Scion: Children of Ragnarok ( Signup & OOC )


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Looking for players who wish to play the children of the mighty Gods of old. It will be a somewhat dark and foreboding setting with plenty of combat, some intrigue, and a few "WTF?!" moments that make you wonder how. Now... as children of Gods, we will be more powerful than baseline humans. But we are not... I repeat NOT invincible. A sucking chest wound is still nature’s way of telling you to slow the fuck down. That said... here are everyone's options for Pantheon Choices.


The Pesedjet are the deities of ancient Egypt, and have the agenda of increasing stability and order in the world. They claim to be the oldest of the Pantheons, and are strong believers in the importance of tradition and society. Other Pantheons often regard them as being excessively old-fashioned and conservative - indeed, it is their commitment to stability at any cost that is regarded as their greatest weakness. The Pesedjet, originating in Egypt, is the oldest (though not necessarily wisest) of the pantheons. This family of Gods claims that its origins go back over 7,000 years to the banks of the Nile River in northeast Africa, and it has endured through cultural, mythic and physical changes in the World’s very structure. As a pantheon, the Pesedjet concerns itself with ma’at—justice expressed through social order. For the Pesedjet, everyone must know his or her place, and each post must be filled with the right person. In the times before time, the Titans destroyed appropriate relationships between people, and the Pesedjet created a social order in which people could live knowing their place in an established hierarchy.

Today, the Pesedjet’s Scions tend to concern themselves with disruptions in social stability caused by the Titans’ actions. Movements of refugees, discontent caused by spiritual poverty and unemployment, revolutionary movements—these come to the Pesedjet’s notice as disturbances in the mythic realms. Other divine tribes view the Pesedjet as hidebound and conservative, but they grant that the Egyptian Gods really know how to impose long-lasting order in a chaotic world. The Pesedjet’s greatest weakness is its commitment to stability at any cost. The Egyptian Gods and their Scions prefer minimally disruptive solutions to problems, trusting in old patterns to maintain the status quo. Other Gods find this attitude frustrating. Old patterns allowed the Titans to break free in the first place, so why perpetuate easily disrupted systems? Still, the Egyptian deities promote tradition and conservative attitudes as bulwarks against chaos, leaving close-knit but reactionary societies in their wake.

Gods of the Pesedjet

Anubis, Atum-Re, Bastet, Geb, Horus, Isis, Osiris, Ptah, Sobek, and Thoth.


The Dodekatheon are the deities of ancient Greece, and have the agenda of promoting individual excellence in the world. Their flaw, perhaps, is the emphasis of the individual over a broader worldview. To the deities of the Dodekatheon, each of their Scions is the next Heracles or Asklepios, destined for divinity and great deeds. When their children fail to meet their high (and often unrealistic) expectations, the deities look towards the next generation. Second oldest of the divine tribes, the Dodekatheon comprises the Olympian Gods of Greco-Roman legend. Their origins are murky, since the ancient Greeks already knew their Gods when they migrated to the Mediterranean Sea around 4,000 years ago, but they were still changing and growing 2,500 years ago, and their forms only became set around 1,500 years ago. Where the Pesedjet emphasizes social and cultural stability over and against individual rights, the Dodekatheon has sought to impose patterns of individuality within the community on humanity. Arête — personal excellence in service to humanity — is the motivating urge of this tribe of Gods and its Scions. It is important for most people to know their place, but it is equally important for some to rise above their stations and create new patterns for human life.

In modern times, the Dodekatheon’s Scions seek to manifest and awaken great spirits in society—as artists, warriors, spiritual seekers, judges, leaders and poets. Extraordinary individuals can strengthen the fabric of reality so that Titans can gain no purchase on it or rip through illusion’s curtains. Sometimes, the Scions of the Olympians challenge mortals, and sometimes, they are the mortals challenged by the Gods. Both routes lead to greatness—an exaltation of human endeavor that blocks the Titans from destroying the World. The Greek Pantheon’s greatest weakness is hubris—belief that the individual is capable of winning out against Fate. Every God in the Dodekatheon believes that his most recent favored Scion is capable of surviving the titanspawn onslaught and changing the World. Investing time and training in Scion after Scion, the whole pantheon puts tremendous trust in its heroes, while acknowledging that all too many have only fallen into ruin and darkness. The next Scion, of course, will prove a worthy vessel for the trust and favor of the Gods…

Gods of the Dodekatheon

Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Athena, Dionysus, Hades, Hephaestus, Hera, Hermes, Poseidon, and Zeus.


The Aesir are the deities of Norse mythology, and represent a third option after the Pesedjet and Dodekatheon. While the Pesedjet are traditionalists in favor of absolute social order, and the Dodekatheon believe in the triumph of the individual, the Aesir promote both community stability and personal rights. Thus family and nation are important, but so are the rights of the individual. The Aesir's greatest flaw is that they are tied more closely to the web of Fate than other Pantheons - nearly every Norse deity is fated to die at Ragnarok, and they struggle to avoid that inevitable doom.

Gods of the Aesir

Baldur, Freya, Freyr, Frigg, Heimdall, Hel, Loki, Odin, Sif, Thor, Tyr, and Vidar.

The Aztlánti

The Aztec Gods have no name for their own Pantheon but have been dubbed the "Aztlánti" by others. Their agenda lies on a greater scale than human society - for them continuity is the goal - the sun and moon must complete their daily cycles, the world must turn and the stars must move according to their proper schedule. Humanity is almost beneath their notice, save for the fact that the agendas of the Aztlánti require human blood, and human sacrifice. For the Aztlánti, the sacrifice of a few lives (be they mortal or Scion) is a small price to pay to keep existence going.

Gods of the Aztlánti

Huitzilopochtli, Miclántechutli, Quetzalcoátl, Tezcatlipoca, Tlaloc, Tlazoltéotl, and Xipe Totec.


The Amatsukami are the deities of Shinto, the ancient (but still very much alive) religion of Japan. They have the agenda of ensuring the continuity of nature and the natural world. Complex ecological solutions are often the order of the day for Amatsukami Scions, and through maintaining the environment they keep the Titans at bay. The weakness of this Pantheon is a difficulty in acting with the speed and directness that the Titan Wars require. Though their solutions may be graceful, elegant and balanced, they also often take more time than the Titans will allow.

Gods of the Amatsukami

Amaterasu, Hachiman, Izanagi, Izanami, Raiden, Susano-O, and Tsuki-Yomi

The Loa

The Loa are the Voodoo Gods of West Africa, and concentrate their energy on the protection of holy places. The wholeness of nature is less important than the wholeness of the here and now. Their greatest strength is their attention to small details, but that is also their greatest weakness, as they are more often than not unable to see the broader picture.

Gods of the Loa

Baron Samedi, Damballa, Erzulie, Kalfu, Legba, Ogoun, and Shango.


That's the jist of it. I'd like to keep it 1 player per pantheon if possible. I am playing a scion of Sobek, from the Pesedjet. So... there's that. If you wish to play from a pantheon that is already represented, let me know and I'll try to work something out. I will add more detail shortly. I am simply posting this so I have something to garner interest while I work out the rest.

The story is based around the end of days theory of Ragnarok. The players will be the chosen of prophecy and the last hope for the human race. How will they fare? With titanspawn beginning to move, nemean animals on the prowl, and insane titan cults... what are the Good Guys to do?



1. Don't be an asshole. A bit of arguing is alright, as is friendly debate. But if things start getting heated, take it to PMs.

2. Don't argue with GMs too much. If you disagree with a ruling, say so and say why. I will re-evaluate my opinion and may reconsider my stance. If I say something is final, however... do not continue to debate it.

3. Minimum 2-paras per post please. An occasional single paragraph will be acceptable if something is particularly tough to respond to... but let people know in the OOC if something needs more for you to reply to. Perhaps edits could be made.

4. Please try to remain active. Give notice if you'll be gone for more than two days. If you're gone longer than that without notice your character may be puppeted. If you're gone for an extended period, they will likely be killed.

5. Collabs are encouraged. They're fun. :3

6. Have fun. Don't spam GIFs. No Lemon Party. Thor is best Avenger.

7. No OOC Chatter in the IC Thread. Do that stuff here.

8. Godmodding and/or Metagaming results in a warning. A second instance will get you banned.


Pic: ( Non-Anime, please. )

Name: ( Something realistic. No "Lord Reginald of Yon" or shit like that )

Age: (16 to 40 please, no kids and no senior citizens )



Divine Parent:

Personality: ( More than one sentence, please. Shy and Timid means "Kill me first"... )

Relics/Purviews: ( If you need help here, simply convo me. )

Possessions: ( Non-Magical things such as a car, gear, weapons, etc... )

Backstory: ( 2-Paragraph Minimum, please. Don't forget to touch on when you were Visited by your Divine Parent, as that unlocks your Heroic Powers )

Theme Song:


Most of the stats listed here will have a rating. All ratings are to be marked as x. For example a Wits score of four will be marked as xxxx.














(all must be listed and shown as Base Attribute/Epic Attribute; Example : Strength xxxx/xxx) ***No scion may have a higher rating in an Epic Attribute than they have in the same mundane attribute, and your Legend rating must be AT LEAST one point higher than your highest Epic Attribute***

Legend: put your legend rating here. No scion may have a boon rated as equal or higher than their Legend rating, just as their Legend must be one higher than a character's highest Epic Attribute.

Abilities: only list those that have points in them and mark the ones that are favorites or specializations as F or S, respectively. The abilities are:


Animal Ken























If you have no x's in an ability, you do not list it.

Example: A Player has 2 x's Integrity and 0 x's in Medicine. They would simply remove Medicine from their CS.


Birthrights: Gifts from your divine parent that have unique abilities and grant you access to your boons. Must have a rating (1-5 / x - xxxxx ) and access to boons must be in the rating.

Example Birthright: Armani Suit, Rank xxxxx (+3 to armor access to Earth and Fire boons) The suit CANNOT give +4 to armor and access to both boons, each boon rates one x (rating point)


Knacks: List those that you have from your chosen attributes here, if a knack has a prerequisite knack, you must have that as well. Each Epic Attribute give you one free knack from it's respective list, and you may have more knacks than you do points in the Epic Attribute.

Boons: Put your boons and your rating in them here. Remember that you cannot access these powers unless you have a connected Birthright. Boons are the abilities listed under your Divine Parent's Purviews.

Step 1: "Concept"

Think of a Basic Concept and choose your divine parent.

Step 2: Attributes.

Note that all Attributes start with 1 x before adding points.

Prioritize Attributes. 8 x's in one category ( Physical, Social, or Mental ), 6 x's in the second, 4 x's in the last.

Step 3: Abilities.

Choose "Favored Abilities". You may have 6 of them.

Assign x's to your abilities. You have 30 x's to assign in total. At least 6 x's total must be in Favored Abilities. No Abilities may be above 3 x's without spending "Bonus Points". Bonus points will be discusses further down in the guide.

Step 4: Advantages.

Choose your Birthrights, 5 x's worth of Birthright Relics. No single Relic/Birthright may be higher than 3 x's without the use of bonus points.

Choose your Boons and Epic Attributes. You have ten x's to spend on these. Boons cost their rating in x's. You may not have a Boon that falls outside the Purviews of your divine parent.

Step 5: Assign Legend Rating

You start with 2 x's in Legend. Raise it with Bonus Points.

Step 6: Bonus Points.

You have 25 Bonus Points to spend. See the chart in the spoiler below for costs.

Attributes cost 4BP per x to raise.

Abilities cost 2BP per x to raise, 1BP if it is a favored ability of your divine parent

Birthrights cost 1BP per x, 2BP per x if being raised above 3 x's

Legend costs 7BP per x to raise

Boons, Spells, and Epic Attributes cost 5BP per x, 4BP per x if associated with divine parent

Knacks cost 3BP each

Name: Aleksandr Petrovich

Age: 27

Height: 6'4"

Weight: 170lbs

Divine Parent: Hephaestus



He possesses a will of iron, though he's got trouble completing projects when he starts them, often getting distracted by the next big idea and applying his nigh-unstoppable enthusiasm towards the new project. Often he writes up meticulous plans for these ideas, most of which are worked out but never seen through as the new idea comes through. A bit blunt, which is sometimes mistaken for being anti-social.


>a zippo lighter engraved with a flame design (x) - Fire - Bolster Fire


flame-retardant gloves (x) - Earth - Shaping


a pair of glasses (xxx) - Arete: Craft (Machinery), Arete: Craft (Electronics), Arete: Craft (Mechanisms).


Tools, an engineering workshop full of half-finished plans and projects, books on engineering, a couple of basic PC construction books, books relevant to his interests, a high-end PC in the process of having the case modded, various components of things, and the rest of the stuff you'd find in a house.


Born in Novosibirsk to Natalya Petrovich, Aleksandr grew up to find an affinity for machinery. He researched it, seeking to learn as much as he could about engineering in order to follow in his father's footsteps, as his mother told him his father was an engineer. Perhaps this would lead him to him, perhaps this would lead to an interesting career. Both were attractive prospects, and the subject interested him, and he even planned out a life based around his passion for engineering.

As he learned how machinery worked, he managed to injure himself a fair few times (dropping things on himself, getting clothing trapped in the mechanisms, even managing to cut off his left ring finger), but persevered...after all, trial and error are great teachers. Eventually, after years of hard work starting from when he was nearly 17, he had become quite skilled in the areas he practised, and got a job in one of the many mechanical engineering industries at 22.

Now at 27, taking time off from work after sustaining a head injury, he spends time thinking about alternative histories, reading, and building things in his - now becoming crowded with unfinished projects - workshop, and keeps up the habit of making plans...even if these are now just centred around his occasional games of Dark Crusade, or what he thought would have happened if Lenin didn't die as young as he did.


>Perception xxxx

>Intelligence xxxxx/x

>Wits xxx


>Strength xx

>Dexterity xxxx

>Stamina xxx


>Charisma xx

>Manipulation xx

>Appearance xxx

>Legend xxx

>Academics (F) xxx

>Art (Music) xx

>Art (Painting) x

>Awareness xxx

>Control xx

>Craft (Machinery) (F) xxxxx

>Craft (Electronics) (F) xxxxx

>Craft (Mechanisms) (F) xxxxx

>Empathy x

>Fortitude x

>Integrity xx

>Investigation x

>Medicine x

>Occult xx

>Science xxx


>Fast Learner

I'm working on a char from Aztlanti pantheon and will put it here when i finish it.



Name: Altura Acacitli

Age: 24

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 96Kg

Divine Parent: Quetzalcoatl

Personality: Charming and outgoing, his philosophy is; "to make life worth it and to leave something worthwhile before you die." To this end he has dedicated his life to the creation of art, landscaping and civil planning. His many projects often leave him frazzled and he will deal with the stress by pacing back and forth murmuring to himself. He is kind and generous with his time and effort, sometimes he'll even help out a total stranger. During the day he's often painting or doing his 'job' though by night he likes to play, he "works hard, plays hard" as they say. His heritage is something he very rarely acknowledges and tries to avoid being pulled into his father''s war despite his inability to do so.


Serpent's Noose (Artifact): x Once worn by the priests of Quetzalcoatl during blood sacrificial rituals held in his temples. Given to his mother as a gift it was passed down to Altura prior to her death as a birthday present. This item gives him access to the Guardian purview.

Enchanted Shoes (Artifact): xx A pair of shoes created by the god Quetzalcoatl as an apology gift to his son, the leopard print is in actuality real leopard fur. These shoes give their wearer access to the Sky and Psychopomp purviews.

Sacraficial Dagger (Artifact):xxx One of the last remaining items that belonged to his grandfather, it is an implement used in blood sacrifices to Quetzalcoatl used only once a month according to the will of the god and the stars. This item provides access to the Itztli, Health and Earth purviews.


Kia Spectra

Price: 6,500 (Second Hand)

Combined EPA MPG: 26 manual

Engine: 2.0-liter, 4 cylinders

IIHS Crash Test Rating: Acceptable (front impact); Marginal (side impact); Acceptable (rear impact)

Standard: CD audio system with six speakers and door-mounted tweeters; tilt steering column; six-way adjustable driver's seat; split folding rear seats; front-seat mounted side airbags; side curtain airbags.

Altura bought this baby from his Tio Ramirez who was more than happy to be rid of the car "Possessed!" he called it, it wasn't, his uncle was just a bad driver and ignored the law like somebody made it up just to **** him off.

*A tiny apartment and a parking space for his car, some paints, canvases and an easel.

*60$ on hand, 3569.90$ in his bank account

*His Grandfather's ritual Implements.


He sat hiding in the underbrush while they dragged his screaming mother up the stone steps and onto a red stained altar, their faces were painted with ocher and they war grass skirts and animal masks. At the altar stood a tall man holding a staff embedded with human teeth, his voice was practically lifeless as he chanted to the sky. Altura whimpered quietly as her watched the kill her, their jagged black knives stained with her blood. That night he ran beneath the light of the moon, his grandfather lived nearby but he had never liked his grandpa.

His abuelo looked grim after he recounted his mother's death "Altura, you must never speak of this to anyone or you may suffer the same fate your mother did, for now though you will stay with me and I shall teach you of your fate and why your mother died." That night his abuelo became his guardian and teacher, he learned who his father was and swore vengeance for his mother.

5 years later:

Yet again he crouched in the underbrush, this time it was his grandfather being dragged to the red altar. Altura couldn't move, fear had kept him in place and just like his mother he watched as his Abuelo's life was snuffed out by the same people. He was twelve when his mother died and he learned of his father's identity. Once more he ran to his Abuelo''s home, this time he packed his gears, took his grandfather's necklace, money, keys and his truck, His uncle Ramirez lived in Chicago/Las Vegas, that's where he'd have to go to get away from all of this; his memories, his mother, his grandfather, those men and most of all his father who he blamed for their deaths. "You did nothing!" He hissed into the darkness but whether it was to his father or himself he didn't know.


Chicago/Las Vegas proved to be his saviour and he had his uncle Ramirez to thank for that, the man was his anchor, he took Altura in and treated him like his five other children and they treated him like their brother. Altura worked for his uncle's landscaping company, he only recently bought his apartment where he now lives and uses as his studio. Currently he lives a happy life but his life is about to change yet again and whether that change will be good or bad.


He stood in front of his Easel trying to think of something to paint, he turned on his TV hoping to find some inspiration there, a documentary on the ancient Aztec culture and his father was playing, Altura shrugged and decided he would paint a re-imagining of his supposed father. Inspiration came quickly and Altura was relatively happy with the outcome of his efforts. He dubbed the painting "Ancient Father" and snorted, "Some father you are" He said to no one in particular, tired now he went to sleep in his small bed.

At first his dreams were hazy, one featured a beautiful woman walking towards her while another saw him on a stage mock fighting a man costumed as a hideous deformed man with two heads and six arms holding a club. The last dream however was incredibly vivid, almost real.

He awoke from his slumber to look upon the painting of his father once more, he thought it looked very realistic and the shading looked as though the costumed man were standing in the room. Curious he got up from his bed and approached the painting to observe it closely.

The closer and closer he got the more real it seemed until eventually it stepped from the canvas to look at him with a pair of very intense eyes, his eyes. Altura stepped back, his anger bubbling to the top while he looked for something to use as a weapon.

"My son, it is good to finally meet you." His father said opening wide his arms as if for a hug. "Right, so you come at the one moment I 'don't' need you and you act like you were there for me all my life. You let Ama, and Abuelo die on that altar!! Then you left me to fend for myself until I found Tio!!." He yelled, his father's face grew sad "How do you know that it was not I who covinced you grandfather to take you in, or your uncle for that matter? How do you know it was not I who kept you hidden when your mother-my love and your grandfather died?" The Aztec god said, his smile returning and his arms seemed to spread wider as though he were certain to get a hug.

"Did you?, Did you do ll of those things for me?"


"Get out!!!"

"I can do one thing for you now though, especially while you wear my artifact around your neck, I shall give you the power to survive my child. Soon the storm will come and you'll need my blood to survive.

Altura woke with a start, he was still in his bed but when he looked at the canvas, his painting was no longer there and he placed his hand on the necklace his mother once wore, he couldn't throw it away but he wouldn't think of it in the same way.

Theme Song:



Strength xx

Dexterity xxx

Stamina xx


Charisma xxxx/xx*

Manipulation xxx

Appearance xxx


Perception xxx

Intelligence xxx/x*

Wits xxx

*= See Knacks (Below)

Legend: xxx

F-Academics xxx 3

-Art: xxxx 4

-Athletics xxx 3

F-Command xx 2

-Craft xx 2

F-Investigation xxx 3

F-Medicine xxx 3

F-Melee xxx 3

F-Science xxx 3

-Survival xxx 3

-Presence xx 2



-Animal: Resplendent Quetzal xx

*Can speak (English)

*Greater Endurance

- Serpent's Noose: (See: Artifacts/Purviews)



*Charm: Benefit of the Doubt

-Removes penalty from convincing people of improbable things.


-Quells an emotion in a target, allowing them to be convinced without regard to that existing emotion.


-Fast Learner: Scion learns Academics, Medicine, Occult, Poltics and Science faster than others.


Guardian: Vigil Brand

-Touch a person to lay a mystical brand upon them. Thereafter when they are in physical danger you receive an intuitive warning. Success on the roll gives a clearer understanding of the danger. Can check up on them at any time, but only one at a time.

Guardian: Aegis

-Grant a mortal Hardness equal to activation successes for 24 hours

Health: Assess Health

-Automatically assess the medical condition of a living person in your presence. Tells health levels, addictions, and illnesses or diseases.

Earth :Safely Interred

-The Scion is never harmed by being buried or by collapsing rubble.

Sky: Sky's Grace

-Take no damage from falls of any height or double jump distance. Can also reduce knockback to a single yard.

Sky:Wind's Freedom

-Movement (including dashing) now works vertically as well. If the Birthright item channeling the boon is dropped, the Scion falls immediately.

Psychopomp: Unerring Orientation

- If the locale is familiar, know how to get from any point to another. If unfamiliar, know compass directions. Can study a map for five minutes and retain the information forever. For 1 Legend, can tell distance and direction to home.

Itztli: Maguey Sting

Of course you'll tell me if I need to change anything but until then I'll leave it as is until alerted to do otherwise.

Name: Thomas Anders

Age: 31

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 233 lbs.

Divine Parent: Odin


Thomas has a 'take no crap' attitude and is willing to do whatever it takes to get things done. He doesn't believe in cheap shots or low blows and there are no innocents or bystanders. He does however consider every available option before making a choice that could cost lives, and he has a small, almost nonexistent soft spot for small children (They're just so cute!)


Thomas possesses a matching relics set: The Eye and Hand of The Allfather.

The Eye of the Allfather: The Eye grants Thomas access to both the Psychopomp and Prophecy Purviews as well as a combined effect with the Hand.

The Hand of he Allfather : Its an old norse throwing axe that ha been empowered with increased accuracy, and when used in conjunction with the Eye, returns to the user after after it has been thrown by the most direct route possible.

Possessions: Thomas also has an old pickup truck with camper containing the basic necessities of a traveling bounty hunter, a mundane FN F2000 with four spare 30 round magazines, and two Sig Saur P250 9mm handguns.


Thomas Anders was born in Portland, Oregon to Svetlanna Anders, a Russian immigrant that moved to the U.S. to find a better life for herself and unborn child, whose father was a mystery. She struggled to find steady work for months until the child was born. Realizing that She could'nt care for herself, let alone a new born, Svetlanna gave her child over to foster care in hopes that he'd have a better future. Growing up, Thomas knew nothing of his mother, or even if she were still alive, and he preferred to keep it that way: he had seen too many children cry themselves to sleep at night as they came up with fantasies about who their parents had been and why they gave them up. Thomas had no such delusions. He was content not to fall prey to the bigger kids that had become sour with their continued residence in orphanages, and to get out of the system. As such, he learned how to street fight since physical confrontations are seldom unavoidable.

When he was old enough, Thomas got a job working at a fast food chain and put all of his money in an account that was locked until he turned eighteen. As high school graduation grew closer as well as his birthday, Thomas began making plans to leave his life long prison. He received grants for college and studied criminal justice at Washington State University and used some of his savings to buy an old Yugo as well as getting a job as a doorman at a local club. After receiving both his associates and bachelor's degrees at the age of 26, he finally set off on the road. At first he attempted to get a job as a police officer in several cities, but wasn't successful. Finally after another such rejection an officer that had over heard gave him some useful advice: become a bounty hunter, and so he did.

He was twenty-nine when he had his visitation. It was winter and he was driving through the mountains of Colorado on his way to find a bounty in Aspen. The snow had been heavy the past few days, and he had had his trepidations about driving through the mountains in his small Yugo, but he didn't want to lose his mark. Everything seemed to be clearing when a strong gust of wind hit his car and he hit a patch of black ice, sending his light car careening off the road and smashing in to a tree on the driver's side, crushing the door and pinning his left leg. He sat there for hours, trying to get the car to start so he could have some heat, and trying to free his leg to get back to the road and find help, but was successful in neither attempt. He was going in and out of consciousness from the cold and exhaustion when he heard a bird call. This brought him alert and made him aware of his surroundings once more. Until that point he had heard nothing but his own movements and the wind blowing through the trees, but the bird's call had a startling sense of clarity to it that he had never heard before. Looking up he saw two black shapes sitting on a snow covered branch, staring directly at him, and just beneath them was an old man he had failed to notice until that point.

You are about to die, Thomas, but I can help you. The man didn't speak, his mouth didn't move, but Thomas could hear the words nonetheless. "How do you know my name? Who are you!?" he croaked, his mouth dry from the extended stay in the cold with little to drink. Who I am is not important right now, only that I can save you if you swear an oath to assist me when I need it. "But who are you!? How did you find me?" I have been called many things in the ages i have visited mortals, but my most common names are Woden, Valtam, Ygg and most prominent of all: Odin. I am the All-Father of the Norse gods as well as your father, Thomas. So I offer again this bargain to save your life in return for serving me when I need you. It was all a little much for Thomas to take in at once, this old man thought he was the god Odin and claimed to be his father as well! But he could get him out of the car and to safety, the decision wasn't to hard to make. "Alright," he agreed "I'll help you, now get me out of this car!"

With a few steps and a mighty heave, the old man pushed the car off the tree and ripping what remained of the door from the car, freeing Thomas's leg. A semi truck will be passing this spot on the road in five minutes, I suggest you flag it down and get a ride, I will tell you more at a further date. And with that the old man turned and walked off in to the woods quickly disappearing in a veil of snow. Shaking his head in disbelief, Thomas trudged back to the road, and sure enough a semi came along and he was able to get a ride to Aspen. Two days later The old man appeared once more in informed him of the true ways of the world: there was a war waging between gods and titans and that Thomas was now a soldier in their army. He also presented Thomas with a ring and a tomahawk and explained what they did. They were his birthrights and weapons in the war on titans. Then he simply left.

That was two years ago, and he has learned more about the goings on in the world and has completed a few tasks for his 'father' since then. Most of the time he continued his job as a bounty hunter, roaming the country looking for his marks, it was only at times that he received visions on what to do that he altered his plans. Now was once of those times. He had been in New York and had just turned in a nice six grand bounty when he got a call from a strange number on his cell phone. when he answered he heard Odin's voice, and he simply said "Go to Vegas" and hung up. So here he was four days later and three miles from the city with no idea what he was supposed to do.

Theme Song: Comanche - In This Moment


Strength xxx/x

Dexterity xxxx

Stamina xxxx/xxx

Charisma xx

Manipulation xxx/x

Appearance xx

Perception xxx/x

Intelligence xxx

Wits xxx

Legend xxxx

Academics xxx

Athletics(F) xxx

Awareness xxx

Melee(F) xxx

Fortitude(F) xxx

Investigation(F) xxx

Medicine xx

Survival xx

Thrown(F) xxxx

Occult(F) xxx

Marksmanship xxx


Hurl to the Horizon (strength), Inner Furnace (stamina), Self Healing (stamina), Solipsistic Well Being (stamina), Overt Order (manipulation), Predatory Focus (perception)


Psychopomp (xxx): Unerring Orientation, Where Are You?, Unbarred Entry

Prophecy (x): Prophecy has no abilities per point, the more points invested in it, the stronger in prophecy the character becomes.
Yay. Spoilers aren't working right!


Name: Jeff McComb

Age: 26

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 207lbs

Divine Parent: Sobek

Personality: Relatively indifferent in most matters, has taken the lessons of his father to heart in a very real sense... and is willing to do distasteful things for the greater good. Jeff has been known to help the elderly one day, then use children as bait to lure out a target the next. He does open up to those he trusts, but he does not trust easily.


The Shroud of the Nile: Level xx Relic. This ancient artifact was created by the Lord of Crocodiles long ago to assist his priests and priestesses in spreading his influence. The wearer of this cloak can vanish from the eyes of their enemies or pursuers in one of two ways. They may either vanish from sight in the literal sense... or obscure themselves from thought, and make their enemies believe they are supposed to be there and be doing what they are doing. This ability works well against mortals, but a Titanspawn will likely see the magic for what it is.

Fang of the River Lord: Level x Relic This Dagger is much sharper than it would appear. It was carved from the tooth of a massive river crocodile by the hands of Sobek himself. When this blade draws blood, it transfers the past ten minutes of memories from the foe into the mind of the wielder.

Eye of Sobek: Level xxxx Relic Grants Jeff access to all four of his divine purviews. The eye changes appearances depending on the purview Jeff is accessing at any given time. Animal (Crocodile), Fertility, Heku, Water. This divine gift has replaced one of his original eyes.

Possessions: Black 2006 Hummer H-1, $175 cash, $4250 in bank account, Pair of Beretta 92FS Pistols w/ 3 extra clips each, Remington 870 Shotgun with a box of 25 shells, G3KA4 with a 6x Scope and two extra clips, Basic Survival Kit in back of Hummer, Machete, Camping Knife.

Backstory: Jeff McComb. Age 26. Former PFC in the U.S. Army.


Jeff was raised in the small town of Little Falls, NY. Born to Mitchell and Selena McComb, Jeff was about as happy as a child could be. Mom was home all the time, Dad had leave every so often to spend with family, and all the kids in the neighborhood were his friends. This led him to be a good student, great athlete, and all around popular guy. His father made sure he knew a few key things. One, Never hit a lady. Two, Respect your elders. Three, Be thankful for what you have. Four, Give and you shall receive. And Five, Do onto others as you want them to do onto you. For a time, these rules governed Jeff's life.

This changed on his 15th Birthday. Reports indicate a botched burglary led to the fatal shooting of Selena McComb. Three shots were fired. One in the hand as she likely brought it up to defend herself, and two more in the chest. Jeff was whisked away from school that day, and told what had occurred. Needless to say, the boy was almost instantly thrown into emotional shock. He threw himself at the two-way mirror which the gunman was behind, and nearly broke right through it. He was never to be the same again.

For almost two weeks, Jeff lived with relatives while his father was stuck in a combat zone and unable to return. But finally, Mitchell made it home to his son. But the once happy child was now gloomy and quiet. The older man brushed it off as grief, and figured it would pass in time.


Young Adulthood.

Jeff's emotional state never fully recovered. Though he returned to school, sports, and a fairly average life... everyone knew he was not the same person. His father had recently remarried, and there was even a baby on the way. This served only to further push Jeff away from everyone. We feel that he took offense at his old life being 'replaced' by a new mom and a new child. In any case, this proved to be the catalyst for his enlistment into the U.S. Army at the age of 20.

Now that he was no longer an only child, Jeff felt no qualms about throwing his life into the face of danger. He requested a posting as an infantryman, and very easily made his way through Basic Training. He received higher than average marks in tests of endurance and reaction speeds, and was selected to take some marksman training. He did moderately well, but was no standout.


Recent History.

Having left the Army after his first tour, Jeff was again struck by tragedy. His father was killed in an accident with a drunk driver. This proved to break his will even further. He came to us and asked for a job. So we gave him a test. To eliminate a target for us. It was a hard job, one that needed someone with no moral issues. He succeeded marvelously. By using a young boy as bait, even.

The boy was a young man, no older than 13, who was getting into gang life at a young age and thought he was something special. Jeff offered to pay the kid $2000 for macing a politician in broad daylight. The boy was given half up front. Eager to get the rest, the kid did as asked. However, the man's bodyguards saw the adolescent gangbanger coming and moved to intercept. This left Jeff with a clear shot, which he took. But we had no intent on paying someone we could deny... and ordered him terminated.

Case 1759346.

Jeff suddenly felt something warm on his stomach and something cold on his back. When he looked down, he saw a long thin blade jutting from his gut. Someone had just stabbed him through-and-through. "What... the f..." was all he managed to say before the shock hit him and he fell to ground. What happened next would determine his future.

Jeff walked a lonesome path, one which was lined with gnarled trees and knee-deeps waters. He felt as though he was walking for ages before coming across something odd. That something was a crocodile. Of course he was startled. But even more so when the large animal spoke to him. "My Son. Good of you to join me. My apologies for stabbing you in the back like that. But I needed you off the radar, so to speak. The company you worked for was one of my recent acquisitions. So here's how it goes, Jeff."

The crocodile revealed itself as Sobek, Egyptian Lord of Crocodiles. And this ancient deity was also Jeff's father. All of the soldier's life, Sobek had been guiding him along. The death of his earthly father included. It had pained Sobek some to take the life of one who loved his son, but was necessary to temper his son against the harshness of war and tragedy. In this, Jeff had found the resolve to do whatever was needed to succeed.

"And so I gift you these things... The Shroud of the Nile, and the blade which has since left your body... the Fang of the River Lord, and lastly..." The Crocodile lashed out with an odd energy which rushed into Jeff's eye. The small bundle of flesh and nerves was ripped from his head most painfully, but quickly replaced with something that looked very similar to what was just taken from him.

The God called it "The Eye of Sobek"... and sure enough, the Crocodile was now missing an eye. And not two seconds after seeing that, Jeff was hurled backward along the path he had walked.

He awoke with a start, to find his injuries healed and the blade that had injured him tucked neatly in his hand. There was also a note taped to the wall next to him. It informed him that he was to find his "payment" in the parking garage across the street, space 424. Upon arrival, he found a Hummer SUV, with a large crate in the back. The crate contained four firearms, plenty of ammunition, and some survival gear... as well as another note.

"Seek out the children of the heavens. Together you may stem the tide of darkness. Begin your search in Las Vegas, city of lies. Seek out the one known as "Gristle". He will assist you all.

And so began Jeff's new life. He knew not where it would lead.


Theme Song:



Strength xxx/xx epic ( +1,000lbs Lift Capacity, +2 yards to all jumps, x4 throw distance )

Dexterity xxxx

Stamina xxxx/x epic ( Ignore minor damage, may live 1 week without food, water, or sleep )


Charisma xx

Manipulation xxx

Appearance xx


Perception xxx

Intelligence xxx

Wits xxx

Legend: xxxx

Academics x

Animal Ken x

Athletics (F) xxxx

Awareness (F) xxx

Brawl x

Command xx

Control xx

Empathy x

Fortitude (F) xx

Investigation x

Marksmanship (F) xxx

Medicine x

Melee xx

Presence xx

Science x

Stealth (F) xx

Survival (F) xx


Birthrights: See "Relics/Purviews" above


Knacks: Holy Bound ( Strength ), Crushing Grip ( Strength ), Self-Healing ( Stamina )


Water Purview: Water Breathing, Water Control, Changing States.

Fertility Purview: Green Thumb

Animal Purview: Animal Communication (Crocodiles)

Heku Purview: Ren Harvest, Sekem Blaze, Sekem Barrier 
Nice, Squirrel.

Oh yeah... in case anyone wonders, Squirrel is my Co-GM here. Don't fuck with him. His word is my word. 

You don't seem to grasp how Relics work. If one gives you access to ONE fire power, it gives you access to the fire PURVIEW. Therefore, the lighter would give you all the fire abilities you purchased, rather than just one.

Squirrel will offer secondary review soon.
Pic: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/jm.jpg.e6bc1740da3f85f7abbce5ef422a3ace.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="519" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/jm.jpg.e6bc1740da3f85f7abbce5ef422a3ace.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: James Mallison

Age: 23

Height: 5'10

Weight: 157 lb

Divine Parent: Legba

Personality: The kind of person with a smile constantly on his face, as if at a joke that noone else has caught on to yet. Always loving a good joke, and the sort to sit down and make friends without problems. If you need it, he'll give you a shoulder to cry on, an ear to talk to, the shirt off his back, or any other body part that is required at any given time. A good listener without giving away anything but advice.


Walking the Paths (x Relic) An ornate walking stick that tapers to a blunted point, when it's rolled on it's side it produces a perfect crossroads Vévé. This weighted stick has never broken in combat, nor has anything seemed to mar it's surface.

Pouch of tobacco (xx Relic) Seemingly never empty, it is often when smoking the tobacco from within that he gets some of his more starling insights into the world. Accesses the Prophecy Purview. Worn on a thong under his shirt

GrisGris bag (xx Relic) A folded piece of leather with the sigil of the crossroads on it, and tied with a cord. While he's never fully explored the contents, it rattles softly when shaken hard. When he adds his blood to it, it accesses the Psychopomp purview, to access Cheval, he needs to add his target's blood here. Worn on a thong under his shirt

Sun and moon talisman (x Relic) This strange talisman is about half the size of his hand. On one side, the moon smiles out, while on the other, the sun glares balefully out. It allows access to the Sun purview. Worn on the thong under his shirt.

Georgia Mallison (xx Guide) Former voudoun priestess, James' grandmother. Deceased.

Possessions: Apartment (Bedroom: Double bed, closet. Living room: 23 inch plasma, two recliners, bookshelves with assorted small figurines and dolls and books on various nonfictional topics mainly focusing on spirituality, psychology, forensics and the paranormal. Kitchen: Sink, Fridge/freezer, microwave, electric stove. Bathroom: Shower, sink, toilet.). One good suit, five good shirts, assorted t-shirts and pants. One set of loose white ceremonial clothes. Enough food for a week. Bicycle. His grandfather's pipe.


Raised for the first thirteen years of his life by a doting mother, it was after her death that things started to go wrong. It was an accident, simple, tragic, she was in a car accident. Both drivers DOA. He was shipped off to his only known relative, across the country, away from everyone he knew.

He had trouble fitting in to his new school, cliques well formed before his arrival and it led to trouble with fellow students. He was soon accepted into a small gang of delinquents, and introduced to various ventures. He got into small time trouble with the law, usually talking his way out of it. Unfortunately his abilities in those directions went to hell one night when he was 16. Because of a screw up in recon, he was arrested with his four friends for breaking and entering. It wasn't his fault, he didn't know he was breaking into the house of the mayor's mistress.

Of the five, he was the only one sent to juvie, which seemed unfair to him, but the judge had tried him separately. While in juvie, he returned to reading and his education, without as many distractions around him, and on his eighteenth birthday, he graduated. It wasn't until he was being escorted out of the facility that he found out why. After all, that was when the guard handed him the package with his possessions. It turned out the guard knew all about possessions.

"Your mother was a good woman, James. I'll see you later. Go to the place on the card."

A wink and the guard was suddenly all business again, which of course made James question his sanity. He got changed, and left, getting a cab to the address. He was shocked when his grandmother opened the door and gave him a hug, bringing him into her apartment, much smaller than where she used to live, much more cramped. It was after dinner when Legba took over his grandmother, talking in a heavy voice.

"I'm sorry about your mother. She was a good woman, raised a good son. The problem was it seems someone decided to give you some trouble in your life." His grandmother got up and got his grandfather's old pipe, taking out a pouch of tobacco from somewhere in her cleavage, putting it on the table and filling the pipe before lighting it. "I'm not entirely sure who, or even if it was one of ours. I will admit, when I saw what you were getting up to, I thought that a bit of a time out from life might help you before talking."

His grandmother wouldn't be able to take a hit, it seemed that this spirit was able to manipulate well, who or whatever it was. "Who are you?"

"Boy, don't you sass me, I'm getting to it. I'm your father, one of the guardians of the crossroads. Don't you know your family history, boy?" A snort and exhalation of smoke. "Bloody typical." He shook his head. "Your grandmother used to be one of my priestesses a lifetime ago, used to ride her in ceremonies. Nothing like it. I'm Legba."

James raised an eyebrow, explaining everything while explaining nothing. "Alright. You owe me for eighteen years worth of child support and twelve years worth of therapy for abandonment issues." He shook his head. It took a certain kind of stubbornness to disbelieve in the face of this.

Legba snorted back a laugh, a twinkle in his eyes. "Boy, you might not believe me now, but you will. Give it time. Tell your grandmother to get you the juju box, that Legba told her to."

Then the presence was gone. His grandmother coughed and spluttered, looking at the pipe, and after James explained, she filled him in on some of the details on the religion. She never noticed him pocket the tobacco pouch, nor take a puff on his grandfather's pipe.

Over the next four years, his grandmother helped educate him in the ways of the loa, the theories and practices behind the religion, and how they interact with the world to the best of her knowledge. She explained the importance of the items, and with a little experimentation he plumbed their depths even further. Then, when he had just turned 22 his grandmother passed away in her sleep.

Now he happily works for the city in two part time jobs. Librarian two days a week, and doing various historical walks on weekends. It's enough for him to survive, and to crash the occasional party.

Theme Song: "Greatest Day" by Bowling for Soup.

Strength Xx

Dexterity Xx

Stamina Xxx

Charisma Xxx/xx

Manipulation xxx

Appearance xxx

Perception xxx

Intelligence xxxx

Wits xxxx/xx

Legend: xxxx


Academics xx

Athletics xx

Awareness xxx

F-Command xxx

Control xx

F-Empathy xxx

F-Integrity xx

Investigation xx

F-Larceny xxx

Melee xx

F-Occult xx

F-Presence xx

Stealth xx

Knacks: Benefit of the Doubt (Charisma), Charmer (Charisma). Instant Investigator (Wits), Social Chameleon (Wits)


Rada's Eye

Adding a drop of blood to the Grisgris bag and meditating on something created by the target, James can experience another person's perceptions as if they were his own.

Petro's Hands

Gives James a chance to exert control and perform one physical action over the person he presently has under the effects of Rada's Eye.


Gives James a chance to completely possess a person under the effects of Rada's Eye for a limited time.


Penetrating Glare

Allows James to see clearly through physical impediments such as smoke, fog, murky water (when within it) and even translucent barriers through which other people can see only shilhouettes. It also gives him the ability to see clearly in dim light.

Prophecy x



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Beta said:
You don't seem to grasp how Relics work. If one gives you access to ONE fire power, it gives you access to the fire PURVIEW. Therefore, the lighter would give you all the fire abilities you purchased, rather than just one.
I've never played Scion before, so I guess I was going to mess up something. I still like it as I had it set up though, and it's hardly a major issue with the character,
yeah had to get rid of it, fixed.

and now im gonna go nap while the baby naps and i have the chance lol.

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