[Sci-fi, Freeform, Hybrid] Astrum: Heavens

Helix Nebula

Three fries short of a happy meal: WHACKO!!


Astrum: Heavens


The Setting

It is the not-too-distant future, and many events have been written on the pages of history; Evolution, invention of fire and the first tools, wars, plagues, alliances- Creation and destruction, rise and fall of empires, valiant deeds and atrocious crimes. As chaotic as the books of history may seem at times, through all these events- good and bad -your people have evolved and learned from their pasts. Now, it is time for them to turn a new, blank page as they set out together, on a path to new discoveries, hardships and victories. It is time for them to rise up into the heavens, and enter the final frontier to any civilization.

Space in it's vastness, is truly the 'Final Frontier'; The last unexplored realm, with billions of stars most of which all have unique planets circling around them, in orbit. Some of these planets may be gas giants, some are barren wastelands of ice, molten rock and deserts and others are inhabited by various lifeforms ranging from bacteria to plant- and animal-life - But only a handful have been blessed by evolution, enough to develop intelligent creatures, that over time have each developed into grand societies and civilizations spanning their entire planets. Each of these races are unique, with different physiology, cultures, histories and governments - And yet, they each share one thing: Space. Simply by looking up at night, they can see the plentiful stars of the Milky Way and though they may not know of one another, they are all striving for the same thing: Exploration of this vast, frontier of unknown challenges and nearly infinite possibilities. Though separated by many light years, they are all wondering; "What will we find out there? Will we encounter new races, or prove that we are alone in the Galaxy? Will we meet new friends, or only new enemies and other obstacles to overcome?"

Imagine, if you were given the opportunity to discover the answers to those questions. And if you were, would you do so as the leader of your entire people? Dealing with internal affairs, politics and such, while commanding teams of explorers 'out there' - Investigating nearby planets and star systems, and acting as the voice of your government and nation, if they met new peoples. Or perhaps, you would take a risk and sit in the chair of an Admiral, ready to give the order to spin up your ship's freshly designed Faster-Than-Light -drives, as you plunged yourselves into hyperspace- Ready to face whatever was waiting on the other end; New minerals? Communications with unknown beings, or maybe even a battle with a hostile race?

The Gameplay

Astrum, is a Sci-Fi roleplay about exploring the Milky Way, that has both Nation-Building and Character Roleplay. Nation-Players, would have the chance to claim an entire solar system and create their own space-faring civilization there; Their own race, culture, government, history and all the other usual aspects - As well as, their own spacecraft unique to their civilization. Players new and interested in the nation-building genre, but not quite cut out to create an entire nation- Could become Admirals or Commanders of a fleet, and conduct missions, battles and exploration- Either under the banner of a player nation, or then independently as a nomadic culture of people. And 'Character Only' players, could join as diplomats, agents, soldiers or possibly even crew members for nations/fleets, and participate in missions, which would be carried out through traditional roleplaying.

Nations: Nations in Astrum, would play out very much like they do in every other Nation-Builder, except that now each nation could send out and direct missions into unexplored solar systems- Closest to the 'borders' of their civilization. The purpose of these missions could be to simply see what was on the other side of that void, separating one solar system from the next- To investigate other planets and possibly colonize them- To search for new minerals and energy sources or to search for new life in the galaxy. Obviously, diplomacy wouldn't be too big of an aspect until one player met another; But that moment of tension would certainly be interesting, as one fleet jumps into a system and discovers alien ships already there- "Who are they? Should we engage? Will they attack if we prepare for battle, even if only "just in case"?" - Now, there would of course be some form of "interstellar dialect" represented by English for simplicity's sake.. Unless, of course, players themselves decide they want to take the harder route, when making first contact with other players.

As each nation (including some NPCs at some point) expanded their empires, by colonizing new planets, more and more new aspects would be introduced to the gameplay; Interstellar diplomacy, colonial affairs in statecraft and of course; War between civilizations.

Fleets: Fleets in Astrum (I am hoping), would act as a way to introduce some aspects of NBRPs to players new to that genre, by giving them control of a smaller group of people to administer. Statecraft would be replaced by issues, one could encounter on ships- especially if they were on a long journey out in the galaxy, without a place to rest in: Supply shortages, sabotage, engine failures and other minor issues. Fleets and Admirals, also wouldn't have the perhaps, "more difficult" Nation Template to fill out- But rather a familiar character template for their Admiral character, to which a small portion would be added, describing the fleet they were given (also allowing them to customize ship names, crews and other aspects). Roleplaying as an Admiral, would be very different as well, and much more focused on traditional character RPing, without the player having to worry about ordering 'so and so' many troops, or issuing 'this and that' reforms.

The purpose of Fleets owned by a nation, would be to carry out missions given to them by either the nation's player, or the storyteller. These missions would most of the time, be carried out via traditional roleplay, ("Admiral Hudson yawned, as he sat down in the CO's chair, in the middle of the USS Dandelion's bridge. He then looked to his right, "Ensign Barnes, status report"..." etc.) When encountering new civilizations, Fleets would act as sort of "intermediaries" as it most likely, would fall upon the Admiral to choose how to make contact; "Phasers to obliterate" or "Send a data burst"? Of course the player of an Admiral could discuss the "protocol" with the nation's player, but ultimately it was up to them to judge the situation, and make the call.

Nomadic Fleets, that were independent from any nation- Would play out much like normal fleets, except that they would require a little more attention; 'National Fleets' would usually consist of only warships, while Nomads would have both warships as well as civilian ships; Mobile refineries, agricultural plants, floating dry docs and such. Nomadic Fleets could either be peaceful, or then hostile space pirates, raiding planets and attacking alien ships for supplies and resources. They wouldn't have a single stationary home (unless they chose to settle a planet, becoming Nations) and instead would be able to move across the Galaxy Map, from one sector to another.

Others: Players not interested in either nations or fleets- Could also join up as diplomats, agents, soldiers and other minor characters (even crew members for fleets). They could then participate in various threads, depending on their character's professions and such; Diplomats would handle diplomacy and soldiers could play out exploratory missions to new planets.


  • Imagination for one, and open mindedness. Some things you'd discover in the galaxy might seem "unrealistic" or "impossible" but let's face it- How do you know? Have you been outside the Sol system? An open mind with at least a hint of imagination, is definitely a good thing to have if one is joining Astrum.
  • The ability to write out a basic character profile; If written well, I can approve profiles with just one paragraph of history (Nations will most likely require a minimum of two).
  • Patience; Not all things will happen instantly! 1,000 Soldiers won't magically appear in your army bases by the snap of your fingers. Now, I'm not saying things will take months and months and years of real time, but I am saying that you shouldn't expect to be King (or Queen) of the Universe, in two days! (Besides, nothing worth having comes easy!)
  • Willing to accept defeat, let's face it- Everyone can't win all the time, otherwise what would be the point of a challenging battle, or a catastrophic event in statecraft? Some things in Astrum will be hard, some challenges you can overcome, but there will be those that are out of your league - However, if you lose, don't come screaming and yelling at me; Instead dust it off and learn from your mistakes/experience, so that next time you'll be ready!
  • Common sense, at least during the times it is needed the most.

Oh, and it's a definite bonus if you have a love for Sci-Fi or the possibility to explore a mostly unknown Galaxy!
so can I call dibs on earth? Hmm maye not... might try something else, but eh. Gots so many races and Ideas I need to expoit the universe with!

So are you allowing for psionics?
0burn111 said:
so can I call dibs on earth? Hmm maye not... might try something else, but eh. Gots so many races and Ideas I need to expoit the universe with!
So are you allowing for psionics?
You could very well claim the Sol system. :eek:

And I might allow a race to have psionic abilities, depending how well one wrote the description for their race. These abilities (if allowed) would have some limits and restrictions, of course- But, if you knew how to write well, you could get your race some interesting abilities- No "magic" (spawning a fire ball out of thin air; No no. Incendiary glands in their hands that allowed them to shoot out fire, by spraying a flammable chemical from their body that ignited in reaction with another chemical in the glands; Maybe so) But depending on the type of racial "ability", it's advantages would create disadvantages and possibly weaknesses. Such things would be hammered out and refined between me and the player, during their nation's creation process.

Of course, any such abilities or feats I approved for races, wouldn't be overpowered and there would be no races capable of blowing up planets, just by thinking about it.
Xenthriss said:
Silicon-Based Lifeform player reporting. This looks like fun.
Well so much for the Necrons....

0burn111 said:
so can I call dibs on earth? Hmm maye not... might try something else, but eh. Gots so many races and Ideas I need to expoit the universe with!
Terran EMPIRE!!!!

Okay, okay, ill just get back the Kzin, since I am really really busy....
Awesomesauce! :D

Oh and for anyone curious; I'm planning to use a Battleships-esque system for space warfare. Basically, there'd be a grid-map (not necessarily with a grid, haven't decided yet) of the "battlefield" (most likely the immediate area around a planet) on which all fleets, orbital defenses and other objects would be displayed. Orders, however, would be done in secret via PMs - This adding another feature to espionage; Successfully infiltrate your enemy's military command with a spy, and you'd have a chance of finding out the plans and movements of enemy forces!

Smaller battles, during Fleet missions could be carried out with roleplay; "Lieutenant Smith, report!" The Admiral shouted, when the first shot hit the ship. "Three bogies just jumped out of FTL! Three small ships!" The Lieutenant yelled, while tinkering with the radar displays - The Admiral hit his fist onto the arm-rest of his chair, "Damn it! Ready the forward batteries- Fire all port side railguns!" As the USS Dandelion veered to the right, the enemy ships were shown on the Bridge's main display; Their design was unlike anything Admiral Hudson had seen before.... etc.
I'd be interested in playing a nomad fleet. Most likely whose planet was rendered uninhabitable in some way or another and now they travel space. Definitely some non-human derived race...
Feantari said:
I'd be interested in playing a nomad fleet. Most likely whose planet was rendered uninhabitable in some way or another and now they travel space. Definitely some non-human derived race...
Totally doable! ;)
I was thinking more along the lines of how warhammer handled it, basically making it an alternate form of attack. Like bugs, they often lacked a lot of technology so they developed stuff like the lance, witch was a psychic blast that allowed them to make anti tank units, rather then just being bugs. though in warhammer psionics have back lash, and abused it tends to smack back.

though i cant figure out if im going to do the imperium, and go space marines, fleet and go xenomorphs, do a carbon based life form, or do sapient trees...
0burn111 said:
I was thinking more along the lines of how warhammer handled it, basically making it an alternate form of attack. Like bugs, they often lacked a lot of technology so they developed stuff like the lance, witch was a psychic blast that allowed them to make anti tank units, rather then just being bugs. though in warhammer psionics have back lash, and abused it tends to smack back.
though i cant figure out if im going to do the imperium, and go space marines, fleet and go xenomorphs, do a carbon based life form, or do sapient trees...
Hahah, an interstellar empire of sapient trees - Now that's an intriguing concept. :D "Bow before us! All your branches are belong to us!"

And while I wont go into detail on what racial abilities might or might not get approved, right now - I will say, that having an ability such as this "psychic lance", could affect your nation so that your people were less proficient with ballistics and other weaponry, as possibly they hadn't developed as advanced weapons, as other races, since they've relied on their psionic blasts.
[QUOTE="Laréo Vi Finlandia]Hahah, an interstellar empire of sapient trees - Now that's an intriguing concept. :D "Bow before us! All your branches are belong to us!"

Or maybe more like the Delvians from Farscape, plant evolved.
Feantari said:
Or maybe more like the Delvians from Farscape, plant evolved.
But.. but.. space trees! :( - Heh, "Sapient Trees" just makes me imagine an Ent in a spaceship, that looks like a giant flying tree. Didn't even think of beings like the Delvians (mostly because I didn't know about them- Haven't watched Farscape) but that'd definitely be a viable (and quite interesting) possibility. :eek:
[QUOTE="Laréo Vi Finlandia]But.. but.. space trees! :( - Heh, "Sapient Trees" just makes me imagine an Ent in a spaceship, that looks like a giant flying tree. Didn't even think of beings like the Delvians (mostly because I didn't know about them- Haven't watched Farscape) but that'd definitely be a viable (and quite interesting) possibility. :eek:

Interstellar Trees.... I am the only one here thinking about Doctor who, when it comes to this, or am I the only one that remembers fist few episodes of season 5...

I am going to laugh if that look like Cheem....

no no, lareo got it right, Tre Ents was totally what I had in mind. and the tree would be the ship

also the thing about the "psychic lance" was basically in replacement of fire arms, basically Ive allways viewed psionics as a way of overcoming shortcomings or limitation, where I see a race that is incapable of using or making firearms, sutch as bugs, they cant possibly have ship canons making their ships for all intents and purposes giant floating carriers, introduce something like a psychic blast and you now allow said race to be a more viable threat. This isnt to say psionics are all powerful, make them work for it, sure you got a psychic blast, but its little better then a concussion blast, now do some upgrading, focus the power, strengthen it, now it can penetrate ship armor fairly easily, but guess what they got particle canons so they can to and maybe on a better scale.
0burn111 said:
no no, lareo got it right, Tre Ents was totally what I had in mind. and the tree would be the ship
also the thing about the "psychic lance" was basically in replacement of fire arms, basically Ive allways viewed psionics as a way of overcoming shortcomings or limitation, where I see a race that is incapable of using or making firearms, sutch as bugs, they cant possibly have ship canons making their ships for all intents and purposes giant floating carriers, introduce something like a psychic blast and you now allow said race to be a more viable threat. This isnt to say psionics are all powerful, make them work for it, sure you got a psychic blast, but its little better then a concussion blast, now do some upgrading, focus the power, strengthen it, now it can penetrate ship armor fairly easily, but guess what they got particle canons so they can to and maybe on a better scale.
Unless your bugs are like the Rachni from Mass Effect, they built ships with guns ;)
I was more so thinking the Xenomorphs from Aliens, or the tyranids, most tyranid weapons are biological advancements stimulated, or controlled, by psionics.

Xenomorphs, by the time theyd be able to actually make something akin to a space ship, wouldnt have the facilaties required to operate typical ships weaponry, and developing something akin to that "Lance" I was talking about, would be the most logical way of alllowing them to enter ship to ship combat, though depending on what the knew aliens movie divulges about the series that could all change, it appears their is a sapient life form controlling them or something so hey you never know.

Either way the Idea of Tre ents is actually starting to formulate in my brain, and im really starting to like it.
0burn111 said:
I was more so thinking the Xenomorphs from Aliens, or the tyranids, most tyranid weapons are biological advancements stimulated, or controlled, by psionics.
Xenomorphs, by the time theyd be able to actually make something akin to a space ship, wouldnt have the facilaties required to operate typical ships weaponry, and developing something akin to that "Lance" I was talking about, would be the most logical way of alllowing them to enter ship to ship combat, though depending on what the knew aliens movie divulges about the series that could all change, it appears their is a sapient life form controlling them or something so hey you never know.

Either way the Idea of Tre ents is actually starting to formulate in my brain, and im really starting to like it.

And I thought Prometheus (assuming that's what you mean by 'new aliens movie') had nothing to do with the Xenomorphs. Isn't it just taking place in the same universe as the Aliens films, but long before those events and completely irrelevant of them? Or, that's what I've heard/read :eek:
*Rage beats lareo with giant horse dong* DUDE THE JOKY THE FACE HUGGERS!!! my god man.... Have you not seen the original alien movie, Prometheus takes place on the planet where they found the space joky in the first movie and the face huger mouth raped the one guy threw his helmet. It is SUPPOSED to clear up stuff and explain the joky witch took up like half the fucking budget of the first movie from what I remember. Any ways the movie ties directly into the series.
0burn111 said:
*Rage beats lareo with giant horse dong* DUDE THE JOKY THE FACE HUGGERS!!! my god man.... Have you not seen the original alien movie, Prometheus takes place on the planet where they found the space joky in the first movie and the face huger mouth raped the one guy threw his helmet. It is SUPPOSED to clear up stuff and explain the joky witch took up like half the fucking budget of the first movie from what I remember. Any ways the movie ties directly into the series.
:P ... Yes, I've seen the original trilogy several times- But I didn't know squat about Prometheus' plot as I've (yet) not seen it myself. I only know what (very) little I've read and heard when I had a quick glance at a review!

Though, this thread isn't for extensive discussion about the Aliens movies or Prometheus. :D
um there is like 4 of them, but thats not the point, Any ways I totally now have a great idea for Xenomorphs, though I prolly start off Gimp, prolly even as a fleet instead of a nation... <.<, but im really likeing the idea, witch oddly enough stemmed from the stupid plants.... <.<
0burn111 said:
um there is like 4 of them, but thats not the point, Any ways I totally now have a great idea for Xenomorphs, though I prolly start off Gimp, prolly even as a fleet instead of a nation... <.<, but im really likeing the idea, witch oddly enough stemmed from the stupid plants.... <.<
Well yeah, but the fourth movie suffers a bit from the "bad sequel" syndrome.

And Nomadic Xenomorphs? Sounds almost as intriguing as the sentient trees! :cool:
well it will most definitely need some hashing out, and approving, and prolly some more hashing out, and lts of role playing.. lots of role playing.... Assuming yo are using a similar skeleton as realms did for nation profiles? 2 racial bonuss, 1 nation, and a unique unit?
0burn111 said:
well it will most definitely need some hashing out, and approving, and prolly some more hashing out, and lts of role playing.. lots of role playing.... Assuming yo are using a similar skeleton as realms did for nation profiles? 2 racial bonuss, 1 nation, and a unique unit?
Yeah, for races I'm planning to go with 2 Racial Abilities and 1 Residual Ability (like a species' remarkable resistance to toxins). There might be nation bonuses and I'm not sure about unique units, as each player will start out with three or four spacecraft, that they can customize to make them unique to their nation. Or, at least that's what I'm planning to do.

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