Scroll of Errata


Junior Member
The new Exalted errata is out on the WW downloads page. Some interesting developments, or at least I think so. Other thoughts?
I think some of the clarifications are awesome, and they settle some long outstanding questions I've had. I think other answers are either poorly considered, or poorly worded. There are a number of detailed questions to which John Chambers merely answers "No" instead of explaining his reasoning, and at least one question where he doesn't answer the question and basically says, "I don't know what you're talking about". Given the severe lack of response on errata historically, and his apparent attitude in this document, it seems like he views this as an annoying chore, rather than something to enhance the game. A shame.

On the whole, though, I think it answers more questions than it raises, so I'm happy. I was especially happy for the clarification about how melee weapons interact with MA.

I think the Monkey Leap answer is utterly ridiculous. If a jump using MLT is a speed 5 action, then it's NOT a Move action. If it's not a Move action, it's seriously nerfed.
Man.. you post anything on this site anymore than isn't about completely overhauling the game mechanics or "fixing" a martial arts style, and all you get is crickets.
Downloaded it myself. Seems mostly a compilation of the Errata they already have about, but still, useful. Means I don't have to get online to look up the Errata, and can toss it on a thumb drive if we play elsewhere. :)
Keep an eye on the Scroll. It's been taken down and is apparently being updated with stuff they just got the go-ahead for... should be worth re-downloading once it goes back up.
Very odd. Hopefully the new answers will be less... terse.
The Leader Keyword alone makes this worthwhile Errata. And...means that it's possible to actually be a talented battle leader with such.

Let's just say that my Fire Aspect is going to be delighted with the Errata in many, many ways. And it adds makes many things much more tempting than actually taking some Melee charms early.
The Leader Keyword alone makes this worthwhile Errata. And...means that it's possible to actually be a talented battle leader with such.
Let's just say that my Fire Aspect is going to be delighted with the Errata in many, many ways. And it adds makes many things much more tempting than actually taking some Melee charms early.
TBH, the fun really starts when you combine Elemental Bolt Attack with some of the Thrown charms...
"So some of the Dragon Blooded charms got updates, and by 'some' I mean 'all'." - One of my players linking me to the errata.
Plus there's gonna be all new DB Charms in Thousand Correct Actions, or whatever its called. I really like that WW is taking the electronic publishing to release things that would never be printed.
Flagg said:
I think some of the clarifications are awesome, and they settle some long outstanding questions I've had. I think other answers are either poorly considered, or poorly worded. There are a number of detailed questions to which John Chambers merely answers "No" instead of explaining his reasoning, and at least one question where he doesn't answer the question and basically says, "I don't know what you're talking about". Given the severe lack of response on errata historically, and his apparent attitude in this document, it seems like he views this as an annoying chore, rather than something to enhance the game. A shame.
On the whole, though, I think it answers more questions than it raises, so I'm happy. I was especially happy for the clarification about how melee weapons interact with MA.

I think the Monkey Leap answer is utterly ridiculous. If a jump using MLT is a speed 5 action, then it's NOT a Move action. If it's not a Move action, it's seriously nerfed.
It's not a speed 5 action. The errata on that(and it's old errata btw) is clarifying that you still don't get to jump more than once per 5 ticks. It doesn't "seriously nerf" the charm. It keeps the charm from being read as an insane WAY more powerful than it's supposed to be movement charm.
MrMephistopheles said:
Flagg said:
It's not a speed 5 action. The errata on that(and it's old errata btw) is clarifying that you still don't get to jump more than once per 5 ticks. It doesn't "seriously nerf" the charm. It keeps the charm from being read as an insane WAY more powerful than it's supposed to be movement charm.
Regardless of the writer's intention, the "clarification" is hardly clear.

If you can't move every tick, then it's NOT a Move action. Period.

Is being able to move really fast powerful? Yes? Is it "insane"? Hardly.
Flagg said:
MrMephistopheles said:
Flagg said:
It's not a speed 5 action. The errata on that(and it's old errata btw) is clarifying that you still don't get to jump more than once per 5 ticks. It doesn't "seriously nerf" the charm. It keeps the charm from being read as an insane WAY more powerful than it's supposed to be movement charm.
Regardless of the writer's intention, the "clarification" is hardly clear.

If you can't move every tick, then it's NOT a Move action. Period.

Is being able to move really fast powerful? Yes? Is it "insane"? Hardly.
Check how often you get to use a Move action.
MrMephistopheles said:
Check how often you get to use a Move action.
I'm aware of the rules. There are plenty of ways to get "insane" basic Move distances. Allowing a double-distance jump every tick doesn't exactly unhinge the game in a way you couldn't easily duplicate with other effects.
Flagg said:
MrMephistopheles said:
Check how often you get to use a Move action.
I'm aware of the rules. There are plenty of ways to get "insane" basic Move distances. Allowing a double-distance jump every tick doesn't exactly unhinge the game in a way you couldn't easily duplicate with other effects.
"Insane basic movement" as in does not do what the charm was intended to do, and yes actually making many other movement based charms irrelevant. The charm was not meant to allow you to mega bunny hop every tick.
MrMephistopheles said:
The charm was not meant to allow you to mega bunny hop every tick.
Apparently so, but until errata like this are released, we don't know what the writer's intentions were, we only know what they wrote. The reasonable reading of the Charm as it appears in the book allows a jump every tick. This correction nerfs it.
Flagg said:
MrMephistopheles said:
The charm was not meant to allow you to mega bunny hop every tick.
Apparently so, but until errata like this are released, we don't know what the writer's intentions were, we only know what they wrote. The reasonable reading of the Charm as it appears in the book allows a jump every tick. This correction nerfs it.
I agree with you both! How, HOW!!!
Personally I liked it better when it was the jump every tick thing.. I've got no issue with it being powerful, simply because it seems much more in theme with the somewhat anime style of exalted.. and ninjas travelling about by jumping from tree to tree is a somewhat thematic thing by this point.

If anything, solar running should just be better
Flagg said:
MrMephistopheles said:
The charm was not meant to allow you to mega bunny hop every tick.
Apparently so, but until errata like this are released, we don't know what the writer's intentions were, we only know what they wrote. The reasonable reading of the Charm as it appears in the book allows a jump every tick. This correction nerfs it.
You do realize this is REALLY old errata right

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