Scroll of Heroes


New Member
Anybody knows when I can expect the Scroll of Heroes to be released? White Wolf site says 3rd trimester, but I was kinda expecting something more exact... Anyone can help?
I preordered it from Amazon A weekish ago (at the time, it didn't have a release date listed) and it said I should expect delivery around July 27th, I think, so yeah. End of July for almost certain. *shrugs*
Got my copy of Scroll of Heroes early :3 Here's whats in it:

Chapter 1: Life In Creation

Lots of good information on the daily life of mobile scenery (ie, Mortals). It also has info on life in the north which has been a bit lacking since they haveing realist a Terrestrial Directions book for there yet. In general, a good source of information for any character's backstory (you weren't ALWAYS an exalt after all, unless you're Misho or something).

Chapter 2: Character Creation and Traits

Expands the info on making heroic mortals, not a lot of info here but there are heroic mortal "castes" which are kinda neat (grants additional ability points, mostly).

Chapter 3: Merits and Flaws

One of the larger chapters of the book, it includes a ton of little bonuses and flaws that can be taken at character creation by mortals AND exalts. Usually they are a small bonus or penalty so they don't really break the game unless you are over optimizing for a specific roll such as by taking a ton of combat merits and a ton of social/mental flaws. In either case, Merits cost bonus points and Flaws grant bonus points.

Chapter 4: Crafted Races

The chapter covers the origins, history, and current situation of five crafted races: The People of the Air, People of the Dunes, People of the Earth, The People of the Sea, and the Djala. Lots of good fluff here.

Chapter 5: Children of the Mighty

Covers character creation for God-blooded, Demon-blooded, Fae-Blooded, Ghost-Blooded, and Half-Caste characters. The chapter is about 50/50 fluff/rules. It includes bunch of mutations for such characters. No new charms though, instead just references other books and says to go look there.

Chapter 6: Storytelling

Nothing surprising here, just what you would expect.

Over all, I like it. It has a little bit of something for everyone.
For now I like this book, although I'm less than happy with some of the Merits, and a few flaws.
I've just skimmed through some parts of its text. Looks like it has good fluff and not-so-good crunch. The merits are mostly uninteresting and sometimes unbalanced (there's a three-dot merit that allows you to count your strength as one dot greater for calculating how much you can lift, to give a an example of a worthless one).
Remember that also raises the size of what you can throw, too. Or use Incantation of Effective Restoration on. I don't know that such is worth 3 points...but it isn't worthless, in the right hands.
Remember that also raises the size of what you can throw' date=' too. Or use Incantation of Effective Restoration on. I don't know that such is worth 3 points...but it isn't worthless, in the right hands.[/quote']
Uh, 3 bonus points will give you +2 Athletics and 2 specialty dots in lifting instead. That sounds like a better deal.

Honestly, that's what gets me about merits. Why do we need them? Rather than saying you're shortsighted, why not just take low Perception? WW has built a system that does what it needs to do, so why does it feel the need to tack on all this extra malarkey? Why not realize your concept through the system already in place and roleplaying?
Thanqol said:
Honestly, that's what gets me about merits. Why do we need them? Rather than saying you're shortsighted, why not just take low Perception? WW has built a system that does what it needs to do, so why does it feel the need to tack on all this extra malarkey? Why not realize your concept through the system already in place and roleplaying?
Two major reasons I can think of:

1) Some people like mechanics to back up their roleplaying. Just because you don't, that doesn't invalidate the desire for them. Besides, it's not like this is in the core rulebook.

2) Although Exalts can take merits/flaws, they are mostly intended for Mortals who don't have near as many options as Exalts do. The essence related merits alone are worth the price of admission (so to speak) for making NPCs and characters for a heroic mortals campaign.
Also don't forget that you're limited to 3 specialties per Ability, but Merits act outside that. So you can have 3 Athletics specialties, and still have Strong Back.
strawberryleaves said:
Indeed' date=' Scroll of Exalts is statting the movers and shakers.[/quote']
Please no wall of charms...

Please no wall of charms...

Please no wall of charms...

The wall of charms is one of the most startlingly stupid things WW has ever done.
Wall of Charms? I'm afraid that I don't understand the reference. :oops:
I assume it refers to the pages filled with charms known by powerful Solars in DotFA:Lords.
Don't even need DotFA to see wall of charms, just look at stated lunars in any of the direction books. I would think with all that worrying about page count WW does they would figure out a betters system.
I am given to understand that the Scroll of Heroes will be presenting the characters as playable characters. So, they probably won't be elder Exalts (for the most part). Thusly, they won't have the wall of Charms, 'cause they probably won't be presented with enough to make a wall.
I think ppl mean Scroll of Exalts when they are talking about elder exalts, not Scroll of Heroes, which is centered around mortal characters (like Scroll of Fallen Races was about Mountain Folk and Dragon Kings).

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