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Fandom Scouting for Partners


The 'flow' is always a calamity.
Hello all! Lovely to meet you, just advertising myself as re-opened for roleplay.

Fandoms I'm in:

Doctor Who
Star Trek
YuGiOh (all series)
Digimon (mildly)
Boku no Hero Academia
Harry Potter
And more. Ask and I'll let you know if I know about it/am interested in it.

As for shipping, M/M or F/F. I don't do M/F.

OC, Canon, it's all good.
Hello all! Lovely to meet you, just advertising myself as re-opened for roleplay.

Fandoms I'm in:

Doctor Who
Star Trek
YuGiOh (all series)
Digimon (mildly)
Boku no Hero Academia
Harry Potter
And more. Ask and I'll let you know if I know about it/am interested in it.

As for shipping, M/M or F/F. I don't do M/F.

OC, Canon, it's all good.
Who do you roleplay as for marvel dc canonwise?
Good morning! I was wondering if you were still looking for BNHA RPs. If not, totally understand!

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