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Searching for a couple new rp partners (both fandom and non-fandom)


Nerdlord trash
Hello again! I had an interest check thread somewhere, but I have lost track of it. So I'm starting a new one because I am in the market for one or two more rps! There's a few things I'd like to mention before we get to the fun stuff:

  • I am an adult with a full-time job, so sometimes I may not respond much. I do my very best to reply at least once a day if not more, but there may be times I go a day or two without responding. I will try to let you know if I'm going to be away from the computer for a while, but luckily this doesn't happen too often. Full disclosure, though- the longest I have gone without responding was a week. As I've said, I do my very best not to have that happen.
  • As I've said, I am an adult. I really strongly prefer to rp with people 18 and older, especially if there are any romantic elements. I keep all rps in accordance with the rules of the site, but I'm personally more comfortable rping with 18+.
  • If, for whatever reason, you no longer wish to rp- that is fine. All I ask is that you just let me know. You don't even have to give a reason. Just a "hey, I don't want to continue the rp anymore" is a-okay with me. No hard feelings, honest. Things happen, people lose interest. It's all good! Just give me a head's up so I'm not waiting on a response that will never come.

Okay, now that we have that out of the way... Let's get to the more interesting things, assuming I haven't scared you off yet!

I'm really a go-with-the-flow kind of rp-er. I'm not super critical of spelling or grammar, I just ask that it's coherent enough to understand. Any kind of rp style is fine by me. If you don't have a preferred style, I typically default to one or two good paragraphs. Quality is way more important that quality, so just give me something I can work with. I don't require pictures or any add-ons, but if you like them, then by all means!

I typically do like rps with a bit of romance in them, usually F/F or M/M, but I don't mind interesting and unique M/F. I'm not a fan of abuse being actively present in rps, but I don't mind vague references to it- i.e. it's something one of the characters has experienced in the past.

I am OC friendly, but I ask that they be believable and realistic. Typically, if it's fandom-related, I won't ship OCs with main characters- but it never hurts to ask. I'm also not a huge fan of crossovers, but I don't mind taking characters from one fandom and putting them in another- the biggest example being a Harry Potter AU sort of thing.

I prefer to rp over pms or email, but as with everything else- if you prefer something different, cool beans. Let's see if we can make it work.

I think I've covered everything, so let's get to the really fun part. I like fandom and original universe stuff, so I'll list everything and separate it out all nice and pretty to make it easy to read. If you see your fandom, but not your ship- I am a multi-shipper and I probably ship it, but forgot to list it. It never hurts to ask!

If you're interested in any of these, please feel free to message me!


Dragon Age:

  • Iron Bull/Inquisitor (prefer M/M)
  • Hawke/Anders (prefer M/M)
  • Iron Bull/Krem
  • Hawke/Fenris (prefer M/M)
  • Fenris/Anders
  • Dorian/Cullen
  • Hawke/Isabela (prefer F/F)
  • Isabela/Merrill
  • Zevran/Warden (prefer M/M)
  • Leliana/Warden (prefer F/F)
  • Josephine/Leliana
  • Dorian/Iron Bull
  • Inquisitor/Krem
  • Inquisitor/Scout Harding (prefer F/F)

The Raven Cycle

  • Ronan/Adam
  • Ronan/Gansey
  • Gansey/Adam
  • Gansey/Blue
  • Basically all of them. Any of the ships. Just anything. I'm really craving something from TRC.

Harry Potter

  • Harry/Draco
  • Sirius/Remus
  • James/Sirius
  • Luna/Neville
  • Luna/Ginny
  • Dean/Seamus


  • Clint/Natasha
  • Steve/Bucky
  • Steve/Tony
  • Thor/Loki
  • Steve/Sam
  • Tony/Bruce
  • Clint/Coulson
  • Clint/Pietro
  • Spiderman/Deadpool
  • Charles/Erik

Star Wars

  • Anakin/Obi-wan
  • Finn/Poe
  • Finn/Rey
  • Anakin/Padme

Misc (for fandoms with only a few pairings)

  • Kirk/Spock (Star Trek either TOS or new)
  • Sailor Mercury/Sailor Jupiter (Sailor Moon)
  • Lestat/Louis (Interview with a Vampire)
  • Harry/Eggsy (Kingsman)
  • Harry/Merlin (Kingsman)
  • Laurent/Damen (Captive Prince)
  • Legolas/Gimli (Lord of the Rings)
  • Bilbo/Thorin (The Hobbit)
  • Newt/Hermann (Pacific Rim)
  • Any pairing from Song of the Lioness

Non-Fandom Plots:


  • Mermaid/pirate (preferred F/F but will do M/M)
  • Monarch/knight (preferred F/F but will do M/M)
  • Knight/pirate (F/F or M/M, but will do M/F)
  • Prince(ss)/Thief (F/F or M/M, but will do M/F)


  • For this, I don't have specific ideas, but anything a la Star Trek, Firefly, or Star Wars is cool by me.
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