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➥Searching for Writing Buddies | CURRENTLY FULL


Trash Lord

Vktr here.

Hey, welcome to my thread, hope you find what you're looking for somewhere in here.

An intro about myself would be that I tend to be a busy person, I work full time so please continue with the acknowledgment that there may be periods of time in which I won't be able to respond for a week or longer. Me taking a while to respond has less to do with my interest and more to do with me dragging myself home after a 10 hour shift and wanting nothing more than to be asleep.

I'm only looking for a few RPs at this time, so on the off chance that this thread gets a good response I might end up picking the people who are interested in the plots I'm itching to try and getting in contact with the less pressing concepts at a slightly delayed time.

If more than one person is interested in the same plot, it may be cool to get a small group going if everyone involved is down.

As far as writing style/length it solely depends on what I'm given. I'm fully capable of busting out 7+ paragraphs if that's what you're feeling, but a few lines to a paragraph suits me just as well. I don't have any restrictions as far as settings are concerned. As long as I'm given enough to work with I can play an angle of anything from fantasy to realistic or sci-fi to western or historical. All I ask is that you're willing to get involved with plot discussion so our characters aren't floating in an empty gray box of a world populated by nobody but themselves. That gets wrung out fast and it's hard to keep an interest on that type of deal.

Where romance is concerned I tend to prefer M/M RPs, but that doesn't mean I'm incapable or unwilling to RP M/F or F/F. Whatever gets your boat floating.

In concerns of character creation I'm not necessarily a stickler for nitpicking but I would appreciate some realism when it comes to how people think/act. If our characters are meeting for the first time, it isn't likely that they would fall in love and spill their secrets within the first 15 minutes of meeting. I love a good emotional roller coaster but if your character is an emotional mess within the first 6 posts it doesn't leave much development for later.

I hope to not come across as too picky because the reality is me just wanting some chill writing time. I'm completely cool with working with different skill levels, there's no pressure to be found here and I want you to have fun with it.

On to what you came here for.

Original Idea(s) ⇨

Accidental Awakening
Status: CLOSED

Nearly every partier keen on hallucinogens claims to have gained some level of “enlightenment”, but unfortunately for character A, this is a reality. After misjudging it as a solid decision to drop numerous tabs, character A manages to flip a switch in their brain that allows them some seemingly supernatural ability. None of their friends believe the story, dismissing it as the usual false claims associated with getting a little too wild.

Character B, on the other hand, has been awoken for years through an upbringing of training within a group of people focused on the capacity of the human mind. Not all within this group have been able to reach an awoken state and are instead providers of care and backup for those who are. Character B is talented and adept with their abilities, yet sheltered and ignorant of the world outside the group.

When character A is taken notice of and brought within the group, character B is livid that character A was gifted so accidentally and with little effort after the pain and energy they’d spent getting to where they are.

They become enemies of sorts in the beginning, indirectly hating and envying one another. To make it temporarily worse for the two, they’d be paired in training, as the group plans to integrate into normal society (making character A an asset), but having to allow character A to be guided by character B in means of abilities. However, because character A is so alienated and curious about their new developments, and character B is the same about the world they’ve never had the opportunity to experience, they find middle ground and become either close friends, or more than that if it takes that direction.

For this RP I would be entirely open to RPing as either lead. Character A would be loud, confident, easy-going, and a troublesome loose cannon. Character B would be a contrast in that they’d be disciplined, deep thinking, analytical, and prone to control issues. In addition I would like to design a few background characters so we have something to go off of. We would write a few short character profiles for them and both be able to control them and have them interact with our characters. This would primarily include the other members of the group, and friends/enemies of both characters.

I’m entirely open to input and constructive criticism if you’re digging the concept but not the specifics.

Fandom Based | Misc. ⇨

The Maze Runner
Status: Open

This RP would be entirely with OCs, meaning the Glade, or the equivalent of the Glade, would be populated by characters of our own design. This takes a tad more work, but I fully believe it gives us more wiggle room, not having to worry about stepping on the toes of canon plots or characters. We can also change the setup of the “Glade” they end up in when concerning forests, farms, housing, mazes, hierarchies, ect. The reason for my interest in a Maze Runner based RP is the air of mystery and confusion being plopped in an alien society, so we can alter it as little or as much as we see fit. For fans of the Scorch Trials and the later books, we can always progress to outside the “Glade” if we grow bored of that setting.

Status: Open

As with the other fandom based RPs I have lined up, this would also be OC based. The characters within the show are rich enough that it would be weighing to attempt to accurately represent their characteristics constantly. Thus, I would be aiming to capture the raunchy family/community the show boasts with our own take. For this one it would be efficient for us both to play one or more characters, with two as the “leads”, so we can make it as rich as possible. To pull this off we’d also need to discuss the plot in detail as it comes along so we can manipulate drama and flair.

Status: Open

Our characters are having a numbingly normal day up until the disappearance of everyone over a certain age (I’d probably go for 18). Literally erased without a trace. “Poof” as the books describe it. Things fall into chaos as the older kids try to keep the younger ones calm, and the lack of internet or cell service leads to problematic communication. Later, the characters discover a large impenetrable dome (exactly as in Under the Dome), sectioning off an area of our choosing. Increasingly drastic would be the strange seemingly radiation induced mutations the residents experience, developing bizarre or supernatural abilities or disfigurements. For this RP, all characters would be OCs. With that being said, background or side characters don’t require too much of a description, so don’t worry about spending too long getting it rolling.

The 100
Status: Open

Same as my description of the other fandom based RPs. OCs in a similar or slightly different setting.

Generic Superhero
Status: CLOSED

This is a vast enough title that it can be largely up to you what direction is taken (although if you’d like me to conjure up the specifics more independently, I’d be more than willing.) The foundation is simply that one or both of our characters develop abilities and either spend their time attempting to understand their new capabilities, join some x-men akin organization, become angsty anti-heroes, or complete inspiring saving people mumbo jumbo. Again, it’s entirely up to what we’re feeling when it comes to the scale of it, and whether or not our characters become known to the world or fiddle with their abilities under the cover of darkness. Because it would be a 1x1, I wouldn’t be concerned about god-modding as long as our two characters would be evenly matched, or on the same level, not that they would likely be enemies. So go nuts.

Prince(ss) ✖ Commoner

Assassin ✖ Target or bystander

Supernatural being/human ✖ Supernatural being/human or chance passerby

Survivor ✖ Survivor (apocalypse)


Ghost ✖ Living

Mermaid/man ✖ Fisherman/woman or bystander

Witch/Warlock ✖ Witch/Warlock or normal human

Hippie/rebel ✖ Straight edge

Barista ✖ Regular

Singer ✖ Bandmate

Drug addict ✖ Drug addict or concerned friend

Celebrity ✖ Fan or critic

That's about it! If you're interested feel free to post here or shoot me a PM. Thank you for your interest/time.

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Barista x Regular, Hippie/Rebel x Straight Edge, and Roommates all sound like plots I'd love to try. Care to shoot me a PM? We can maybe do some plotting and make something really interesting.
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Cool! I would be messaging you right now, but unfortunately I rejoined last night so rpnation has me on the 24 hour hold on initiating conversations. Would you mind starting the PM? Thanks.


Right on! As I just mentioned to Serena I sadly cannot start conversations just yet, would you mind initiating one?


Sweet, and even a hybrid of the three could be interesting, I can't wait. Again, I can't start conversations yet so it would be rad if you could get one going, sorry for the inconvenience.
I am interested in many of your plots. My shameless love for bright spandex puts your generic superhero plot first, but I do like Accidental Awakenings. Seems like a lot can be done with it.
Hello! I am very interested in Accidental Awakening! :) If you don't wish to do this plot anymore I'm interested in almost all of the pairings <3

Sick, shoot me a message and we can get planning and fill out the plot! (Sadly I can't start my own yet, sorry)


I'd be down to give either a go, I have a few takers for Accidental Awakenings but I'm more than willing to have multiple runs of it going and take it in different directions.

@Bumbling Bee

Absolutely! As I just mentioned to Persephone I'm cool with doing multiple branches of it, I'm sure each one will veer a different direction.

Marshmallow, present.

Hello there, my name is Marshmallow but you can call me Mars too. Nice to meet you.

I am currently unemployed as I quit college this June and am now learning to drive and searching for work. This can cause some disruptions in my days and it can be that I don’t respond for several days, so please take note of that. I’m only human. T_T

I can write from 1 paragraph to multiple ones. It depend on how my muse is but I tend to write what I’m feeling is right at that moment and make it as interesting as possible. If you feel like there is something missing, please notify me and I will overlook it and try to make my next post better.

I am interested in these pairings of yours:

> Roommates

> Barista x Regular

> Celebrity x Fan or Critic

Edit: Sorry, you can ignore this as I didn't see your title, mentioning you were currently full. :o
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