Scion: The End of Times(recruiting)

Well my Latin was three years ago. Also, was a quote I took from a friend, spelling included. Suppose I never thought to check the Latin.

Also, oops typo.
Name: Tristan Lambert

Calling: Exceptional Prosecutor

Nature: Architect

Pantheon: Aesir

God: Loki

Will eventually become a god of lies and subversion.


Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2, Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2, Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 3


Academics 4, Art (Music) 2, Athletics 3, Command 2, Empathy 3, Fortitude 1, Integrity 2, Investigation 1, Larceny 2, Medicine 1, Melee 3, Politics 3, Presence 4, Science (Forensics) 2, Stealth 2, Survival 1


Entropy - Relic 4 (Hadseax with +1 Damage and Piercing quality, grants access to the Chaos and Darkness purviews.)

Entropy manifests as a fluctuating blade of dancing night. The dancing blade is both not quite solid and adept at landing precisely where its target is least prepared. The weapon was made for Loki by crystallizing a small amount of the concept that gave it it's name.

Relic 1 - Gloves made of horsehair as fine as silk. Grant access to the Illusion Purview.

These gloves were woven from the hair off Sleipnir's mane. Being made from part of a child of Loki concieved during an ancient trick, these gloves facilitate deception at a supernatural level. Tristan also suspects they have some power over transportation, but the secret to that use as yet eludes him, and his father was less than forthcoming on that matter.

Followers 2 (Five very talented, but wholly mortal, thieves.)

This trait represents Tristan's five friends whose well-being drives his machinations.

Knacks and Boons:

Epic Manipulation ••

Blurt it Out

Secondhand Persuasion

Epic Dexterity •

Perfect Partner

Epic Charisma •

Boys Will Be Boys

Epic Perception •

Unfailing Recognition

Epic Intelligence •


Epic Wits •

Social Chameleon


Shadow Mask (••)


The Subtle Knife (•)

Virtues: Courage 1, Endurance 2, Expression 3, Loyalty 3

Willpower: 6

Legend: 3

True power lies in perspective. All things bow before this mighty force. Justice, faith, and even love rely on a steady perspective to endure. Truth itself becomes mutable when viewed through the proper lens. All you need to do-

[. . .]

I see you don't understand. This is to be expected, of course. You've lived your entire life clinging to your precious 'facts' and using 'immutable' truths as a crutch. 'Your parents love you'? They spent four years befuddled by hormones and exhaustion before they could even begin to see you clearly. After expending so much effort, they couldn't even admit to themselves if they didn't, so you can be sure you won't get the whole story. 'Our nation is the cultural ideal'? France has been at war with one power or another for longer than any other existing country and even our government was built on bloody violence. There are few who would call that the 'cultural ideal', though perhaps humans are simply denying their nature when we deny violence.

[. . .]

What now? 'Guardian of Peace'? Hah! Is that what they call me in the crime-ridden streets? Then let me tell you a story about the 'Guardian of Peace'. Perhaps that will get the point across. I- [. . .] 'Is it a true story?' What have I been talking about all this time? If it comforts you, I can say that this is my unaltered perspective, but you will have to decide the 'truth' of it for yourself.

I grew up poor. Everyone knows that, but what they don't know is that my mother couldn't support me on her own. I never showed any signs of neglect, so nobody really looked into things, but I'll tell you now, the fat sow didn't keep her gut by giving me all I could eat. I took what I needed to survive. Then, once the useless thing died and I was adopted by a 'loving' family -- who wanted me so they could look better at the office --, I took what I wanted. And I was good at it. Before long, I had a handful of men and women -- former rivals to a one -- who absolutely needed me to coordinate their efforts. There was nothing too secure for our fingers, but our talent bred resentment and fear. Other criminals saw us as a threat and began to hunt us. The law was against us, we were everyone's favorite target, and we were running out of places to run. It was in this desperation that I first met my father.

The man showed up out of nowhere and changed my life. He opened my eyes and made me realize the way to true power. "You have talent, boy, but you need to broaden your approach," he told me. "Don't avoid the police and you foes, point them at each other! The police can't see a difference between criminals and the criminals will respond to the most immediate threat. You don't have to limit yourself to one side. . ." I was lost in thought for a bit after that, and when I came to my senses, he was gone. I haven't seen him since, but his words set me on my current path.

You know the public story. A series of anonymous tips greatly cleared up crime in my area, and at the same time, I studied law. I would become an amazing prosecutor, bringing down powerful criminals and corrupt officials alike. What the public story won't tell you is that each and every one of those 'reprehensible degenerates' was causing trouble for a group of suspected thieves who, somehow, escaped notice in the headlines. The world may think I've climbed up to this station to put an end to crime, but that's not what drives me. I am here because I care for my friends, and I will do anything to keep them safe. When I am done, we will be untouchable, not just because of the protections of the law, but because I will make the very idea of acting against us unthinkable.

[. . .]

You'll what? 'Tell the people the truth'? Go ahead. When you get home tonight, you'll find that someone has planted a large cache of illegal narcotics under your bed and that the authorities are just beginning to search the premises. Feel free to them exactly what I told you. Nobody will believe a crack dealer like you over the 'Guardian of Peace'. [. . .] But of course it's 'not true'! Haven't you been paying attention? There's no such thing.

A note on personality:

I feel like the backstory didn't get this across well, but Tristan's main motivation is love/friendship. He cares so deeply for the people he calls friends that he'll do anything to make a perfect life for them. He just has no qualms about destroying the lives of strangers to do it. Rereading it, the blurb gave even me the impression that he might not be a team player, and I just wanted to make it clear that he would not be starting trouble for/within the party.
Chaka said:
If you want to play Atzlánti, I recommend you check out the links below. This guy really helped me wrap my head around that mythology, and it's a lot less black-and-white than it's portrayed in the books.
Midboss, do you have an opinion about the modifications showed on these forum topics?

Also, i'm not that sure if the current idea pressing on my head would be fit for this game, i may send you a PM soon.
Hmm. Got room for a total newbie who's still reading through the rulebook? :)

Name: Roland Carter

Calling: Bodyguard

Nature: Gallant

Pantheon: Aesir

God: Baldur

Sheet come. Is there a date set for close of recruiting?

Sheet in progress:


-Physical (8)

Strength ••••

Dexterity •••

Stamina ••••

-Social (6)

Charisma ••••

Manipulation ••

Appearance •••

-Mental (4)

Perception •••

Intelligence ••

Wits ••


Academics ••

Animal Ken


*Athletics •••

Awareness ••

*Brawl •••

Command •

Control ••


Empathy ••

Fortitude ••

Integrity ••

Investigation •


*Marksmanship ••

Medicine •

*Melee •••



*Presence ••


Stealth •


Thrown •

--Birthright (5)

--Epic Attributes/Boons (9)

-Epic Charisma •

Blessing of Importance


Courage ••

Endurance •••

Expression •

Loyalty •••

--Willpower: 6

--Legend: ••

-Legend Points: 2


0 [ ]

1 [ ][ ]

2 [ ][ ]

4 [ ]

X [ ]

BP 15
Madmal said:
Chaka said:
If you want to play Atzlánti, I recommend you check out the links below. This guy really helped me wrap my head around that mythology, and it's a lot less black-and-white than it's portrayed in the books.
Midboss, do you have an opinion about the modifications showed on these forum topics?

Also, i'm not that sure if the current idea pressing on my head would be fit for this game, i may send you a PM soon.
I guess they're acceptable.

Just a reminder, choice of players will be this weekend.
Name: John Lee Louis

Calling: Former Cop

Nature: Bravo

Pantheon: Loa

God: Shango


Strength 4; Epic 2

Dexterity 4 (4 bp); Epic 2

Stamina 4; Epic 2

Charisma 3

Manipulation 2

Appearance 2

Perception 3; Epic 1

Intelligence 3

Wits 3; Epic 1


Acedemics 1

Art (Sculpting)* 2

Athletics 2

Awareness 2

Brawl 3

Command* 2

Control (Cars) 2

Empathy 1

Fortitude* 3

Integrity* 2

Investigation 2

Marksmanship 3

Melee* 4 (1 bp)

Presence* 2


Relic 2- A small idol of Shango (Sky, Justice)

Relic 3- "Thunderhead" Skeggox with +2 damage and +1 Accuracy


Holy Bound, Crushing Grip, Divine Wrath (3 bp), Untouchable Opponent, Monkey Climber, Damage Conversion, Self-Healing, Subliminal Warning, Instant Investigator


Sky's Grace, Judgment

Legend 3


Willpower 6


Harmony 2

Order 3

Piety 1

Vengeance 3


Dodge DV 7

Parry DV 6

Join Battle 5


6B 4L 2A

John Lee Louis was born and raised in Boston. Most of his childhood he spent with his grandmother as his mother was in and out of rehab. John got in trouble quite a bit in his early years, but grew out of it by middle school. This was all due to his grandmother's effort, she taught him that staying out of trouble was the way to success.

He took that to heart, right after graduation, John went into the police academy. Being the athletic and brave guy that he is, John certainly was accepted into the Boston PD. And on his 7th year on the force, he ran into something he couldn't explain. John was undercover, going after a drug dealer. But when he got there, he found a very gruesome scene. The dealer was torn apart limb from limb. Suddenly, some screeching bat-like dinosaur came after John, it was covered in blood. John ran outside as fast as he could, but the creature was able to pin him down just as he got out. Then, a miracle happened. The thing was struck by lightning.

More to come!
Well the descision of who to take for this game is kind of a no brainer.

Belen Mikos (Chaka)

Fiana O'Neil (Risaphoenix)

Jonas Dhal (Therealbrickwall)

Tristan Lambert (Arion Wind)

Roland Carter (Bushranger)

John Lee Loui (Mei)

6 spots, 6 applicants. Works out pretty well. By the way, the name slightly changed: Sion: Time of Judgement
There's always option to change before the game actually starts. I welcome some diversity truth be told.
Eep. I've been struggling with the rulebook (and had actually posted that I wouldn't be able to finish him, but that post got ate by the board, it seems. :oops: ). I'll try to get Roland finished up some time over the weekend, or Tuesday morning at the latest.
Midboss said:
There's always option to change before the game actually starts. I welcome some diversity truth be told.
Alright. She's mostly finished, I just have to finish up her supernatural additions. I'll try and finish tonight, though it might be difficult with my parents having me run back and forth (and they wonder why I don't like to stay with them for long periods of time :roll: ). She is almost entirely role-overlapping with the rest of the Band, though, while my Aesir character stands out pretty well as a sniper/investigator.

I hate lose-lose situations.

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