Searching For Change~ a.rodesh8 and StarDust ~

I watched him, horrified that my worst fears might have come true. That father attacked Cian to get to me, but then again, I could only assume. I didn't know the absolute cause of his distress. I picked him up off the ground and gazed into him with my eyes. "Shh... " I said and glanced around. I helped him back inside the door, closed and locked it. I tried to find my way around, and found the couch and gently sat Cian down upon it. As I had sat him down, I turned to the kitchen, and closed any open windows with the blinds and curtains, and went off to find the bathroom, for some tissue for Cian, and came back. He looked so hopeless. like the void of life had left his body... I remember that look...I had the exact same look when Simon found me after....well... after the incident. I wrapped his gashed up hand in toilet paper, and held it firmly, and gave him another tissue for his eyes and nose.

"Shh.... Cian, I need you to focus for me, okay? What happened?"
Cian went silent as she led him into his living room and cared for his hand. he felt like every last bit of life had been drained out of him. Amelia asked him what was wrong, and he still sat silent a moment, tears still streaming from his eyes. "my parents." he said, pausing afterwards, "they are... were Marines." he blew his nose on one of the tissues Amelia had brought him. "while they were dodging bullets in Afghanistan i was screwing around here the world is filled with sunshine and rainbows." he looked a bit angry now. "you know what this world is full of? hate, anger and war....people die everyday and the rest of us....we just live like its not there." he leaned forward, putting his good hand over his face, "my parents died yesterday. apparently the higher ups on their ship were poisoned. theyve been sick for 2 weeks, dying a slow death and they never told me...there was even an investigation going on. they were murder cases while they were still alive because there was no antidote. its like...a dead man walking. they were supposed to be home tonight, not stuffed in a crematorium furnace. what hurts the most is that they didnt died a heros death... they died at the hands of some cowardly bastard who stowed away on their ship."
"Cian, I understand, I know how you feel. I lost my mom when I was really young too. And of course they died as heroes, they fought to keep our country safe. And that, makes a true hero, and they left you here so you wouldn't have to face the wars overseas. So those wars wouldn't come here to the states. You should lift your chin up and be proud of your parents. They loved you until the day they died." I took a deep breath and exhaled, I hated to tell him more worse news with the state he was in, but there was no choice. "Cian, I need you to focus, and listen to me very carefully okay?" I said as calmly as I possibly could, and held his own hand. I didn't want him having a freak out session on me. "You're parents death was unfortunate, and I share my condolences, but right now... you're in danger, and I have to get you out of here."
Cain looked at her, his tears ceased and dried. "how can i leave this place...its my home." he said quietly. "not today, we cant leave today. my parents ashes are being delivered tomorrow morning, cant it wait?" he gave a pained expression. if he had to leave for his own safety, he would but he wouldnt leave without his parents remains. "i have my parents car if that helps...." he mentioned.
I dreaded with fear, Cian would be useless to try and convince otherwise. I nodded and took a deep breath. "Do you have a family plot? We will bury them properly as soon as their remains arrive." I shuddered and looked at the sat little boy that sat before me. The funeral was at least some comforting gift I could give him. I looked at all the windows and curtains, relieved that no one could see us, but I knew John probably had eyes and ears on the place. I felt a wave of dizziness wash through my head. I shook it off for a moment. "My brother set me up, and he has you involved in the mess. I need a change of clothes, preferably something boyish, we're about the same size if you have anything I can borrow." I muttered as my vision faded in and out. "We are....are traveling as brother and sister to a family reunion got it? I'm Kate, and your David, or what ever name you want to pick..." I gasped for breath, and my body felt numb. My stomach felt queasy. I slipped to the floor.

My world faded to black.
Cian merely nodded in agreement to whatever she said. however, he would talk to her about the funeral thing later. he had intentions to spread there ashes. Amelia seemed to be unwell, but he couldnt be sure why. he couldnt believe that one day he was roller blading in the park like he normally did, and the next he was stuck planning to run away from his home after his parents were murdered. it was a lot for one person to take in. in a flash Amelia had blacked out, and Cian was trying to wake her. "hey, are you ok? wake up, please!" he paused a moment, not sure what was wrong. he brought her to the guest room to lay down, and with no other real options grabbed some of his spare clothes before looking over her as she lay unconscious.
My world was black. I was darkness. My skin was pale and cold under the florescent light of the bedroom. my light brown hair had fallen over my shoulders, and I think the red dress John had made me worn had torn as I had ran to Cian's. That didn't matter now. I was sort of stuck in a limbo... I remembered all the good times... (what few and far between they were) and just lay there. To the outside world I seemed peaceful as ever. I was asleep, but inside my mind was struggling to grasp what was going on. Only time could get me out of the sticky situation. I should have been more careful, more weary of what John had planned. At least I knew that the water I drank was drugged. Cian and I would be okay for at least one more day, that is if he hadn't tipped off Marco on where we were. After a few hours, I my eyelids finally flickered open as I gasped for breath, and shot upright out of breath, wandering if i had been taken by John and saw an unfamiliar room. I freaked and got up from the bed as I dashed into the living room and saw Cian...I sighed with relief.

"Hey..." I said calmly and walked up behind him. "I'm sorry about that, it appears my brother drugged me."
Cian had long since gone into the living room and he had sat down to watch TV. characters flickered across the screen, but Cian wasnt really paying attention. his chest hurt, and he felt like a black hole had opened. he really wished he couldve seen his parents just one more time. to show them his success in his online college, to tell them that he was working hard to firgure out exactly what he wanted to do with his life. but that was all changing now, and he had no idea what he was going to do. he was holding a little black box with two small gold bands in it.they were tied together by a white ribbon that had the names Shannon and Leroy printed on it.

He heard Amelia approach him and he flipped the box shut and looked up from where he slouched on the couch. he stared up at her as she stood behind the couch. "about that thing you said earlier, call me Tony for now. but someday im going to have my real name back, so dont get used to it." he gave a small slightly pained smile, before turning off the TV with a sigh.
"my father ran an illegal child slavery and prostitution and fight ring." I shuddered... my thoughts traced back to those long and dark summer nights. "He....." I whispered.... my entire body shook... it was like digging up old wounds and watching them bleed with out being able to stop it. "he made my brother and nasty.. awful things to each other and then made profit off of it."

I took another shaken breath. "I finally managed to tell my sister Laura, who freaked and told my brother Simon... my brother told my mom... and my mom... well... she tried to stop Marco. One night, Mom came running up to me, frantic. She scooped me up into her arms and carried me to the door. Car keys in her hand... I was terrified... because that night...I saw daddy hold a gun in his hand...

We were... running to the truck... and I heard the shot fired... a few... Marco was... past drunk. Mom fell, right ontop of me there was so much blood there was nothing...." My body trembled. "Nothing I could do...I was helpless under my mom's weight and Marco quickening his steps to try and kill me as well... I had gotten out... I don't think I'd ever been so scared... so covered in blood...

I ran. I didn't look back but I had a feeling Marco wouldn't dare follow me. I went and I hid in the stables... I was there for about three days before my brothers John and Simon found me... they took me to the hospital where I was treated for PTSD, rape and other.... miscellaneous injuries. Marco was arrested about a week later, and I was sent to live with my brother John, one of the federal agents you met earlier. "

"There are reasons why I lied to you about my name. its because its easier to hide from people like my brother, and people like my father. I'm still technically living on the streets, and I have to make due with the best I got each and every day. People like my father make this world a very dangerous place. he's been trying to finish what he started, by killing me, and everyone who knows me, because he just can.

He seeks revenge, and that's why I'm constantly on the move. I lied to keep you safe, your parents died to keep you safe. Its because we care about you, and we don't want you hurt. I know its dangerous, but keeping you on the move with me will be the safest thing we can do right about now. I'm sure your parents want nothing more than your happiness right about now. And I'm sure, your parents are very, very proud of you."
Cian shifted around till he was on his knees on the couch. he was tall enough that he could hug her and keep his head over her shoulder even on his knees on the couch. "hey, you sure you want to that far into detail? i just met you yesterday." some of his own sadness melted away. "hey, why dont you chill on the couch while i make something for us to eat? no use leaving good food to go to waste." he said, realizing that he would have to throw out many perishable items. they would have to pack non perishable foods so they wouldnt have to waste money. they had a lot of preparing to do, but perhaps it was better to wait till after they ate.
I hugged him back, a little winded and nodded. "Sure." I said. "Um. if you have any chocolate, and milk, I know a great homemade chocolate milk recepie." I shrugged and followed him into the kitchen. Had I gone too deep into my personal history? I just wanted him to know the truth. I bit my lip and sighed. I didn't want to screw up. I hoped I hadn't screwed up. "Let's just have fun tonight okay? Maybe thrown in a movie, some popcorn, eat until we're full, and... be ready to go tomorrow. Okay Tony?" I asked him quietly.
Cain gave a curt nod. "chocolate milk is in the fridge." he said, searching the cupboards. "anything in particular you want to eat?" he asked his mood lifting slightly. Cian loved cooking, especially for other people. as bad as things seemed, he didnt want to disregard what his parents taught him. no matter what the situation they had taught him to always smile. he took a deep breath, and managed a small yet genuine smile. "and the movie, you can pick from my parents massive collection, i will show it to you in a bit." he offered.
I smiled and nodded. I hoped Cian had felt somewhat better. He seemed to smile a bit more. I went to the refrigerator and pulled out the chocolate milk and poured a glass for myself as I watched him cook. I had to admit, it had been a while since I had had a good home cooked meal. I watched him cook and sat on the counter. It was also nice because when I had told most people about my past, they were shallow and narrow minded people, most of the time I was just turned away. he hadn't seemed to do that. It made me feel some what okay about that. Maybe.... just maybe I could trust him, but I didn't want to open up to him only to get shot down again. "Hey Cian..." I was thinking about telling him... and then paused. "Never mind..."
Cian decided to go with pasta, as it was a favorite type of meal for him. he found some tomato sauce and elbow noodles. elbow noodles were a bit unconventional for such pastas, but thats how Cian liked it. he cooked up ground beef, added the already boiled noodles and sauce. he threw in some spices just as he heard Amelia start to say something. by now Cian had fallen into a temporary state of relaxation so he could interacte normally. "something the matter Kate?" he asked, somehow wishing he could call her by her real name.
I paced from the kitchen to the living room and back to the kitchen as he called out to me. I stared at him and shook my head. "It's nothing." I replied calmly and smiled as I saw the pasta cooking on the stove. "Italian food is my favorite!" I grinned and couldn't wait to devour a bowl of it. "My mom used to make it from scratch all the time, she even made homemade ice cream," I smiled softly, remembering what good memories of my childhood I did have. I sat on the counter and helped myself to a glass of milk. I stared at the window, the curtains I had closed earlier would provide some protection at least. Hell even going on the run I knew we couldn't be fully safe. I think I knew what I had to do. The only way to stay safe, was to go to the one place my father would never look, home. I gritted my teeth, home is not where my heart was, but it was worth a shot at staying safe. "We gotta leave bright and early, we have a long way to travel."
Cian gave a worried glance, but didnt pry. he dished up the sort-of-Italian tomato sauce pasta onto plates, garnishing them with oregano and basil so they looked nice. "is it weird that such a jock like me would want to be a professional chef someday?" he asked with a chuckle as he set the plates on the table. "i dont mind leaving an early riser anyways, and my parents ashes should be arriving in the morning as well." his eyes flickered with sadness, but only briefly. he ate a spoonful of his sorta-Italian creation.
"I don't think its funny at all." I smiled warmly. "I actually can't decide if I want to be a chef as well, or a cop. You see, if my mom wasn't so busy taking care of all of us kids. she was in the kitchen making the most incredible meals, and I would sit and color on the kitchen counter while she cooked and I watched. I learned a lot from my mom. If you want to cook, by all means cook. There is nothing wrong with doing what you really want to do." I wondered where my words had come from. I wish I could take in my own advice into consideration. I hoped I could at least cheer him up with out going too overboard. I sat down at the table and began to eat with him. The meal was fantastic, any part of of cold that I felt in my heart and body melted away by a simple warm meal. "you're parents would be very proud of you right now." I said.
Cian felt a twinge of pain when she mentioned his parents, but he let it pass. "thank you." he replied. cooking had been something his parents did everyday when they weren't deployed overseas, so it would remain a fond memory for him. he ate quietly for a moment, mostly mulling over what he could've done better in the cooking. after awhile he finally broke the silence. "what kinds of movies do you like? my parents have a ton, and a portable dvd player. we could take it with us, and some movies as well if you want." he suggested, hoping to lighten the mood.

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