Scroll of Fallen Races


Senior Member
Scroll of Fallen Races is out today.

So far the Mountain Folk section looks really nice. And there are even a picture of a naked Mnemon 8)
The Dark Paths for the Dragon Kings are rather interesting color-wise, but I'm not sure about the crunch. And who came up with the bit about all beings being able to learn the first step of each Dark Path? Is that really necessary?
Haven't gotten that far yet.

There are a really nice description about the Mountain Folk history, how their lifes almost haven't changed over the years. They was hardly affected by the Usupation - just some new exalted to pay tribute to. When the Great Contagion came, those cities affected spreaded the word, and all cities was sealed with great Jade Seals, only to be opened a decade later, everybody outside the seals had to survive if htey could. They used those Echo Jewels to keep in contact between the cities, until some cities just stopped responding - when the Fair Folk invation desolved the outer parts of Creation. Many of the seals was broken when the Scarlet Empress used the Sword of Creation.

What really had changes is that the Dark Blood really got hard by the Great Contagion, which have resulted in them starting infighting and some groups have actually made some kind of truce with the Mountain Folks.

Some crunch: Mountain Folks can not learn MA charms, they can learn a few MA alike charms though - the same goes for sorcery. They are stupidly good at learning Crafts though, and can have up to 5 speciality dots in a craft ability (max 3 dots in a single speciality).

Dragon Kings can learn TMA and can learn CMA after learning a not Path initiation charm which they need to learn from a not Dragon King.
Just got mine!! Really cool, but I have noticed something odd... As far as I know, Kirighast is Harborhead's capital. In these books they say it's a Varangian city... Twice! Check pages 14 of the Mountain Folk part and 14 of Dragon King part (that's right, both are page 14).

DK was referring to the First Age. MF should have been adjusted to reflect the Second Age, but the content editor missed it. Likely, someone tried to maintain consistency between the two sides, but failed to realize the First Age vs. Second Age issue.
So Kirighast was once a Varangian city? Never heard of it. DotFA never mentions the city, and Houses of the Bull God says it was a vacations spot in First Age, then conquered by many Warlord until Harborhead united. But, hey, that's 1Ed, so it may change...
I haven't bought the book yet on the slim possibility that my wife or one of my friends have got it for me for christmass. If not, one of my first stops next week is the hobby shop. I want that book!
strawberryleaves said:
She's getting acupuncture done--by an Artisan, I presume.
Worker caste actually. The Charm she was using is on the same or previous page. Basically Mnemon is naked getting acupuncture done to realign her Essence.

Now where is Jukashi when everyone seems to be talking only about the Jadeborn and ignoring the Dragon Kings? I figured he'd be in here doing a happy, elated, holy-fucking shit ecstatic dance.
Num.... we needs more mecha-form alchemicals... with vehicle-modes or mecha-animal modes or mecha-Samuel L Jackson mode, bitches.... :lol:

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