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Fandom Searching For Stranger Things!

Winter Kakyoin

"I could've saved them... I really could've..."
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
REALLY looking for Stranger Things at the moment. I'm updating my OC and all!

I will only rp with 21+, as I am 22! Though, I do NOT delve into smut. Not something I'll do. I will not. It's a very uncomfortable thing for me. I am most comfortable with OCxCC and straight ships. I am a semi-lit writer, writing 2-4 paragraphs, but there are times I have written more than that! It just depends on how I feel. I don't have a full plot in mind, but we could surely come up with something if you'd like!
REALLY looking for Stranger Things at the moment. I'm updating my OC and all!

I will only rp with 21+, as I am 22! Though, I do NOT delve into smut. Not something I'll do. I will not. It's a very uncomfortable thing for me. I am most comfortable with OCxCC and straight ships. I am a semi-lit writer, writing 2-4 paragraphs, but there are times I have written more than that! It just depends on how I feel. I don't have a full plot in mind, but we could surely come up with something if you'd like!
hello! I would like to rp with you!

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