Ten Thousand Club

About Me
I'm Stone (she/her)! The cliff notes would be...
- I'm still in my 20s (though I'll write with anyone!)
- I work in networking technology
- I'm over yonder in the US (CST/CDT or UTC-5/6), but with a generally nocturnal schedule.
- An eldritch power tool posing as a cat controls my existence
What I'm Looking For
- Forum Roleplay. While I'm very open to taking planning/discussion over to Discord, I'd like to keep the actual roleplay itself onsite and in public threads.
- Steady Frequency. Life DOES exist, but I'd prefer to keep the pace somewhere north of a post a week.
- Literacy. A few paragraphs per response is the goal, so long as there's content to respond to (a writing sample can be provided on request!). This brings me to...
- Yes, and... As someone who's spent the majority of my hiatus facilitating roleplay for others, please be willing to assist me in driving the scene forward! Someone I can collaborate with as opposed to provide for would be a dream come true.
- Short Goal-Oriented Scenes. I'm very rusty with forum roleplay, and while this is likely an odd request, I don't want to jump into something super long-form just yet. Rather, I'd like to stick my proverbial toe back in the water with some shorter, bite-sized scenes; something that might only take a week or two of consistent back-and-forth to draw to completion. This doesn't mean I'm not open to picking up somewhere else with the same characters! It's just a little less daunting to have a firm goal in mind with a concise stopping point.

What I'm Interested In
World of Darkness
. This is the Special Interest™. I adore and am very familiar with the setting and lore for the World of Darkness pre 5th edition. Most of my experience is with Vampire: the Masquerade, however I've cut my teeth on enough Werewolf to know a bit more than the basics. I've read through but not played Mage, Changeling, Wraith, and other smaller splats (Dark Ages, too!).
- Cyberpunk. While I'm not super familiar with the setting as a whole, I've played through all of 2077 and own a copy of RED. I think I'd be cool with giving it a whirl.
- Warrior Cats. I’m an adult who finds nostalgia in these fucky cats, sue me. As far as I’m concerned, the series ended with The Last Hope, so I’m not crazy familiar with world-building beyond it. Preference would be making some custom clans to fool around with.
- Urban Fantasy. Supernatural entitles, magic, monsters, and more in a modern setting? I'm all about it! The above should be enough to know that I eat up a darker tone, but it doesn't have to be that way.
- High Fantasy. Fantastic races in far away kingdoms with swords and magic are cool! I even have a homebrewed D&D setting I might want to use if this came up.
- Horror. Eldritch horror, body horror, horror is great. Especially when paired with any of the rest of these.
- Science Fiction. I'm not as big on sci-fi as I am fantasy, but I can be sold depending on the plot! I'd angle more towards Cyberpunk, Dying World, Space Opera, or Space Horror.
- FxF. I'm not particularly looking for romance, but if it were to feature at all (such as the characters being involved), I'm pretty gay, so FxF pairings are my preference, though I'm not opposed to FxM. Please no requests for doubling.
- Original Content. I’m not interested in playing canon characters in fandoms. OCs only, please!
Prompts and Pairings
NOTE: Just because a prompt says 'you' doesn't meant that's the role you have to play! I'm pretty flexible with who I'd play in the majority of these.
World of Darkness
- It was one of the wildest, craziest raves you’ve ever attended. The music was disorienting and the drinks heavy, and before long you didn’t even notice when the crowd started thinning. By the time you realized you were being dragged towards a basement, it was way too late, and the rest of the night was a blurry, frenzied haze. When your senses came to, the club was a massacre, with yourself and another at the blood-soaked center, and not a single other survivor. Unfortunately, time to piece together what exactly happened is limited by the sound of a vehicle pulling up outside.
- Initial Scene: The goal is to simulate the opening to VtM:B with a little bit of a twist. The Camarilla is going to come collect them, get them cleaned up, and then present them to the Prince who’ll put them to work. The characters can be strangers or acquainted (ex's would be WILD), and of the same or different clans.
- Initial Scene: The goal is to simulate the opening to VtM:B with a little bit of a twist. The Camarilla is going to come collect them, get them cleaned up, and then present them to the Prince who’ll put them to work. The characters can be strangers or acquainted (ex's would be WILD), and of the same or different clans.
- It’s been a rough night for you. Everyone in the city knows the hunter situation was getting concerning, but not summons flaming swords concerning. They’ve got your scent now, too, given they’ve already injured you. It’ll only be a matter of time before they catch-up—or not, as another Kindred seems to have had the same idea, holing up in the same spot you decided to. Two heads are definitely better than one. Only problem? You’re having a hell of a time seeing eye-to-eye with someone of an opposite Sect.
- Initial Scene: The meet-up and escape from (or potential confrontation with?) the hunters, with this bonding moment laying the groundwork for future meetings. Beyond that, the tone of this first scene would highly depend on just which Sects the characters are from.
- Initial Scene: The meet-up and escape from (or potential confrontation with?) the hunters, with this bonding moment laying the groundwork for future meetings. Beyond that, the tone of this first scene would highly depend on just which Sects the characters are from.
- For as long a you can remember, there's always been a few constants within this domain. The Prince has never been challenged, the Elysium never seems to move despite numerous rebrands, and that thinblooded Caitiff never seems to take the hint to get the hell out. They don't really do much, just linger on the edge of town and keep to themselves, but the Prince is always cagey when they're brought up. This was easy enough to brush off, until a looming Sabbat siege ramps up the pressure, and the Prince finally asks you to try and beg the Caitiff for assistance. Why though? What's the big deal?
- Initial Scene: The angle is that the thinblooded Caitiff is actually a cracked out Methuselah that's been taking it easy for the last however many decades, their power and Generation artificially diminished due to some magical shenanigans. The first scene would be the other Kindred trying to unknowingly convince them to come out of retirement. There's bonus points here if they've already been acquainted, and the other Kindred gets the surprise of an unlife time.
- Initial Scene: The angle is that the thinblooded Caitiff is actually a cracked out Methuselah that's been taking it easy for the last however many decades, their power and Generation artificially diminished due to some magical shenanigans. The first scene would be the other Kindred trying to unknowingly convince them to come out of retirement. There's bonus points here if they've already been acquainted, and the other Kindred gets the surprise of an unlife time.
- You've made it super fucking clear that your domain isn't a public hunting ground. Everyone knows this. The harpies in the next city over know this. Hell, even the lupines probably know it. You don't want the kind of attention random assaults and missing persons brings, but here you go, having someone waltzing in and shitting all over this SINGLE rule you have. Fed up, you catch the other Kindred in the act, reaming them out—and also scaring them half to Final Death. Unbeknownst to you, they're an abandoned fledgling, and really had no idea they weren't supposed to be fumbling through their first hunt in this part of town.
- Initial Scene: Established Kindred x Fledgling. The whole first meet-up would really define the start of their relationship, whether for good or for ill, probably working towards some sort of mentorship if not outright frustrated adoption. Just WHY the Established Kindred is so hellbent on keeping a low profile is entirely up for discussion.
- Initial Scene: Established Kindred x Fledgling. The whole first meet-up would really define the start of their relationship, whether for good or for ill, probably working towards some sort of mentorship if not outright frustrated adoption. Just WHY the Established Kindred is so hellbent on keeping a low profile is entirely up for discussion.
- A place in the middle of nowhere Smalltown America has been struggling to keep their Garou population positive. Between most of the local jobs provided by Endron, and the hemorrhaging of humans destined for greener pastures, it only felt like a matter of time before the local Caern was lost to the Wyrm. Then, the characters experience their First Change, and are the first local cubs in years. Celebration quickly turns to intense crash courses, as these cubs have massive expectations riding on them.
- Initial Scene: Depends on where we want to start! My preference would be sometime after their Rites of Passage, maybe sent out on their first real assignment to get acquainted before trying to found a proper pack (though a totem finding them first would definitely be cool). Depending on their tribes and the timing of events, this could also be the first time they’ve met. They could be completely normal Claith in over their heads, or genuinely prophesied and pumped up with a bit of Fate.
- Initial Scene: Depends on where we want to start! My preference would be sometime after their Rites of Passage, maybe sent out on their first real assignment to get acquainted before trying to found a proper pack (though a totem finding them first would definitely be cool). Depending on their tribes and the timing of events, this could also be the first time they’ve met. They could be completely normal Claith in over their heads, or genuinely prophesied and pumped up with a bit of Fate.
- You've done more than enough time chasing random leads on Pentex around the State. Even if your Sept keeps pestering you, it's time to take it a little easier. Actually find a proper home that isn't the trunk of your pack's van, get a job, try and enjoy life for a few years before some other Wyrm threat rears its ugly head. And you manage it. Life's comfortable, easy outside of the occasional moot or odd-job that gets a little too out of hand, and you're going to savor it while it lasts. Or, you were until some Fomori bust down your door in the middle of the night. Someone else got to them first, though. Your human roommate. In Crinos. What???
- Initial Scene: Exactly what it says on the tin! A Garou's quiet few years interrupted by the Wyrm, and also the spontaneous First Change of a person they were convinced wasn't Kinfolk. The Established Garou would need to handle the First Change Frenzy while also dealing with the remaining Fomori, and then get the Roommate some context. Intention here is that the Roommate had a severely repressed First Change, and is experiencing it way later in life than usual, which is very unlikely but wholly possible (they just normally go a little insane…)
- Initial Scene: Exactly what it says on the tin! A Garou's quiet few years interrupted by the Wyrm, and also the spontaneous First Change of a person they were convinced wasn't Kinfolk. The Established Garou would need to handle the First Change Frenzy while also dealing with the remaining Fomori, and then get the Roommate some context. Intention here is that the Roommate had a severely repressed First Change, and is experiencing it way later in life than usual, which is very unlikely but wholly possible (they just normally go a little insane…)
- Garou are prideful, stubborn bastards who’d sooner eat shit than their words, but there are rare occasions that even they’ll cry Uncle. This, the loss of their Caern, is one of them. The Wyrm took root, corrupting it into a vile Pit, and several attempts at laying siege have only resulted in more-and-more Gatherings for the Departed. With a dwindling supply of able-bodied warriors, an idea is posed: why not fight fire with fire? There’s more than enough leeches in the city. Surely they’ve noticed the rot afflicting their herds and want to do something about it. It’s not a popular idea—borderline heretical, actually—but you’re determined to see if the Wyrmspawn can be reasoned with. And they might be, with one Kindred in particular taking a curious interest in the lupines’ plight.
- Initial Scene: This wholly depends on who the Garou and Kindred PCs are. It could be a private meeting in the woods with an elder Gangrel, or an audience with the Prince and their Court. The Garou and Kindred could even have a pre-established, albeit secret, relationship! Regardless of the set-up, the Garou’s goal would be to try and get them to consider helping them root out the Wyrm threatening the city.
- It was one of the wildest, craziest raves you’ve ever attended. The music was disorienting and the drinks heavy, and before long you didn’t even notice when the crowd started thinning. By the time you realized you were being dragged towards a basement, it was way too late, and the rest of the night was a blurry, frenzied haze. When your senses came to, the club was a massacre, with yourself and another at the blood-soaked center, and not a single other survivor. Unfortunately, time to piece together what exactly happened is limited by the sound of a vehicle pulling up outside.
- Edgerunning isn't bad when you have work. Unfortunately, your Fixer, whom you really do care dearly for, is dogshit at their job. The choom probably spends more hours watching XBDs than actually finding you gigs. Without any other recourse, and a dwindling amount of eddies, your attention is drawn to this month's jackpot: the face of a megacorp gone postal. There's a huge bounty on their head from the emerging stories, everything from gruesome murders, to bank robberies, and even a kidnapping. Cyberpsychosis? Drugs? A sabotage chip the corp detonated? You don't particularly care about the reason, just the funds this bag could spruce your account up with. With a little legwork, you manage to get to their fancy penthouse first, expecting the worst—only to find a distraught corpo convinced this isn't their doing so please don't gut out their neural link just yet.
- Initial Scene: The Edgerunner confronting the Corpo! My first train of thought is that they offer enough EBs to the Edgerunner to convince them into helping them figure the situation out. As for the specifics of the situation, almost anything goes. Some experimental neuralware they were planted with? A virus on safe hardware? A bodysculpted doppelgänger trying to ruin them? Who knows!
- Initial Scene: The Edgerunner confronting the Corpo! My first train of thought is that they offer enough EBs to the Edgerunner to convince them into helping them figure the situation out. As for the specifics of the situation, almost anything goes. Some experimental neuralware they were planted with? A virus on safe hardware? A bodysculpted doppelgänger trying to ruin them? Who knows!
- Because I'm hopeless—Did you know there was an official crossover between Cyberpunk 2020 and the World of Darkness dubbed the World of Future Darkness??? I'd adore to explore this space somehow.
- Edgerunning isn't bad when you have work. Unfortunately, your Fixer, whom you really do care dearly for, is dogshit at their job. The choom probably spends more hours watching XBDs than actually finding you gigs. Without any other recourse, and a dwindling amount of eddies, your attention is drawn to this month's jackpot: the face of a megacorp gone postal. There's a huge bounty on their head from the emerging stories, everything from gruesome murders, to bank robberies, and even a kidnapping. Cyberpsychosis? Drugs? A sabotage chip the corp detonated? You don't particularly care about the reason, just the funds this bag could spruce your account up with. With a little legwork, you manage to get to their fancy penthouse first, expecting the worst—only to find a distraught corpo convinced this isn't their doing so please don't gut out their neural link just yet.
High Fantasy
- You’re a member of the kingdom’s royal family, yet several years ago, you were taken captive by a dragon. Countless attempts have been made to rescue you from the beast, but the heroes sent never return. Unbeknownst to anyone else, you weren’t kidnapped at all. Rather, this was a carefully devised plot between you and the dragon to finally free you of your family. With all the money you’ve made off selling the gear from the fallen ‘heroes’, you and the dragon nearly have enough funds to leave the kingdom once and for all—but of course, it’s never so simple.
- Initial Scene: A day in the life of this dastardly duo running the scheme they’ve set-up for themselves. There’s a LOT of wiggle-room as far as the identity of these two are concerned. The royal could be a King or Princess of any species, and the dragon could literally be a dragon/shapeshifter, or something else to the same effect. The kingdom, why the royal wants to leave so bad, and what’s getting in their way can all be workshopped!
- After years of toiling as a swabbie, you’re become the revered captain of a renown private crew, and you’re impossibly proud of it. There’s little that’ll make you bend a knee at this point, whether it be rival crews, the royal navy, or sailor superstition. Hence why when your nets managed to pull in a mythical siren, you didn’t immediately throw them back. Your crew warned you, of course, but it wasn’t until the worst storm you’d ever seen tore your vessel into pieces that you finally got the message. Washed up on a remote island without supplies or your crew, you’ll have to try and sort your way back to civilization out alone—unless you actually want to offer that siren an apology…
- Initial Scene: Waking on the beach with the captain realizing the gravity of how screwed they are, and the siren (or really anything remotely aquatic) making it known they’re lurking. The mental image here really is the mer lounging on a hot rock and making cheeky banter while the increasingly frustrated captain struggles to assemble a raft out of sticks and palm fronds. Suspect the mer would slowly begin to bring peace offerings in the form of food and such, with a nice slow burn up to a tentative friendship (or more?). Whether the mer can actually help the captain get off the island, or was just being a dipshit fishing for an apology, is entirely up for discussion.
- I have a desperate desire to play in Elysia, a homebrewed D&D setting but no idea how, AHHHH.
- You’re a member of the kingdom’s royal family, yet several years ago, you were taken captive by a dragon. Countless attempts have been made to rescue you from the beast, but the heroes sent never return. Unbeknownst to anyone else, you weren’t kidnapped at all. Rather, this was a carefully devised plot between you and the dragon to finally free you of your family. With all the money you’ve made off selling the gear from the fallen ‘heroes’, you and the dragon nearly have enough funds to leave the kingdom once and for all—but of course, it’s never so simple.
Urban Fantasy
- The world is just as we know it today. Magic? Gone. It died centuries ago, long enough to be relegated to a pseudoscience not unlike cryptozoology or fad dieting. At least, it was dead, but the phenomena you’re experiencing can’t be explained in any other way. You’re seeing things, stuff is happening around you—you’re genuinely convinced you might be experiencing a sort of mental break when a flare-up during an elevator ride up to your apartment clues the other passenger in. It’s not all in your head, and they really want to talk about it.
- Initial Scene: The elevator ride where the New Mage is outed by their uncontrolled magic. The passenger could be anyone—a roommate, a friend, just another tenant in the building, someone visiting someone else—and either they could be experiencing the same problems as the New Mage, or they could be more established and have something of an explanation for them. The vibe is less Coming of Age and more a direct challenge to an adult’s solidified world view. Magic isn’t real, right? Right.
- You work in the ER of a local hospital, and it’s never not busy. Most of the time you’re dealing with the result of accidents, or stupidity, or stoners thinking their anxiety is a heart attack. But there are weirder patients, though. Those who’ve taken full-body trauma on the chin and been up and walking the following morning, or suddenly didn’t have the broken limb they had on admittance; one woman didn’t even seem to have a pulse at first. The more you try to ignore it, the more obvious it becomes, until a patient late one evening makes it abundantly clear things aren’t as they seem.
- Initial Scene: The doctor/nurse/medical professional finally getting undeniable evidence of the supernatural, but still probably treating the source anyway. This idea stems from the idea that a city full of inhuman creatures would absolutely have to get some weird patients through the hospital. The other character could either be another member of the staff, one of the supernatural patients, or even a creature sent to ensure the medical professional’s silence on the matter.
- The world is just as we know it today. Magic? Gone. It died centuries ago, long enough to be relegated to a pseudoscience not unlike cryptozoology or fad dieting. At least, it was dead, but the phenomena you’re experiencing can’t be explained in any other way. You’re seeing things, stuff is happening around you—you’re genuinely convinced you might be experiencing a sort of mental break when a flare-up during an elevator ride up to your apartment clues the other passenger in. It’s not all in your head, and they really want to talk about it.
- The world ended in nuclear fire. To hell and back it was bombed, leveling cities and destroying countrysides. The population of all living organisms was crippled, but not everything caught in the blasts were fortunate enough to die outright. By some genetic anomaly, some were changed, their skin withered and covered in horrific scars, with much of everything else burned away. The radiation plaguing the earth perpetuates them, but so does lingering baser instinct. Many of the irradiated succumbed within days, forming feral crowds of shambling hordes. Those that didn’t were shunned from societies of survivors, fearing the havoc they could bring. Many years later, you’re one of those irradiated, drifting from settlement to settlement without a proper place to call home. The rote task of cracking a looting an undisturbed pre-war bunker turns up quite the surprise, however…
- Initial Scene: The Irradiated breaking into the bunker to find the other character, trying to get them immediately situated within what has become of the surface world within the last however many years. And, yes, this is based on Fallout with the serial numbers filed off; the concept of ghouls has always fascinated me, so why not focus on it and blend it with a zombie apocalypse! While the immediate idea insinuates the Irradiated is pretty old and experienced, they don’t have to be. As for the other character, they could also be Irradiated, or they could be a human survivor.
- The world ended in nuclear fire. To hell and back it was bombed, leveling cities and destroying countrysides. The population of all living organisms was crippled, but not everything caught in the blasts were fortunate enough to die outright. By some genetic anomaly, some were changed, their skin withered and covered in horrific scars, with much of everything else burned away. The radiation plaguing the earth perpetuates them, but so does lingering baser instinct. Many of the irradiated succumbed within days, forming feral crowds of shambling hordes. Those that didn’t were shunned from societies of survivors, fearing the havoc they could bring. Many years later, you’re one of those irradiated, drifting from settlement to settlement without a proper place to call home. The rote task of cracking a looting an undisturbed pre-war bunker turns up quite the surprise, however…

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