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Fandom Secret Crisis (OOC)

Is funny since Sans thinks the Phantom Theives are dressed for Halloween. He'd be confused why anyone thinks he's ready for halloween. Since he's always been a skeleton
And I added a bit of tension since Hailey noticed a member of Stacked Deck finally locate her
Ahhhh Halloween isn’t a thing in one piece someone tells Luffy what it is he only cares beyond getting free candy he goes around holding out a bag rudely demanding candy xDD whoever told him regrets it..
I’ll try and get a post up tomorrow. Apologies for being a bit slow
Thanks so much. Heh now he's eergized he'll be up for his usual insults. :)

Season 3 Laughing GIF by The Simpsons
I ended up being way busier today than I expected and only got half a post done. I’ll finish it up tomorrow since I have no energy tonight
Icee Icee

Funnily enough Tank Man isn’t wrong Luffy DOES fly around after the use of gear 4: snake man… after using up too much energy
Icee Icee A fair warning if you still gonna go with Tank Man making jabs at Luffy’s friends. He’s gonna get seriously angry. An angry Luffy is a dangerous one
And Tankman is both shocked and amazed cuz hes like that about ddstruction.
DO IT AGAIN!!! Just uh, dont do it to me.
Or just punches the wall intentionally missing Tank Man
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I don’t think Luffy will be all that surprised seeing Ann’s and Ren’s personas given how insane the devil fruit abilities are.

I don’t know if he’ll be impressed or surprised either. The one piece world has so many insane things. If they’re not nerfed.. yeah hell def be interested in.. a more terrifying way. After Dressrosa, he’s not going to make the same mistakes again. I see him studying Ren and Ann how their personas work. He isn’t dumb to reveal his darker side just especially Luffy is there. Lmao 🤣 he can go toe to toe with Gear 4.. he’s screwed if it’s gear 5.
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