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Fantasy Second Wind (Character Sheets)

Melon Bomb

hi i make bad decisions
Discord: https://discord.gg/8mDK7A6
IC Thread: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/the-second-wind-official-roleplay-thread.342662/
OOC: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/second-wind-ooc.342180/
Interest Check: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/the-second-wind.342116/

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A gift for some and a curse for others: A second chance at the expense of another, forced to run on borrowed time to live for your sake and for the one that died on your behalf. In a land rife with political tension and war right on the horizon, a handful of the risen who were chosen to lead life anew are granted a new path to follow, for better or for worse.

Format isn't too important, but these are the things you should list:



Race (species + mage status):




Second Wind: (y/n, explanation and remaining lifespan optional)

Bio (encouraged, but optional):
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Shuri Rose

Age: 31

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Personality: Shuri is a driven woman who is determined not to let anyone or anything get in the way of her goals. However, she prefers not to make enemies and is very kind at heart, even if she has some trouble showing it lately. For someone so serious, she's quite talkative and enjoys the company of others, quickly developing strong loyalties to those that show she can trust them.

Abilities: Trained with Erylon's finest, earning her incredible martial skills and the ability to adapt to any weapon and any situation. She is quite resourceful and strategic when she needs to be, as fighting alongside those more gifted than her has proven that she must rely on more than just her physical capabilities to hold up to the rigorous standards.

Second Wind: No

Bio: Erylon trains its soldiers at a young age and when any of their aspiring cadets show promise, they are eager to encourage them to enlist into their special training regimen for the elite forces: The Knights of Ia. Most drop out. Some die. Shuri did neither, surviving through the harsh conditions until she consolidated a role as a lieutenant.

Throughout her career, she had gotten married and raised a child, but on one fateful day she would be separated from them for god knows how long. Investigating the suspicious death of one of her friends on Erylon soil, she strayed too close to the sun and heard information that she shouldn't have.

She fled for her life, knowing that she had been spotted. Leaving her family behind, she escaped to Savana after being chased down by those she had called friends for many years, looking to make use of the information she had learned. But no matter what, she would be reunited with her husband and daughter and see to it that they are safe. . .
Hilde Marristern

Age: 17

Race: Human Mezza

Gender: Female

Personality: Hilde is a delightful young girl who wants nothing more than adventure and excitement in her life. She is hesitant to judge others and often wears her heart on her sleeve, though that isn't to say that she is without secrets. All in all, she's something of a jokester that has trouble reading the atmosphere, but she means well in just about everything that she does.

Abilities: Even in mage academies, self-defense is standard procedure so she is sufficiently capable of defending herself even without her powers. But as for the powers that she does have. . .

[Sonicwave] This is Hilde's innate ability and the one she is most practiced with. With it, she can grant herself temporary boosts of speed and imbue thunderous strikes into her blows. She is still inexperienced with it though, and has trouble changing directions or keeping her balance. She may also have a hard time hearing others, given that she usually has earplugs in to make sure she doesn't go deaf.

[Metalwork] Hilde inherited this ability from her mother, but she is quite awful at using it. She can only work with small amounts of metal at a time, and even then she requires a lot of focus just to bend it to her will. It's a rare ability, but so far she hasn't figured out how to put it to good use.

Second Wind: Yes

Bio: Hilde had a troubling childhood that began when her mother sacrificed herself to save her from an illness that seemed to have no cure. She was a renowned mage in her community and Hilde wished to live up to the expectations of those around her, as well as her own expectations. But she was always falling short, far behind her peers and it looked as though she would never get better - attending mage academy in Savana, she was bullied by jealous classmates for being a mezza, but she was also picked on for failing to meet basic standards despite her advantages. Still, she strives to be a better mage and a better person, to honor her mother's memory by living her life to the fullest.

B a s i c s
Baron Stathis
23 Years Old

Environmental Mage
Kingdom of Savana
Worships Seon
Snake Companion

B a r o n​
Baron had been raised in an isolated forest in Savana by his mother up until his teen years. From his childhood he has grown to act much like her, and that is not necessarily good or bad. Baron has learned to mistrust a majority of those he will meet; thus he is very ornery around strangers especially in large crowds. His mother's paranoia has also caused him to be rather reckless whenever he could pry from her hovering and still maintains the habit of being self destructive or simply putting himself in dangerous situations. Loyalty is hard to come by with Baron as he is always expecting a knife in the back, but it is possible to gain a strong friendship from him. Unfortunately it will require putting up with his terrible social habits of pushing people away, and the inability to actually talk about himself or express his feelings properly. He has come to be very prickly to acquaintances that can withstand his snide remarks and witty comments, giving him a false sense of self confidence in the process.
Growing up he was often told he had his mothers looks. Baron has grown into a tall young man with light blonde hair that is almost always tucked away in a tattered hat. His favorite part of his appearance is most likely his dark green eyes, which his mother always said looked just like his fathers. Mostly seen in patched work clothing, Baron has never quite thought about his appearance or thought too much about dressing up, which is clearly shown by how he's always adorned in dirty and torn clothes.

Baron has the ability to control the environment around him. When unstable or reckless, wild animals and in a small manner the weather will mimic his emotions. Though Baron is still young and hasn't completely mastered his abilities, he has found his strongest talent in controlling/manipulating animals. At some points in his life he has discovered the ability to see, hear, taste, and smell through the animal he controls. Although it takes a great amount of focus and energy and does not happen often.
Only a few months before his birth, Baron's father had passed from a sudden deadly illness that was impossible to cure. His heart had been failing, but his mother did not have the money to afford more than a few visits of a doctor to only tell her how much he was becoming ill until they refused to come anymore. Growing up without a father hadn't seemed strange to Baron, though. For a large portion of his childhood he only had his mother and the forest, and was content with that, up until she started to bring him into the town outside of their little world. From there on he began to see that the world was much bigger than he had thought, and became adventurous. For a short while he had made friends and would show them small tricks he had learned from what his mother taught him.

It wasn't until she found out, though, that she began to come down on him harder about the dangers of unsupervised magic. At first Baron believed her, only using his magic when she was there to help or see his progress, but then he began to resent her for holding him back. Baron would go out at night and push himself to his limit, trying to see how far his abilities with controlling his surroundings would go. Through these nights alone he learned the extent of what he could do, and began to distance himself from his mother when she would scold him for not taking his time in mastering his magic slowly. Telling him he would only end up hurting himself and others if he wasn't careful.

At the age of seventeen he left his home to travel along Savana and see the rest of the world, refusing to let himself be controlled and managed over, his main goal to simply see the world and lead his own life from his mothers grasp.

Code by JayeTheKat JayeTheKat
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Name: Alexander Ray of Colt

”When I started this job, I was full of ideals and codes. Regulations on how our power was supposed to be used, and under what circumstances. There is none of that left in me now, the fire burned it away. The fire is as indiscriminate as it is unforgiving; the weak is consumed and the strong remains. We weren’t just destroying our enemies, we were destroying ourselves alongside. I don’t regret what I’ve done, I can’t. It was necessary, our fight. We had to show the world that what we do is no joking matter. For all the flame we create, there is little light. Now I have lived too long, through war and ruin and ash. Perhaps I’ll take up gardening, try creating something for a change”-Yor of Colt, First War Mage of Fire

: 19

Race Human - Mage

Gender: Male

Personality: Alexander is a appreciative and studious person, he’s a man of letters and numbers, a student of magic and nature, and an archivist obsessed with the accurate accounting of important people and events. And he is more than willing to talk and understand any and all sides in an argument should time permit, but will exhibit a ruthless nature to those who have a history of unwilling or destructive nature. But that is not to say he is cold, he in very open to meeting new people and seeing new things and is always amazed at how the world is from outside his books and windows

Abilities: |Evocation Magic-Fire| Evocation spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds. Alexander uses it to summon edicts of fire and brimstone, launching molten rocks or balls of fire, but can also use it as a constructive tool to cauterize wounds, purify water or medicine, or mend metals.

Second Wind: No

Bio: Alexander comes from a long line of Lore Masters, His family was famous in Miraqi for amassing knowledge from all throughout the known world before going into hiding a century ago, but the Sages are even more famous for rarely sharing this treasure trove of learning with outsiders, despite their claims of preserving knowledge for the betterment of mankind. The Sages revel in knowing a little bit about everything, and Alexander is no exception, in his short years he’s learned the Sage’s traditional Evocation magic, As a student of history, Alexander has a certain adoration for the Mezzas and seeks to document them as well as any new or recent information about Second Winds. On top of that he wishes to find any large tome of magic and history before the current political climate worsens and has the potential to usher in a new dark age of history

Alexander now breaks the Lore Master's wishes of hiding in the shadows to seek the light. He lives in interesting times and wants to write about it, in his own words​



Thezen Kholar


Human | Mezzes


Thezen is a man of medium height, only half a head higher than most common men. He has a lean stature, his physique bordering the line between gaunt and balanced. His face is immediately weary and sallow at a first glance; ill-defined, with an angular chin, topped by hollow cheeks that taper alongside his forehead. A receding hairline, coppery and made up of stratified waves that run down the nape of his neck, makes his forehead look larger than normal. His hair is ridden with grey and white, the once-glorious shade ruined by constant exposure to harsh environment, and eroded with age.

His eyes have long since sunk into their sockets, enveloped from beneath with spent wrinkles, two blots of misty grey that are piercingly sharp. Complimenting them are spiny, arching eyebrows. The wrinkles of many a grin and smiles are visible under and above his aquiline nose, parsed to slits of scar-like ridges that run beside the corners of his lips and lines that seem nailed to his forehead. The deadly smarts of a killer is easily visible on his nigh passive expression, though is often considered contrary to his raucous personality by many.

Persona & History

Thezen is, admittedly, a smarmy man — drenched in oil, overconfident in all of his stalwart acts. Acts which better be identify as stunts of tremendous audacity, leaning more towards ornery bedazzlement rather than actual utility. His infamy — or not, seeing that nobody really knows him these days, just a name floating in the winds — comes from his nigh bsessive nature of boasting, about his indomitable wits, an exaggerated feature of his own creation, and his gruelling past jobs.

Though, they've died down severely since his self-isolation.

Consumed by his own shell of self-serious density, and his desire to get rid off old regrets, Thezen likes to believe that he's of the dashing sort, and while he does possess a few gentlemanly traits, he's far from being, well, normal.

His grandiose capers scarcely work — but when they do, they work brilliantly, a fine courtesy that belongs solely to his wile. Credit could often be given to him for that, but he ruins that virtue simply with his sore losing; even at the brink of loss, Thezen tries to muster up enough lies to believe that his antics are — instead of lackluster — gravitational works.

This fulsome propriety is only surpassed by his brutal ruthlessness, and they aren't afraid to inter-mix every now and then. His anger intermittently remains hidden, though by means of deliberation, only seeping out in the form of an acerbic tongue and a bitter affinity for violence. A queer result it is, his fruitless attempts at concealing his various grudges with deathly stunts had finalized with the denouement that his grudges were to be borne with relative ease — and still are given birth with miasmatic quality. Thezen is bothered by that, but never in the moralistic sense. More out of fear for his self.

The old man possesses a pernicious, gross and bearably self-centered demeanour. This bearish cadre of traits often swerve into an overconfidence, which hardly ever fails to play into his various petty oversights. Though his insight isn't always so stunted, courtesy of the time he had spent alone. Again, on his ludicrous self-isolation.

Thezen's liberal usage of his own personality, and his subsequent density, is tinged subtly with a compulsive need to see all mire through and through and carefully 'equalize' them — more often than not, these are just overtly justified attempts to fix his personal issues and to secure his own well-being. Although he does fall victim to his gracious honour code every now and then, more often nowadays. Just a dozen or so traits he himself has yet to realize.

All these traits, and a few other vices of gruesome nature, compile to make him one very spiteful man, who regards each execution without a second thought — in the process, ruining the capacity and potential of his cunning intellect.

Still, in spite of his wild nature, he has a modest litany of virtues; he admires the concept of camaraderie, and while he's sometimes an uncontrollable liar, he's always a reliable friend; he's determinate and industrious, his productivity never ceasing to vanish until the time of his objective's completion; his bold audacity, that while a flaw in some parts, can also serve to be a rather good trait. When he cares to brood during his more quieter moments, he tends to express a rare moment of solemnity — a morose glimpse at his past self — and it certainly isn't unsurprising to see him act like this.

But, all in all, he's a crude man.

Born in the firm lands of Savanna, where men died at debilitating rates and suspicion crept across every corner, in a family of two morose fugitives. The elder order's wrath was unquenchable. They required blood. His first misfortune was the death of his parents, rogue mages slaughtered with the very essence they were gifted with and accepted for. He paid little heed to it, was too young to do so. He was rescued by a maid of his household, empathetic woman in her youth, and was soon kicked out from the house itself for being too bothersome. He was ten then. The maid's family was poor, his father a stern man. Thezen was an outsider, he had no place there. There was no monastery within that town, and as such, his rightful place was the street.

Thus, left on the streets, with a wicker basket and a thin blanket, he was found by the ill-liked Marik Kholar, then posing as a hermit and a scribe of sorts. The man saw something in him, in spite of being very young himself. He was only a decades older. Marik carried him to his cave, a very ambitious man he was, and decided to take him for an apprentice. He taught him the basic scriptures and tenets of the magickal workings of the universe, and after having — with great awe, one can hope — found out that he had the wind in him, he taught the young Thezen just that


Wind, a torrid force of nature that's harsh to the wielder and brash in the face of orders, uncontrollable and visceral in its advances, was something ingrained into the petty blood of Thezen. A rare distortion, but a powerful one. During his time as Marik's apprentice, he was taught the careful, controlled ways of manipulating the violent force. Over time, Thezen learned that it was what he was most comfortable with.

After he absorbed the essence of Marik, which was a grave experience for him, he found himself having gained the ability to control the very foundation of Water — which was his master's most powerful, and sole, ability. He was scarcely happy with it, instead, using it to boil water. There were times, however, that he used it to slice apart organic entities — usually the vegetables that go with the water.

Second Wind
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Name: Ki'Tann
Age: 29
Race: Beastfolk - Felis Catus (Common Tabby)
Height/Weight: 5'7'' / 140-150 lbs


~ Light manipulation
- Near total cloaking; near total invisibility
- Light expulsion; bright but harmless
- Super heated blade; Hyper focused light

-A lightweight long-sword made of tempered Steel, lengthier than the average blade. Completely impractical in the hands of somebody with no training using large weapons. Ki'Tann prides himself on the agility he's achieved with nearly 6 feet of steel.
-A crossbow, as well as a rather generous supply of bolts. One handed, accurate, deadly.
"Life for common-bred Felis bodes horridly outside of the free world. Entitled humies mock my kin for the patterns upon our fur without regret. Far be it from me to claim any high ground, but know that my actions are at the fault of every last wretch who saw it necessary to pull on the tails of my brothers and sisters"

Felis Beastfolk who've served under merciless humie boots are granted a freedom from morality, and with such a freedom, a license to lie, steal, and murder without remorse. That is how Ki'Tann thinks, shaping his morals in the wake of those who see themselves as more entitled than his kin. Ki'Tann, or Kit as he prefers, lives his life between bouts of melancholy and vicious threats, desperately gripping to what little identity he has left whilst dodging arrows flung with Rancor at his treacherous striped hide. He has been labeled as a thief, a murderer, and much worse by those who have escaped his wrath, or the lucky few who continue to draw breath after paying for his services. Needless to say, he is not a very nice person.

From the day he was born into a litter of 6, Ki'Tann knew no mercy. He and his siblings were sold into slavery as kits, raised to obey and serve at the boots of humans. Felis Kits were affordable, impressionable, and in great number, after all. Why not use them for something? It wouldn't have been so bad, if Ki'Tann's owners weren't colder than a fatal winter. As he grew into his role as a house servant, as did his resentment for all humankind. The stories he was fed to shatter his spirit only stoked a flame in his soul, a burning hatred for his captors and the entitled Beastfolk who saw his sub-species as less-than-worthy. For every mark that his owners carved into his tail, he carved a notch in the base of their broomstick. By the time that he'd covered his instrument of cleanliness in scratches, Ki'Tann had decided that enough was enough. One night, as his master, his wife, and their two children settled down to sleep, Ki'Tann crept out of his shack, and clawed his way into their bedrooms. With his aptly sharpened claws, he slit the throats of his would-be family, and fled their land with an empty locket, and a bag of gold, leaving his pain, and his soul to burn along with his victim's corpses on the edge of their farmland.

The years that followed were harsher to him than he'd ever known. After he'd burned through the gold he'd pilfered from his masters, Ki'Tann found it difficult to survive on his own. With so much prejudice aimed at every other race, Ki'Tann found himself pillaging any food or gold that he could from anyone who was stupid enough to leave their belongings unattended. Of course, he spent his time in and out of jail cells, caught countless time by guardsmen as he amateurishly hobbled from food stand to food stand. It was there, where he learned from some of the most despicable fellows you'd ever hear about. Lock picking, swordplay, and even the basics of magic. Slowly, Ki'Tann was learning about everything one needed to live a life of crime without worry.

The time Ki'Tann spent in jail began to dwindle. Guards found themselves in tatters, forced into corners by his uncanny swordsmanship. Men and woman whispered rumours of an evil cat wielding a blade longer than his own tail. His name became infamous among criminals, and at last, he'd found an outlet for his boundless seething rage. But staying in one place proved too dangerous for a single rogue Felis to manage. In time, Ki'Tann realised that he would have to move. And so he did, across the world with little regard for those he cut through. He took what he wanted. He killed any who stepped in his way. Only in the company of other common bred Felis, would Ki'Tann show kindness and understanding. And that's how it went for as long as he can remember.​
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221st Erylon Penal Battalion, the Dreaded (WORK IN PROGRESS)

They are the Dreaded, feared and hated by all, even by their own kind.

In their reign of terror, when they were still powerful, they have killed many a good man, burned down the homes of innocent families, and have destabilized the order of the Erylon kingdom, to name a few of their crimes.

For they have committed unspeakable acts of terror, and have caused innumerable sufferings upon all mankind with their actions. Nobody in this world can find it in their hearts to forgive these villains for their sins. Death has been declared to be too good for these sons of bitches,

1. Henrik the Prince of Death


"I was born on the year 1432,

Knight Bannerets: They shall serve as his battalion's chief commanders. Each man shall command a minimum of 150 men on Grigor's behalf.

(Remember to give a SPOILER for the Knight Bannerets)

2. Sir Ramsley of Garvani


(Short introduction.)

Garvani, was once known as Eloryn's most impregnable fortress cities until it suffered a plague that turned everyone into bloodthirsty monsters. The local knights and soldiers inside the city were led by a dashing young knight named Sir Ramsley.

In the end, he managed to slaughter all the monsters at a cost, he became one of the monsters himself.

3. Sir Tiovech of Tertullia


Led the infamous retreat across the snowy mountains of Lareia, where men killed each other so they could have meat to eat for the day.

4. Sir Waldemar of Vaughan


Flooded the land with his own bastards. Killed off numerous political opponents to bury all his dirty secrets. Nancy Drew-like detective foiled his plot just when he was about to declare an early retirement.
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: Marcie Karten
Age: 22
Race: Human, Mage
Gender: Female​
Personality: Marcie is used to being at the bottom of the social ladder and being treated as such. In her world, kindness is only used when somebody wants something from her, and total indifference to her existence is a norm. She is hard to provoke because she's heard all the insults before, and doesn't have "thick skin" as much as she just doesn't care what other people might think of her. Generally, she isn't used to having friends or anybody to interact with so she has little regard for social graces and can come across as awkward.

Generally, Marcie doesn't like to waste time and is very practical. If she doesn't need it, she doesn't take it. Abstract concepts such as 'wants' and 'dreams' never enter the equation. She is steady and calm under pressure and never feels the need to comply in order to impress other people. The only notable emotion that she shows consistently is curiosity along with the occasional spurt of sarcasm. Her way of thinking is very simple without any flare; she achieves her goals in the fastest most efficient way and doesn't like detours or unnecessary add-ons.

Abilities: [Queen Bee] - Marcie is able to use her magic to confuse colony-type insects to believe that she is their queen. She can then use her queen status to essentially create a small army; controlling an entire colony's movements using her mind. Her personal favorite insects to use would be hornets and termites. Specifically to use her ability, Marcie keeps a termite colony in her backpack in case she should them. Otherwise, she can sense nearby insect colonies and can possess them from a distance of around ten feet.

As far as non-magical skills go, Marcie is an expert tracker and is very in-tune with nature. Her knowledge-base on fauna and vegetation comes in handy from everything from medicine to cooking. Additionally, her self-defense skills are extraordinary - she is an expert in a variety of martial arts and also knows how to use her staff effectively in combat. Notably, she carries no weapons aside from her staff.

Second Wind: No

Bio: Born in Savana to a family of seven, Marcie never received much attention. This was due to two things; the first was that her abundance of siblings made it hard for her to get a word in, the second was that their family was greatly impoverished and her parents both worked full-time as farm-hands in order to sustain their family. The hours were long, and often they would take night shifts as well so that the money would keep on coming. Marcie was five years younger than her next youngest sibling, so while she was babied by the rest of her siblings she was also mostly left alone because nobody wanted to deal with a crying toddler.

Due to all this, Marcie developed a pretty solid relationship with dirt and rocks. She would tumble around outside their small cabin for hours playing with various creatures that came along or just tapping sticks together. Gradually, her family started to notice something odd. Marcie would be playing with an ant when suddenly the entire colony seemed to show up and start playing with her as well. Realizing that their child must be a mage, her parents had no clue what to do. They had the vague notion that she could have a great future, beyond their shack on the outskirts of a farm, but they had no funds to make that happen.

Their solution to the issue was to give Marcie away to a passing merchant at age twelve. The merchant promised to school her and ensure she had a bright future, but Marcie essentially ended up being a slave. Still, she got fed more than she had at her previous home and she received some schooling so she accepted the change and never looked back. The merchant had one other travelling companion, who was actually a slave bought from Miraqi. The man, named Alan, was older and had used to serve in the military and after awhile he and Marcie formed a friendship. He taught her how to defend herself and in exchange she provided him with decent company.

Eventually, however, Alan died and Marcie got fed up being bossed around by the merchant so she ran away. For a few years she roamed around, developing her wilderness skills, but ended up back in Savana where she began to work odd jobs using her magic and street smarts.
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Leandro Edrys
- 24 Years
- Human - Non Mage
- Male
- 5"10
- Muscular/Slender
- Brown, Scruffy Hair
- Washed Blue Eyes, Feline-Like
- Light Olive skintone
- Carries himself almost like a cat when he's not the center of attention
((Can't find a suiting image as usual for me haha))

Personality -
He's quick to dismiss skirmishes and a sudden souring of the mood with a humorous jab. Or he flees so he doesn't show up for work with sore knuckles. Either way he doesn't often get into many fights or has a bounty enemies for that matter. You'll often find him surrounded by a group laughing at his stories. Popular, but few actually close friends. Many would say he has an almost boyish charm with his antics both on and off the job. Though he does naturally prefer to be a little less of a jest while he's actually working.
He is not prone to immediate mistrust but he does keep a secret watchful eye that could fool others if you don't look twice.

Abilities -
Leandro has a certain knack for catching onto a mood almost immediately. Caused by his rather eccentric, mood swing prone family that he is neither close to nor hated by. Since the beginning of his training he seemed to naturally catch on with the usage of melee weapons like swords and glaives. Not to mention he often got into brawls when he was younger. So he has some experience with street fighting. Not that his win to lose ratio is over-zealously skewered in his favor.
Though, his reflexes do seem to be quite quick. Nothing unhuman. Just his natural agility and fighting experience combined.

Second Wind -

Bio -
Born and raised in the country of Erylon to an upper-middle class family. Went through the heavily militarized process as everyone else did and was considered above average. Not enough to be considered a prodigy but enough to be regarded as a good soldier. He likes— almost prefers his current job as a guard. Its mostly peaceful and the rare unrest he happens upon once in a blue moon are easily settled. A good number of the people around him know he could probably rise through the ranks smoothly if he wanted. But he'd rather not go through the trouble of being in charge of so many people. His tactics are useful for one person only.

Equipment -
He keeps a concealed knife on him at all times.
He normally goes out in normal civilian attire but also has a pouch at his side where he stores his money. For long trips he has a small travel pack for the bare essentials.

Name: Loki Doriano
Race :​
Second Wind:​
Bio :

: Lin Aferen
Age: 18
Race: Beastfolk (snow leopard), Mezza
Gender: Female​
Personality: Lin is no-nonsense and intense. She always has to be doing something and never seems to take a break, working herself to exhaustion every day both mentally and physically. She isn't the brightest mind out of the bunch but her willpower gets her through any situation she has faced so far. Her motto is that anything is achievable if she works hard enough, and if she falls short it is entirely her own fault. She tends to blame herself for anything that goes wrong and constantly berates herself for not being good enough.

The main way she lets off steam is through exercising and exploring new places. She likes to have a lot of time to herself, as she sees other people as a distraction from her goals, but does somewhat understand the virtues of friendship and is generally friendly; she just doesn't like to dedicate very much time to her friends. Lin likes to take advantage of anything offered to her and likes to think she lives her life to it's fullest. Her decision making tends to be on the impulsive side and she usually ends up acting before she thinks it through, but she always has good intentions so it usually turns out well in the end. Usually.

Abilities: [Blood Hunt] After smelling an article of clothing that someone has worn, her magic can trace the person's current location and point her in their direction. However, she can only "store" one scent at a time, and she doesn't receive the target's specific location; she only knows what direction she has to travel in order to reach them. If a piece of clothing has multiple people imprinted on it, she can distinguish the smells and single out a specific one for her purposes.

[Blood Lust] During combat, Lin's magic creates extra nerves in her body so that she can process a greater variety of physical information more quickly. The effect of this ability makes time seem to slow down for her in addition to helping her body move faster, and seeing as her reflexes were already above average many people find it hard to face her due to her speed. Additionally, extra sensory nerves help her to process minuscule details such as wind, moisture and the heartbeat of her opponents so that she is better able to make combat decisions. The drawbacks of this ability is that afterwards her body goes into a coma-like state due to over-exhaustion, and a side effect is that her eyes go red when she is using this ability.

Due to her snow leopard blood, Lin is incredibly agile and well-balanced. This makes combat easy for her because she finds her reflexes faster than most others' and can dodge most blows directed at her. She has a tremendous talent for climbing, and her hearing is more sensitive than any human's. Due to her acute sense of smell, she also has an inbuilt "poison detector" of sorts.

Second Wind: Yes

Bio: Lin was incredibly lucky to be born into a well-off beastfolk family, as they are hard to find. Oftentimes due to discrimination they live in more secluded areas but Lin's family were all pioneers in integration and were widely respected by all races. They were also known for their strong magical ability, so when Lin was born her grooming began from day one. This was perhaps the wrong approach. She hated having to be confined to classes all day and began to make escapades into the streets. While her bursts of freedom never lasted long, she enjoyed being left to her own devices and proved to be resourceful.

Her family wasn't exactly thrilled with her rough-and-tumble demeanor so eventually they sent her off to school instead of keeping her in with their expensive private tutors. Of course, Lin was still to attend the best of schools, and the slightly more free nature of school helped to encourage her interest in learning. Despite the improvements, she still was very stubborn in that she didn't want to learn anything she didn't wasn't interested in. The big change in her personality came when she received her second wind. One day, she and her little brother, Niki, were using one of the inner-city trains when somebody bumped him off the platform and into the railway.

Lin dived onto the rails and managed to fling her brother out of the train's way, but was fatally wounded in the process. In the few seconds she had left, Lin was glad that she was able to trade her life for her brother's when her brother decided to sacrifice his own life for hers. In what she viewed as a terrible twist of fate, Lin's brother died as she made it out alive. Ever since she has striven to live enough for the both of them and fulfill his unmet potential.
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coded by cychotic/Mx.Silent

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Name: Flin Meeru

Age: 27

Race (species + mage status): Mage

Gender: Male

Personality: He's a fun guy to be around, but he can come over as non-chalant, selfish and not caring at times. He's a good guy at heart though, and would do his best to protect those he cares about. He's certainly no coward when he ends up in a fight.

Abilities: Sound Magic.

He has a magic guitar which he can summon at any time, and it's the weapon he mainly uses to cast his magic. He can use this both offensively and defensively, and can essentially 'buff' or 'nerf' targets by affecting them with special melodies. This is often limited to who or what the target is, though, and how strong the target is on it's own. Due to being a mage, however, his body is fragile compared to real heavy-hitters. He is quite agile, however. His techniques vary from wide-spread to focused sound waves.

Second Wind: No

Bio: Flin grew up in Savana. He led a pretty good life for a while, but his parents ended up kicking him out of the house at the age of 15 because they believed that he was lazy and wasted his talent. And in a sense, they were right. Flin did nothing but muck around, messing with people with his magic for sheer kicks and amusement in his youth. After being kicked out, at first, Flin was angry and continued doing what he did while using his magic to steal from people. But as he grew older, he began to feel ashamed about how he'd been living his life.

He decided to change his ways and earn his money in a fair and good way, and now works for the Heroes' Guild from time to time.
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Age: 27

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Personality: [Redacted]

Abilities: [Redacted]

Second Wind: [Redacted]

Bio: [Redacted]


: eris jones

Race (species + mage status):


Water Magic manifestation/manipulation-
he is able to manifest water from sources around him and manipulate it to his will. sometimes he can create bubbles or he can change the water's temperature to make scalding hot water or even ice. the form at times varies.

Second Wind: (y/n, explanation and remaining lifespan optional)

Bio (encouraged, but optional):
eris is the adopted son of david and rosemary jones,a well known family in the fishing industry. he grew up knowing he was adopted and never really cared seeming happy with what he had and never questioned the truth about his birth parents. as a child eris was different than the other children and he necessarily had little interest in making friends. he always seemed more focused on his little sister,lily and books or going down to the shore-side. as he got older lily and eris started getting into mischief. on one of their little adventures lily fell into the water nearly drowning and eris panicked in a attempt to save her he used his ability to get lily out of the water.
Delano 'Joker' Destler
Delano Kuran (Cards).jpg
Delano Kuran.jpg
Appearance: Delano has short, brown and blonde hair, Ruby eyes, fair skin, stands a short 5'5 and is almost always wearing his tuxedo and gloves.

Age: 21

Race: Human Mage

Gender: Male

Just by looking at Delano people can tell he is something out of the ordinary. He seems to walk around with a constant expression of glee and nothing ever phases or dampens his mood. He takes life as it comes and rolls with it, good or bad. Because of he state of glee it can be very difficult to tell when he is lying or being genuine however he isn't subtle at all when he gets to do what he wants.

~Advanced Training
Trained for years by the Assassin's Guild Delano is very good at using small objects, knifes, daggers ,and his favorite, custom made playing cards, in combat situations. He also has decent hand to hand combat skills but prefers to keep his range using the above mentioned weapons.

~Card Manipulation
The first of his magical abilities lets him manipulate cards and turn them into something more, something magical. He can use this ability to create playing cards out of thin air or throw a card with enough force to cut and wound just as much as a sword. Because of the way playing cards work he can also use his favorite tools as a way of fooling and tricking people. A few note worthy tricks he uses are; Creating clones that move and look exactly like himself but whenever they are damage they fall into a pile of cards, Throwing and merging with a playing card allowing him to vanish from one spot and re-emerge out of the card in another.

Second Wind: No

Bio: Since birth Delano was promised to the Assassins guild, not because someone had done something and had sold their child, but because both of his parents were members themselves. Growing up Delano was trained in the art of an assassin, silently stalking targets and taking them out while everyone was blissfully unaware. While he was alright at it, alright wasn't going to cut it so they set about to making him one of their best assassins who demonstrate to the public eye just what the assassins guild was capable of. With his magic capabilities showing in his late teens this added to his style of show and flair and coining the nickname 'Joker'. Unfortunately Delano's parents had walked into an ambush by people who knew they were coming to take out their target and were killed, but it did not matter, they served the guild well and did not give up any secrets.
Theme song:

//Kinda shitty but I hope you like it :D Melon Bomb Melon Bomb
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Clair O'Reilly (Zero)


Human Mezza

Second Wind



Sleeping, being lazy, reading, writing, ale, magic, those who try, those who are kind, food, any kind of food, teasing people and flirting at inappropriate times.

Dishonesty, Arrogance, Naivety, work, war, violence, those who give up hope, those who cast out magic as evil, shows of force.

Elder Order

Birth Place

Magic types
Demonic/Dark Magic and Binding Magic (original magic before rebirth)

Demonic/Dark Magic
Demonic magic is known to be one of the more unstable magics one can be born with. Boasting an incredible offensive power with little to no defensive capabilities the magic is know to be quite a glass cannon. On top of that the magic takes a heavy toll on the user, demanding an incredible amount of mana for even a simple casting. All and all the magic is extremely powerful yet hardly ever mastered due to its draw backs.

Binding Magic
Binding magic is a very complex subject that has been the topic of many studies in recent years. While primarily being used to literally bind people in place, somewhat like a magical rope , new uses of the magic have come forth. Binding magic has been found to have a subclass based upon a metaphysical ability/use that has proved to be extremely, near impossible, to use. The subclass of binding magic now known as metaphysical binding magic focuses on the binding of magic itself. A kind of cancellation one could say. To make it easier, a mage who is capable of using such a subclass could bind a foe's spell to themselves and in doing so the spell would immediately reject them and thus sizzle out of existence. Canceling out the spell. This subclass is still incredibly new and as such has quite a few bugs to be worked out. So don't expect this to work every single time.


Clair is (or was) the type of girl who always skipped her classes and the type of girl who never showed up at a graduation ceremony. She lived an idle life, wasting her time chasing guys or taking naps. However after her rebirth she's become somewhat more active and productive with her time. Sacrificing two naps a week for a casual stroll around the city or a night of rest for a night of adventure.

Clair hates beautiful women and has a habit of threatening them.She can't forgive people in the ruling class and or soldiers who can't behave intellectually, especially those who give up on trying.
Clair lacks physical strength and motivation. She is also unskilled with the sword and bow, but she is remarkable as a strategist, tactician and as a mage. Most notably as a mage.

Clair is very laid back and almost nothing will force her to act or make scarce, she is also quite verbal.

Clair was born and raised in the city of scholars, in fact she was born during what seemed to be a golden age for scholar births in the city. And well Clair was no exception.

From a young age Clair showed signs of a higher intellect and an abundant skill in mage craft. She was a prodigy in her studies and at the age of fifteen was enrolled in the most prestigious college of Savana. Although her lack of motivation and lazy persona drew attention from the board of management, Clair's skill and scores were far to high for any action to be taken. In fact Clair even managed to skip two years and secured herself a mastery title in her magic of binding by the low age of eighteen. Now by no means was this a first but by no means was this unimpressive as a result.

Yet the most impressive feat for Clair came two years after her graduation. At the age of twenty Clair discovered that her magic had a far more powerful subclass, metaphysical binding. Clair is the founding father of this subclass and as a result has gone down in history as an arch mage.
Of course your probably wondering how she became a Second Wind right? Well that's simple, during the invasion of Savana Clair and a class mate of hers was brutally beaten by a rage filled soldier and left to die in the library of the college. Fortunately her class mate had retained consciousness, unfortunately the actions the mage decided to take were far to extreme for his own good. Second Wind, a life for a life ritual. He used the ritual to save Clair. In doing so he gave up any chance he had of rescue.

When Clair came around she realized what had happened almost immediately, her wounds were healed and her mana reserves were more than full. But why this class mate saved her over himself has remained a mystery to Clair for the better half of two years now.

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((Far right armor for both.))


((Both without armor.))​

Jukha Ironhide
J'Dul Kaphiri

(Jukha) 26
(J'Dul) 29

Race (species + mage status):
(Jukha) Beastfolk (Gorilla) - Ice Mage
(J'Dul) Beastfolk (Panther) - Fire Mage


Jukha stands at an astounding 7'8", weighing 326Ibs. His tall and burly frame make him the intimidating one. While J'Dul stands shorter at 6'8, with almost just as much as Jukha.

Jukha's a bit silent, preferring not to talk. He doesn't exactly think much of others, he only judges them by their actions. And if they mess up and make him angry, their heads will be messed up. He also does not fight women or children. He believes they should be protected not harmed. That and J'Dul doesn't want him to attack them, so he doesn't. He doesn't have interests in women, women have interests in him.

J'Dul on the other hand is almost an opposite, he's the leader of the two. Meaning he's a big loudmouth who's a flirtatious lil' shit. Think of him like a non-fourthwall breaking and less funny more flirting Deadpool. However, when the situation requires it he can get serious, really fast.

Ice spike - Jukha can make spikes made of ice underneath or beside his opponents. He uses them mainly to impale his enemies, but he can use multiple for a defensive wall.

World o' Fire - What J'Dul calls his one fire attack. He throws out his hands and spurts out flames (Like the Skyrim Flames spell), he sets his enemies on fire to clear them out quickly, and rarely does this ability have much use other than crowd-control.

Second Wind: (y/n, explanation and remaining lifespan optional): No

Bio (encouraged, but optional) (Also this is shared):
Not much is known about the two mercenaries. J'Dul and Jukha have been together since what seemed like forever. J'Dul had been Jukha's guide in life, and after a few years of trying to act like him when they were little, he realized J'Dul was kind of an ass and stopped. Instead he developed his own personality, and decided to simply be quieter than his partner. The two's life have been filled with crime and mischief, Jukha obviously became the muscle. He grew tall, and became a 'Scary' character, meaning people had no interest in socializing with him. Which is why he sticks with J'Dul, he was the only one who did. Meanwhile, J'Dul isn't the best one for company. If there's a lady around that isn't too old or isn't too young, she's game for him. And for some reason, Jukha's just crazy enough to stick around. Maybe that's why they like each other so much. But, who knows what's going to happen in the future.​

Gaius Stronurr

7 ft 4 in





Gaius is rather sociable, and speaks informally with nearly everyone he meets, including beast folk, his commanders, and on occasion, even criminals! In a group, he'd be the first to project his presence and start a conversation, one that he'd very much like to be the center of. The attention of others makes his stubble tingle, after all! Although he aspires to make his friends happy, and strays away from conflict whenever possible, Gaius is no pushover, and will not be made a fool of if he can help it. Sometimes his kindness does get the better of him though, making him look like an utterly gullible fool at the worst possible times. Gaius does not seek glory, but he is extremely confident in himself, and has a hard time recognising his own flaws. It doesn't make him look like a pompous ass, but it often leaves him extremely disappointed with himself whenever he fails to accomplish whatever he sets out to do. Gentle giant describes him perfectly.

Head of Ia's 1st division, Gaius Stronurr, (That's pronounced Straw-neur) pledges his undying loyalty to Savana, and its ruler. No man works harder than Gaius to maintain peace and order in a way that circumvents the need for violence! His knights have been taught to shy away from drawing their blades or magic, and trained to take heed of serenity in their apprehension of foul criminals. Gaius himself adheres to his teachings better than anyone else, using his mighty presence, and overbearing durability, to wrestle his foes into submission. He's attained the title of 'hero' from those who admire him for his efforts, and wears it pridefully.

His life was never one of hardships or gruesome fate, despite the strength he's attained and the morals he still holds dear. Gaius grew up with his loving parents, both of whom passed away peacefully less than two years apart from one another, when Gaius had already reached the age of 28, and attained his status as an Ia commander. As anyone would have, the massive knight took the news horribly, but was able to snap himself out of a bout of depression in less than two months. To this day, he shows little sign of wavering against the odds, or the threat of failure. Then again, he's rarely failed anything he sets out to do! Many wonder if he was dropped from the heavens as a god of some sort? But those who know him best, are well aware that the titanic knight has a great deal of flaws and insecurities that he keeps bottled up for the sake of his people.

Current events place his knights in erylon, while he attends the festival of his own accord. He was assured, in full, by each and every one of his loyal knights, that he could take the time to enjoy himself at the Savana festival while he maintained their post. After a great deal of debate, Gaius was on a trip for the capitol, slightly relieved to have a small period of time away from his duties.

Asriel Magnus Thaddeus
Human - Mezza

Asriel is a complicated sort of person. Genuinely he is a playful guy who can be a little cheeky at times but at heart he is a good person. Although his idea of 'good' is often determined by his 'mother'. Asriel is heavily influenced by Ambrosia, and is often at constant war with himself as he struggles to break from her control. He longs to be free from his controlling mother, and to have more fun in his life.
Of course his fear overpowers his desires, and he continues to submit to Ambrosia's will.
Glass Manipulation - Asriel has the ability to control anything glass related. He most commonly uses this ability with glass marbles that he can:
  • Move them around as they are​
  • Make them burst into shards of glass​
  • Reshape the shards of glass into shields, a blade, or just back into the marble​
  • Controlling the shards of glass as just shards​
Mirror Mirror - One of Asriel's most complicated abilities that give him and others a major headache. He commonly uses this with reflective marbles, and sets up the field using his Glass Manipulation. Once the reflective shards are in place, Asriel is able to distort reality in the confines of the area he set up . . . .
Or at least it appears he can. The ability is a lie. An illusion that he bounces around using reflections to distort how people are seeing things. It isn't just a false image he is projecting, this is something deeper that fools the mind so well that it'll react accordingly to being hit even if nothing was really there to hit it.
Much like people say "The eyes are the windows to your soul", if you close your eyes and ignore whatever illusion is around you, your senses will snap out of the confusion and relying on instinct more than your vision will destroy Asriel's distortion.
Second Wind:
Yes, all Thaddeus's are Second Winded, but not all Thaddeus's speak of how they attained this 'noble sacrifice'.​
"Once upon a time there were two families of power that were at constant war with each other. Thaddeus, and Magnus. They both hungered for power, and only one family could be the most powerful so it only made sense that the they were rivals. This rivalry was so strong that the Lady of Magnus had decided to corrupt the Lord of Thaddeus with a love spell. She lured the married man away from his lover to manipulate him into an affair. The Lady of Magnus as foolish, and did not think this through.

She became pregnant with the Lord of Thaddeus's son, and because she could not hide her wicked deeds she was banished.
The Magnus family would not accept the son she gave birth to, and if it wasn't for the Lady of Thaddeus, he would have been tossed aside as an orphan.
Luckily for the child, Lady Thaddeus accepted him as her own and had him Second Winded like the rest of the Thaddeus family."

Being brought up in the Thaddeus family as a strong Mezza, Asriel joined the Elder Order at a young age with his very loving mother there to guide him every step of the way. Now the two are an inseparable pair who go where order is needed.


Ambrosia Thaddeus
Human - Mezza

Ambrosia is much like beautiful rose with its thorns, except the thorns are knives and getting pricked means you getting drained of all your blood. Ambrosia is a venomous lady who hides behind graceful appearances to manipulate those around her to be who she wants them to be.
She is self-centered and does care who gets hurt along the way. If she wants it, she not only takes it, she destroys it so she can rebuild it in her image. Despite the pleasantries she presents, she is possessive, manipulative, and even abusive at times. Those who are in her favor will be treated wondrously, but those who don't know how to listen or get in her way will be smashed like a simple housefly.
Blood Magic - Ambrosia has the sickening ability to manipulate blood. With this power she is able to:
  • Heal​
  • Control small movements of others using their blood [Weakens upon resistance]​
  • Draw out blood from herself or others​
  • Make small areas of blood boil inside of someone [has to be close enough to touch you at least, and it only affects a small area]​
  • Form bruises just from a single touch​
The Voices - While she may not be able to manipulate someone's mind directly, she is able to place thoughts in other people's head to get them to agree with what she wants them to. Its sort of like placing an idea, or convincing someone rather than outright controlling them.
These voices tend to be very harmful to one's mind as they can be used to drive someone mad, or be manipulated.
The only way to counter the voices is to have a strong will, and not be easily swayed by impulses or reoccurring thoughts. Someone with good reasoning skills, and a bold personality will be able to fend off these mental assaults.

While she may not look like it, Ambrosia can handle herself just fine in hand to hand combat. Or at least the bare minimum of it that just gets boosted with her magic.
Second Wind:
Yes, but if you ask she'll simply tell you it was from the act of someone who loved her dearly when she was younger . . . but in truth, she might had some less noble ways of getting someone to sacrifice themselves for her.

Possibly woo'ing a desperate lover then scamming them into thinking she didn't have long to live, that might have been a possible way of her getting second winded. Just maybe . . .

Once upon a time, without the lies, there were two family rivals who hungered for power. One was Magnus, the other was Thaddeus. Within the Thaddeus family was Ambrosia, the Lady of Thaddeus. Seeking power and fortune, Ambrosia had used her abilities to woo Kylde, the Lord of Thaddeus to marry her instead of a lady he was currently fighting for. The lady Kylde had originally been fighting for was Abigail, who would soon be know as the Lady of Magnus.

After getting everything she could have hoped for, there was one thing she could never hope to gain. A child of her own. Ambrosia had been inflicted with something that prevented her from bearing any children. If that wasn't enough, her magic was starting to fade from Kylde, and he had started to break away from her spell to see the lady his heart truly belonged with. When Ambrosia learned of these affairs, she was angry beyond belief, but rather than act right then she decided to wait.

It didn't take long for things to go downhill for the two secret lovers. Abigail became pregnant with Kylde's son. As much as the two tried to hide their scandal, the secret would resurface once the baby was born and grew a bit to show how little he resembled the man Abigail married. Now for the real revenge. Ambrosia fought long and hard until finally, the baby was torn away from Abigail's hands and into her own. Ambrosia watched as Kylde's lover fell apart in despair before disappearing who knows where. It didn't matter, things were finally just as they should be for her.

Ambrosia had a child, and her husband was more obedient. Now that Asriel is older, and has proven himself to the Elder Order to be a power Mezza, the two are an inseparable pair who go where chaos needs to be restrained.​
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: Elis Valentine

Age: 23 (15 at time of death)

Race: Human; Mezza

Gender: Female

Personality: Because of her condition, Elis is as catatonic in emotion as she is in action, staying quiet and reticent to conserve her limited energy. When she has saved up enough energy, she may become more cognizant than usual and on occasion, remnants of her old self may come to surface in odd, seemingly uncharacteristic ways

  • Life: Elis's inherited ability. Speeds up biological processes
    • If used on herself, Elis can speed up the regeneration of wounds inflicted upon her, or if used offensively, can be used to enhance her abilities to superhuman levels.
    • If used on others, Elis can speed up the regeneration of their wounds, or if used offensively, pinpoint areas of the brain to create sensory overloads, or even arterial veins to cause cardiac disruption.
    • It's mainly used subconsciously to regenerate her own rapidly deteriorating body.
      • If Elis falls below the threshold of mana needed to keep her body running, she may shut down, losing all but vital bodily processes until she's built up enough mana to recover.
      • If Elis can artificially extend her own life using this ability. This takes long periods of uninterrupted rest, using as little of her energy as possible, however.
        • For this reason, Elis sleeps a lot and often.
  • Sealed Power: Elis' s original ability, allows her to manipulate objects in her vicinity with only her mind
Second Wind: Yes; (One Year remaining)

Bio: Victor Valentine was once a great and noble man of limitless ambition. His prowess and research as a healer ascended him to the highest echelons of the Elder Order, created the cure for many diseases and maladies and saved the lives of many of the people of Dagarus. What Victor truly sought, however, was not fame or rank, but to conquer death itself and liberate the world from the need to barter the lives of others.

Perhaps angered from being constantly denied it's harvest or from Victor's arrogance, Death came for the Valentines, striking Victor's daughter with a sudden, and incurable illness. Victor's ambition spiraled into obsession, and his grief quickly became madness.

For many months, Victor shut himself away from society to work in solitude, researching various methods to bring warmth back to his daughter's cold body. Each failure drove him deeper over the edge, and Victor began to turn to darker methods; he studied things never meant to be seen, read books never meant to be read and attempted experiments based on knowledge never meant to be known.

Many years passed, and in a cruel twist of fate, Victor found that he had contracted the same illness that had created the pristine cadaver before him. Broken and dying, Victor drew a scalpel from his desk and took the only option he had left.

Eventually, remnants of Victor's research were discovered by the Elder Order, and a call to have him tried for his crimes against all of creation was made. When they arrived at the Valentine estate, however, they found it destitute, and devoid of any sign of Victor or of his research. The Valentine name became a curse, never to be uttered again within the halls of the order and the Valentine estate was left abandoned and undisturbed, until one day, something opened the locked doors of the manor from the inside, and ventured out into the world, cold, curious and clinging to life...

Name: Kakimashita Kai

Age: 33

Race: Beastfolk (Crab)

Gender: Male

Personality: Kai is a shrewd businessman, and a boastful and prideful warrior. He scoffs at many Miraqi nobles, believing that they are far too soft and weak to run the country. Despite his nature, Kai has a surprisingly soft spot for his servants, and those that work under him are said to be treated quite lucratively.

Abilities: Well-versed in the art of Miraqi sword and diplomacy techniques. Boasts remarkable strength, capable of snapping swords in two with his bare claw,

Second Wind: No

Bio: Kakimashita came from humble origins, born in one of the silty mudbars of a distant Miraqi harbor, where he worked as a simple dock worker for a wage barely above that of a slave.

Knowing that he was destined for greater things, Kai took the first opportunity he had to hitch a ride to the nation's capitol, where he got his first job at an official corporation, serving as a company enforcer.

From there, Kai worked diligently and clawed his way up the corporate ladder, learning through trial and error how to invest his funds, until he eventually amassed enough money to branch off and create his own private corporation.

Through wise investments, a varied portfolio and many (very many) hostile takeovers, Kai Enterprises is now one of the widest spread corporations in Miraqi, having business in everything from textiles, to arms technology, to pleasure houses to food chains.

Kai now travels away from his homeland, accompanied by his two favorite servants, to spread his corporate reach to Savana, and to investigate some rather unsettling rumors he heard about some stolen technology...​
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