Seaside Heights


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Full Name: Nathaniel Li

Nickname: Nate, or Nat

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Abnormality: Clairvoiyance - A heightened sixth sense, translating into the ability to sense and know things beyond what other people could comprehend.

History: Coming from the prestigious Li family in Hong Kong, Nate has chosen to spend some time here in Seaside Heights for the time being, for reasons he keeps to himself.


Personality: Quiet and penisive, Nate comes across as cold often, but is actually a very kind and caring person.

Likes: Strange foods, friends, sports, Chinese martial arts, and cooking.

Dislikes: Losing, mean people, electronics, evil and injustice.
Full Name: Adria Marini (Named for the Adriatic Sea off the East coast of Italy. Her mother was from Ancient Roman descent.)

Nickname: My name is Adria and don't you dare call me anything but that!

Gender: Female

Age: 12

Abnormality: Mermaid Hybrid. (70% mermaid and 30% human). Can change into a mermaid or human at will. Can manipulate water and sing a siren song. (Which can make human dudes fall in love with me.) My powers are at there strongest at night.

History: My great Grandfather was human, but the rest of my family was mer. I fell in love with a human boy who broke my heart, and I wish I could say I was over him but I'm definitly not. She moved to Seaside Heights only 3 days ago so she is still adjusting. Italian chick all the way, but I lived in America my whole life.

Looks: Gold hair with light blonde and light brown streaks. Brown eyes. Tall and slim. When I'm in mermaid form I have a blue/green/purple tail during the day, but at night it turns silver.

Personality: I'm a bit full of myself. I always have to have the spotlight. I can come across as a brat but really I'm just having a hard time because of Landon. (Human boy who I happened to freaking like but I wish I didn't 'cause he thinks he's soooooooo great but he's really just a backstabbing jerk who is really hot! To my friends I'm really kind and all that but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to be better than them or get what I want. I'm really clever but I'm also really loyal to people that are loyal to me. Warning: I'M HIGHLY


Likes: Ancient Rome, wolves, dolphins, the beach, my friends, being on top, getting what I want, Landon, singing, reading, writing, acting, horse-back riding/horses, running, archery, and swordplay

Dislikes: People that think they're better than me, having asthma, Landon (I love him, but I hate him), Joelynn, and people that can't read.

(I really want to be in this RP so please accepte me, thank you?)

Username: Jabberwocky19

Full Name: Scarlet

Nickname: [Optional] Scar

Gender: female

Age: 17

Abnormality: Vampire

History: [Optional] Scarlet was a very spoiled child before her parents had been killed. She got bitten 3 months ago by her ex-boyfriend.


Personality: She is bratty, mean, and rude. But if you get close to her you will find that she is secretly very sweet and sad.

Likes: [At least 5] Getting what she wants, art, music, books, the beach

Dislikes: [At least 5] Girly girls, people, being called a monster, dogs, happy giggles, and almost everything

Other: none

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