[Scribbler101 x burning rain] Hybrid Love

burning rain

Junior Member
It's been three years since the breakout of approximately 20 hybrid bird humans. They are now loving amongst others, their wings tucked in. They make look average but they are far from it. Their wing span can be anything from 3 ft to 15 ft. Also their strength is 4x the average person!

3+ sentences

Character sheet:





State in now:

Life now:

My character:

Name: Colton Shaw

Age: 17

Wings: 7 ft wide wingspan. Dark navy blue with red at the tip of the bottom feathers.

Appearance: tall and burly, a very muscular build. Tanned with dark brown hair that falls into his bright green eyes. He has a crooked nose and plump pink lips.

State in now: Florida, near the Everglades.

Life now: Living off the streets, stealing things, gambling, and then living in an abandoned warehouse off a swamp.
Name: Agnis Freeman

Age: 16 1/2, to be specific

Wings: They are 6 feet wide. They are a bright, pure white with a touch of baby blue in there. Only at night and early in the morning, you can see the blue.


She had dark brown hair, and blue eyes. A warrior angel you could say.​

(sorry about big pic)

State in now: (Should I pick the same state? If not, she is in Southern Alabama.)

Life now: She's on the run, running from what you call the "paparazzi." She's on the news everywhere. "Flying girl spotted in Alabama." She steals and runs. Sleeps in abandoned houses. Or caves. Sometimes eats rats and rabbits. Ect. 
Agnis walked the streets, with a black hoddie in. She wore jeans with rips in them. Her wings tucked in under her hoddie. She kept her hood on, to keep from being seen. It seemed that all around she was being watched. Or being hunted. She'd been caught a couple of times, flying away from people. Murders. Kid-nappers. People like that.

Living in a city was hard, especially when you were a hybrid bird child. Or teenager.
Doesn't matter. She can make her way to the everglades! 

I hurried from the alley, the two money bags in hand. When I was sure I was out of sight I put them in my cross string bag and pulled my hood up. Then I quickly too flight and blended in with a group of geese. As soon as I was high enough I left them and flew on my own.
OK, cool.

Agnis walked past an outside grocery store. Just like the ones in "Aladdin." The Movie. She walked past it, just like a normal person. But being the sly girl she was, she grabbed at loaf of bread and an apple. She walked away, suspiciously. And she was never caught. She was a good theft. She'd done this most her life.

Once she was about 3 yards away, she took out her apple. It was a McIntosh apple, to be specific. She bit into it. Oh, how the juicy crunch filled her mouth. It was delicious.

She savored the apple, and walked 2 miles. She thought, planned, while doing this walk. Then, she hid in a corner, took of her hoddie, revealing a light blue tank, and flew off. She was air-born in seconds. She loved the air in her hair. The ability to move her wings. And it was cool to have an amazing view. If you know what I mean.

In the air, I headed to the raggedy old shack I took refuge in. It was right by a large swampy area. I wouldn't have trouble with much people. If I did, I always vacated quickly after that. I flew over everything and marveled at the beaches... The girls on the beaches. After passing that, I swooped lower as I got closer to my destination.
(Oh hey. Guess what! It's my B-day!!)

Agnis was way up in the air. Looking down at the town where she'd stayed for the past couple of months. No one had came after her in a while. It felt weird. She'd gotten used to being hunted down. Being tracked. She looked down below, smiling. "Where shall I go now?" She asked herself. She had clearly decided to move on. Being in the same place for too long was bad. Why you ask? Well because, you get used to the town, attached. Then, if you have to leave, you cry over it.


I swooped down and landed on a tree in a nearby forest. I gently tucked my wings in beneath my cross string bag. My hoodie had two slits in the back so my wings could fold in and out. I jumped down from the tree and gracefully landed. I checked the area then headed out to the warehouse.

Agnis held her hoodie near her. She couldn't wear it because of her wings. Keep on flapping She thought to herself. "Now, I think I might go to.... Florida." She said to herself. When flying, she often did this. Talking to herself. She found it much easier to speak it, then think it. "I'll go to Southern Florida. I'll go to Everglades." She said, scanning the ground below her. "That'll take about 5 hours? Maybe 4." She said, thinking the trip through. She sighed, and started heading that way.

When she was younger, being experimented on, they put this magnetic force in her. It was like a compass in her body, so she always knew where to go.

I walked into the warehouse and set my bag down. More money! I headed over to the cabinet and took out a bag of chips. I grabbed a water then sat on the raggedy couch. Ahhh. It felt nice to sit down and just relax a probably catch a few z's then maybe just do whatever the heck I wanted.
Agnis kept flying, never stopping. She did this for 3 hours, and made it there. "Here we are." She said, looking at the town. She often did this, looking down. She did this so she could have a map in her head. She had a photographic memory. She picked a small forest and landed in the trees. She was breathing hard, trying to catch her breathe. "OK, what to do now." She said, thinking, after calming down.

She looked below her, she was hanging on a high tree. Then, she jumped off. Landing on the floor. She began walking out of the mini-forest.

I lied on my bed in a deep sleep, dreaming.


I woke up startled and looked around, my defensive side building up.

"Don't be alarmed." The soft, velvety smooth voice said.

"Who are you? Where are you?" I commanded, my voice breaking slightly. She giggled then I felt a cold breeze run through. I buried myself in my pillow and then I felt a push and-

I fell onto the ground with a thump. I groaned. Just a dream... again. This isn't the first time I've fallen off my bed due to an odd dream that I can never seem to remember when I wake up.
(Should Agnis be that voice?)

If she is, here's that post:

Agnis stood above the boy. She had made him unconscious. She wasn't sure why, but she felt like he was... one of her. She checked his back, and there it was. His wings. Now, she was sure of it. She was led her, by something in her head telling her. It wasn't a voice, it was just a feeling. She studied the boy's face, waiting to see if he would wake up.

If not then here the post:

Agnis walked out of the forest, her hair messed up with twigs and leaves in it. She grabbed her hoodie, and put it on. She took all the twigs and leaves out of her hair and fixed it. "Maybe I'll go to a salon and get all fixed up." She said herself. Then looked at her outfit. "And maybe get new clothes too." She said. Then, she realized she had a credit card from someone she stole, where she used to be. She checked her pockets, and found it. "Perfect." She said, examining it. She walked to a money bank machine. She inserted the card and punched in the numbers. (She's seen the numbers the person punched in before stealing it from them) She took out $300. Then headed to the salon.
Not yet but she should walk in on him sleeping after he finished.


I stood up with a yawn and opened the cupboard then took out some bread and snacked on it. I don't think I have ever even had a real meal since I was a little kid. Shocking I know. But when you're on the run and have to keep refuge in different places, it's pretty tough to eat constant meals. After finishing, I put the bread away and stretched for my daily workout. Hey, I may be a hybrid but I gotta have a six pack too.

I pulled on some basket shorts an a tee shirt with the arms and some sides cut out. I stretched then left the warehouse and started jogging
(Ok, just tell me when, because I'm not quiet sure what you are talking about LOL)

Alexia came out of the salon. Her short straight black hair was made more fluffy looking. Then, they dyed the ends of her hair red. They put on contacts for her eyes to look red an black. Black in the middle, turning red. Then it was the regular white. Black lipstick was put on her with a smokey eye to complete it.

She wore a leather vest, super cool belt, with skinny jeans on. She had dangle earrings, not too big. And a punk ring. She looked bad ass.

"Now, where shall I go?" She said, to herself. She walked around, studying everything. Learning how this place was. Her stomach grumbled. "Well, I guess I can go get something to eat." She said, glancing around. She saw Starbuck's. "There." She said, walking toward the building.
like after he gets back from his run and does his daily exercise he always takes a nap so ... then lol.


I jog a good three miles before finally going home, with some sweat on me. The temperatures heated up considerably since I first left for my jog. That tells you something about the nice weather of Florida. I walked into the humid warehouse, wishing desperately for a fan or a real house to get my dreams higher. I got down and started to do 100 pushups. Then I finished and did 100 situps. Then I did 100 crunches. Next, I did 100 painstaking squats and 100 lunges. Lastly, 100 jumping jacks. An hour had gone by and I was exhausted. I washed up using the cold water in the bucket I had recently stolen from someone's home. I washed up with the raggedy rag and shampoo I had also taken. It was called "Old Spice". Not sure... but hey I smelled good. When I finished washing myself, I dried myself off with my used towel and through on another pair of shorts and a tee shirt. Then I put on a pair of socks and my Air Jordans. The riskiest things and hardest things to steal. But dang are they sweet! I hopped on my bed with ease, and shut my eyes. I let out a tired yawn and fell asleep.
(OK, cool! Thanks LOL)

Alexia walked out of StarBuck's with a coffee and a doughnut in her hand. She bit out of the doughnut, and finished her coffee. Biting again in her doughnut, she finished it. She threw her coffee cup on the floor and began to walk around. "I going to go here." She said, knocking on a door. No one answered. She was going to ask for directions or something. "Hmf. No one's here." She said, then broke the window. She climbed in, making sure no one saw her. There was a man in there. She looked around. Then walked over to the man, looking at him. She examined him, and saw something flutter behind his back. "What's this?" She asked. She touched it, then gasped. "Oh my Go-." She said, covering her mouth with her hand. She backed up. He couldn't be a, a, bird kid.
He sleeps in only his boxers with only one raggedy blanket by the way (;

This is the house, except way more raggedy and run down:

I stirred in my sleep, now laying on my back instead of on my stomach. I could feel, even in my sleep, my dark brown hair in my eyes slightly. I always kept my hair cut so it wasn't too long but not too short. Having hair slightly in my eyes or close made me feel concealed. It was weird, I know.
Oh OK, thanks!

Agnis blinked. She was confused. But, she got control of herself and walked up to the boy. She examined his wing. She lightly touched it to see if it was real, and of course it was. She tried not to scream, knowing there was someone else like her. Were there others?

I felt something as my keen senses and jolted up, my muscles flexing in the process. I blinked to regain my sight and saw a girl, I hopped out of bed then realized I was only wearing boxers.

"Who the h*ll are you!?" I shouted, narrowing my eyes. Great, I'd have to vacate again.

Then a thought came to my mind. My wings. They were out in the open. She might of saw them if I was laying on my stomach...
Agnis blinked. She was in shock. "U-uh." She said, shuddering. "Your a. I'm a." She said, trying to find the right words. She gulped and let her wings spread out just a little bit, so he could see them. She decided not to say it, but to show it. She flapped a little bit, and was lifted off the floor. Then she went back to the floor. She stood here, waiting for his reply.
so sorry i was on a vacation!


I loosened a bit when she brought her wings out. She floated and I just watched in silence. She seemed scared, and a little guilty as she stood there waiting for my reply. Considering I was just in my boxers right now, this is slightly awkward. For her at least. I'm completely at ease with my muscles and abs showing. There was a long silence for a couple of minutes as I stood there scrutinizing her.

"How did you find me?" I said after a little bit longer.

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