
"We should get moving, then." Clem said, turning to face everyone, but not before thanking Cian for the information. "Eight hours may seem like a lot, but light burns fast. We should probably cover as much ground as possible." She rugged on her glove a bit and kicked at the dirt and sand. "So, uh... Which way?" she asked.
Cyan felt himself become weightless and before he knew it, he was being hurdled through what seemed to be air. His body was flailing helpless through the air, but no matter how hard he willed his body to follow his instructions it was useless. Finally giving in Cyan relaxed and watched as small lights and particles danced around him; the young half-elf watched in amazement as the world around him continued to spin. "So this is what going through the portal feels like." He thought to himself. He'd always been extremely curious as to what would happen if he were to jump into the portal; but, he never tried due to the lack of information on the phenomenon. Suddenly, his body collided with the ground with a thud. "Ouch" He shouted indignantly.

He winced as he stood to his feet, his body still a bit disoriented from the trip. However, one thing he noticed immediately was the bright light that shined above him. Like many of his 'comrades' Cyan's first instinct was to look at the giant orb, but luckily for him Cian advised against it. This was after, of course, he took a quick glance at it anyways. Cyan blinked several times amused and slightly confused by the swirling multicolored lights that clouded his vision. With a friendly smile, Cyan turned to the group of people and waved. "My names Cyan. I guess it'll be pretty weird having two people with the same name, huh?" He shot an reserved smile towards his full elven counterpart before smiling at the rest of the group.

"I agree with aece though; our top priority should be to survey the area and secure shelter before nightfall" He gazed around the deserted wasteland in complete awe, however despite it all he was overwhelmed with joy. Finally being able to walk free, outside of the confined walls of the city was a dream come true. "We should be careful though, we don't know much about the wild life here. There may beasts and other dangers."
Aece watched the second Cian fall from the sky and blink after glancing at the sun. He seemed easygoing and very lighthearted, especially in a place like this. When Cyan seemed prepared for this mission and brought up ideas about possible animals and dangers, Aece replied, "Yeah, that's right... We should be careful." I completely forgot about wildlife. "Okay, let's vote; where do you guys want to go? I was thinking toward the sun, so we'd have more time before dark, and we don't know where any of these ways lead anyway." Aece was eager to show off her knowledge about the sun's rotation around Earth, but had no idea if walking toward it would affect the amount of time they had to search for water, food, and shelter.
"Well, you already know what i'm gonna say; but, I'll say it anyways. I agree. I think we should find a place to settled down before nightfall. So yea, I vote for that one." Cyan looked over at Aece and gave her a sheepish grin. Although it didn't hold much merit, he thought he should be the first one to speak up. He wasn't much of the leader type, but he did enjoy helping people; especially those who treated him with kindness. Nevertheless, in this circumstance it wasn't just the group he was looking out for. He needed to find paradise as quickly as possible, if things went sour with this group he needed an out. A sudden twinge of guilt caused his chest to ache slightly; however, he quickly pushed it back. Cyan didn't like to think his new comarades would betray him, but it was still a possibility he had to be ready for. The light glimmer in his eye faded only for a few seconds, before Cyan replaced it with his usual smile. "This is my chance to find happiness," he thought.
A small smile flickered across Cian's face as Cyan landed, quick to introduce himself. He seemed comfortable and relaxed on the surface, smiling easily, a slight glint in his eyes. He agreed with Aece, mentioning the wildlife they would need to look out for as well. And Cian nodded, agreeing with both of them, drumming his fingers on his chin. "I agree. We should travel for a few hours, then stop before nightfall, and gather food and such. Figure out where everyone's skills lay to help set up camp."
(Sorry guys. Just starting >.<)

Val jumped off of the tree she had been sitting on, thinking. She couldn't stop thinking about her parents. Would they be proud of her? She didn't understand why they had to die when she was so young. She started to walk slowly, tears rising. She blinked letting them slide down her now red face. She looked straight ahead, her sobbing quiet.

(Sorry it's short. It'll get longer as we progressing.)
Aece saw a figure emerge from the trees at the bottom of the hill and said, "Let's go that way. See who that person is, and see if there's water in that forest." Then she heard a small grumble coming from a crack in the hill, which got bigger and multiplied as the noise got louder. "Crap. Get off of here. Get off. Something's there!" Aece shouted to the group before racing down the hill toward the stranger.
Val looked up, wondering what was going on. "W-Who is that?" She mumbled, stopping. She was contemplating running back to her tree. She did as the figures began to get closer, her long legs already tired. She tripped and stumbled to the ground. She looked back, hoping they were her imagination. Yet there they were. She couldn't handle more people. She couldn't get close to somebody ever again.
Elise had somehow felt too shy to say her name out loud when some of her companions did and Kain was somehow not that keen to introduce himself to strangers so he just kept quiet. However, Elise did swished her tail from side to side as she hear everyone's name and tried to store it in her mind, not wanting to forget them. She then jumped when she heard Aece warning them to get off the place they were standing at but it was Kain the one that forced her to move as he took her by the wrist and raced down the hill with the others, he had maintained control though and had not panic because of the strange event.
Aece watched the girl run back into the trees and shouted, "Wait!" But the girl had already fallen to the ground. Aece reached her and offered her a hand. "I'm Aece. We're all here for the same reason, I think, so there's no need to be afraid..." Just as she said that, another crack sprouted on the side of the hill, making Aece turn from the girl and back up a little, getting her knives out.
Val stared at them, then stood up. She nodded at them and whispered, "I'm Val." she then turned to look at the direction they were. She looked up at the sky, wondering what was going to happen. She hoped and prayed her life would return to normal once this was all over.
Aece barely heard the Val whisper her name as the group raced down the hill. Aece backed into the forest some more as more roars escaped the cracks in the ground. Soon, she saw a scaly claw break the surface of the hill, and shouted again, "Run!!" Aece grabbed Val and pulled the surprised girl along with her away from the monster underneath the hill.
Val glanced back, frightened. "What the he-- is that!?" she screamed, running. She glanced around as the wind started to blow and the sky grew cloudy. Her pulse grew faster as she realized they were in trouble.
After casting his vote, Cyan's attention began to drift toward the magnicifent world above ground. Although it wasn't as developed as the world below, he'd heard stories from his parents - mainly his mother due to her longivity as an elf - about how the world above used to be. His brows furrowed as he remained in deep thought, at how unfortunate it was that this world was in ruins. He jumped slightly as a gust of air blew past him, dancing across his skin. Soon he relaxed, letting his body feel the natural force known as wind. Down under the citizens weren't exposed to wind, unless man made; however, up here it was different, more natural and comforting. Within the moment of personal silence, Cyan heard the members of the group talking quietly amongst themselves; although, he found it a bit strange that no one gave their vote. "Maybe, the answer is just too obvious?" he thought to himself.

Cyan shrugged the thought off within the next seconds when he heard Aece call attention to the trees over in the distance. "What's she lookin at?" He said aloud, looking at each of his fellow party members. Although he was a close range fighter, he was essentially near sighted; so naturally he wasn't able to see whatever it was in the distance. His party members remained silent; he was going to comment, but just as he opened his mouth Aece began to sprint toward the tree in the distance. Without a second thought, Cyan was hot on her trail matching her speed. As they approached the tree, the young half-elf could see a small girl on the ground. Aece was the first to introduce herself; Cyan watched the young girl intrigued by her ability to be friendly to seemingly any one she meets. "She's a bit odd, but in a good way at least," He smiled and gave the girl who just introduced herself a small wave. "I'm Cyan, nice to meet 'cha"

The girl didn't get a chance to respond, due to a large tremor suddenly appeared. "What the heck is going on?" He shouted, confused. He glanced over and noticed Aece was pulling the girl away to safety. Cyan braced himself to the earth and jumped over the large claw that emerged from the ground. The monster had about four claws, each one the size of Cyan plus another half of him. The hill began to crack open more, and all Cyan could see within the darkness of earth was a pair of thin pure black eyes following him as he soared above. He landed roughly shocked at what he'd just seen. As he turned to Aece and val, the monster's head emerged with a crash. Its skin was a forest green color and covered with dirt, its head was about as tall was large and round. Small horns stood erect on the monsters head, and appeared to be a cloudy grey. "It looks kinda like a lizard," he shouted to the girls behind him. He looked for the rest of the group but didn't see them, "Shoot, they must be on the other side of the dragon." Cyan jumped down to where Aece was standing, "Are you guys okay? I mean ladies, girls?" He stumbled on his words, not sure if he'd offended them by calling them girls.
In any other situation, Aece would have laughed at Cyan's stuttering speech. But in the current moment, Aece just yelled back over her shoulder, above the deafening roars, "Yes, we're fine right now, but to make sure we stay that way we had better run. We could circle around and see if we can find the others..." A tree burst into flames—courtesy of the dragon's hot breath—and fell just in front of her. Aece skidded to a stop, whirling and looking through the trees behind her to the looming green dragon. Friendly or unfriendly? Wise and benevolent or arrogant and malicious? Aece breathlessly asked Cyan and Val, "Are you guys good at fighting dragons? Any skills that might be useful in a situation like this? I can use knives and sometimes control the weather, depending on the current atmospheric pressure and stuff like that..." The air was dry and some of Aece's hairs were standing up. "The air's got a lot of energy right now, I could use some lightening... we could try to fight this thing..."
"Well, I'm no dragon slayer, but I can definitely help take out this thing," Cyan said, as he watched the tree in front of him burn a blazing red. Just beyond, in his sight of vision, the dragon was making its way toward them. "Doesn't like we'll have much choice if we want to live long will it take to conjure some lightening? I can stall it until you finish." Or so he said, but in reality he wasn't so sure. He'd fought opponents - both man and beast- but he'd never fought an opponent so terrifying. His body began to shake in anticipation, his body urging him to fight the large beast. "If there's one thing I love, it's a challange."

Cyan braced himself into his fighting position, his left arm was extended to his front, plam open. His right arm was slightly even with his body, his elbow was perched up at almost shoulder height. Each of his legs were in position: one slightly extended behind him, and the other slightly in front. A grin spread across his face, "Let's do this." Cyan launched his body forward, as the dragon slithered closer, it's mouth agape. As Cyan approached, he skidded to a sudden halt barely missing the dragon's tail as it swung in front of him. Luckily, he ducked but he could feel the heavily pressured wind above him. His heart raced, "only a few inches closer and I would've been a goner." However, there was no rest for the young half-elf; the dragon spun around whipping it's claws toward him. Cyan jumped above the paw spinning forward with a front flip, as he rapidly approached the ground head first the threw his arms out hitting the ground. The ground was dry beneath his fingers, but this was a fortunate fact for the fighter. If it had been slippery or wet, he would have slipped which could mean life or death. With a heavy push off the ground, Cyan launched himself toward the dragon feet first. With a heavy crash, Cyan slammed into the dragons face; unfortunately, it did less damage than he thought it would, for the dragon only paused for a mere moment before he was irritably shaken off.

Cyan flew off the dragons face unexpectedly; luckily for him he was able to arch his back and make contact with the ground. His hands skid across the ground, his skin scraping across the dry cracked earth. He winced, as he pushed himself off the ground and progressed into a series of flips. "Shoot, he's a lot tougher than he looks," Cyan said breathing heavy, as he made a shaky landing. "Still need more time?" he shouted, getting into his fighters position once again.
First, Aece panted, "Gimme thirty seconds..." to Cyan. She then concentrated her energy. Usually it took a lot longer the first time than it did successive times to conjure extreme weather. Aece could hear the crackle of electricity in the air, and pictured lightening strikes and imagined the roars of the dragon were roars of thunder. Taking a risk by closing her eyes, Aece exhaled before reopening her eyes and sending bolts of lightening from her open right palm into the dragon's face. Temporarily blinded, the green monster roared and shot more fire out of its mouth. Mind racing, Aece bolted toward the beast, staying barely a few steps ahead of the blazing inferno of the forest going up in flames behind her. She took a running leap up the front leg of the dragon and raked the knife in her left hand down its face. The blade barely penetrated its scaly armor. Mad and not blinded anymore, the dragon swiped at Aece with a forepaw, sending her spinning sideways but uninjured into a bush. She coughed and then yelled to Cyan over the earthshaking growls of the dragon and crashes of falling rocks and trees, "It's covered in armor! How do we attack it? Lightening didn't work..." Aece dodged another of the dragon's paws, then saw a flash of an idea race through her mind. "It's breathing fire! Anything relating to fire probably won't hurt it, like how my lightening had no lasting effect. Give me some more time; I could try to bring a downpour or a quick flurry of snow."
Clementine, who had watched both Aece and Cyan run towards the forest below, had contemplated whether she should go down there, too. After a bit of thought, she took a few steps down the hill, but before she could actually get anywhere there was a ferocious roar, and it stopped her in her tracks. Looking over, she couldn't even see the two anymore. Instead, in her sights was a large lizard that instantly started spewing fire from it's mouth.

"What on earth...?" she gasped, watched it fight her unseen comrades. With a quick glance to the rest of the group but without a second thought, Clem jumped her way down the hill and raced towards the monster, getting near just in time to watch Aece attempt to stab through it and summon a few lightning bolts. For some reason, she couldn't stop her legs nor did she know what she was actually doing until she arrived, grabbing the knife from one of the beast's legs while it was distracted with the other two.

Clementine ran underneath the dragon, heading towards it's tail while keeping a close eye on Aece and Cyan. She had to dodge it's swinging tail a few times before latching onto it with both arms, the knife clenched tightly in her teeth. Unfortunately, the reptile now fully noticed her presence, and tried swinging it's tail and slamming it into the ground in order to get her off, but she was already climbing up the monster's back, using it's scales to make her way onto it's head, where it now took numerous swings at her with it's front claws. Clem let out a yell as it thrashed it's head, causing her to start sliding down it's face. Instinctively, she used the knife to stab into something to stop her fall, which happened to be the dragon's eye.
Watching Clem rake her knife through the beast's eye, Aece dodged the dragon's feet and pictured a deep rain falling over everything. She could see the water falling from the heavens. She could hear the drumming sounds it made on the dirt and grass. She could feel it cascading down her skin. A short thunderclap announced the arrival of the brief, heavy shower as Aece stumbled from lack of energy due to her heavy concentration on changing the weather. She barely dodged the dragon's right paw as it swatted blindly, holding its other paw to its bleeding eye. The rain washed rivets of blood down the dragon's face and made it relatively sedated. The green monster took a few steps, then sat still on the ground, bleeding and choking on the rainwater.
Clementine clutched onto the blade as her only lifeline until she dragon sat still, it and the explorers. The girl opened her eyes and looked around, sliding off of the monster's head and landing on her right leg safely. She was breathing heavily and still holding onto Aece's knife, smeared blood still on the blade and her hand. She looked at both Cyan and Aece, only glancing at the newcomer, and cleared her throat. "Is everyone okay?" she asked, rubbing the blood off of her soaked pants.
Aece looked at Cyan and Val before breathlessly replying, "I'm fine..." She stopped the rain gradually and addressed the group, "So... you guys want to try to find a place to sleep for the night?" The sun was sinking mercilessly, and though the dragon was currently sedated Aece dreaded its reawakening and wanted to be far away when it did wake up. "Think there are more of those here...?" Aece wondered, more to herself than anyone else.
Clementine shook her head. "We can't know for sure, but I would like to think that there aren't; at least not any nearby." she answered, shivering a bit as she walked over to Aece to hand her her knife. "I think our best bet is to find a safe place to rest with the others and build a campfire. It's a shame we didn't really get to travel today..." she trailed off, her eyes drifting over to the girl with cat ears. "Who's she?"
"That's Val." Aece nodded to the girl. "Yeah, that's a good idea... hopefully it won't be too cold, though." She began walking around the dragon to the other side of the hill. "Hopefully they did fine with the dragon," Aece worried, still thinking about other possible dangers that could be here.
not too far off, the blood curdling roar of another dragon can be heard. Sedrian was going one on one with this ferocious beast, he didn't care, in fact he preffered this to having help, mainly because he hated human interaction. But in this case he knew if he didn't get any help soon, he would die.
((SHOOT!!!! I forgot about this..... Oh well.. Imma jump in randomly xD ))

Ace just continued cosplaying as a bunny in the little cafe she worked for. She bounced up and down and gave people their orders. Mainly guys though. Ace laughed and continued working with a smile. She really enjoyed working here because she felt like she can be herself.

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