[Sci-fi, Freeform, Hybrid] Astrum: Heavens

Xenthriss said:
Space Missiles with Baking-Soda warheads.
They shall be known as the great Baking War Soda -warheads, one of- if not, the, most dreadful weapon(s) of mass destruction, ever developed in the Milkay Way!
[QUOTE="Laréo Vi Finlandia]Yeah, for races I'm planning to go with 2 Racial Abilities and 1 Residual Ability (like a species' remarkable resistance to toxins). There might be nation bonuses and I'm not sure about unique units, as each player will start out with three or four spacecraft, that they can customize to make them unique to their nation. Or, at least that's what I'm planning to do.

Ill send you the idea in a couple of hours via pm, well the basic idea. if you dont like it Ill start formulating other plans of doom pain and RAPE!!! I mean OPPRESSION!!! no wait these are xenomorphs, rape is right.
0burn111 said:
Ill send you the idea in a couple of hours via pm, well the basic idea. if you dont like it Ill start formulating other plans of doom pain and RAPE!!! I mean OPPRESSION!!! no wait these are xenomorphs, rape is right.
I can't guarantee I'll say yay or nay to the idea though. ;)
Feantari said:
Where's a good place to look for a template of what I should be thinking towards?
Ah, I haven't gotten around to creating the profile templates yet, as I've been playing around with some other ideas and things for Astrum. I'll see if I can't get some (example) templates up here later today, so that people can kind of prepare their ideas and see how they look like 'on paper'.
Alright here are the profile templates for anyone who wants to play around with their ideas. Just keep in mind, that I may change these templates before Astrum begins- It's unlikely, but you should still be aware of it.


1st Post

Nation Name




What is the species of your people? Or are there multiple races that inhabit your nation? What are their names, what do they look like? You can use a picture to show an example of their appearance if you wish. Also give them Two (2) Racial Abilities (No magic!) and One (1) Residual Ability, these will be reviewed by a storyteller before approval.

Form of Government

Republic, dictatorship, monarchy or something else?

Important Officials

List as few or as many as you want. Have them be available for play or keep it private, that's up to you.

Economic System

Controlled, barter, merchantilist, free market, or even none.

Economic Tier

Decided by moderator.


The name of your nation's currency and its details, if your people use currency at all.

Nation Bonus

1 custom bonus that allows your country to stand out from all the others.


Very important! If your history is not up to standards, your application might require changes, or be denied altogether. Be sure to include lots of details, because you are building this world! (At least Two (2) paragraphs)


Also very important. Give all the cultural details you can think of. Give us at least a solid paragraph.

Nation Goals

Give us what you think your country's immediate goal will be based around everything you're written. In the end your nation goal is written by the Moderator, but we'll consider any thoughts you might have.
2nd Post

Home System Name

What is the name your people have given to your home solar system?

Home System Coordinates

Which grid is your home system in, on the Galaxy Map of the Signup Thread?

Celestial Bodies

Describe and list the star of your solar system and all celestial bodies orbiting it; planets, moons, asteroids. Also include the types of your solar system's planets; Habitable, barely habitable, wastelands, molten rock etc.. Indicate which of these planets is your peoples' home world and the 'capital' of your civilization.

Colonized Systems

For now, leave blank. You will list all other planets and star systems your people have explored and/or colonized later on.


Decided by moderator
3rd Post


Decided by moderator

Unique Unit

A unique soldier or piece of equipment that helps your military stand out (no spacecraft). Keep in mind that, with a few exceptions, most unique units will require previous training.


Using the instructions provided in the Main Guide, create & customize four unique spacecraft for your people, which will automatically assigned to a fleet for you to use- Once your nation is approved. (Also use this portion to list any future spacecraft, your nation might develop and build) You can use pictures to enhance the descriptions, as long as the pictures are not ridiculously huge.
4th Post (Optional)


List your allies, deals, and enemies


Keep up to date!
Nomadic Fleets;

1st Post

Fleet Name




What is the species of your people? Or are there multiple races that inhabit your nation? What are their names, what do they look like? You can use a picture to show an example of their appearance if you wish. Also give them Two (2) Racial Abilities (No magic!) and One (1) Residual Ability, these will be reviewed by a storyteller before approval.

Form of Government

Republic, dictatorship, monarchy or something else?

Important Officials

List as few or as many as you want. Have them be available for play or keep it private, that's up to you.

Economic System

Controlled, barter, merchantilist, free market, or even none.

Economic Tier

Decided by moderator.


The name of your nation's currency and its details, if your people use currency at all.

Fleet Bonus

1 custom bonus that allows your people to stand out from all the others.


Very important! If your history is not up to standards, your application might require changes, or be denied altogether. Be sure to include lots of details, because you are building this world! (At least Two (2) paragraphs)


Also very important. Give all the cultural details you can think of. Give us at least a solid paragraph.

Fleet Goals

Give us what you think your peoples' immediate goal will be based around everything you're written. In the end your nation goal is written by the Moderator, but we'll consider any thoughts you might have.
2nd Post

Fleet Population

Handled by moderator.


What is the Flagship of your fleet, and thus the home of it's government?

Civilian Fleet

List and describe the civilian (non-combat) vessels that belong to your fleet. Give them names, describe their appearance and feel free to give as much detail as you wish, if you're feeling creative. (Max. number of vessels; 35)

Industrial Fleet

Handled by moderator.

Military Fleet

Handled by moderator.


Using the instructions provided in the Main Guide, create & customize four unique spacecraft for your people, which will automatically assigned to a fleet for you to use- Once your nation is approved. (Also use this portion to list any future spacecraft, your nation might develop and build) You can use pictures to enhance the descriptions, as long as the pictures are not ridiculously huge.
3rd Post(Optional)


List your allies, deals, and enemies


Keep up to date!

Name: What is your Name?

Gender: Are you a Male or Female?

Age: How old are you?

Race: What species do you belong to?


Visual Appearance: Place a picture of your character here, it can be a drawing, or a picture.

Physical Appearance: Describe your character to the best of your ability. NO “Look at the picture.”

Personality Information

Likes: What are some of the characters favorite things.

Dislikes: What does the character hate.

General Personality: Describe what your character is like

Equipment (Only necessary for DoWs!)

Stuff: What're the miscellaneous things your character keeps for survival crafting, and so on?

Equipment: Weapons, armor, clothing, and so on. Keep in mind basic equipment.

Powers ( Only necessary for DoWs! )

Unique Skills: These are the Powers that you have that the rest of your people may not. Not all individuals will have them, they are usually gained through roleplay.

Skills/talents: These are anything that wouldn't necassarily fall into a category listed. These will probably be developed rather than started with.


Class: List your classes and how many levels you have here. Keep in mind the basic classes, and whatever classes that have been developed!

Job: What is your character's current occupation?

Legend: As you roleplay you will achieve a number of accomplishments, whether you fail or succeed. List them here.

Rank: Are you a diplomat, leader, hero, or general of a nation (or just a mercenary in one of those?) Record your rank here (Ranks 1-5)

Leader Bonuses:

(Leaders only!)

Character's History

History: What has your character done in the past?
I may change that a bit, to fit in stuff necessary for Admiral-characters and possibly to change some of the aspects, but the base is more or less the same.
The Kzin Empire

Nation Name:

Kzinti Imperial Hegemony




The Patriarch


The Kzinti Race


Jotoki Slaves



This is a typical Male Kzinti, (In the back he has a Feline esc tail.) While Males of the Species tend to be stronger and bulkier, the Females are more slender built and are typically faster then their male counterparts.
The Kzinti are a felinoid species standing over two meters tall, and twice the size then conventional humans in length. They are close akin to the Tiger species that resides on Earth, they’re orange-furred, and at times have diffractions in their fur both in color and in pattern. Their anatomy is extremely well reinforced, mainly in the torso, as they possess two hearts, and vertical braces along their ribs.

There are with in the ranks of the male Kzinti, some were capable of telepathic ability,; however, psychologically, they were often unhappy and neurotic. This is the Tamed Cast of the Kzinti and are mental unfit to live in general society for they have no other feeling but remorse, and self loading, and sleep five times as much as regular Kzinti. While useless as they are, they are small in population, (1 out of 50,000?) and seem to have better navigation skill, and are more tempered when it comes to other races.



All information about the Jotoki can be found here (http://aliens.wikia.com/wiki/Jotoki)

They Jotoki are slaves and a food sorce to the Kzin. That is all that is need to be known.
Perk One: The Animal Within:

The Kzin are fearsome warriors naturally, and are at times blood thirsty for 'pray'. Their blood rage at times become so intense they will devour their enemy on the battlefield. This makes them fearsome warriors.

Perk Two: The Warriors Redundancy:

Kzin are natural born warriors, they were born with weapons in their hands. But it was not just the shape claws that they were born with, but as well as their biological redundancy built in to them. From two layers of muscle spanning their body to, their twenty ribs, two livers, an eight chambered heart, four lungs, and even redundant neural function and multiple stomachs. This makes them resilient to some environmental conditions, but also makes them able to take severe injuries and keep on going as a warrior.

Residual Ability: Primal Loyalty

Before the time of the Jotoki, the Kzin were a barly sentenet, and a self distructive race. Countless Warlords have rose countless numbers up to war for since the dawn of known history. The Jotoki arrived during a pivital time during the Kzin's cultural evolution, the Feudal era was one of constante Civil war among the several dozen clans that inhabbented the core regions of the HomeWorld. Clans were at war with both each other and form with in. Rebals have been posing a counter cultural-revoulution during this period. If uninterpupted, over a course of two hundread years of war and revoultuion, the Primal territoryal disbutes would have been pushed forwared for a more civilized culture. The Jotoki interrupted this era earlly, and with influence and genetic moddification from the Jotoki the Kzin were breed to nattually accept in a primitive cast system based off of instinct. The Lower Cast of the Kzin knew their place, and were loyal to their Alphas, which were suposed to be loyal to the Jotoki, but turned to out to be more loyal to the Kzin cause then anyone else.

Form of Government

The Kzinti Hegemony is ruled by the Pentarchy, a council made of four nobles and the Chosen Patriarch. Each of the four nobles has jurisdiction over a part of Kzinti space, and are roughly co-equal. The Duke controls the Outer Species Relations, the Count deals with the space fleet and the main Army of Hegemony, the Marquis deals with Labor and Advancement of the Kzinti Race, and the Baron handles the continuing exploration and development of space. All overseen by the Patriarch, who all ways utterly decides the fate and jurisdictions of these Four Lords.

Below the Pentarchy are the ruling Houses and their respective Chapters. The main and dominate Houses are owned by the Pentarchy Lords, with the Patriarch being the biggest of the five, and then there is the lower or Common Houses. Each House administrates and polices their territory. Each House is different form the rest and the Common Houses are all ways changing and evolving at points due to the high competition that is the Kzinti Race.

Important Officials

The Patriarch

The Duke

The Count

The Marquis

The Baron

Economic System

The main Economic System is relatively caste based system, with a Slave Industrial Workforce . The caste based system is devrived form the primal nature the Kazinti. The Patriarch and the Lords, are the Alphas of the Hegemony, they get first pick on everything and see what they want or need and leave the rest. While the Warriors get the rest and spread it evenly to best possibility, then the Working Class, then the lower Class, this is usually the poor, old or disabled.

While as it is a caste based System it is highly regulated and all but everything is owned by the state, to in a effort to increase the state. But that doses not mean there are not effects of a profit based market within the Hegemony. While ruled by the Pentarchy, the Patriarch, the Duke, the Count, the Marquis, and the Baron, as they administer over the Hegemony they live in a House based Government. The Patriarch’s House being the largest and most dominate. The Council rules over the General oversight of the Hegemony they do not run it, that is left to lower lords of the Chapters of there respective Houses. The main bulk of the lower Chapters of the Houses are consisted of mainly the Working Class, they either work for the Government or, work in the Houses’ personal economy. This system arrosed by being based off of the Kzinti’s instinctive desire to become stronger and so competition arises in the Houses and Lower Chapters, creating a lose Mercantile based Economy.

Economic Tier



The Hegemony Credit:

Since all major sorces of wealth such as gold, silver, platniem, and other precoiues metals have been accumoulated and well horded by the Rulling Pentarchy. So as to distruibute a more controlled based of wealth to the lower classes, the houses have created a base of Credit Currency, modled off after the Jotoki Work and Servise Credits. But instead it is more so controlled and backed by the Impieral Control Vault (A Bank.) The value of the main treasury is based off the current work force, (excluding the Jotoki slave labor) and the main curculation of creidts.

Nation Bonus

Slave Enforcers:

The Jotoki were once the contorllers of the Kzin, using them as their own personal army. But this did not go as planned, using the Jotoki's own Bio-Engginiering Technology aginst them the Kzin were able to manipulate the way the Jotoki's many brains communicated, creating them in to a semi-sentient race. Fully Controled as a slave labor force, sport, and even a food sorce.


Long ago the Kzinti Homeworld was at one point a large Jungle world, and occupied by the Race called The Jotoki. The Jotoki was a semi-aquatic space-faring species, who dreamed of creating a star-spanning empire. They were a very inventive and curious species, who learned quickly and rose from primitive beginnings to the grandeur of interstellar travel. They were particularly skilled in the technologies of Space Manipulation and Genetic Manipulation. Due to their unusual biology of having five cooperative brain-nodes, this made them intelligent but weak to nature and fighting.

It is not known exactly when a Jotoki exploratory expedition discovered the habitable planet that houses the birth place of the Kzinti, but in there own system they found a fertile planet teeming with life. The average climate was hotter and the planet larger than the Jotok were used to, but was certainly within their range of habitability. Even more useful to the Jotoki than the planet itself was its inhabitants; large, furry, sentient, bi-pedal predators, with large fan/cat-like ears, and razor-sharp claws & fangs. The civilization of these creatures had reached the early-iron age stage of development, and numerous wars raged between the various feudal warlords. The society of this new species was based mainly upon honor, status, and what the Kzinti called "Heroism". Being a "Hero" bears many similarities with the Bushido code of the samurai of ancient Earth.

Initially the Jotoki were pacifist by nature, they were smart but for too much for there own good. They saw the Kzinti as a weapon just waiting to be used against there own enemies as they expanded through out space. The Jotoki took opportunity in the Kzinti. They had found a species ideally suited to serve as their army, and they quickly made binding agreements with many clans, warlords, and individual t’kzintar. The Kzinti rode to the stars in service to their new employers, fighting the Jotoki’s battles for them, winning glory in victory after victory. The empire expanded with each new conquest and its rulers grew immensely rich and powerful, until the Jotoki became the dominant power in their region of space. But as the Jotoki grew more and more so did the new Kzinti chain, soon form being mercenaries they started to become slaves to the Jotoki, more and more. The fighting instinct with in the Kzin turned them in to a slave race. They were not fighting there own wars but another Race's.

But with this unprecedented new success and power, something began to happen to the Jotoki. They grew greedy, complacent, and self-indulgent. At the same time, the Kzinti had been learning quickly, assimilating all the Jotoki technology, as they fought and the Jotoki relied on them more and more. But it was not only the Jotoki that changed. But on Kzin-prime, the main political powers had changed as well; the old warlords died out, having been replaced by a unified government. A Overlord that the Jotoki had set up, but with that their end. Soon an uprising started, the Kzinti stopped fighting and dying for their Jotoki Masters. First it was small, instead of conquering for the Jotoki they conquered for them selves. Soon the Jotoki were fighting their own weapons.

With the natural senses of a predator that can detect the weakest animal in a herd, the Kzinti saw the weakness and inferiority with in the Jotoki. Soon as the Jotoki ended their wars, the Kzinti took the opportunity to rebel against the Jotok and take their rightful place as the dominant species. The Kzin Rebellion Battles raged for decades across all Jotoki worlds, the natural rage and instinct took over them, they no longer became a Pet Race to the Jotoki. Even the Jotoki's massive technical superiority was no match for the pent-up rage and fury that was the Kzinti onslaught. It was during the Rebellion that Kzinti showed their true nature, even though the Jotoki made the Kzin a space faring race, deep down in side they were nothing but brutal animals. And they were, form eating and slaughtering of the Jotoki to their own subjugation in to the Kzin's first slave race.

The Jotoki's worlds and its small Empire fell to the onslaught of the Kzinti, they gained new technologies and resources. The outcome of the war was never truly in doubt, and eventually the last Jotoki's Homeworld and stronghold with in the Kzin's own home system finally fell. The Kzinti became their own master, and a new ferocious species had been unleashed upon the rest of the universe. The Jotoki left with in their own Water-World and betrayed by their own technology. The Kzinti are beasts but they are highly intelligent beings, they used the Jotoki's genetic engineering technology and made the Jotoki as slaves. Making what made the Jotoki such an advance race, in to nothing more then common animals.

But as this war raged on and they took over the Jotoki's place in the galaxy as a dominate race in their empire they also adopted the Jotoki's enemies and politics. As the Kzin expanded they faced many new races and new prey as they called them. At this point it was a time of fluxionality for them. Worlds being taken by the Jotoki's rivals, and worlds gained by Kzin’s war path. But this day of glory did not last, the largely ignorant race that was the Kzin about Space and what is in it, its Empire started to fracture. With the death of the ruling Overlord that took the Rebellion against the Jotoki and made it in to an Empire, a power vacuum formed fast and the united Kzin Warlords soon fought once again. With infighting with in the Kzin’s Empire the Jotoki’s enemies took the opportunity and shrunk the Kzin Empire back to their Homeworld to be forgotten for centuries.

War raged in the Kzin Homeworld and System for centuries, Warlord after Warlord, came crashing down in till the Pentarchy was created, and the Houses united under the new Imperial Hegemony. But the Imperial Hegemony was not just created over night, but it took two long centuries of war and reforms to do so. A Nation State grew strong enough and united the world. The Nation States, evolved form concurred Dominions to now Houses. The fighting Warlords become Pentarchy or House Lords, and the new Overlord became the Patriarch, the Alpha, the strongest, and the leader of the new Kzin Empire. As the world has united under one Patriarch, the Kzin once again look out in to the stars to expand further then they did last time. For this time they will not take an Empire but make one for them selves.


The Kzin Culture revolves heavily around the respective houses. For the Culture of the Kzin has not changed much since its Feudal Era, before the Jotoki Intervention. But other then that they are all united in to a culture, working and living with in their primal based hierarchy. While no one of the lower class will dare challenge the Pentarchy, but they do compete amongst them selves, from fighting to hunting. But they compete to show strength for it is all ways the strongest is the leader of the pack.


The Order of the Fanged God

The Fanged God is the creator of the Kzinti, or is what they believe. The Fanged God is the basic eager that all Kzinti have, it is there primal Nature, it is there instinct that they have. Most Kzinti do not devote them selves to the god by simple means, as to traditional praying for it or to it, but more succumbing to their Primal Nature and instants every now and again. But this is how they keep them selves in check and not to be overcome by it. Although the Fanged God is the creator of the Kzin, they see the God as a predator and them selves as pray. There Sentience is the pray and the Primal instants are the Predator. It is an endless game of hunt and chase in the mind of the Fanged God to the Kzin own personal mind.

This is the unified Religion of the Kzinti, while there have been many more as such as the Orders rival the Religion of the Providers. But all of it has been eradicated for centuries, by the Order of the Fanged God, and the Alpha Pentarchy.

Nation Goals

An Empire...


-Home Star: Faragnar- A small Blue Sub Giant single sun.

-Fanged: Large beaten up rock nearest the sun. Several Satellites floating around it, mythical birthplace of the Fanged God.

-K-pic: Named after The Grate Warrior of the Kzin Fudal Era. He was a rough and untempered Man, this planet mimics him as this planets Storms shows anger and passion.

-Kzin Prime: Homeworld. A Earth like Planet but much more temperate in temperature, it has a higher oxygen count with in its atmosphere are abundant and fast growing. The Global climate at best can be described as the Wet Forests of Asia.

-Knaiah: The sister planet to Kzin Prime, Terraformed by the Jotoki when they started to expand.

-Jok: The 'Water Planet' most famous for being the birth place for the Jotoki. This planet has only one large artificial Continent made by the Jokoti as they started to expand out words.

-Ring Worlds: This is the main Asteroid Belt that separates the Planets form the Gas Gods in this systems.

-Traat: Gas giant, named after the Traat the grate. This man lead the main rebellion against the Jotoki in this sector. This planet was named after him in this honor.

-Raiju: Gas giant, "The Rich one." A huge Gas God, this proto-star holds several resource moons.

-Gond: "The Cold One." A miduim sized planet on the far edge of the system.
Home System Coordinates

Which grid is your home system in, on the Galaxy Map of the Signup Thread?

Colonized Systems

Kzin Home


Decided by moderator


Decided by moderator

Unique Unit:


The Kha-jin are a special breed of Warriors, as all Kzin Warriors trained form birth, but the Kha-jin Clans (sub group of Warrior Class) are trained in a less conventoional approch. Normal Kzin warriors are trained to be in a blood lust when in battle. Brining down the full force of the Kzin's strangth, agility, and raw power. While regualr Warriors are little more then animals when in battle, the Kha-jin are full blown preditors. Kha-jin, fight in the shadows, stalk their pray, as they hunt their enemies down. The Kha-jin are elites, among the Warrior Class, more intune with the primal nature of the Kzin, being true preditors, then just Warriors.


Cruiser - Kreera


Armor: 7

Point-Defense Turrets: 8

Anti-Ship Gun Turrets: 12

Sublight Engines: 15


Frigate - Kzaii


Armor: 11

Point-Defense Turrets: 6

Anti-Ship Gun Turrets: 6

Ballistic Missiles: 11

Sublight Engines: 10


Destroyer - Kzarr


Armor: 16

Point-Defense Turrets: 2

Anti-Ship Gun Turrets: 8

Ballistic Missiles: 7

Anti-Ground Cannons: 5

Sublight Engines: 7


Battleship - Chugra


Armor: 18

Point-Defense Turrets: 0

Anti-Ship Gun Turrets: 11

Ballistic Missiles: 11

Anti-Ground Cannons: 0

Aircraft Capacity: 0

Sublight Engines: 5


Carrier - Ch'rowl


Armor: 10

Point-Defense Turrets: 4

Ballistic Missiles: 3

Aircraft Capacity: 20

Sublight Engines: 5


Capital Ship - Kshinn


Armor: 20

Point-Defense Turrets: 0

Anti-Ship Gun Turrets: 5

Ballistic Missiles: 12

Anti-Ground Cannons: 0

Aircraft Capacity: 1

Sublight Engines: 5

I've complied the list of basic military units players will start with;


Scout - Very light infantry, used for battlefield reconnaissance. They are highly mobile, but lack much armor and are equipped only with a sub-machine gun. (1 Division = 100 Health)

Soldier - The basic infantry combat unit, soldiers are equipped with basic gear and an assault rifle. (1 Division = 15,000 Health)

Marine - Elite soldiers, specialized "atmospheric assault"; Descending from orbit onto a planet and attacking the ground-based enemy. (1 Division = 10,000 Health)

Heavy - "Heavy Infantry" are units equipped with heavy armor and heavy weapons, which are usually rocket launchers and the like. (1 Division = 5,000 Health)

IFVs - Infantry Fighting Vehicles, are essentially "light tanks". They are faster than actual battle tanks and have a weaker armor, but they are much faster and their 155mm mounted cannon, packs quite a punch. IFVs can also carry a small amount of infantry inside, that can provide more fire support through small windows along the IFVs' sides. (1 Unit = 100 Health)

APCs - Armored Personnel Carriers, are armored vehicles, with the sole purpose of transporting troops around a battlefield. Unlike the similar IFVs, APCs have no armaments- but have heavier armor and are also slightly larger, thus being able to carry more troops inside. (1 Unit = 150 Health)

Tanks - Tanks are armored vehicles with a heavy cannon, used to attack enemy armor and fortifications. Without lighter units for assistance, tanks are quite vulnerable to enemy infantry as well as enemy aircraft, as they lack anti-air defenses. (1 Unit = 200 Health)

AAVs Anti-Air Vehicles, are armored vehicles, with the sole purpose of defending your ground forces against enemy aircraft. They are armed with a single auto-targeting anti-air cannon and several surface-to-air missile launch pods. They do not, however, have any defenses against enemy ground forces and thus, shouldn't be left without an escort. (1 Unit = 100 Health)

Trans-Atmospheric Aircraft

Gunship - Gunships are small and fast aircraft, mainly designed to provide fire support for ground forces. They are useless in space combat, as they are only armed with a small caliber autocannon and are best suited for atmospheric assault. (1 Squadron = 100 Health)

Dropship - Dropships are larger aircraft, designed to carry troops from orbit to the surface and vice-versa. They can be used in space battle as well, however, to board damaged enemy ships- If you're hoping to take them over. Dropships have no weaponry of their own, so they should never be left alone during a battle. (1 Squadron = 200 Health)

Fighter - Fighter jets are small and very fast, trans-atmospheric aircraft, designed to operate both in space as well as within a planet's atmosphere. Their armaments include autocannons and several rocket pods, making them ideal for attacking enemy aircraft, lighter ships and even troop concentrations. (1 Squadron = 100 Health)

Bomber - Trans-atmospheric bombers, are used mainly to bombard enemy ships. Bombers are equipped with heavy autocannons, making them the "tanks of space". However, they do also have bombing bays and are thus capable of tactical and strategic bombardment runs. (1 Squadron = 50 Health)
As you can see, there will be a "health" system for each group of units - What this means, is simply that instead of someone having "150,000 Soldiers" they will have "10 Soldier Divisions (150,000 Health)" and so on and so forth.

And to anyone wondering; Yes, spacecraft were not included in that list - That's because they have their very own section in the Main Guide (which is what I'm working on atm) as the customization system of starting spacecraft takes a little bit of explaining. :eek:
*Drumroll* Here is the Spacecraft bit of the Guide, for any and all, wondering about the ship customization stuff;


The greatest feat and achievement of any civilization yet, is space travel; The ability to ascend into the stars and travel among them. In the beginning this was done by rockets or other primitive means, but since then - Nations have developed more and more advanced spacecraft, until their most recent achievement: Faster Than Light travel.

Each Nation and Fleet in Astrum, will begin with Six standard "classes" of spacecraft, which they can build more of from the start. Just like with anything else, if you want to build more or design new spacecraft, you need to PM me with the details and then I will tell you how long it'll take (and again, this PM must be sent for approval every time!). If you want to speed up the process of constructing new spacecraft, you can build things like "Orbital Drydocks" or improve your manufacturing capabilities via technology. While sublight engines are 'customizeable', every nation has the same level of FTL drives (until improved)- While your people can have unique names or designs for them, they are all essentially the same. (To give perspective; Basic FTL can jump a ship from the edge of one grid on the Galaxy Map into another)

In Astrum, every player will be able to customize their starting spacecraft (and this applies to those only) by allocating points to different aspects of a spaceship. These aspects are;

Armor - A ship's armor, determines it's strength and durability. The larger this number is, the stronger the ship is and thus, the more hits it can withstand.

Point-Defense Turrets - These are small turrets mounted all across the hull of a ship. They fire explosive rounds in bursts and are used to defend a ship against enemy aircraft, or for attacking other ships when in close-range. The larger this number is, the better chances a ship has at shooting down enemy trans-atmospheric aircraft.

Anti-ship Gun Turrets - Larger cannons, usually mounted at the dorsal and ventral sides of a ship. These large guns are able to use both flak ammunition and high-explosive anti-ship shells. Additionally, the guns are able to engage in coordinated barrage strategies, such as salvo (and presumably, volley) fire. The larger this number is, the better accuracy a ship's cannons have and the more powerful they are.

Ballistic Missiles - Many warships have launch tubes for ballistic missiles, which can be equipped with a multitude of warheads. These can be used for attacking enemy ships with nukes and other heavy ballistics, or for bombarding a planet with them. The larger this number is, the higher accuracy your launch tubes have.

Anti-ground Cannons - Massive cannons, mounted at the ventral side of a ship. These cannons are used for orbital bombardment, as their rate of fire is very low- Making them somewhat useless in ship-to-ship combat. The larger this number is, the more accurate and powerful the cannons are.

Sublight Engines - The engines used to propel a ship through space, at normal slower than faster-than-light speeds. The larger this number is, the faster a ship is.

Aircraft Capacity -Larger warships, are capable of carrying trans-atmospheric aircraft in hangar bays and "launching" them in combat from launch bays. The larger this number is, the more aircraft a ship can carry.

DRADIS - "Direction, RAnge, and DIStance", meaning the radar systems a ship uses. The larger this number is, the better a ship's DRADIS is, making it better at detecting spacecraft farther away and ships with stealth capability.

The customization is really simple, you have 48 points to use on each Ship Class (listed below) for your nation. Just copy+paste these to the appropriate section in your nation thread and distribute the points. Remember, however, that the appearance of every ship is completely customizeable as well- Which you can do by either describing the appearance of each ship, or by providing a picture.

Standard Spacecraft (Each aspect begins at 0, remember you have 48 points to spend on each ship class!)


Armor: 0

Point-Defense Turrets: 0

Anti-Ship Gun Turrets: 0

Sublight Engines: 0



Armor: 0

Point-Defense Turrets: 0

Anti-Ship Gun Turrets: 0

Ballistic Missiles: 0

Sublight Engines: 0



Armor: 0

Point-Defense Turrets: 0

Anti-Ship Gun Turrets: 0

Ballistic Missiles: 0

Anti-Ground Cannons: 0

Sublight Engines: 0



Armor: 0

Point-Defense Turrets: 0

Anti-Ship Gun Turrets: 0

Ballistic Missiles: 0

Anti-Ground Cannons: 0

Aircraft Capacity: 0

Sublight Engines: 0



Armor: 0

Point-Defense Turrets: 0

Ballistic Missiles: 0

Aircraft Capacity: 0

Sublight Engines: 0


Capital Ship

Armor: 0

Point-Defense Turrets: 0

Anti-Ship Gun Turrets: 0

Ballistic Missiles: 0

Anti-Ground Cannons: 0

Aircraft Capacity: 0

Sublight Engines: 0


Note! - Each nation can only have One Capital Ship per Fleet.
Okay, so I am taking this as going form smallest to largest to say the least... I thought Cruisers were bigger then Destroyers and Frigates?
Freeman said:
Okay, so I am taking this as going form smallest to largest to say the least... I thought Cruisers were bigger then Destroyers and Frigates?
They're in order from lighter to heavier armaments. But Cruisers are smaller and faster ships than Frigates, though, some might consider a Frigate as a "cruiser" as well, then again that's based on sea vessels. It doesn't really matter. :P
I loved doing the Republic so much, but at the same time I sort of want to do a Western-theme nation. I'll be doing some thinking on my nation.
Uziel said:
I loved doing the Republic so much, but at the same time I sort of want to do a Western-theme nation. I'll be doing some thinking on my nation.
Space Cowboys?
Pineapple said:
Awaiting Players! Enjoy!
So, if this is acceptable I'd much appreciate the 'go ahead', as I'd love to get this started sooner rather than later. :P It's been almost two weeks since I started this thread, and I have plenty of players to get it started. :eek:
i'd be up for playing a nation fleet for someone! :D anyone need an admiral!? :D

also, while reading through this thread... Sapient Trees... tell me someone else immediately imagined Treebeard flying a spaceship akin to Hometree from Avatar? Fangorn Fleet! xD
[QUOTE="Laréo Vi Finlandia]So what's the deal here? Can I create this or not? :confused:

Do you have enough players?

This has been set to awaiting players for a while now.

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