Mother of Tiny Lions
- One on One
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Hi everyone!
I've been away for a while now but I am back and ready to RP! I'm just spitting out some ideas here more or less off the top of my head. I'd be down to either flesh out a story outline or just wing it and see where it goes. I might be a little rusty when it comes to writing, as I haven't done a roleplay in a year or so, I believe. For just the basics about me, I'm 26yo, female, from the US, my pronouns are she/they.
I'm mostly interested in playing female characters, but I don't mind if you play one as well (I'm lesbian, but I like straight couplings too. Either is fine)! I prefer to have some kind of romance in my roleplays, but usually something more organic that we can get to as time goes on, not right off the bat. Just like a side-plot, not the plot-plot necessarily.
I prefer for each post to be a couple of paragraphs minimum, and the longer the better! I tend to switch back and forth, where one of my post might be a short novel (not really hah) but then the next one might be barely 2 paragraphs. To me, that's just how the flow of RP works, so I get it if we don't always post an essay. I don't expect the writing to be absolutely perfect but I do want it to be detailed and legible, with no hugely distracting errors. I think that majority of us cover this, though, haha. I'm bad about proof-reading my writing, so I'm a forgiving reader.
Looking for as many posts as a few a week to potentially daily, just let me know what your 'availability' is normally like!
Anyway, onto the ideas!
Into other worlds
MC falls through a rift in time into another universe, somewhere that magic exists and things are, well, quite different. Danger is looming as night approaches.
YC is either
1. Someone who already lives in this world, who stumbles across MC
2. Someone who also fell through a rift, from somewhere else in the world, who is equally as confused as MC
Currently Roleplaying
Hot Cross Cult
MC OR YC is involved in a cult, and really really needs to bring someone new to this weeks service (in x amount of days).
Optional ideas: The other character (who is being recruited) is really good at the cult things? For some reason? (could make this into something a little other worldly)
Optional Idea two: MC/YC needs a sacrifice for this weeks service, but the other character just won't die?
Road Trip
Thinking of a basic, fxf romance friends-to-lovers slice-of-life thing. I don't generally do normal slice of life stuff, but this sounds fun! We could go a magic route with them finding out they're witches or something haha. Open to ideas here!
The Mirror
One of our characters (either way) has stumbled upon an old mirror (auction, thrift store, old building, etc). One night, while they're looking through the mirror, they notice something moving - seemingly on the other side of it. They put their hand up to the mirror, only to get pulled through.
Except, the person who pulled you hrough isn't a person - it's a fae - and you are not who they wanted to bring through the mirror. Not only that but you're stuck there now, for the foreseeable future, at least.
(ACOTAR inspired, a bit)
The Masquerade
In an ancient kingdom, the royal family holds a grand masquerade ball every year. The whole city is allowed to enter the halls of the palace, but they cannot reveal who they truly are.
You meet someone there, and you have the night of your lives. You dance, you talk, you tell stories to each other under the moonlight, sharing what you can about each other. They are like no one you've ever met before.
And you'll never see them again... or will you?
(I have an idea for this that is a little more fleshed out, includes magic, etc, but I am open to other ideas as well)
The magic cafe (or something like that, I'm running out of name ideas)
MC and YC run a magical cafe together, either in the human world or in a magical world - that we can discuss and decide. This is slice of life/romance in the sense that our characters may just be friends, running a cafe together, battling issues, talking to customers, making food and snacks, dealing with our employees (of which I imagine only a couple), etc. Very cozy. Very fun. Very demure.
Fallen Gods
A once-mighty diety has fallen, and the last mortal who believed in them must take up the responsibility of helping them regain their power, or else they might fade away forever.
Twilight (OCs) (One of the few Fandom RPs I'm interested in)
I would so love to do a twilight themed RP. I would want to do OCs, but I'd want it to run along a similar vein to twilight. I fucking love twilight.
One character has been cursed to be forgotten, while another forgets them every time. The person who is forgotten can't keep themselves away. (I am totally blanking on the book name I got this from, but I think this could be fun)
A person wakes up in what seems to be a classic fairy tale—but something is very, very wrong. The only other person who realizes this is the supposed "villain" of the story.
Send me a PM if you're interested in any!
I've been away for a while now but I am back and ready to RP! I'm just spitting out some ideas here more or less off the top of my head. I'd be down to either flesh out a story outline or just wing it and see where it goes. I might be a little rusty when it comes to writing, as I haven't done a roleplay in a year or so, I believe. For just the basics about me, I'm 26yo, female, from the US, my pronouns are she/they.
I'm mostly interested in playing female characters, but I don't mind if you play one as well (I'm lesbian, but I like straight couplings too. Either is fine)! I prefer to have some kind of romance in my roleplays, but usually something more organic that we can get to as time goes on, not right off the bat. Just like a side-plot, not the plot-plot necessarily.
I prefer for each post to be a couple of paragraphs minimum, and the longer the better! I tend to switch back and forth, where one of my post might be a short novel (not really hah) but then the next one might be barely 2 paragraphs. To me, that's just how the flow of RP works, so I get it if we don't always post an essay. I don't expect the writing to be absolutely perfect but I do want it to be detailed and legible, with no hugely distracting errors. I think that majority of us cover this, though, haha. I'm bad about proof-reading my writing, so I'm a forgiving reader.
Looking for as many posts as a few a week to potentially daily, just let me know what your 'availability' is normally like!
Anyway, onto the ideas!
YC is either
1. Someone who already lives in this world, who stumbles across MC
2. Someone who also fell through a rift, from somewhere else in the world, who is equally as confused as MC
Currently Roleplaying
Hot Cross Cult
MC OR YC is involved in a cult, and really really needs to bring someone new to this weeks service (in x amount of days).
Optional ideas: The other character (who is being recruited) is really good at the cult things? For some reason? (could make this into something a little other worldly)
Optional Idea two: MC/YC needs a sacrifice for this weeks service, but the other character just won't die?
Road Trip
Thinking of a basic, fxf romance friends-to-lovers slice-of-life thing. I don't generally do normal slice of life stuff, but this sounds fun! We could go a magic route with them finding out they're witches or something haha. Open to ideas here!
Except, the person who pulled you hrough isn't a person - it's a fae - and you are not who they wanted to bring through the mirror. Not only that but you're stuck there now, for the foreseeable future, at least.
(ACOTAR inspired, a bit)
You meet someone there, and you have the night of your lives. You dance, you talk, you tell stories to each other under the moonlight, sharing what you can about each other. They are like no one you've ever met before.
And you'll never see them again... or will you?
(I have an idea for this that is a little more fleshed out, includes magic, etc, but I am open to other ideas as well)
The magic cafe (or something like that, I'm running out of name ideas)
MC and YC run a magical cafe together, either in the human world or in a magical world - that we can discuss and decide. This is slice of life/romance in the sense that our characters may just be friends, running a cafe together, battling issues, talking to customers, making food and snacks, dealing with our employees (of which I imagine only a couple), etc. Very cozy. Very fun. Very demure.
Fallen Gods
A once-mighty diety has fallen, and the last mortal who believed in them must take up the responsibility of helping them regain their power, or else they might fade away forever.
Twilight (OCs) (One of the few Fandom RPs I'm interested in)
I would so love to do a twilight themed RP. I would want to do OCs, but I'd want it to run along a similar vein to twilight. I fucking love twilight.
One character has been cursed to be forgotten, while another forgets them every time. The person who is forgotten can't keep themselves away. (I am totally blanking on the book name I got this from, but I think this could be fun)
A person wakes up in what seems to be a classic fairy tale—but something is very, very wrong. The only other person who realizes this is the supposed "villain" of the story.
Send me a PM if you're interested in any!
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