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Second Chances (Mobius & Sgt Gomez)

Shane sighed impatiently as she tapped her fingers against her head, elbow rested on the door of her parole officer's black sedan. The side of her head rested in her open palm and her rich gaze took in the landscape uninterestedly. This was going to be a living nightmare. Did they honestly expect her to do any kind of work on a ranch. Ew, no. She wasn't a girly girl in the slightest, but she definitely wasn't one to do work unless she had to. However, it did sound better than wearing an orange, or even a worse black and white striped, jumpsuit in a prison. It wouldn't have even been juvie, because she was too old for that. Somehow she got "lucky", as the parole officer called it, and these people, whoever they were, heard about her and wanted to give her a shot in their program. Heh, if only they knew what they were signing up for. The car started down a long driveway fenced in on either side and that was when the guy spoke up,"Remember, you have one shot at this. One wrong move and you're off to jail." Sighing like she had before, Shane rolled her eyes and mumbled,"Great pep talk."

The car parked outside of a house you'd expect to be on a ranch. It was big and actually looked quite nice, rustic design and all, but Shane would never admit that. Deciding not to make her parole officer, Mr. Brandon Paytrick, worry that she was trying to escape from her "second chance", she waited until he was out of the car before she got out, standing up on her long legs clothed by black leather pants that matched her black leather jacket. Straightening the white tank top she had on underneath it, she took a quick glance around the place and instantly curled up her nose. It definitely smelled like the country. Mr. Paytrick got her solitary suitcase out from the trunk of the car while they both waited for the people who ran the place to come out and meet them. Really, all Shane was waiting for was for Paytrick to leave so she could pull out a cigarette and have a needed smoke.
Michael was sitting in his room reading about hunting when he heard his parents talking about the new arrival they were getting. Their program had been very successful when it came to helping out trouble teens, but today marked the second time a girl was ever sent here. His parents weren't too excited about having girls as part of the program, but they wanted to see if they could get them to change.

He watched from his bedroom window as the black car pulled up into their driveway. The only girls that he ever really got to see were his mom and his little sister. The girl who stepped out of the car seemed pretty, but she definitely was going to need a change of clothes if she was going to work on a ranch with them. It was always funny to watch the tough ones act like they know everything and fail on their first day.
"Come on," Mr. Paytrick told her as he nodded toward the porch. Sighing and rolling her eyes, Shane walked up the steps and over to the door, her rocker style boots causing a low sound to echo around her as they connected with the wood making up the porch. The man came to stand beside her, setting her plain suitcase down on the ground beside her. He then knocked on the door and turned to face his charge while they both waited for the people to come answer the door. He started to read her the riot act for what felt like the hundredth time to her. She definitely looked defiant as he said every point, every single thing about the situation, and to be frank she looked like she could care less where she ended up.

"Shane, I'm saying this because I care about you–" That really got on Shane's nerves. Like that guy cared about her. All he cared about was moving cattle through the system, nothing more. He definitely did not care about her and, in fact, she was positive he was bugged by her just by the way he acted around her ninety-nine percent of the time. Yet another trick used to try to get her to turn herself around. That kind of stuff just wouldn't work. She could sniff out a fake like a dog could sniff out a bomb. "Whatever," she mumbled when he finally finished, turning to face the door as she waited to see the faces of the people that thought they could change her.
The door slowly opened to reveal Michael's parents standing there smiling. "Hello dear and welcome to the Blackstone Ranch for Troubled Youth," his mom says. "Do you want me to take your bag to your room, miss?" his dad asks. His mom was holding Michael's little sister, Sasha, who was only a few months old. "We know you won't enjoy the first couple of days here, but when you adjust, I hope you will find joy in helping out," She seemed to be repeating some sort of script, but she genuinely happy to see Shane. Her mom felt as if it were a calling of hers to help troubled youth since she never had a very good childhood.

Michael's dad goes to grab the suitcase and take it up to Shane's room, which was next door to Michael's. Their beds were along the same wall and there was a small hole in the wall from one of the last residents punching a hole through it that they could communicate through. Michael walks into the hallway to watch his father carry the suitcase up the stairs and place it in the new residents room. "She looks like a load of trouble to me, what do you want me to make her do tomorrow?" Michael asks.
Shane had a bored, uninterested expression on her face as she seen the two people that ran the program. They really didn't know what they had signed up for, did they? Just the name of the place made her want to puke, let alone the actual program she'd be going through. When the man asked if she wanted him to take her bag to her room, she was going to tell him to not touch her stuff, but figured it was better than actually having to carry it herself. After the woman finished talking again, and the rehearsed sound of it finished ringing off in her ears, she let out a short laugh and rolled her eyes,"You're kidding me, right?" Mr. Paytrick sighed from beside her a mumbled a warning in her ear, to which she rolled her eyes again. He said goodbye and good luck to the Blackstones before turning around and getting in his car, happy to berid of the girl for at least a little while. He did really want her to succeed, though.

Shane found her chance to get a smoke diminish as she had to enter the house, which she sighed about. Somehow the parole officer hadn't noticed she'd shoved a few cigarettes, not the package since that would be too obvious, and a small lighter into the pockets of her jacket. She followed along as bored and bothered as could be, but stopped before she entered what she assumed was her room. A guy came out of the room next door and said about how she looked like a load of trouble to him. "Well, you look like a load of IQ points," she mumbled, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms over her chest, looking over the guy.
Michael was shocked when he noticed the girl behind his dad. "I'm sorry miss I didn't see you there, the names Michael," he offered a warm smile and his hand. He wasn't quite sure what to make of the girl yet. She was obviously troubled and she had an attitude and authority issue, but worse people have come through their home before and left changed. He was sure she would be easy to form into a useful human being. "What's your name? Where do you come from?"
Shane rolled her eyes at what he said. Sure he didn't see her there. A lot of people tried to act like they didn't see her, but she felt like he was just trying to cover his rude behind. Like she should talk, it wasn't like she had a polite bone in her body. Keeping her arms crossed, she looked down at his hand before looking back up at his face, a blank expression on her own. Nope, she didn't plan on shaking his hand. For a moment, she thought about not answering or just telling him to buzz off, but instead she did a little bit of both,"I'm Shane from none of your business."

With that done, Shane walked into the room that she supposed was hers. She took a slow look around the place, looked in a disgusted way at the hole in the wall, before turning to face the two, only acknowledging Michael's father. "This is my room?" She asked with a slightly raised eyebrow, not sounding too happy. In reality, though, it would be nice to have a clean room with a nice bed to sleep in. However, she'd never let on that she felt that way.
His father nods and say "we hope you enjoy and get some sleep after dinner since you are getting up bright and early tomorrow to do some chores with Michael." He smiles,"dinner will be in half an hour so be ready and settle in." His father leaves and Michael awkwardly clears his throat, "sooooo what'd you do to get in trouble?" He was just trying to be friendly but he could tell she didn't really care about being here or talking to him.
Shane chuckled a little bit. "That's what you think," she mumbled under her breath. If they honestly expected her to A, get up early, and B, do any kind of chores at this place then they were delusional. Especially if they thought she was going to do anything with that guy. She already didn't care for him and she knew that the feelings were going to get worse the longer she was around there. Once the man left, she reached into her pocket to pull out a cigarette, but then she heard Michael clear his throat and decided against risking him telling her that smoking wasn't allowed. With a sigh, she pulled her hand out of the pocket and crossed her arms again. She rolled her eyes for what felt like the thousandth time that day. "What makes you think I'd tell you?" She asked testily as she took her suitcase and set it on the bed, opening it up. She only had about two changes of clothes, another pair of shoes, and a few other things; none of the clothes were suitable for the type of work she would have to do.
"I am just trying to learn about my chore partner. Do you have enough clothes for a while? If not I can take you into town tomorrow to find some more suitable clothes for chores. They never sent us charges with the proper clothes that we ask for them to have." He offers her a smile but underneath he was wondering what her problem was.
Shane looked over her shoulder at him, her eyes narrowing with nearly every word he said. She couldn't trust him. He was probably just trying to get her comfortable enough to talk with him. She'd learned to never trust people who tried to pull her to their side, simply because they were all fakes and their words were meaningless. This wasn't her first rodeo, to put it that way. "I... don't have much," she finally told him slowly, turning back to her suitcase and pulling out the clothes she'd brought, setting them on the bed, planning to put them away in a minute.
"Well those won't do for what chores we have! I'll have to take you into town tomorrow for more suitable field clothes. How does that sound?" He asks and smiles. He was taught to always be nice to the people who arrived for our program.
While Shane liked the idea of getting new clothes, despite the fact that they would be clothes for working around the place she wanted no part of, she wouldn't admit it to him. She simply shrugged and picked up the shirts, saying,"Whatever." She then put them away and proceeded to put the other clothes away. She left the rest in the suitcase, except for the shoes which she rested at the foot of the bed. She then pushed the suitcase under the bed without another word to him.
Michael sighs and walks downstairs to hang out with his parents and baby sister. He always wondered if he would ever get married. There always was that one girl in town but she wasn't much more than a pretty face. She did hit on him though.
Shane sighed of relief once he left. Finally, she could get down to business. While she knew she'd end up getting caught the moment they smelled the smoke, she couldn't help it. It'd been too long. She pulled out a cigarette, hiding the others in her suitcase, and lit it, sitting down on her bed and running a hand through her hair as she put the thing into her mouth. While the scenario was different, the result would be no different than all of the other times people took her on and tried to change her. It wouldn't work. She was convinced she'd dug her grave too deep and changing just wasn't an option. Sighing, she sent a puff of smoke into the air and tried to stop thinking about what her situation was for a while.
Michael was sitting on the couch playing with Sasha when the smoke alarm started to go off. His father ran up to Shane's room and pulled the cigarette from her hand and tossed it out the window after extinguishing the butt. "We will not tolerate smoking in this house," he said sternly, "We will have to go over rules after dinner." He sighed and left after fixing the alarm. Sasha was crying from the loud noise and Michael was trying to calm her. "Shhh, its ok sashy," he smiles and giggles at her.
Shane nearly jumped out of her skin when a smoke alarm started blaring. She hadn't thought that there was that much smoke coming from her cigarette, but she knew that this would not end well. When Michael's father came and took the cigarette from her, she sent him a glare. "What's the big deal?" She asked him angrily before he left to fix the alarm. She then sighed frustratedly and flopped her back onto the bed, arms spread out. "Great... this is prison," she muttered to herself, staring up at the ceiling.
When dinner was prepared and ready to eat, His mother called up for Shane, "Shane it's dinner time so come down when you are ready to eat." Michael handed Sasha to his mom and went to wash his hands to eat. His dad had prepared a roast for everyone as a celebration to the start of Shane's program.
Shane heard the woman calling for her and she sighed, painstakingly slowly bringing herself to her feet. She was not looking forward to getting read another riot act. With a sigh and a quick run of her hand through her hair, she slowly walked out of her room and down the stairs. She sighed once again when the kitchen was in sight and she shoved her hands into her jacket's pockets, since she had yet to take it off, and walked over to where everybody was.
everyone smiled at her as she walked up. "Come and sit down, make yourself comfortable," his mom said warmly. "I know you must not like it here but give it a few days ok? If you have any questions feel free to ask them," she says and his dad carves up the roast.
Shane sighed quietly and nodded a small nod, going over to the table awkwardly and sitting down. She rested her elbows close together on the table and fiddled with her fingers. Without a word in answer, she nodded to the woman, not planning on giving the place a shot. She already decided she hated it there and she figured she would have no questions since she didn't want to learn anything about the place or how things worked or how she was supposed to be. Her stomach grumbled at the aromas of the roast and she realized that maybe it wasn't all bad... it had been so long since she had a meal like what she was expecting from what she seen and smelled. So the food would be good, everything else... no.
"We just have some ground rules that we wish for you to follow otherwise we will allow you to do what you want," she says and smiles. She wanted Shane to feel welcome, something that was hard for prisons and government places to give.
Shane sighed and brought her hands down so she could see the woman. "And one of them is no smoking," she mumbled, clearly not happy with that. She would find ways to be able to smoke, she'd just have to get creative with it and utilize any free, alone time that she had in a smart way. The expression on her face showed that she didn't believe the woman's words. Do whatever she wanted? Yeah, right, like she would be allowed that.
"No the rule for that is no smoking in the house or next to the house, as long as you are at least 10 feet from the house, we do not care," She smiles again. His father began to serve the roast and the first person was Shane, "What slices would you like Shane?" he asks.

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