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Ten Thousand Club
About Me
I'm Stone (she/her)! The cliff notes would be...
  • I'm still in my 20s (though I'll write with anyone!)
  • I work in networking technology
  • I'm over yonder in the US (CST/CDT or UTC-5/6), but with a generally nocturnal schedule.
  • An eldritch power tool posing as a cat controls my existence
A quick gander at my profile will show I was super active almost a decade ago (Jesus Christ), but various life-related nonsense pulled me away. However, due to my terminal addiction to words, I've finally decided to brush off the dust and come trawling around for a few scenes outside of my current literary comfort zone.
What I'm Looking For
  • Forum Roleplay. While I'm very open to taking planning/discussion over to Discord, I'd like to keep the actual roleplay itself onsite and in public threads.
  • Steady Frequency. Life DOES exist, but I'd prefer to keep the pace somewhere north of a post a week.
  • Literacy. A few paragraphs per response is the goal, so long as there's content to respond to (a writing sample can be provided on request!). This brings me to...
  • Yes, and... As someone who's spent the majority of my hiatus facilitating roleplay for others, please be willing to assist me in driving the scene forward! Someone I can collaborate with as opposed to provide for would be a dream come true.
  • Short Goal-Oriented Scenes. I'm very rusty with forum roleplay, and while this is likely an odd request, I don't want to jump into something super long-form just yet. Rather, I'd like to stick my proverbial toe back in the water with some shorter, bite-sized scenes; something that might only take a week or two of consistent back-and-forth to draw to completion. This doesn't mean I'm not open to picking up somewhere else with the same characters! It's just a little less daunting to have a firm goal in mind with a concise stopping point.
What I'm Interested In
  • ⭐World of Darkness⭐. This is the Special Interest™. I adore and am very familiar with the setting and lore for the World of Darkness pre 5th edition. Most of my experience is with Vampire: the Masquerade, however I've cut my teeth on enough Werewolf to know a bit more than the basics. I've read through but not played Mage, Changeling, Wraith, and other smaller splats (Dark Ages, too!).
  • Cyberpunk. While I'm not super familiar with the setting as a whole, I've played through all of 2077 and own a copy of RED. I think I'd be cool with giving it a whirl.
  • Warrior Cats. I’m an adult who finds nostalgia in these fucky cats, sue me. As far as I’m concerned, the series ended with The Last Hope, so I’m not crazy familiar with world-building beyond it. Preference would be making some custom clans to fool around with.
  • Urban Fantasy. Supernatural entitles, magic, monsters, and more in a modern setting? I'm all about it! The above should be enough to know that I eat up a darker tone, but it doesn't have to be that way.
  • High Fantasy. Fantastic races in far away kingdoms with swords and magic are cool! I even have a homebrewed D&D setting I might want to use if this came up.
  • Horror. Eldritch horror, body horror, horror is great. Especially when paired with any of the rest of these.
  • Science Fiction. I'm not as big on sci-fi as I am fantasy, but I can be sold depending on the plot! I'd angle more towards Cyberpunk, Dying World, Space Opera, or Space Horror.
General Considerations
  • FxF. I'm not particularly looking for romance, but if it were to feature at all (such as the characters being involved), I'm pretty gay, so FxF pairings are my preference, though I'm not opposed to FxM. Please no requests for doubling.
  • Original Content. I’m not interested in playing canon characters in fandoms. OCs only, please!
This isn't exhaustive. Got a pitch that doesn't quite fit any of the above? Feel free to send it my way!
Prompts and Pairings
NOTE: Just because a prompt says 'you' doesn't meant that's the role you have to play! I'm pretty flexible with who I'd play in the majority of these.
World of Darkness
High Fantasy
Urban Fantasy
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