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Fandom sdh's fandom thread {current:danganronpa!}


deliver me to the bugmen of st christopher
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
hi, im matt. :3
i do mostly canon character fandom stuff (with some exceptions, i got some ocs and i like talkin about ocs, so uh... eyes emoji).​

i am a lit boy, generally, but i don't require rp partners to be. i have a hard time trimming down, but i admire people who can. :3 my writing style is very different from my chatting style ehhehe.

settings & genre:
- i like aus best, but i'll also definitely do canon divergence.
- i liiiike crossovers, but vague ones, if that makes sense? like a pokemon AU can technically take place anywhere and have very few additional rules, ykno. like that. :) keep in mind i'm not, uh, in a whole lot of fandoms, actually. :')
- i like fantasy (modern or medieval) and to keep it kinda loose or to worldbuild aus together! i like lots of stuff. slice of life. silly comedy. disaster angst. i'll listen and suggest tweaks for most ideas.
- i don't mind other stuff not listed, too, it just needs to be hyped up a little to me and might need changed a lil. :3
- shipping also not required, but i'm also a multishipper and polyam fan at heart as well, so we're all good to negotiate ships if you do want to. :)

- love lgbtq+ headcanons, neurodivergent headcanons, disability headcanons, miscellaneous headcanons... maybe an outlier here but i really like when people throw in some cool new aspects to characters or interpolate canonical information into specific hcs. <3 i also have a few of these myself, but most of them are completely optional.
- speaking of i like lgbtq+ themes, but not required. i do require partners who are cool with it, though, sorry. :3
- i REALLY like talking ooc to make sure everyone is still on the same page and to keep ideas rolling..... :3

current fixation: danganronpa!
i've played THH, SDR2, UDG, and gotten to like. chapter 1 of V3, but i'm working on it. i've also done a bunch of wiki-crawling re: DR3 and OVAs/spinoff manga/etc, though.

characters i can play below <3

(italics i'm not totally sure i can do but i'm willing to give it all i've got!)

THH // Makoto, Hifumi, Chihiro, Mondo, Kiyotaka, Sakura, Toko
SDR2 // Hajime, Nagito, Fuyuhiko, Peko, Gundham, Hiyoko, Chiaki, Izuru, Impostor (Spoilers for SDR2 under there.)
(V3 to be added... sometime. Maybe.)

- i can play against most anybody, with a few exceptions: teruteru (i'm honestly not sure he'd even be allowed on this site without some major character tweaks anyway), the kids from UDG (i do love the fix-it aus, just not for me when it comes to writing it), haiji, monokuma/monokubs/other bears, junko, mukuro, and chisa + other anime exclusives.
- i have some weird limits about certain characters, namely: trans girl chihiro (or trans nonbinary with she/her pronouns), autistic gundham. i would also prefer a prospective partner be respectful re: nagito's implied mental disorder(s), izuru's, gonta's (when i get through v3), hifumi's weight, impostor's weight as well... i think that's it for now?
- not really a doubler, but i also haven't done forum rp since like, 2008, so maybe i'm just out of touch on what it means, hehe.

final thoughts! we would probably have to tweak some things, obviously, because DR is kind of a... whirlwind of offensive and inappropriate stuff, but i really think a huge amount of that can be remedied by just aging these characters up out of their weird teenage stuff (like hiyoko and toko) or put them in an au that removes them from potentially rule-breaking situations (like fuyuhiko and peko and maybe mondo?). but i'm always willing to negotiate that, too. :)

i have writing samples for me playing gundham, mondo, fuyuhiko, and hajime that i can provide if anybody wants that, and a ton of basic premise ideas for certain characters, so feel free to ask if you feel like you're interested but would need a short description of a potential plot to get you on it!
a bump thats not in the middle of the night. wild O-O
im also planning on maybe getting a hang of bbcode and adding in prompt ideas, because i have a lot of them. soon. someday. :)
Hello!!!! Would you be up for Mondo x Kiyotaka ( id preferably be Taka ) roleplay, with some kind of crossover or something fun and modern ( no killing game ) In it? ^_^ Ive been craving for these two a looot!!!
hi, im matt. :3
i do mostly canon character fandom stuff (with some exceptions, i got some ocs and i like talkin about ocs, so uh... eyes emoji).​

i am a lit boy, generally, but i don't require rp partners to be. i have a hard time trimming down, but i admire people who can. :3 my writing style is very different from my chatting style ehhehe.

settings & genre:
- i like aus best, but i'll also definitely do canon divergence.
- i liiiike crossovers, but vague ones, if that makes sense? like a pokemon AU can technically take place anywhere and have very few additional rules, ykno. like that. :) keep in mind i'm not, uh, in a whole lot of fandoms, actually. :')
- i like fantasy (modern or medieval) and to keep it kinda loose or to worldbuild aus together! i like lots of stuff. slice of life. silly comedy. disaster angst. i'll listen and suggest tweaks for most ideas.
- i don't mind other stuff not listed, too, it just needs to be hyped up a little to me and might need changed a lil. :3
- shipping also not required, but i'm also a multishipper and polyam fan at heart as well, so we're all good to negotiate ships if you do want to. :)

- love lgbtq+ headcanons, neurodivergent headcanons, disability headcanons, miscellaneous headcanons... maybe an outlier here but i really like when people throw in some cool new aspects to characters or interpolate canonical information into specific hcs. <3 i also have a few of these myself, but most of them are completely optional.
- speaking of i like lgbtq+ themes, but not required. i do require partners who are cool with it, though, sorry. :3
- i REALLY like talking ooc to make sure everyone is still on the same page and to keep ideas rolling..... :3

current fixation: danganronpa!
i've played THH, SDR2, UDG, and gotten to like. chapter 1 of V3, but i'm working on it. i've also done a bunch of wiki-crawling re: DR3 and OVAs/spinoff manga/etc, though.

characters i can play below <3

(italics i'm not totally sure i can do but i'm willing to give it all i've got!)

THH // Makoto, Hifumi, Chihiro, Mondo, Kiyotaka, Sakura, Toko
SDR2 // Hajime, Nagito, Fuyuhiko, Peko, Gundham, Hiyoko, Chiaki, Izuru, Impostor (Spoilers for SDR2 under there.)
(V3 to be added... sometime. Maybe.)

- i can play against most anybody, with a few exceptions: teruteru (i'm honestly not sure he'd even be allowed on this site without some major character tweaks anyway), the kids from UDG (i do love the fix-it aus, just not for me when it comes to writing it), haiji, monokuma/monokubs/other bears, junko, mukuro, and chisa + other anime exclusives.
- i have some weird limits about certain characters, namely: trans girl chihiro (or trans nonbinary with she/her pronouns), autistic gundham. i would also prefer a prospective partner be respectful re: nagito's implied mental disorder(s), izuru's, gonta's (when i get through v3), hifumi's weight, impostor's weight as well... i think that's it for now?
- not really a doubler, but i also haven't done forum rp since like, 2008, so maybe i'm just out of touch on what it means, hehe.

final thoughts! we would probably have to tweak some things, obviously, because DR is kind of a... whirlwind of offensive and inappropriate stuff, but i really think a huge amount of that can be remedied by just aging these characters up out of their weird teenage stuff (like hiyoko and toko) or put them in an au that removes them from potentially rule-breaking situations (like fuyuhiko and peko and maybe mondo?). but i'm always willing to negotiate that, too. :)

i have writing samples for me playing gundham, mondo, fuyuhiko, and hajime that i can provide if anybody wants that, and a ton of basic premise ideas for certain characters, so feel free to ask if you feel like you're interested but would need a short description of a potential plot to get you on it!
I can do v2 roleplays for danganronpa if you'd like to :3 I'm literate and like lgbt / mental illness headcanons, I think introspective rps are interesting. I'm a bit rusty though.

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