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Fandom Seaside Clans (Warrior Cats RP) (Always Open)

Hello! I'm ChickenMcNugget. I am a moderator along with @Mintymallow for this RP! I really like talking to new people so don't ever be afraid to ask me any questions about miscellaneous subjects on the RP! Please feel free to discuss any thing here in this section, if you have any questions you wish to ask in private PM me or @Mintymallow!
@Mintymallow @ChickenMcNugget

1. How did you come up with your usernames?

2. How fast do you plan for this rp to go? Im often busy, so if you plan on posting 20 times a day I'll have to decline

3. I only join casual-detailed rps, so if it's a one-liner reply sort of thing I''ll have to decline too.

Otherwise I wouldn't mind testing the waters out on this. I used to be a big fan of warrior cats, its nostalgic.

1. My username was just something that popped into my head ages ago when I signed up for some other website, and it sort of stuck.

2. We're most likely only going to post about two times back and forth before we stop and wait, it isn't going to be incredibly quick.

3. We're only expecting about one paragraph each as a minimum, no one-liners. And not anything incredibly long, either. Sort of in-between!

Also, thank you for responding!
Well it makes me think of mint ice cream and marshmallows, which I love both.

Alright well i guess I will be signing up (: Because why not~
1.(I'll just answer this since my pal did the rest! xD ) I'm just a goofball and there's always been this joke between us about how fast I can eat food and how much I like food. So I usually name my accounts after fast food items.
I actually had those two food items in mind when making the username! And I'm glad you'll be joining us! Feel free to make a character sheet whenever you have the time!
A bit belated in my response here, but I'd be willing to join in as well. That being said, I'm working full time at a summer job through next week, so I won't be able to post until late afternoon/early evening until I'm set free.
@PeanutLemur That's perfectly fine, and thank you for being interested! But we'll be sure to make sure you get equal amounts of replying! We don't tolerate others going on and leaving someone else behind.
I'll probably be joining. But before I can get far in the CS(s), I gotta know what type of vegetation and landscape each clan has in their borders. I've already seen and saved the picture of the territories, but I need to know a few more detailed about the different areas so I can get a better idea about which clans will fit best for my characters and what there is to build a story on. Weird thing to ask, but otherwise I feel a little lost on what to actually say in my CS(s).
Well, Palmclan obviously has a lot of palm trees, as well as a few almond trees. Jadeclan doesn't really have any vegetation, as they live in a 'sea mountain'. Ledgeclan mostly had rocks and steep inclines, they don't really have much vegetation either. There is some grass and some bushes at the top of the cliff, though. Shellclan has no vegetation. They live near a mass amount of Tidepools and rocks. The closest thing to vegetation on their territory is a hollow log that apprentices battle train by.
However, it is probably best to make a new character to fit one of the clans, or to adapt your current characters heavily.
Thanks! So is Jadeclan just situated on a flan beach-like area with no other notable shapes to the land, such as hills or dips or rocks? And what kind of cover do Shellclan and Jadeclan have?

Also, I'm not using characters I've created in the past. I haven't been in a Warriors rp in a while, so those characters are lost to me now. The characters I will have in this are completely new, so they hopefully will be adapted to this story.
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Okay! And if you've ever seen those massive rock formations not too far from the shore, that's what Jadeclan lives in. It has lots of tunnels and caves created by the waves. Jadeclan's cover is mainly just the rocks on their little 'mountain'. Shellclan doesn't have much cover besides rocks, which is why they're usually smaller so that it's easier to blend in and hide.
Ahh, okay. We usually call those rock formations "haystacks" or something like that, or at least we do here in Oregon. Thanks! That helps a lot.
Just so you know you I am almost done with my characters. I should be done later tonight to have them posted.

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