
Trevor B Harper

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Appearance (Picture or text):

Background (Three paragraphs at least):


Reason for joining Scrolls!:

Currently known spells (Up to two, nothing OP!):

Any additional information:

Secret answer:
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(WIP, will complete tomorrow, hopefully.)


Guy Waulkine



Appearance (Picture or text):


Minus tie and with boots and mid-evil trousers.

Background (Three paragraphs at least):


A pair of short swords with strange runes on the side, they have no purpose other than to sit on the side of his weapon.

Reason for joining Scrolls!:

Because he wants to be the ultimate sprucemeister.

(Please excuse Guy, he has a terrible disease, or at least that's what he says.)

Currently known spells (Up to two, nothing OP!):


It is what it says it is.

Object Control

Pretty much telekinesis, bigger objects take more time to gain control over them.

Any additional information:

Not at the moment.

Secret answer:

ey boss

(Spectacular meal of chromosone blood.​
Oh, sorry I don't think I'm going to join now, I don't do anime. :( but cool idea anyway.


Adriana Ravenstar





Her clothing typically consists of some sort of tunic, pants, knee-high leather boots, thick leather breastplate, a nice, dark brown belt that holds her coin pouch, an over-the-shoulder strap that holds her sword, and a black cloak.


Adriana grew up in a small town with both of her parents and several brothers, both older and younger than she. They would always push her around, tease her about being a girl, and refuse to play with her because of that. That's when she decided to change. Instead of taking sewing lessons from the women in her town, she would sneak into the boys' sword-fighting practices and was eventually able to wield a blade better than the rest of them. Rather than spend her time in the kitchen, she wrestled her brothers in the backyard to the point where she could beat almost all the older ones, save the eldest two. Pretty soon, they were treating her like another brother and brought her with them on their many adventures.

They lived happily until the creatures came. They attacked her village and killed most of her family, leaving only her and her two eldest brothers alive through sheer luck. The three ran from the place and grew up on the streets of various towns, soon discovering that it wasn't ideal to be female, in their situation. So, Adriana cut her hair short like a boy's and wore clothing that were for men. They made money by brawling in the streets and getting a rare mercenary-type job. As they grew up, they each went their separate ways. Adriana had been dabbling in the arcane arts for a while, away from her brothers' eyes, as they would have disapproved. She found out about the organization called Scrolls! and immediately decided that she wanted to be a member.

As soon as Adriana had joined, she felt safe again. So, she grew out her hair, but continued to wear boys clothing, as they were more comfortable, in her opinion. Most thought of her as brutal and, quite often, cold, but she could be very kind when someone spent the time to get to know her. On the day of her joining, she made a pact with herself, in consideration of her lost village. It was that she would spend all her time getting rid of the evil creatures and developing her skills.


A rather large broadsword with a detailed bronze hilt, and a leather grip. In her boot she carries a small dagger for emergencies.

Reason for joining Scrolls!:

To hunt down creatures and fiends in memory of the family she lost, and to perfect her skills in the arcane arts while learning more about the world she lives in.

Currently known spells:

Lightning Shower- Allows her to conjure and direct energy in the form of lightning.

Any additional information:

Adriana has scars from her fights on her arms, legs, and neck.

Secret answer:

IDK, chicken wings, french fries, and soda?​
I will start the roleplay once about four people have applied. :)


Name: Has no name but will receive one from another roleplayer (open)

Age: Unknown, though has been around on this world for around five hundred years.


Will work on soon~

Weapons: Has none

Reason for joining Scrolls!: Her race is being killed off. ( This will be implemented into her background! )

Currently known spells:

  • Animal Manipulation- Is able to "talk" to animals/ use them to fight.

  • Queen of the Hive- Her lungs are filled with a hive of bees.

Any additional information: She can not speak.

Secret answer: Lasagna​
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Name: Jane

Age: 18


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.3a398ffde6569ca207e653a09758de6c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35842" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.3a398ffde6569ca207e653a09758de6c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Background: She was found in the forest at the age of 10 by a very famous writer. The woman took her in. When Jane was found she had a scar on her right eye. She remembers nothing of her past. Jane grew up to be a very happy positive girl. At the age of 13 she started learning sword fighting. She became very skilled. She heard about this group called Scrolls and wanted to join. When she did join she started to notice her magic was a little different. She kept it a secret. Also she notice these strange butterfly's that follower sometimes. She wants to know her past and find her parents.

Weapons: Two swords

Reason for joining Scrolls!: wants to join because she wants to protect everyone from these creatures and maybe find out more about her parents.

Currently known spells:

Butterfly blades- butterfly's appear with blades and swarm around the


Secret answer:




  • image.jpg
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Charlotte LaBelle





21 years old


When she was around the age of 5 years old, her father taught Charlotte the ways of archery. Like any normal being, her skills were anything but great. She practiced every sunrise until sundown. But for some odd reason, the bow continued to feel unnatural and strange. The wood was scratchy, and her slim arms barely were able to pull the string back. Her father saw the way she was feeling. Discouraged. He continued to take her out into the forest, where a little paper target was tacked to a great oak tree. A 5 year old Charlotte shot all her arrows into the undergrowth and watched them disappear with a hopeless expression. She turned towards her father in a desperate attempt to be comforted. But instead of seeing her father, Charlotte's luminous eyes settled on a single steel arrow. He had outstretched it to her, the middle of the arrow squeezed between his fingertips.

"You forgot one."

He said to her. Charlotte was hesitant, but took it from his grasp. She nocked the arrow into the grove on the wooden bow, and pulled the string back to her ear. Little did she know, that when the arrow released, it would be the start of a new beginning.

After that glorious day, Charlotte's passion for archery grew. She trained for hours a day. She became slightly addicted, making it hard to keep herself away from the bow at times. Her father didn't tell Charlotte until she was older, but he taught her archery as a distraction from her mother's death. She was young and vulnerable at the time. She did not understand what death was or meant. Her mother died after being viciously slaughtered by a group of rogue bandits. Charlotte never knew her personally, but always saw pictures of her and tried imagining what she was like.

As she grew older, Charlotte turned into one of the greatest archers in all the land. She became fearless, bold. Her father was proud of his daughter. Shortly after she had left home to become a traveler, her father fell ill one day and died in his sleep. Charlotte returned in a panic only to find her home was abandoned. His body had vanished mysteriously. Devastated and distraught, she traveled for weeks from village to village, trying to lessen the pain she felt. When a few years had past, Charlotte returned back to her normal self, but was a bit stronger this time. She helped townsfolk from time to time with their troubles. It wasn't until one day an old man recommended she joined the Scrolls! Her curiosity got the best of her, and Charlotte found herself in search of this mysterious organization.

When she had finally found them, she joined immediately.


A wooden bow aligned with strange golden designs on the middle, and the edges. Charlotte also keeps a dagger in a belt on her hip.



Reason for joining Scrolls!

To increase her skills farther in archery and arcane arts. Also to discover new things about the world and help people around her.

Currently known spells

Flame cloak-

Can engulf her entire body in flames. This provides extra protection against enemies, and can harm opponents getting too close

Fire bolt-

Can shoot fireball like bolts from her fingertips, for a short time

Any additional information

Charlotte has a dark blue dragon tattoo located down the back of her tricep.


Secret answer

Fresh pineapples and pumpkin pie :3
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Name: Tiad Masonson

Age: 20

Currently known spells :

Summon Chain:
The scroll has a rune on it which an infinite amount of chain can be pulled out. The type and intensity change with concentration and emotion.

Summon Knife: Rune with infinite knives. The knives that come out are random.

Background: Tiad is the son of a mason and not happy about it. Mostly he is upset that that this is the source of his last name. His father was a mason, his grandfather was a mason, great-grandfather mason. Tiad hate it. Moving stones all day in the sun was the hardest kind of manual labor and the least rewarding. At 19 he rebelled by starting to do petty robberies. He was not very good at it and eventually got kicked out of town. By chance though he had stollen an envelope with an important looking seal on it from an aristocrats study. Inside he found the scrolls.

After Tiad non-begrudgingly left town he traveled by day and practiced using the scrolls. He had sewn them into the inside of his baggy coat for easy access. Chains in the left sleeve, knifes in the right. He found that by concentrating when he shot the chain out of the rune he could make the material change from cotton, to wood, to metal. Tiad practiced shooting the chain out and wrapping it around branches. With the right hand rune-scroll the knives ranged from butter knives to butcher cleavers, daggers to Tant?s, and knives he had never seen before. These he practiced throwing with, each time using a new knife. The progression in the right hand was very slow. Eventually he became confident enough to practice on creatures of the night. To survive he stole from farm houses and slept in barns or tied himself to a branch in tree to sleep at night.

When Tiad came upon a city he was well prepared to be a competent thief. He started doing just this. Scaling building with rope and chain to find fine jewels in large houses. Soon though Tiad became bored. He had money and had gained a reputation but all he wanted were more scrolls...more power. Tian has decided to leave the underbelly of the world and join Scrolls.

Reason for joining Scrolls!:

Tiad wants to get more scrolls and learn how to create them....oh and fight monsters too to er... protect people.

Any additional information:

Although Tiad is lazy and lacks morals he would to hesitate to save a helpless farmer from a demon. Acts of heroics usually gets you some reward, if not a free meal.

Secret answer:

hint: From purple to naught,

Now I'm distraught.

Name: Enyo Restall

Age: 21

Background: Enyo was born into as an unnamed child, in an unnamed tribe in the mountainous regions of , a tribe that had long since lost their name and honor when being forced into slavery. As such she didn't know much other than the life of a slave, barely having enough hood to scrape by, having all her time consumed by labor, not even being granted a name by her masters, and never knowing her parents, whom she was separated from at birth. The sole thing that made this life bearable for her was that, being born into it, she didn't know of anything better, and was content with her life of quiet servitude as the servant of her tribe's masters, being one of the fortunate few to work as an attendant, rather than in physical labor, eventually growing into a beautiful young woman, and one of the slaver's leader's primary handmaidens.

It wasn't for some time that she began to learn that her style of life wasn't the norm, her suspicions only being raised when one of the older members of her tribe was also brought on as a handmaiden, being deemed too old to work in the field, and began to tell tales to her and the other young members of her tribe tales of the days in which they lived free. Naturally, she wasn't too inclined to believe her, she was speaking against the only way of life she'd ever known after all, but as she matured her masters attitude changed, raising her doubts as to whether the life she lived was a desirable one after all. It wasn't until one of the lower ranking slavers began to make advances on her that she was fully convinced to seek escape from her current life.

Her and a few of the other handmaidens began to plan for this, each deciding on their own method with which they could escape, all but Enyo, who unlike the other girls had no desire to escape until recently, and thus had little knowledge of how she could do so. The only method she could think of was to try and convince the slaver who'd shown interest in her to set her free, and thus allowed him to court her in secret. It was during this time, on a outing with the man that she discovered magic, being attacked by a pack of wild animals he spoke and the element of ice bent to his will, ending in him driving off the beasts with ease, and then causally returning to their time together as if nothing had happened. After this she began to gather as much information about it as she could, spying another potential way with which she could escape from her ensnarement, slowing learning of scrolls, and beginning to plan out her new method of escape.

Letting on that she had finally fallen for the man Enyo drugged him, stealing the scroll that he used as a source of his magic and, gathering up the other servants who had shown an interest in escape, made a break for it. This did not go nearly as well as she had planned however, with almost all the other prospective escapees failing in their ventures, leaving her as one of the only slaves that found freedom that day. She and the others only stayed together for a short time, with them wanting to head towards civilization, but Enyo was less keen on this idea, her trust in 'civilized people' having been shaken by her sudden change in perspective towards her masters, blinding her to the kindness that people would so often show, in contrast to the others who had lived their whole lives knowing what Enyo had only recently learned, and that it did not apply to all.

Eventually they gave up on her, leaving her to live on her own in the wilderness as the left to rejoin civilization, not exactly helping Enyo's new view of the civilized world as they abandoned her. She lived like this for two years, into her late twenties, hunting and living in the wild, honing her strength and growing further used to the magic she'd stolen over time, eventually beginning to target not only animals, but anyone she came across that looked as if they belonged to the civilized world which she had begun to despise so. It wasn't until late in this period that this came to a stop, spotting a well dressed man passing through the woods she'd began to call home, she, of course, attacked him, but was taken off-guard as he retaliated with magic of his own, spewing flames that easily melted through her glacial ice, and showing off swordplay that put her savage fighting techniques to shame, easily defeating her.

To her surprise though, as she lay defeated, instead of striking her down for good he extended his hand to her, offering praise rather than death, and inviting her back to his camp, an offer she accepted, if for no reason other than curiosity, both as to how he obtained his power, and why he so strictly contrasted her preconceptions of civilization. Speaking with him she began to form a friendship, and he began to visit her regularly, slowly convincing her of the wonders of civilization, and telling her of the organization he worked for, Scrolls, and their specialty in the Arcane Arts. Eventually convincing her to return with him and join the Scrolls, if for no other reason than to learn to better protect herself against those more powerful than her, such as himself, even giving her the name she uses today, Enyo. Since then, for the past few months she's had her sights set on joining Scrolls, if for no other reason than to improve her skills, and maybe pay back the man who'd brought her to civilization in the process.

Bare Hands (Practicing Swordplay, but she's still a Beginner)

Reason for joining Scrolls!: To hone her magic.

Currently Known Spells:

Glacial - Enyo can generate and control Ice. She is only able to control the ice that she generates, and other than that it has not magical properties, she can only control it's growth, spread, and rate of decay. She is also only able to control the ice she generates.

Any additional information:

-Enyo has no education, really, she hardly understands how multiplication works.

-The same goes for her manners and etiquette, living in the forest doesn't exactly make a lady out of you does it?

-Her species develops an affinity for the element they grow up around, her's was Ice, due to living in a snowy tundra for most of her life. This makes her ice based magic stronger, as well as being resistant to the cold, but does the opposite for anything involving fire or heat.

Secret answer:

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