Sea Born Lunar [Halcyon 2nd Ed]


Junior Member
Sea Born Lunar

Bored after days of fighting and problem solving through out the burial chambers, I now sat ten feet from a rather large grasshopper. Glad the others of the pack where not about to see me stake the bug for the six hours that Luna required to be able to claim the form.

Rocked back on my hind legs, I creep slowly behind the beast its unknowing chirps belay the fact that a five hundred pound godling follows his every movement. The thing darts out of no where shooting under one of the many thrones in the room.

Sprinting I slam head long into the edge of one of the thrones. "Blood and Moon light that hurts! pesky little beast!"

I quiet down trying not to attract the attention of Sevetuan's soldiers who have already put half a days wages saying the grasshopper would get away. Of which I grumbled loudly at hearing. Cause by morning I was going to eat the little bugger not just kill him for making me slam my head into the throne. Wither the bug new it or not.

Not that I could yet take such a small shape, but in the future when I figured that out such a bug would come in rather handy, I would say so myself. Ten more minutes and I eat the thing. Not just its hearts blood but the whole bloody thing for making me chase it around the inside of this building.

An audible grumble escaped as I waited and “huntedâ€
A New Sport And A New Friend

The captain took one look at me and another at my rather large pet wolverine and decided that we would be the only “crewâ€
Jade City And Daiklave

The morning ended with Finn pinned beneath me, right leg and left arm nearly tied in a knot and I still wasn’t sure if he was down until he tapped the deck of the Halcyon. Then I noticed the signal for port and wondered if he had giving up the match. Because if he did I was going to bite him where it didn’t grow back, and I bet you Finn would never do that to me again.

Finn looked to me “Quit giving me that eye, no I didn’t tap out just to get to the port duties. You either win me a weeks wages or lose me a weeks wages every time we wrestle.â€
The Steel Club and A Pearl Eye

Arringdale looked to the wharf district and with a twinkle in his eye said “Come lets find you a new blade and perhaps find an interesting time of the day!â€
The sub area was large then it seemed as I looked about, this was not only a place to enter the fight but was what could only be described as the local training dojo for the poor and troublesome. Men and fighters of all sizes and ages filled the area working out or sparing in one of three small arenas off to the side, which would put them nearly under the front entrance and the road.

A small line of men lead up to a large fellow with is right top front tooth and is left bottom front tooth missing. He looked as if he smelled but you could not tell from the smell wafting in from the dojo area. On the table was a stack of blank white soap stone tiles and a black soapstone tile. The man looked at me as he put the black tile on the wall, the symbol of lightning cracking the mountain drawn upon the tile.

“How do I enter the matches?â€
The Fights and the Fools

The Mountain started by removing his shirt and cracking his knuckles in what was meant to be an intimidation tactic. His grin was not as confident as it was before my small personal commit to him. He was a rugged man, standing only a head shorter than my war form. His shoulders spread apart by a three foot wide chest; his head was tattooed by scars from many fights.

As he entered the arena the crowd bellowed his praise, obviously a local champion. He spun in a circle his hands held high in the air. As his gaze passes a section of the crowd they would raise in volume then quiet down, but only a little. He was a showman if nothing else.

This man as far as mortals went was a fine beast, and would have made a good husband for one of my daughters. Once he learned the lessons of Luna and the order of power in the pack. He would then have been a strong fighter and a good sire. But I do not believe he will listen.

Watching the mountain move you could tell he was not per say a trained fighter but a natural fighter. Moving more like a Mountain Lion than an Immaculate Monk, I should know I have eaten a couple of both in my time the monks far more chewy. His first move was surprising as he leaped forward like a panther springing tree to tree, and lashed out with his fist.

The blow meant to finish me quickly; it was aimed toward my upper chest lower neck area. I stopped it with a crossed forearm block we both slid backwards about a foot. His movements changed once he realized I would not be knocked out so quickly. From that of a prowling cat to that of a lumbering rhino, this man was nearly feral and did not realize it himself.

My turn to act, as he wheeled himself around looking for an opening I sprung upon him my grip entangling his wrist and neck as my legs snaked themselves along his right leg making it stick strait out as if he was a stiff leg goat. A Burst of strength I did not expect from a mortal and a twist. Now standing behind me Mountain was surprised to find his head and feet in the air at the same time as he crossed the arena floor like an albatross trying to land, ending up in the same stopped position ass over tea kettle.

Flipping over Mountain took on what looked like a poor copy of Raging Tiger Pounce Technique. His flight through the air did not last as long as he would like as I connected with his ribs with a double punch. Something cracked and the fight in the mountain began to fade.

Realizing that Mountain was copying Martial Arts style, he must have trained or lived with a beast man or lunar tribe in the past. I have seen the style he fights with which is a mortal version of Tiger Style, poor copy but effective against most mortals none the less. A roar from across the arena emphasis my thoughts as I hear the start of Angry Predator Frenzy Style. He strikes with his speed; though he is better trained I am not mortal.

I block a blow to my head, then another to my stomach both left unanswered, the crowd is roaring for Mountain now they see he is pushing against me. Another misses and passes by to the right of me as a leg lashes out for my legs, never finding a home. He spins passed me in a motion that belays the man’s weight and height; he comes in for a wide right handed punch.

The crowd goes silent as Mountains feet leave the earth again, his head twisted back from the uppercut twisting his chin and head to the side. A loud thud followed by a cloud of dust then nothing, complete and total silence. I wave to the crowd to let them know I am well and I won.

Half the building is laughing, the other half cheering either way I feel the rush of applause roll over me and through me. Money is heard all about the arena changing hands, as two men come in with a stretcher look at mountain, put down the stretcher and return with two additional people to help move the bulk of my fallen opponent.

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