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Fandom Secret Crisis (MULTI-FANDOM RP)

Hailey Jones
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Icee Icee Ploegy Ploegy

After gathering all of her ingredients at Tsukiji Market and a quick breakfast, Hailey decided that it is best to explore more of Tokyo. Sure, she does explore a bit but it is mostly around the tourist attractions and such; which is kinda boring in her honest opinion. And there she is, now arriving in Shibuya but man, how in the hell is she gonna do now? Come on, there are tourists that are taking pictures of the AMG GT-S just because it is such a foreign car in this country. It has some very large parking spaces around the street and the Vegas street racer would eventually find somewhere safe to park at.

'Now, I'll just start wandering around..' Hailey thought to herself as she got out of the car before pressing the lock button on her keys. "I better be careful if there some Stacked Deck rats is around..." Mumbling to herself, she puts on the hoodie in order to conceal herself from any Stacked Deck members here in Japan. Gosh, just the way Hailey looked right now just defines being off the grid.

When she is walking at the sidewalk, Hailey could notice three odd people. First, is a man who is a literal skeleton and has eyes, what the hell is this? A god damn Halloween party early? Next, is some dude who dresses like a superhero, gosh, Halloween is starting already or something. And finally, the third person, they also dressed like the second one but dang, these three are really excited for Halloween. Like, what the heck is going on; yet she whistled at the three just to gain some of their attention a bit before approaching the three.

"Hey, it seems y'all ready for Halloween way too early." Hailey spoke to the three with a small chuckle afterwards as she looked around to see if one of Darius' crew is eyeing on her. "And look, y'all look good in them costumes by the way, I am just acting nice, I swear." God, how in the hell are you acting this calm right now, Hailey? Like for crying out loud, she really needs to keep an eye out for any trouble brewing.

Anyway, there are these moments in Hailey's life before Japan that are defined as the more complicated ones. First, there was the time that she may just pissed off Wolf and the Fortuna Kings by deliberately winning a rigged race back then; sure, there is no intention of doing that but she doesn't give a fuck at all. Second, there is this one time where she accidentally dated a undercover cop by the name of Alexia, to which it is a complicated one as it lasts around 4 months. Third, is when she first got into help with the law over some damn noise complaint; sure, she does always got in trouble with cops over street racing but over a noise complaint, is where she is helping the cops. And now this, jeez, how could it be this dang awkward.

'Okay, I am now definitely be acting this stupid.' Thinking to herself, she continues to look around to see if one of the Stacked Deck members is around and boy.... there is one dude, who is acting all professional, kept eyeing her until he turned behind and made a phone call. 'Son of a..'She groaned a bit, realizing that she may be caught right now. What do to, Hailey.... what the hell to do now...
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New York City
Tank Man
Icee Icee

Luffy seems far away and out of reach in place of bliss enjoying the barbecued meats. He doesn't seem to be aware Tank Man is talking, it's just white noise to him. Stuffing his face he wore quite the dreamy look envisioned the texture and spices blending in well together. Whole Cake island sounds like a cute name but in reality it wasn’t. He makes up for the battle with Katakuri with delicious food. True to his devil fruit’s unique ability, Luffy began to expand the longer he ate. It’s a distant struggle to keep on going on top of all the food he ate. Looking and feeling completely full, he slid off his chair falling onto his back needing a minute to recuperate and digest the food. It didn’t take long for his body to digest the meat. He looks and feels normal again. When he feels better Luffy gets back on his feet, satisfaction written on his face content he’s got a bite to eat. He’s normal, unlike looking like a grotesque human blob. One of the unique aspects of his Gomu-Gomu No Mi is that eating affects his digestion too.

He swivels the chair around to wrap his legs around the chair’s body just watching Tank Man as if nothing weird happened. Like he didn’t inflate from consuming all the food. Luffy is in a happy place and energized. He felt the warm rush of energy unlike before. At least eating helps ease the tingling in his limbs now it’s nothing that could stop Luffy. Questions to what’s going on encompass his mind mainly confused of his arrival here he suppose the answers will come.
en mamiya & nn akamaki

Location: Shibuya (Tokyo) | Interactions: Icee Icee AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc
The pair had begun sauntering across the plaza for the entrance of the train station before a sudden voice caught Ren's attention. The thief froze, allowing Ann to momentarily pass him by before she too stopped and looked towards him with a quizzical look. It wasn't until her eyes settled upon Sans that she realized why her boyfriend had stopped. She moved closer to his side and cocked her head as she took in the skeleton's words, though she felt a level of irony with them. To think a skeleton would speak of Halloween to the likes of them. It was funny, but she held back a laugh as her eyes moved to Ren.

Ren quirked a brow behind his mask as he silently observed the newcomer. While he looked the part of a shadow, he didn't appear to be hostile. That kept the thief from reaching for either of his weapons which were hidden away beneath his coat. Instead, he let his shoulders relax and he reached up to push his mask back, letting his full face become visible before he was prepared to speak. However, as he parted his lips, he was brought to a stop. Another voice cut in, echoing the same joke as Sans had. It made him want to fire back a snarky remark like he usually would, but he held his tongue and instead sighed.

"Halloween..?" Ann quietly murmured as she reached up to push her mask back while still looking towards Ren. Her voice was soft as she asked him: "Have you ever celebrated Halloween, Joker?"

Promptly, Ren shook his head. The holiday, while enjoyed by many in Japan, specifically the costume wearing, had never been something he had partaken in. It was far more popular in the city than the countryside which he had come from. Even during his year in Tokyo, he hadn't experienced what it was like, but he heard it was extremely popular among cosplayers. Is that what the skeleton and woman thought their outfits were? He couldn't say he blamed them.

Averting his gaze back to the newcomers, Ren folded his arms across his chest. "No, we're not in some Halloween spirit or anything like that."

He wanted to say more, but he held back. There was no need for him to mention he and Ann had little control over how they appeared in this world. Explaining cognition and the effects of the Metaverse was too long winded for his own liking. Besides, it wasn't as if most were aware of the two currently being oddly mingled with each other. Only those experienced with it would understand. People could easily live their everyday lives without ever noticing it, but he and Ann could feel it. It was what brought forth their current appearance after all. This world wasn't like their own. It may look it on the surface level, but there was much beyond that.

"I guess we do kinda look funny though, so I get your confusion," Ann chimed in after a brief moment of silence and she let an awkward laugh escape her lips. She was trying too keep things lighthearted despite the bits of tension that hung between them. She could see how wary Ren's gaze was despite how calm and relaxed he was trying to come off as. At first, she thought it was because of the two before them, but after a second glance, she noticed his gaze was flickering towards a man nearby, one that had clearly caught Hailey's attention as well.

Had she missed something? She wasn't sure, but it was clear it put her boyfriend on edge. In a moments time he slid his coat off and wrapped it around her shoulders almost as if he thought the man might be staring at her in some other way. Clearly his concern was on the protective end of things, though it didn't match how Hailey seemed to react.

"I-Is he watching us because we're an odd looking group..?" she asked as her eyes moved back to the others before her. She knew Ren wanted to speak up, but he kept quiet for now, deciding it was best to observe rather than speak his own mind.
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Sargeant John Captain - AKA "Tankman"

New York City

Tankman was lost for a bit himself, scarfing down the food and focusing on getting his energy back. As soon as he'd eaten, he began to feel better, more energized and not downright sick like he had before. He couldn't help but feel embarrassed though about how a kid had to drag him to a resteraunt just because he had gone too far without feeding his face. God, he's not going to live this down. But he also had a feeling that Luffy probably wouldn't even remember the whole ordeal much let alone bother to make mention of it again.

Speaking of Luffy, Tankman glanced across from him only to see that Luffy had become a literal blob of a mess thanks to how much he had eaten. Now Tankman had seen people put away food but never to the degree of doing this to themselves. He couldn't help but raise an eyebrow as he watched the scene, eating at a much more moderate pace now. A few snickers escaped the captain's lips as he just stared whilst stuffing his face.

"Kid? Are you alright....?"

He wondered if Luffy was even going to be able to move much and for how long he would be immobilized for. Honestly this was becoming quite laughable. He found concern being melted by humor. The whole ordeal didn't seem to last long though because before much time passed, Luffy was on his feet again, acting as if nothing happened. But unfortunately, it was in that moment that Tankman's preverbal lid came off.

"What the hell was that? I mean, what WAS that?!"

His whole demeanor changed from being mostly passive and confused to being loud and goofy. Almost to a point of disrespect. It was something else what food could do to a person and right now he was back to tactics he knew best - firing off some silly insults to strange events.

"You blew up like a balloon! I was actually wondering if you were just going to go POP all over the place. Would have been hilarious. Though I don't think the staff would have liked it very much!!"

He remarked, not taking into any consideration what Luffy may say back to the matter. He was speaking his mind about the bizarre display. And he did wonder if Luffy could potentially just end up all over the place from overeating. Honestly it would be quite funny and entertaining to see. Perhaps the captain just had a very morbid sense of humor.

Sans The Skeleton

Shibuya: Tokyo

Before he could get any response from the two oddly dressed humans, Sans noticed another woman show up. Well, he most certainly wasn't expecting someone else to show up. Sure, a lot of humans passed by here but most seemed to be concerned about their own business, casually going about their day as if nothing else existed. He was surprised one stopped to speak to them. He hadn't been drawing any attention - well aside from being a skeleton in a city mostly populated by humans.

* halloween?
* haven't ever been trick or treating before
* but i don't think there'd be much point. can't exactly stomach the candy.

He responded with comedy as usual, giving a cheesy grin as he confirmed that his appearance was indeed no costume. He was used to being a minority though. Afterall, even in the Underground he and Papyrus were the only ones of their kind. Well, other than....him. But it's best not to talk about the man who speaks in hands - after all it's rude to speak about someone who's listening.


He glanced to the costumed couple. He could tell that the two seemed very close based on their mannerisms. Close friends, perhaps even lovers. Honestly, Sans more so felt it was toward the latter being as how he swore that he saw similar interactions going on between Undyne and Alphys in those lines that they were actually allowed to be together. He wondered if the two were together wherever they were now. Maybe they were out there somewhere making subtle little interactions like this that made it obvious they were bonded. Who knows?

He was shocked they seemed to be absolutely baffled on the idea of Halloween. Well, he supposed not everyone knew everything. People in the Underground barely understood how humans celebrated some of their holidays. Halloween and Christmas were obvious ones, but it took them some time to understand the concept of Thanksgiving. Honestly, Sans saw no point in the holiday whatsoever. It was too much work to sit over a hot stove for 8 hours making a meal that gets eaten in 2 hours and then spending the rest of the evening cleaning a huge mess. That was called giving thanks? More like giving excessive work!

* huh.
* so if it's not for halloween why are you dressed like that?
* i'm not one to talk but it does draw attention.

He was genuinely curious for why these people chose to dress like this. Everyone else was dressed in casual attire much like what he wore every day. Well, aside from wearing his slippers everywhere he went. He wasn't about to start wearing actual shoes. Way too much work to get into those. There was the tying every morning and then making sure they stayed tied all day. Yeah. Forget that.

Sans's thoughts were cut short when he sensed something off. Perhaps it wasn't directed at him specifically, but he had a feeling that someone suspicious was eying them. From their short interactions so far, the skeleton did not see the trio in front of him as being hostile. The duo he just spoke to didn't get his joke earlier. Either that or they didn't seem phased by it. However, they emoted. They showed genuine concern and uncertainty about seeing a skeleton before them. He couldn't blame them for not laughing - he had a cheesy sense of humor anyway. Besides, he had picked up on how Joker showed concern for Ann. Someone who was hostile, truly evil, would not even have the capability for such a thing. So thus far, they were in the clear from having a bad time. Based on Hailey's greeting, she didn't seem to be hostile either. Maybe a bit rude but she seemed to also just be unsure of things.

But that hostile aura he couldn't help but feel, he had a feeling it was linked to her somehow. He felt his eye start to glow in warning as if hoping that whoever it was would see it and be properly warned that if they proceeded any further it would be a bad time indeed. However, the glow was so subtle it was likely that the people Sans was currently speaking to would not pick up on it. Or maybe they would. Who knows?

Hailey Jones
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Icee Icee Ploegy Ploegy
Laughing at the small joke from the skeleton, Hailey's still keeping an eye out on that Stacked Deck member and her reaction when she founds out that the man is in fact a skeleton, she is baffled by it for a second. And what in the hell is she gonna do if her cover is blown after like, 8 months of hiding? Of course, she will try to call Nikki and all yet it is a worse case scenario in fact. And when the other two people also explained that they are not in the Halloween spirit, she raised an eyebrow for a second; if not having that Halloween spirit, why in the hell are they wearing them costumes for? What would be their own purpose? Until the woman asked Hailey that the Stacked Deck member is watching them just because they are a odd-looking group. Great, just fucking great, she is gonna get her cover blown thanks by it.

"Maybe he is confused at the sight of us four talking 'bout Halloween costumes, that's all." Hailey lied a bit to the three other people and then... flash.... a camera photo is taken by that same exact guy and man, Hailey looked pissed when it happened on her own thoughts."Hey, dude! Can you show us that picture, please?" She pretends to be friendly to the guy but in fact, she is ready to strike as she approached the man— Hailey is calculated, relaxed, and cold-hearted to strike him down. But suddenly, the Stacked Deck member ran away and Hailey winced slightly. Besides she decides to head back to the three and just move on about it.

Great, just absolutely fucking great—Hailey is now probably be hunted by multiple bounty hunters from the States, especially Cross now. It is a lost cause but whatever serves the table, that'll be around her. Had she be going to have a wild goose chase soon here in Tokyo? That is easily the top thing she is thinking of on her list of getting caught and fucking up her cover. Oh please, it is now just turned into a chaotic week for her. Anyway, she turned back to the three and whenever there is this tension fading away, she needs to stay calm as being the reason that why it had happened at the first place. If Hailey ever finds out that Darius is in Japan after what just happened earlier... she'll give him the proper Tokyo treatment.

"Dang, he's probably be awkward meeting with us at all." Hailey told the three about the man leaving the plaza here in Shibuya, it is probably due to the fact that he may be nervous and doesn't want to stir up trouble already. "... but we could just say that y'all look pretty awesome in those despite not for Halloween." She referred to the two masked people about their costumes. The Vegas native definitely knew that those two are maybe together— Hailey does have a few flings in the past but it is mostly due to her racing ability.

Looking at the time on her Rolex watch, Hailey realized that she had just some time left to spare on talking with the three people that she just met right now; and yet, she doesn't wanna tell them about her real reason but maybe telling them on her skills in racing. Perhaps and it'll probably be best to find an easier option as to why she is in Tokyo at the first place. It was six weeks ago that Hailey would looked at the news about a possible street race being taken place all across the globe, the pay cut is about $25,000,000 and she is keen about that race for weeks now. Who knows what will expect from this street race somehow, like the Fortuna Kings, Bushido, 21st Street, Stacked Deck, and all of the top street racing crews will all want that prize money.

Until she notice some newspapers that has the street race being the top topic for today. God, is she gonna need a crew for this or what? Is there any way that Hailey can join? Who knows—she'd be not gonna be a idiot if she wants to ride this thing solo right now. But besides, there is gonna be some way that some plan had to be in motion. Anyway, she had to ensure of those plans later on.
New York City
Tank Man
Icee Icee
Luffy scratched behind his ear ever since he ate the Gomu-Gomu No Mi his life was turned upside down. “ I can’t help that I’m always hungry! The gum-gum fruit burns more calories than I can keep track of.” His lower lip quivers, pouting. He hugs the arms of the chair Luffy’s mind is another track. Eating the Gomu-Gomu No Mi changes him to a kid with rubber properties. It changes him to the point his body burns his metabolism faster than a normal human. That’s beside the point. “ You ate twice as much food as me.” He points out, tilting his head, gear fourth inflates his body like a balloon and deflates like one as he’s slowly returning to normal. However, there’s the issue of the 10 minute cool down which is the crutch of his gear fourth. Snake man, the name he gave his new ability, makes him stronger. It’s one thing he’s working on to bypass that hurdle.

He always has to eat to make up for the lost calories. It's funny that Tank Man unknowingly pointed out how his gear fourth works. Luffy kept that information to himself, likely Tank Man would see the Gomu-Gomu No Mi’s abilities in the far future. His mindset is keeping his battle moves where they belong in fights. Letting the insults roll off his back, he can handle that well. He didn’t know what he’ll do or where to go, likely to stick to Tank Man for now though not caring what his plans are or prying into his past. He could tell the older man was embarrassed of being helped by a kid. Luffy only saw him as someone who needs sustenance. He knows all too well the pains of hunger. He had no real intentions in embarrassing Tank Man except to help.
en mamiya & nn akamaki

Location: Shibuya (Tokyo) | Interactions: Icee Icee AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc
It was a bit awkward despite Ann's attempt to keep things lighthearted. Whoever the man was, Ren decided not to question any further. It was clear he wouldn't get a straight answer anyways even though the woman seemed to know something more than she led on. It was none of his business at the end of the day, so long as he was left alone. Maybe that was selfish of him, but given the situation he and Ann found themselves in, he was fine with being a bit more selfish than usual. That front would likely break though. He was the selfless type after all.

Letting those thoughts leave him, his gray eyes flickered back towards Sans and a soft sigh slipped between his lips. The question the skeleton posed was the exact one he didn't wish to try and explain. How did he even approach such a topic. It would sound nonsensical to say they had no control over it, yet it was the truth, though he supposed he could ask Arsene to try and change his current appearance. Whether the persona could do that was beyond him. The workings of this world was still new to him. Besides, he figured it was best to leave any mention of Arsene out of things. There was no telling how these strangers would react to him housing some spirit of sorts in the mask he wore. Ann was no different in that regard.

"Well... there is no easy answer to that question," Ren admitted as he glanced at Ann as she tugged his coat tightly around her shoulders. "This place isn't as normal as it may appear. That abnormality is what causes Panther and I to appear as we do. It's vague, I know, but it's the simplest way to put it. Think of it as, well, a power of sorts."

That was already more than he wanted to say, but it was as honest as he could be. It wasn't as if he openly wanted to wear his thieves attire, but there was little he could do about it unless he dealt with the source or returned home. He preferred the latter option, though he doubted it would come without dealing with whatever issues this place faced.

"Joker, wouldn't it be better if we didn't talk about these things out in the open?" Ann asked softly.

Ren gave a small nod of his head before looking towards the station on the other end of the plaza. It probably was best to avoid talking much more about this stuff in public, especially if that man who was watching Hailey was after her and they were now tied up in some mess they hadn't asked for. Plus, with his weaponry now visible at his hip, he knew it was best not to loiter. He'd only find trouble if he did.

"We were going to return to where we've been staying..." he trailed off. It felt odd inviting two strangers back to Leblanc like this, but they seemed harmless enough. Would he trust them with seeing his usual self? He was willing to take the chance. The cognition was weak in Leblanc after all and was one of the few places in which he and Ann appeared as their normal selves. "You don't have to come with, but if you'd like, you're welcome to. It's a small cafe after all."

"Joker can even brew up some great coffee and cook up a nice meal!" Ann chimed in with a giggle before catching Ren's exasperated look. While her and the other Phantom Thieves knew he indulged in such things, he didn't often share it with others. It wasn't as if they were skills to be embarrassed of.

Sargeant John Captain - AKA "Tankman"

New York City

"What?! Come on!! I didn't eat near as much as you! Not that I even could...or would want to!!!"

Tankman was a little embarrassed to be told about how much he ate. In truth, despite having not ended up inflating himself in the way Luffy had, the captain still put away a good bit of food. He'd been so concerned with stuffing his face that he didn't really notice it. It was a bit embarrassing to have it suddenly brought to light. Besides, hadn't Luffy been focused on eating too? How would he even take notice of how much he put away?

"Still, weird fruit or not, you're who made the pig out of yourself."

He tried to regain his composure as he looked at the other.

"I didn't make myself turn into a balloon due to how much I put away. One day, I bet you'll do that and maybe just blow away!! Or literally blow out of the room. Who knows?"
1719383272874.pngHe continued to poke fun at the other. A bit rude and inconsiderate considering the other had gotten him someplace to eat before he could pass out but now that Tankman had more energy, he couldn't help but proceed with his same remarks. Had to divert the attention somehow. He couldn't help but side eye the dishes and trash that had accumulated on their table though. Right. They had just ordered everything on the menu, hadn't they? Pretty soon there was going to be a check placed at their table.

It was at that moment that it dawned on him - he had forgotten his wallet back at the hotel he was given to stay at. He was pretty sure the kid didn't have any money either. Besides, even if he DID have his wallet, he wasn't about to pay for all this himself. Not to mention at the ridiculous prices this city charged for some food things.

"Anyways, I'm out of here. Hope you can figure out some way to deal with the bill because I am NOT about to have it be on my dime!!"

He remarked before getting out of his seat and practically running out of the resteraunt, leaving poor Luffy to face the waiter whenever their check would arrive. The captain had quite literally dined and ditched...

Sans The Skeleton

Shibuya: Tokyo

Sans kept his hands casually in his hoodie pockets as the interaction continued. He was half-focused though, keeping his senses on the unknown hostile presence he sensed nearby. Hailey proceeded to tell them how the person must be nervous meeting them but something about that explanation didn't sit right with the skeleton. He had seen people who were the definition of timid - take Alphys for one such example. She would never do something like that person was. Sure she would probably run off if people saw he but not like that. Something about that other guy just told Sans that he ran out of fear of being caught more than being scared of them. Maybe he was just overthinking things though but his intuitions usually weren't wrong. However, he could tell Hailey didn't want to draw attention to it, whatever the problem was. So Sans left things be for now, accepting the others' comments.

* welp. i guess we can be a bit intimidating.
* not every day you see a living skeleton i guess. not many of us ever around.
* maybe he'll come around later.

Sans shrugged, though that glint in his eye remained. A steady warning that if anyone was planning something hostile, he wouldn't hesitate to bring a bad time. He may be lazy but if something was enough to not want to say the truth about it, then it must be hostile. As Judge, Sans couldn't allow it. He couldn't allow this city to turn into the chaos he faintly remembered from a time since past...

When the presence seemed to have died down for the time being, the glow in the skeleton's eye stabilized as both of his eyes reverted to their usual white glow as if nothing had happened. Unless any of the others had studied him carefully, it was likely they wouldn't have even noticed anything happened. Yet the skeleton felt he had made his message clear to those who needed to hear it. At least for now.
He listened to Ren's explanation about how this world was abnormal. Oddly enough, Sans understood. Things weren't normal here. He knew that from the moment he came here. The pieces of that killing spree Frisk went on. How his brother and friends had not met them despite so much times having passed. It wasn't right. It wasn't normal. Something was going on here. Something serious. There was more to this casual little city than what it seems, even if everyone around them felt it was normal.

Expressing these things would probably get him called crazy. It was obvious that not everyone picked up on things or even cared to suspect anything was wrong. Besides, it was just a haunch. He could always just be overthinking things.

* abnormal? yeah i get it.
* i mean it's not every day you find a city full of humans and creatures like us do you?
* eh. maybe it's just me.

1719385412430.pngThe skeleton gave a shrug before Ren made the suggestion of them going along to their place. From the suggestion of coffee and cooking meals, he envisioned the cafe to be small and quiet enough. Nothing like Grillby's for sure but maybe the closest thing he was going to get to it given the current situation. Besides he had to admit he was worn out and could do with some relaxation. These people seemed fine enough for him. So what was the harm in iit?

* ok. i'm STAR-ving so why would i turn down free food?
* i'm ready when you two are. lead the way.

He joked once more before giving a nod of confirmation. He glanced at Hailey, wondering what she would do.

* maybe you should come with?
* or would you rather wait and see if our little fan back there wants to come meet us?

He asked the other woman casually. It seemed like a casual question but it also made it obvious that Sans had a feeling that the mysterious man they'd seen poking around earlier had possibly had something to do with Hailey specifically. He didn't suspect Hailey was a part of whatever scheme was brewing though. Perhaps it would do her better to get away from here before something potentially serious happens.
Hailey Jones
Location: Shibuya (Tokyo, Japan)
Icee Icee Ploegy Ploegy
An offer for a nice cup of coffee from the two masked people in their cafe? That's certainly a offer for sure but man, Hailey fucking misses the smell of fresh coffee for a while now, when did she last drank a cup of coffee? Let's see, how about... the 7th of August, 5:08 A.M, at a Starbucks inside of LAX—that was the day where she has her flight to Tokyo and the flight is gonna departuring at around 7:52 A.M; she ordered a fresh black coffee with a bagel to eat. There, she listened to the skeleton on how she is gonna join up for a fresh cup of coffee. Guess, there is no other choice but to join up the trio and head to the cafe in her own honest opinion because she knows that the Stacked Deck member won't come back sooner and heck, he'll probably call Darius about it.

"Sure thing, I haven't got a cup of coffee since back at the States." Hailey accepted to the skeleton's offer on heading to the cafe that the two masked people are owning at. "And I got my car back at the parking lot if you want a ride to the cafe. You don't wanna see yourself getting pictures by other people, mister." Twirling her keys, the street racer had to ask if the skeleton is fine on riding along to the cafe. Why would she do that for? She clearly wants to act nice and also not to have the skeleton getting a photo once again. And despite that the trio of odd people are new for Hailey, it doesn't matter for her if it is a masked person, alien, talking cat, or a skeleton; she doesn't matter on criticizing someone based on their odd looks.

Well, Hailey doesn't give a damn that some Japanese locals are still taking pictures of her AMG GT-S at the parking lot of the plaza and she clearly did not want have any unnecessary attention from anyone if she wants her cover stay in tact. But so far, there isn't any type of an saboteur-esque situation at all—Hailey had a few contacts here in Tokyo and such but it is for the street racing scene and not all about the territories. Who doesn't want a fucking setup, it is Hailey for sure; that's gonna be the more close thing she is ever gonna get for a short while now. As she is walking back to the parking lot of the plaza—Hailey pressed the unlock button and her Mercedes beeped to signal itself that it is unlocked before entering to the driver seat. Feeling comfortable on the stitching of the seats, she inserted the keys to the ignition before hearing an German masterpiece roared all around the parking lot.

The sound of a tiger roaring into life as Hailey revs the engine of the AMG GT-S and man, she is really impressed about it.

'Now that is called German excellence.' She thought to herself, reversing herself before making a perfect 180° and driving out of the parking lot to show the skeleton and the two masked people on what she is driving. "Hey, y'all lead the way because I am gonna be lost if you two just left me behind!" Hailey told the two masked people after rolling down the passenger window and rolling it back up again. Wow, is she be flexing her Mercedes or what? Eh, maybe she is trying not have the three some envy of some sorts because she has a Mercedes.

As Hailey looks at the monitor, she had Spotify on before playing some music via her playlist. And gosh, what a way to have your first song on the playlist on shuffle than playing Don Toliver. She chuckled lightly since the song, No Idea, is one of her favorites on her own playlist. It wasn't a usual time for Hailey but it turns into one of the most odd days that she has ever encountered in her whole entire life right now. There is gonna be one crazy moment for sure, not exactly does not gonna top out this moment right now.

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