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Fandom Secret Crisis (MULTI-FANDOM RP)


Location: Sector-23 "The Desertland" Outskirts

Vitals: 100%

Interactions: -Random_Person- -Random_Person- (YoRHa No.2 Type B) SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 (Kyojuro)


Snake turned to the boy, Kyojuro, and nodded. "I'm sure they'll appreciate the extra help." Turning his head toward the incoming helicopter, he watched as the aircraft descended on their location in a matter of seconds; pitching its nose up roughly fifteen meters from their location as it appeared to be pulling back to stabilize its position. Two minigun turrets and missile racks were mounted onto either side of the chopper; turning the otherwise armed personnel carrier into a glorified warbird. The rotor-wash whipped up a circular vortex of sand that shot trailing wisps up and around the vehicle. The landing struts of the Blackhawk contacted against the ground as the side door popped open. Snake looked toward 2B, turned on a pivot and made his way to the chopper as he stepped inside. The inside of the helicopter's troop hold looked the same as the outside; dark grey, two seats situated at the tail section and three along the sides. Even with the combat outfitting, the troop hold was rather spacious; able to hold about eight to twelve people if further modifications were made for seating. Despite the roar of the engines and relentless assault of wind, the interior compartment became slightly quieter. Ace was seated in the pilot's seat, turning briefly to reveal a young man with a slight tan and sharp country features; the VCI helmet's polarized visor only revealing a toothy smile as he addressed the company. "Welcome back, Boss. New friends?"

Snake didn't acknowledge the man's question directly, but there was a seconds' flicker of a smile before it disappeared. "Tell Central we're en-route. Dustoff in fifteen sierra."

"You got it Boss!" Ace responded. Snake seated himself in, looking up to 2B. Perhaps he should introduce himself, seeing as everyone else did.

"The name is Venom Snake. Others call me Ahab, or Big Boss. It's.. a codename scheme, part of the unit I commanded from my world."
Zack Fair
Kyojuto Rengoku

Location: Sector-23 "desertland" Outskirts
Interactions: Specialist Specialist ( Venom Snake) -Random_Person- -Random_Person- ( 2B)

Kyojuro looked at the sword 2B brought out. " Our swords are made with special minerals." The flsme hashira explained. " I don't know much about seord but if would want ,I could take you to the swordsmith village. One of the swordsmith there would problebly check it to indentify it's components."

"I guess you'll have to continue the convetsation later. The chopper's here!" Zack replied,pointing toward the helicopter.
" This flying machine is quite unique I must say!" Kyojuro replied. " Technology in this world must be more advanced then in the Taisho era!"
"Taisho era? That was the era from your world of origin right?' Zack asked,confused. They both turned toward Snake he spoke with the pilot. He then introduced himself to them. Kyojuro went inside the chopper.
Zack followed. " I'm familiar with train,automobiles and tramways,but like I say,there wasn't sny " helicopters" Kyojuro added.
Ardyn Izunia
Curent location: Shibuya( Tokyo)
Mentions: Ploegy Ploegy ( Rin and Ann)

"Bahamut...where did you sent me?" Ardyn muttered. A few days ago,he was still in Niflheim,witnessing Noctis get absorbing into the crystal,then his friends tried to defeat him...it was unless for them since Ardyn waa immortal. Shortly after this happened, Ardyn found himself in an unknown city similiar in architecture to Insomnia. The very same city he's in right now.
It was similar but the language was different.

What a shame...he would longer take his revenge on Noctis...unless the boy ended up in this world as well. He hated to admit that he was lost right now.
He needed to know where he was. He noticed a black haired young man and blond haired girl who's hair was tied in pigtails.
As he saw the young man,Ardyn coudn't help but be reminded of Noctis...the decendant of his younger brother Somnus...who took the throne ftom him...a throne that was rigtfully his.

"Hello there!" Ardyn shouts to the two. " Good day to you! I'm affraid I'm out of luck. I hate to admit it. I am lost. Who you be so kind to tell me what is this district? I do not regonise this part of Insomnia."
YoRHa No.2 Type B

Location: Sector-23 "The Desertland" Outskirts (+ Helicopter)
Interacting with: Venom Snake ( Specialist Specialist ), Zach Fair & Kyojuro Rengoku ( SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 )
Vitals: 100%..? Preparing systems diagnostic…

“At a much later time, perhaps. There are much more important things than checking what’s in my blade.” 2B replied to Kyojuro’s comment about going to a village of sword smiths. 2B put her blade to float by her back again, a yellow ring around the handle once more to secure it, like her secondary, larger blade named Virtuous Treaty. The sword she was inspecting was her main sword, used for lighter strikes, named Virtuous Contract.

She then noticed how fast the Helicopter came, 2B was horribly wrong, she calculated minutes, not seconds. 2B will have to run a systems diagnostic when she has the chance. Being this wrong could mean many things, some worse than others, but it was better to be safe than sorry. 2B swiftly boarded the Helicopter, looking at the rotors, making out how they would work. An interesting machine, but much more primitive than her own flight units in her world. 2B then turned to give Snake a nod in confirmation upon hearing the names for him. “It is good to put a name to the face. How long will the ride be?” She asked Snake, as she wondered how a name like “Big Boss” would be a code name. But, the android never really needed to use code names. Her communication encryption was the best of the best, as she was made by YoRHa. She couldn’t really know how codenames properly work other than concealing real names. 2B never had a name, just a designation.

2B then sat in one of the seats, ready to commence a diagnostic, but needed confirmation on how long the ride will be first.
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Location: Sector-23 "The Desertland" Outskirts > CRF HQ, "Base Sector"

Vitals: 100%

Interactions: -Random_Person- -Random_Person- (YoRHa No.2 Type B) SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 (Kyojuro, Zack Fair)


"About fifteen minutes. That is if we're not called somewhere else." Snake replied to 2B. He looked over to the general direction of the three. "The CRF doesn't have SATCOM, but that installation they've been using has picked up several other territories of interest, no doubt they'll want field investigations of. R&D has been working to implement an upgrade to the helicopter that'd allow faster travel, so we'll see what they say."

The helicopter's main rotor whirred with an increase in power shortly after everyone was aboard, prompting the pilot to toggle the door to automatically close as the aircraft slowly lifted off into the air, then tipped forward slightly and started moving in a relatively singular line back to the CRF HQ. The helicopter interior wasn't terribly loud; there was a low and steady hum coupled with the occasional creak and rattle as the chopper battled against the infrequent crosswind. Snake realized there was a lot he didn't tell, and so much more he himself didn't know. Well, now would be the best time to break the silence. He cleared his throat and spoke up again.

"Before I arrived here, I was the lead mercenary commander of a PF, or Private Force, called Diamond Dogs. Originally I was in charge of a private outfit called Militaires Sans Frontieres, French roughly for Army Without Borders, back in the mid 1970's. That was until a terrorist organization attacked our home base operating out of the Seychelles waters. I was on the way back from a rescue operation when the news came. The platform's struts had been attacked with placed explosives, and it was in the middle of sinking when we arrived. I only got a few people out, but... we couldn't save everyone."

Snake blinked, and for another moment, he was in his helicopter. Paz lay on a combat stretcher, screaming in agony as a bomb was wrenched from her abdomen. Time dilated; moving from scene to scene as Snake screamed in rage, holding a MSF soldier who had been shot in the head seconds earlier; one-handing his rifle and firing into the group of XOF soldiers as he climbed back into the Helicopter at Kaz's plea. Then, back to Paz- as she wearily stood up, helicopter door still open, and dove backwards out into the open waters below. Snake let out an anguished cry, as a soldier positioned himself to hold the man back. "NO!" A flash of orange-white light, heat, and darkness followed.

Snake's brow twitched as the memory faded, lasting only a second in his mind as he briefly found himself in the midst of a thousand-yard stare. He looked up and over to the three, before pointing to the carbide titanium 'horn' jutting out of his head. "An explosion sent my chopper colliding into another one that was attacking us, and we all went down into the ocean. Somebody managed to pull us out, and I was in a coma for nine years before I woke up. We lost MSF, and Diamond Dogs took its place." Snake finished speaking, briefly looking down to his bionic arm where the glint of a single diamond had been embedded within the front of the hand. He had said enough of his past.

"We're all working to find a way home. I'm sure there are others in this world who are going to try to prevent us from achieving that- including whatever brought us here. This is why you're here. Who you were then, where you were before- you can fight for the better here and now and become what you want to see of yourselves." Snake said, with nothing short of genuine sincerity etched onto his weathered and scarred face. He usually left 'recruitment' to the hands of Revolver Ocelot and Kazuhira Miller, but this wasn't home. Torturing people into submission, brainwashing them into absolute loyalty only got soldiers so far into fighting for a cause. He was determined to lead by example, like he always did.
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Kyojuro Rengoku
Zack Fair

Curent location: Helicopter,flying to CRF HQ
Mentions: Specialist Specialist ( Venom Snake) -Random_Person- -Random_Person- ( 2B)

"That can wait then!" Kyojuro replied to 2B before boarding the helicopter,followed by Zack. " I did fight a demon that pocessed a train before. Hopefully this flying machine isn't taken over." " I...think there's nothing to worry about." Zack told Kyojuro.

The flight was first silent for both Kyojuro snd Zack. They listened to Snake's story and his explainations about the CRF. "Prior to handing up here...like I said before I was part of SOLDIER...then after Sephiroth's betrayal and death, SHINRA stabbed me and my fellow soldier Cloud at back and took us to Profesor Hojo while we were both unconcious snd allowed him to perform horrible experiments on us. Cloud and I escaped and became fugitives. When my former comrades finally cornered me,I fought him but they killed me. Before I had the chance to take my final breath, I woke up in SOLDIER's infirmary, with everyone welcoming me with open arms as if nothing happened. The SOLDIER director and some of my dead comrades were alive again."
"Funny...the same could be said about me.I fought an Upper rank demon and pierced through my chest. I though I would join my mother to the afterlife. Then I woke up in this new world...fully healed." Kyojuro replied.
"Whoever brought us in...might aldo have the power to bring back the death to life..."

"More like...bring us before we die and heal us back to full health while doing so." Zack added.

"Master Ubuyashiki sended me to seek the CRF after they tried to contact him. " Kyojuro added. " I never thought I would find one of their soldiers easilly. An alliance between the Demon slayer corps and the CRF might be possible. "
Where: New York
Mentions: Icee Icee

Tilting his head with a frown, Luffy doesn’t understand Tankman is being sarcastic; he saw it as insulting Franky. Just as he was going to argue the Thousand Sunny is a fine name and Franky is a genius inventor, his stomach started growling interrupting him mid thought. “ I’m hungry.” He wore his expression plainly, miserable and pained. Luffy sighs, grabbing his stomach, and falling to his knees dramatically. He didn’t have time to relax and eat before being brought here in a strange world with none of his friends by his side, a familiar face would be nice. Around this time Sanji would be cooking up a meal worthy of kings, and every dish he crafts is a slice of heaven, a testament to his culinary skills.

Although Luffy leans towards meat only, and Sanji is creative in using his cooking to mask the taste of vegetables to satisfy Luffy’s unapologetic dietary preference. He’s big on incorporating all food groups to balance out nutrition. The argument Luffy had on the tip of his tongue was forgotten in favor of getting food in his belly. He pulled himself together, getting back on his feet, forgetting that he was being overly dramatic just a moment ago.

Ignoring the tingling sensation in his legs and arms, Flampe’s sedative needles hurt, Katakuri was less than impressed with his kid sister, angered by her interference and insulting his psychical appearance next, Katakuri knocked her out, with his haki in combination. Luffy rolled his head. “ I’m gonna get some food, you should come along, it looks like you're hungry too.” He can sense Tankman’s hunger, in part with his acute observation haki. Luffy has Rayleigh to thank, Rayleigh’s immeasurable knowledge of haki and patience was the key to help him prepare for the new world. He gestured to the tall buildings that reached the sky. “ New York City..” He repeated under his breath, looking lost and confused again. Scratching his hair, Luffy glanced at Tankman.

He hasn’t seen a modern city in his 19 years of life in his universe like this one before, the closest city is Water Seven, it can’t compare to New York. “ I’m from a world where it’s the golden age of piracy, never been to a modern city like New York before, tall buildings such as those don’t exist yet in my universe. I never saw those moving machines, they don’t exist in my world either, what are they?” He waited for an answer. At the same time, his stomach rumbled, the last meal Sanji cooked was just the previous day, a welcome back feast. Luffy was glad things got sorted out, and Sanji came to his senses he didn’t go through with marrying Pudding in the end.

He had many questions in the back of his mind, but his stomach wins for now. Luffy needs fuel to function, with how the Gömü-Gomu no Mi works, it burns more calories than a normal person's body does. Luffy won't be able to choose what he’s in the mood for, he’s not in his world anymore, and Sanji isn’t here to cook in accordance to his dietary preference. He had to see what New York has to offer him, and experiencing the modern day left him awestruck. He suspects he’s going to be having a lot of new, and interesting things in store for him, maybe meet new faces. However, he needs to eat to get his daily fuel. Luffy can eat any meat dish as long as it contains no vegetables, Sanji is clever to use his cooking skills to hide the taste and texture to keep him happy. He got this dreamy expression just thinking of Sanji’s gourmet cooking, but quickly focused interested in learning more about modern life. “ Oh, right, my name is Luffy.”
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YoRHa No.2 Type B

Location: Helicopter -> -> -> CRF HQ
Interacting with: Venom Snake ( Specialist Specialist ), Zach Fair & Kyojuro Rengoku ( SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 )
Vitals: 100%

2B nodded as Snake said the ride on the helicopter would take at least 15 minutes. 2B used the lack of conversation to start a diagnostic, for about 3 minutes, she remained silent, and unaware of the world around her, as she briefly powered off to save battery during the diagnostic. Once it was done, she woke up, and the results reassured 2B that the miscalculation was simply a small mistake, and nothing bad caused the error. 2B released a relieved sigh, which was accompanied by a tiny smile.

As she listened to Snakes story, then Zach’s, and Kyojuro’s after, 2B spoke up as it was her turn to tell her own story. She then briefly thought of how much she should say, as she didn’t want to bore them.
”Before I came here, I was just an android warrior for YoRHa, Humanity’s last stand against an alien race and their mechanical army that had invaded earth roughly two centuries ago, forcing humans to The Moon, and space stations near it. YoRHa made countless androids with the same role as I had, combat. They also made scouting units, like my frien- er, teammate 9S. 9S and I discovered that the aliens have died early in the war, and the machine’s network had gone haywire, causing them to kill their alien masters. Two humanoid machines, Adam and Eve, wanted to study humans… by killing them. After 9S and I killed the two, 9S got infected with a logic virus, leaving me with no choice but to… kill him. But, I suppose he isn’t entirely gone, he managed to become one with the machine network, stopping the war…” 2B missed 9S deeply, but simply dismissed that feeling with a shake of her head.

”I was going to go out on a patrol with the refugees on Earth, but when I slept before heading out, I woke up in that desert we all met in.” She added, before actually noticing Snake’s thousand-yard stare. “The past getting to you?” 2B could relate to that, she often found herself lost in memories of her adventures with 9S. 2B then sighed, deciding she wasn’t in need of her visor, so she took her blindfold off of her eyes, letting it hang around her neck, as her soft, sky-blue eyes were revealed. She also looked in the general direction of the three others, but not really focusing on a specific person.
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Location: Sector-23 "The Desertland" Outskirts

Vitals: 100%

Interactions: -Random_Person- -Random_Person- (YoRHa No.2 Type B) SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 (Zack Fair, Kyojuro)

Mentions: N/A
Venom Snake looked around as the group exchanged their origins, his own sky-blue eye trailing around to glance at Zack, Kyojuro, and 2B as they recounted their experiences. They'd survived their own unique hell, only to end up here. Many of the CRF's security and noncom staff were of the exact same predicament due to one circumstance or another. Zack's universe was straight out of some weird dystopian horror that somehow made it here, Kyojuro was fighting literal demons, and 2B had lost her friend to some machine infection after fighting haywire and genocidal machines. Snake saw through her slip, not bothering to correct her- war was a transaction that spanned lives and time, but the bonds forged on the battlefield between comrades were priceless. He waited until everyone had finished speaking as he took a moment's silence and replied, "My condolences, to all of you." His eye trailed to the floor in sympathy as the helicopter's droning hum begin to serve as little more than background noise.

“The past getting to you?”

Snake blinked again as he looked up into 2B's opaque pale eyes. His expression was no glare, holding no irritation or annoyance. It was one of a tired acknowledgement, and one that was usually shelved behind legend of his legacy. 'Every goddamn day.' Ace spoke up over the muted whirring of the helicopter as the craft tilted backward, slowly entering a controlled descent. "Touchdown in five seconds. Nobody's on the ground; we're cleared to land." Whatever reply Snake had been opting to say if at all was cut short. Most likely a debrief had been taking place since the LZ was deserted. Out both viewing windows, a large desert airbase complex was now fully in view.


As the helicopter touched down on one of the marked helicopter zones, Snake opened the troop door at his flank to reveal a massive sprawl of military buildings resting in the middle of cracked, paved concrete ground. Nobody else was seen around the perimeter as the helicopter's rotors slowly powered off; with Ace unbuckling himself and getting out of the pilot's seat. The man came around to Snake's side just as Snake touched the ground; mindful of respecting the man's space as he looked out to the facility. Ace patted the M134 mounted at the side of the troop door and leaned against the side. "Y'all go on ahead; I'm gonna stay here and wait for the maintenance team." Snake glanced back toward 2B, Kyojuro and Zack, then turned at a brisk stride toward the set of double doors located at the side of an aircraft hangar. As the group got nearer, the sound of a deep, rough barking voice could be heard speaking rather loudly. "...I want all non-combat personnel to spend more time at the range this week, in between PT and qualification classes. Combat and guard personnel will be responsible for performing regular duties as well as rotating out for supplemental instruction support when required to do so. Also, stop asking the Boss to spar with you. The man's got enough on his plate, and we're in no position to be wasting medical resources if you get hurt. That'll be all for now- dismissed!" Snake momentarily paused, stepping through after the voice called dismissal on the other side of the door.

The inside of the aircraft hangar had been converted into an impromptu briefing room; situated with rows of canvas chairs where around a hundred people had been previously seated. Most of them were dressed in matching sandstone-patterned camouflage BDU's and combat boots, where another section were dressed in all manner of civilian clothing, wearing sneakers, workbooks, and running shoes. There seemed to be a 50/50 mix between military personnel and civilians, either specialists or ones that were training alongside the military forces. A few feet ahead of the front row of chairs was a constructed wooden platform, leading up as a stage with a lectern and overhead projector. The inside of the hangar was by no means pristinely kept, but it was obvious that the CRF had done a bang up job at making their environment as well kept as possible with what they had to work with. As the door opened, the man still at the lectern had began to turn away mid-stride when he spotted Snake, and with a downward nod of his head, he began to make his way over to the group. The man was dressed in a well-kept military dress uniform, looking roughly in his mid forties and sporting a stress-induced salt & pepper stubble against hazel eyes and black tapered hair. "Good to see you back, Boss. Ace informed me of the situation- we've space for the two of them if they're electing to stay."

Snake nodded, stepping back and to the side as the man stepped forward to introduce himself to the three. "I'm Colonel Mitchell Dawson of the Convergence Resistance Front. It's a pleasure to welcome you all here."
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Zack Fair
Kyojuro Rengoku

Interactions: Specialist Specialist ( Venom Snake) -Random_Person- -Random_Person- ( 2B)

Both Zack and Kyojuro looked around them as they both climbed off of the helicopter. It was a familiar sight for Zack as it reminded him of SOLDIER's own military bases.
To Kyojuro though it was new. He had never seen anything this advanced.

They followed Snake the base. Both looked around. "Feels just like home!" Zack said cheerfully. " Good for you my friend!" Kyojuro replied. " Our base is more...the old fashion and less military type." he added.
"Sound alot like in Wutai I guess." Zack replied.

They went inside the briefing room along with Snake. A man dressed in a military uniform came to them. He welcome Snake,who he called boss back. He even said that they had space for both Zack and Kyojuro if they wanted to stay.
"It's quite late. I would sadly accept a warm meal and a bed for the night!" Kyojuro replied cheerfully. "And I thought I was the only one being cheerful." Zack said to himself. The man introduced himself as Colonel Mitchell Dawson of the Convergence Resistance Front.

"An honor to meet you Dawson-San! I am Kyojuro Rengoku,Flame Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps!" Kyojuro replied cheerfully. "My master,Lord Kagaya Ubuyashiki coudn't come himself as he is sickly. I was sent on his behalf."

"Name's Zack Fair, SOLDIER first class. Yeah...wellllll I don't think SOLDIER or Shinra himself would want make an allience. Ever since we ended up here, SHINRA'S enemy list has gotten longer,no longer just Wutai and AVALANCHE. Even if my superior ignore where I am now I would gladly stay here and help the CRF for awhile.
Tengen Uzui
Tanjiro Kamado
Zenitsu Agatsuma

Curent location: Fortuna,local inn
Mentions: Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts

It took only a few minutes for Tengen to get the keys for their room. He gestures to Tanjiro and Zenitsu to follow him on the second floor. The boys followed him but at the same time,would not shake off the hostile sounds and scents from the villagers.
Once in their assigned room,Tengen was busy placing traps in both of the room's windows. Both Tanjiro and Zenitsu watched him in confusion. After he sat down on one of the beds and looked at his two young subordinates.
"You need to know what we will be facing here." Tengen started.

"We'll face an Upper rank demon. You told us already." Tanjiro replied.
"Unfortunstly,it's not the only thing we'll be facing." Tengen replied,a serious look on his face. "You might have both noticed already with your respective sharp sences...about the villagers."

"Yeah,I could hear hostile sounds coming from many of them. They were not happy to see us. " Zenitsu replied.

"That's because,according to intel,all of the villagers,including children here are part of a local organisation known as "The order of the sword." Like the Demon Slayer Corps,they hunt down demons."

"That's a good thing,right? They are a fellow demon hunter organisation. They could help us,right?" Tanjiro said.
"Not quite. The order of the sword is different from the Demon Slayer Corps. They are zealots that praise a deity known as Sparta. You could sences already even since we set foot here. We're in their territory. Not only we are strangers not welcome here,we come from a world different then theirs. By the time they learn about us,The Corps will be a rival demon hunter organisation to them."Tengen explained sadly.
"So...we're all in danger of getting killed the longer we stay in this crazy town?" Zenitsu asked.
Tengen puched Zenitsu on the stomach in anger."Keep quiet! You'll attract unwanted attention! We don't need that right now!"
Tengen then calmed down and looked at the boys.
"Until we find the demon and neutralise it, you both need to watch you backs,and Kanado,watch over your sister. She is a demon after all. The order of the sword won't be as merciful as Master Ubuyashiki was."
Tanjiro nodded. " I will protect her with my life." "And so will I" Zenitsu replied after he recovered from Tengen's punch.
"Good!" Tengen replied. "We'll be heading out by nightime. Until then,get some rest."
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YoRHa No.2 Type B

Location: CRF HQ
Interacting with: Venom Snake ( Specialist Specialist ), Zach Fair & Kyojuro Rengoku ( SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 )
Vitals: 100%

As 2B looked around the base, watching as civilian and military alike passed, everyone doing their part, and everyone taking their roles seriously, something not everyone in YoRHa did. 2B followed Snake, giving a salute to the Colonel who introduced himself after encountering the group.

”Sir, YoRHa Android No.2 Type B. Just 2B is fine. Honored to meet the one in charge.” 2B made sure to not speak too much, as she knew high ranking personnel are always busy.”So, will there be a tour, training, or straight to missions?” 2B asked the Colonel, Now letting her arms rest by her side, and putting the majority of her focus on him, as she knew the others were doing the same.

Location: Sector-23 "The Desertland" Outskirts

Vitals: 100%

Interactions: -Random_Person- -Random_Person- (YoRHa No.2 Type B) SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 (Zack Fair, Kyojuro)

Mentions: N/A
Colonel Dawson cracked a small smile at being formally addressed; his hands parallel to his pockets as he turned his head to clear his throat before looking back to the three. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. As for your inquiry 2B, training is entirely up to what you're looking to train in. Our dossier on you, albeit limited to specifics, showed us that you don't need training- at least under military standards anyhow. Your experiences as a combat android and capable warfighter speak for themselves. Training's really only given to the civvies we pull in who have either expressed interest in joining our military unit, or to get familiar with various skills we offer alongside getting into shape. Things they might've known or were proficient at before their arrival here. Weapons disassembly and maintenance, electrical engineering, fortification placement, construction, medical and so on." The Colonel finished speaking, looking over to Snake and gesturing his hand toward him as he looked back at the group. "Big Boss here is one of our top military advisors- probably one of our best 'agents' too. We've been around a few months but without him, we wouldn't be nearly as up and running as we are today." Snake didn't comment, only giving an acknowledging nod as Mitchell clasped his hands behind his back. "I can give y'all a tour, and as for missions... you're that eager? Figured you'd all want some time to get situated before heading to The Room." Mitchell spoke, his Texas draw roughly coming through every word.
Zack Fair
Kyojuro Rengoku

Interactions: Specialist Specialist (Colonel Dawson,Venom Snake), -Random_Person- -Random_Person- ( 2B)

Zack and Kyojuro listened to what the Colonel had to day. He mentioned that 2B didn't need training. "I don't need any trainning either..." Zack replied. I received alot at SOLDIER'sHQ,I might need to be filled in about what's going on here." Zack replied."Neither SOLDIER or SHINRA know that I'm here.
"A tour seems great! I would love to know more!" Kyojuro replied."I'm glad you enjoy it Kyojuro." said a familiar voice. Kyojuro turned his attention to where the voice came from. The screen of the room. A video window showed a young man with shoulder length black hair.The top half of his face ravaged by sickness,almost disfiguring him,his eyes pale. Zsck wondered if the man was blind.He wears a beige kimono and a white,purple and red haori. Kyojuro could regonised the area the young man was in: The Demon Slayer Corps HQ.
"Please forgive me for being late Dawson-san." The young man on the video screen replied."I'm affraid to not be familiar with thr technology you provided me for communication.The Kakushi helped me with that. " He added. "I am Kagaya Ubuyashiki, leader of the Demon Slayer Corps."

"Lord Ubuyashiki! It is so good to see you,even if not physically!" Kyojuro replied cheerfully,bowing toward the screen.

"Kyojuro?" Kagaya replied as he regonise the voice. " I see you made it to their base my child. Colonel,each member of the Corps are like my children. Please treat Kyojuro well during his stay." Kagaya asked.

"You have nothing to worry about Lord Ubuyashiki!" Kyojuro replied. "They were about to give us a tour!"
Hailey Jones
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Japan, also known as the Land of the Rising Sun. Its culture has been very historic and unique but the more recent and modern culture that is been hitting the country, is the underground racing scene in Tokyo. While for a American girl who is in Japan to be off the grid due to ending a territory of her rival street racing crew back in the States was impressed about its racing roots, but for Hailey Jones, it is a another case. For the past three months, she is sitting and waiting patiently on when she'll be finished on being off the grid after destroying one of the territories of Stacked Deck. Waking up at around 7:04 A.M in her cozy yet liveable apartment, she yawned loudly, wiping her eyes and looking at the time; Hailey knew that she is gonna have a long day for sure

'Damn, I'm sure am really early to get up,' she spoke to herself internally when looking at the alarm clock before getting up and going to her closet to find some clothes for today. 'What should I gonna have for breakfast today?' Thinking about breakfast, Hailey could tell about cooking a simple omelette with toast and a side of orange juice but instead, she had a idea. Whenever she is watching some videos online, she noticed that locals mostly eat steamed rice with miso soup and some grilled fish. Damn, now she is gonna buy some fish at the market today so that is gonna be part of her checklist for breakfast, luckily she does have some rice and miso on the cupboards in the kitchen.

After taking a quick shower, Hailey puts on her boyish-style of clothing before putting on her jacket and grabbing her keys of her car and apartment. Once she got out of her apartment and locking the door before placing her apartment key in a concealed place, she goes downstairs and heads to the parking lot where one of her beautiful cars was parked. A car cover was placed in order to not get revealed by spectators around it. By the looks of Hailey, she knew that it is a banger. And well, that's exactly that when she took off the car cover.




A white Mercedes-Benz AMG GT-S that is fully incorporated in a widebody kit is one of her cars and it is a beast. Around 962 horsepower, she had been making this German beast into a ghost in freeways. Hailey chuckled a bit whenever she drives this a lot. It was a fun car to drive, but there are many cars that the Las Vegas native can drive too..

"Why do I love this absolute beast," smirking a lot, she entered via the driver's seat before inserting the key and then starting the car, let's just say... she might wanna not wake the neighbors up when she revved the engine to hear its beauty. "That's a noise which will wake them up." Laughing a bit, she would shift into reverse gear before properly make a clean 180 turn and shifting into first gear. Now, Hailey has finally start thinking about her first destination, which is Tsukiji Market. Wonder what new possibilities that she can saw at Tokyo?
YoRHa No.2 Type B

Location: CRF HQ
Interacting with: Venom Snake, Dawson ( Specialist Specialist ), Zach Fair & Kyojuro Rengoku ( SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 )
Vitals: 100%

2B slowly nodded as the Colonel explained how Training was mainly for the civilians, and that she showed skills that far exceeded the training. “Ah, I see. I do not mind the tour before we go to missions. It’ll be best if I know where everything is, in case I’ll need the information later. But what is ‘The Room’ that you were talking about?” She spoke to the Colonel with a tone of respect. He did outrank her, after all.

2B then turned to the video screen of the leader of the Demon Slayer Corps. She gave a small nod for a greeting. “Nice to meet you, sir. I am 2B, an android who also was a victim of the Convergence. You must be the one in charge of Kyojuro, correct? You must be a great leader, despite your injuries.” 2B gave Kyojuro a glance, noticing how he acted with his leader.
Kyojuro Rengoku
Zack Fair
Location: CRF HQ
Interaction: Specialist Specialist (Venom Snake, Dawson) -Random_Person- -Random_Person- (2B)

"Nice to meet you, 2B."Kagaya replied to the android. "Master Kagaya,is...well" Kyojuro started before to look toward the master on the screen. "It's fine Kyojuro." Kagaya replied. "The master's clan is under a curse because of the demon king, Muzan Kibutsuji. Every first born male of the Ubuyashiki clan cannot live further then their twenties." he replied sadly"That's horrible!" Zack shouts. " Forgive me Sir Ubuyashiki. My name's Zack Fair, SOLDIER first class!"
"An honor to meet you too Fair-san. You are alot like Kyojuro I can tell.
"Yeah,I guess we'll get along!" Zack replied.

Sargeant John Captain - AKA "Tankman"

New York City

Luffy's dramatic change in demenor made Tankman look over with an expression reflecting both confusion and amusement. Part of him was confused on how he could go from being puzzled about his new surroundings to being concerned with food in the span of five minutes and part of him couldn't help but snicker a bit at how silly the whole scene before him looked. He kept his pistol in his hand although he was no longer holding it so closely. It seems that the captain has deemed Luffy not to be a threat for the time being. It truly did seem that Luffy was just another person who ended up lost - someone no different than him. Perhaps Tankman just had a better means of hiding it.
"Really, kid? Deciding now's the time to get all dramatic about food?"

He rose a confused eyebrow whilst stifling his slight snickers. It was at that moment that his own stomach growled. Luffy was right in saying that he was hungry as well. Honestly, with the whole whirlwind he was in, Tankman had lost track of when it was that he last ate. He'd been in this city a while, much longer than Luffy obviously, and he probably could figure out a good place for them to at least eat. Although he wasn't really one to be bothering to take someone out to dinner - especially if the tab was going to be on his dime - but perhaps he could at least lead Luffy to a decent food joint. Besides, he himself needed to eat. At the rate he was going, if he didn't eat soon, he was probably going to drive himself to being on the ground writhing in hunger in the same way that Luffy was. Losing track of eating was nothing new to Tankman, however. Living a life of war often made it that eating was not the first thing on his mind.


He muttered his signature phrase to himself as Luffy proceeded to go on how he didn't even so much as know what a car was. How could someone truly be that clueless? He'd seen cars all of his life. Granted, he rarely was in a city that he'd be seeing much more than military vehicles but he still knew what they were. This guy was completely clueless. There was no way that he was going to make it out here on his own with a mentality like that. He suddenly felt like he had an obligation to help this kid out. Even though being friendly and considerate wasn't exactly one of his brighter points. It just wouldn't sit right with the captain if he just left Luffy there to figure things out on his own.

"Look....I'm hungry, you're hungry, so let's just worry about getting some food for now, yeah?" he started after taking a moment to gather himself. "You have anything special you like to eat? I'm not too picky myself. Honestly, could go for a good drink right about now."

Food and a nice drink to clear his head. That would be good. His mind was going too wild as it was.


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