back from throwing herself into life-threatening situations. (She is usually looking for crepes to snack on)

NOTE: Cooking is one of her greatest strengths, mostly to satisfy her own hunger

NOTE (2): Her nickname "Solo" comes from the fact that she usually goes and returns from missions, and has never lead a party (she has been a part of a couple of parties, but this is rare as well)

Esper Abilities - Water Matter Manipulation

Temperature: Cianne can make the temperature around her drop, and can return it to normal temperature, but cannot make it any higher than its original state (ex: if a room were to be 20 degrees C, then she could make it drop to -10 degrees C, and later return back to 20 degrees C, though cannot make it any hotter than that)

Manipulation: She can manipulate forms of water (solid, liquid, gas), and control them to her will.

Abilities: She can create a thin/thick mist or fog when needed, freeze/unfreeze water, and make gas skip a stage to turn directly to ice (in times of crisis). She can use these for minor healing, as she has witch blood running through her veins. Healing a severe or fatal wound will prove more difficult and time consuming than healing a large gash or a small cut. Healing is what is most exhausting, so it must be used in a timely manner for Cianne to be able to recover from using too much energy.

Generation: She can generate her own water source, or pull it from her surroundings. (Ex: nearby trees, moisture in the air, etc.)

Enemies - Anyone who sets her on edge

Allies - None that she recognizes, but gets along fairly well with others

Combat Abilities - Advanced

Her Esper Level is 6

Cia is very nimble and can jump great heights and land soundlessly. She is known for her stealth, and can usually maneuver around without being detected, which is what she usually goes for when set onto missions. Her physical strength isn't as strong as those who are also in the Special Forces, though it is immense for those her age, as she could take down an armed, full-grown man alone.

Cia doesn't usually go straight for offense, but stays on the defense. She dodges and evades her opponents until they grow clumsy with their movement to leave her an open area where she could finish the job. When needed, she can go for the offense, but her preferred style is to "annoy" her foes by evading them constantly, as if playing a game of tag.

Cia may be small, but she posses a great amount of stamina, almost matching Henri's, but not quite. Observation is one of her greatest skills, as she usually is sitting and observing most of the time. She learns to read movement during battle, though she doesn't necessarily uses her opponents' techniques against them. Since she is quite small, a larger man would have the advantage, but she has learned to use leverage to turn someone's own energy against them.


The roleplay has started. However I'm having a hard time coming up with a starter so anyone can start this RP. The reason I'm having troubles is because I'm writing my book right now so I'm not really in this RP setting.
Well, I think Tech would be a good position for somebody who's playing a medic-like character. You'd be there observing them at all times, giving you the ability to know when people are hurt so you can still get to healing as fast as possible without getting in serious danger yourself all hat much.


Paul Stevens



Agent Number











Has a Magnum .357 with custom bullets, specialized in dealing with the "other side". He doesn't like Japan a lot, and some nights you can find him with a bottle of scotch in a corner bar. He always uses a suit, even in the heat.

Esper Abilities

Nullifying Aura - The Nullyfying Aura is what the name implies: It nullifies the power of the spirits to a certain extent. A spirit who has the power of Telekinesis, and has the ability to raise 1 ton, while 10ft from the bearer has his power tampered, can only raise 600 Kg. In other words, his aura tampers the supernatural powers, and they can only use 60% of their power. Also, purely spiritual attacks deal only half damage.


Anyone who goes against the law.


All of his friends are in USA.

Combat Abilities

Advanced. Paul has master training both in martial arts and the police's self defense. He can handle most firearms, and living his whole life as an investigator, he learned the ropes quite well.
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