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Fandom Secret Crisis (OOC)

This base is essentially a skeleton crew atm. Conventional ballistic armaments and (semi-fictional) heavy weapons taken from 1980-201X era U.S military, at least for the guards and aircraft. The whole idea is to "rebuild" the CRF in much the same way Venom Snake was tasked with rebuilding Mother Base. The only significant device they have at the moment is a massive radar station at their facility that can detect and analyze individuals within a 176km radius, and detect/categorize "regions" (or Sectors, as it were to the CRF) via pings across each region's respective satellite infrastructure if it has one. Cities like Gotham, NYC and Metropolis for instance would have some form of Intranet/Extranet and therefore be 'pinged' by the radar. Fortuna and Fódlan likely would be undetectable until scouted manually. Anyone arriving at the base without prior notice would be treated as hostile.

It's a video screen, like those ceiling-mounted video projectors in classrooms. There'll probably be an upgrade depending who from and how the CRF acquires the technology.

Sorry for getting back to you both so late; Life's been hectic!
Ahhhh ok interesting just thought I’d throw in an idea at this point I’m unsure what to do with Luffy.. like I said there’s no reason for him to be there cause of the WG’s corruption and well hunting pirates . And well Luffy’s grandpa. The idea is the Gomu Gomu no Mi gets the military’s attention somehow because how broken it is and Luffy won’t really bother going there unless for reasons. He’s a doofus but can’t see him just walking up to the base lmao I doubt any soldier can stop him unless the weapons are made of haki energy or magic. Haki means spiritual energy.. he won’t stroll up to the base without probable cause.
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Yeah my issues were linked to the site issues these past few weeks and the downtime but since I already said bout leaving I'll just officially do so so I dont interrupt new plans you've made. Cya!!
Ye my issues had to do with the issues with the site and I thought you made other plans already.
To be Frank I can’t see Luffy going to the military base without a reason the one piece world is run by a military state type of Government lots of corruption like irl ones. The World Gov hunts pirates like Luffy. Ironically, his grand pa is a marine who wanted Luffy to be a marine than a pirate of course Luffy refused. That’s why I’m stuck on where to send him.. I’m more than happy to continue with Tankman if you want
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I enjoyed the interactions with Luffy and Tankman it was fun
To be Frank I can’t see Luffy going to the military base without a reason the one piece world is run by a military state type of Government lots of corruption like irl ones. The World Gov hunts pirates like Luffy. Ironically, his grand pa is a marine who wanted Luffy to be a marine than a pirate of course Luffy refused. That’s why I’m stuck on where to send him.. I’m more than happy to continue with Tankman if you want
If ya want. I'm not really gonna be available to respond til Monday though because I have two long days at work.
Well, at least my character is heading to Tsukiji to get some fish and some bystanders are gonna be in shock with the Mercedes
Will try to post today or tomorrow sorry for not posting.

Also this is probs the last rp I'll rp FNF Tankman in since the new update dropped annnnd its kinda been confirmed he's dead. However this rp started before that was made clear so.
Sorry, everyone! Never really had enough time to sit down and focus on this, I’ll post today!

Also, pardon me, but I thought you left, Icee Icee ? Did you change your mind?
Will try to post today or tomorrow sorry for not posting.

Also this is probs the last rp I'll rp FNF Tankman in since the new update dropped annnnd its kinda been confirmed he's dead. However this rp started before that was made clear so.
No rush to post! a funny warning Luffy is gonna eat and eat till he gets told no more food by the restaurant staff, owner, or gets full.. lol the gömü gömü no mi gives Luffy an inhuman fast metabolism. That’s the reason he’s always hungry
Also this is probs the last rp I'll rp FNF Tankman in since the new update dropped annnnd its kinda been confirmed he's dead. However this rp started before that was made clear so.
Canon death doesn't really matter when it comes to multifandom. Play who you want in what you want, just take them from before they died, or for a fun thing, they got isekaied as they died.
I need to review a plot with Phantom before doing it, right? Or do it right away? Just double checking.

Also, how is everyone?
I’m ok just on a major one piece hyper fixation what else is new?
Fair, I’m also on a hyperfixation, but rather a music one than a fandom one. I personally don’t know much abt OP, so I hope that you find someone who can rp OP with you!
Fair, I’m also on a hyperfixation, but rather a music one than a fandom one. I personally don’t know much abt OP, so I hope that you find someone who can rp OP with you!
I’m losing hope because twoof my partners disappeared one ghosted me hasn’t been on since January. It’s strange I’m not getting interest given how popular one piece is. I’m guessing everyone is looking for canon x oc :/

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