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Schoolgirl x Kaneki [Tokyo Ghoul Idea]

(Of course I do, you're one of my best friends! And thank you for your kind words, just pray for me to whomever you pray to or whatever you believe in; I don't really care about that stuff... So that way this will be the last time, I have to experience this type of thing. It still haunts me, he followed me like a hawk! And I'm NOT in his fantasy; I refuse to put myself in a place where I could get physically assaulted. The guy is mentally unstable... Sorry, I'm ranting! But yea, may God separate me from this experience and any others that are similar Again not forcing anything here, this is just me! (^U^)(B'))

Sukai started by unbuttoning Akira's shirt and savoring her neck and shoulders; eating and making more gagging noises as if to taunt Amon. She knew he wouldn't die so easily, but sooner or later she would have the CCG wrapped around her finger! "No last words, that's a real shame..." She giggled, finishing up her chest and rubbing her thighs as she suddenly devoured one of them. Causing Akira to blush and sob in pain, "WHYIIIII???" She demanded, "I don't have to justify my actions. I'm a ghoul, sweet cakes!" Sukai grinned under her mask, unzipping the mouth-part a bit; she had eaten Amon in a much more brutal way by biting through the zipper. Making him feel the metal... "Don't touch me..." She growled feeling Akira reaching for Sukai's cheek, as her eye grew wide and she gutted Akira down her throat and pulling the Kagune out through her stomach. She was officially dead, poor thing... "You're not the main character, sweet heart!" Sukai winked at the corpse of Akira, as she finished the bottom half of her body. "You want anymore, Kaneki?" She asked sweetly to him; offering him an eyeball. [sound familiar? Ehh, ehh? ;) ;)]

Eto nodded watching Ayato go deep into his own mind. "You must like her too..." The first thought that came Eto's mind, was so obvious it was hysterical! And for any readers, I think it's a delicious joke! [Lame puns, here we come! I have to say though I feel kind of sorry for Amon, his first love interest is a psycho ghoul who has seduced him into following her orders and his true love was devoured in front of his eyes... Ooh! Maybe he should wake up in the hospital and tell Arima; "Bro, we need to get those ghouls back and tell them to help us." But in an evil, devious tone like the poison finally took control. Just a thought! And Arima should maybe the more assertive, bad cop that Amon no longer has the ability to be. He can be all, "B*tch, I know you're a psycho but you're helping us whether you like it or not!" maybe as a comedy relief? Again just an idea! If you have any better ones, feel free to show them or tell me or both... ^_^ ]
(I'm Catholic, And I'll keep you in my prayers! I'll reply tomorrow because I still have to get up early but I have a Question, are we going to go into season 3 and like have Kaneki x Arima and Kaneki looses his memory and gets his new name? Or are we going to improvise and create our own story after the Anteiku battle and the death of Hide? Good night and have sweet dreams and I hope things get better for you!)
(Thank you, sweet heart! And that's fine, I'll be looking forward to it... ;) And maybe we can improvise? Or mix and match, like have half and half? Half improvisation and half third season? That all depends on if you want to, I like the idea of half and half personally but I'm not too ghoulish when it comes to compromise. ;-) Also it's fine if we go into the Re: season; just as long as my girl gets Kaneki back and maybe gets to punish Arima... Like psychological seduction and emotional destruction; if that makes any sense! I can be Arima, if we do the 1st option. ^_^ And the death of Hide, ohh the pain... Also sweet dreams to you and I hope tomorrow is full of wonderful surprises for you!)
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(We can do half and half, but I think it would be interesting to do a time skip after he loses his memory and to see like Sukai team up with Touka or something to help him regain it, idk tho anything you want to do. Ill reply soon, I have something to do :P )
(Okay and I think maybe instead of Touka... Something a little funnier, Shuu teaming up with Sukai! Ehh, ehh? ( ;) )( ;) ) Lolzness, I know it's obviously very funny but I think it'd be cool and maybe Touka could tag along. Even though Shuu is gay, lolzness... Have fun with whatever you're doing! ^_^ )
(Ok! I sort of like the Shuu idea!)

Kaneki smiled as he took the eyeball and popped it in his mouth, "Thanks," He said. Kaneki chewed and swallowed and then looked at Sukai, "So, what's going on with that guy?" He asked as he pointed toward the unconscious Amon with only half a body. "Did you kill him?" He asked again, still examining his body.

Uta sat back and smiled when he saw Sukai's final blow, "Awesome," He said admiring the work. Ayato stared at Eto in disbelief, "What is it to you. She probably likes me too, I mean, I stronger than that Kaneki bitch, he just has rank," He said with a smug smile
(Really? I'm glad! I thought it would clever... And Ayato's reaction was priceless!)

Sukai turned momentarily glancing at Amon, "I think he's dead... But I know if not, he's certainly not strong enough to fight back on the off-chance he wakes up." She explained casually, as she finished off the top half of Akira's body. Leaving only her head, not even her neck to lie on the ground... "Why do I get the feeling, we're being watched?" She said becoming suspicious all of the sudden, I hope it's not Ayato that guy is kind of crazy... [*Rim shot*]... If it's Uta, that's another thing. He's laid back and funny; and he designed and made my mask! He's a great guy, I hope he can see my kindness someday... Wait a minute, what's happening to me?? She thought eating Akira's other eyeball...

Eto giggled slightly at Ayato's reaction, "What if she doesn't like you back? What if she loves Kaneki and Uta more?" Eto giggled, being a bit conniving!
(Lol, thank you! Btw Im going to try to keep Amon alive for now... Idk if we should kill him off yet)

Kaneki looked at Sukai with an emotionless expression, "I think I feel it too, but the air is too full of the smell of flesh for me to sense the person," He explained as looked around them casually. After a minute of searching he looked back at Amon, You think you killed him... Interesting, he thought as he popped his knuckle again.

"No. No way. I mean, I get how she can fake it for that Kaneki asshole, but Uta! That goth could get a girl even if he wanted to! And I think you're stretching it with that word love..." Ayato said with his normal smug smile as he swayed back and forth in his chair, feeling pretty confident. "Plus, you saw how she was ga ga over my sister. She obviously has a thing for this kind of hair," He exclaimed trying to prove how he was right.
(You're welcome, ^_^ ! And yea, I agree I had the idea that he wakes up covered in bandages although that's already obvious and he's no longer completely on the side of the CCG. That chapstick finally worked maybe and Arima can be like "What's wrong with you, bro?" lolzness... Just a suggestion!)

Sukai then rips off Akira's hair and makes a bloody braid that she ties into her right ponytail; a symbol of her change in personality. "So I guess, I'm full... Unless you want something else to eat?" She asked standing up and winking with her only visible eye... "Of course, we can always wait until we're some place more secluded..." Sukai giggled still sensing someone watching them.

"Just because she likes your sister, doesn't mean she likes you. And what if she only likes your hair?" Eto enjoyed irritating Ayato, since she knew he had to be nice to her because they were both Aoigiri Tree Members.
Kaneki smiled at her last suggestion, "Maybe after we get this guy off out back," He said as he took her bloodied hand and went in for a kiss and seductively licked the blood off of her mask and lip, "Delicious," He said with a devious smile still admiring Sukai's new personality. The kiss was broken when he heard a loud groaning which originated from Amon's body, "He's still alive. What do you want to do?"

"I'm not worried, I know she likes me so stop with these hypotheticals," She said as his smile started to fade into a frown

(Lol, Arima saying bro, that would be interesting.)
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Sukai giggled in between the kiss, only to pause at the sound of Amon groaning loudly... "Best idea I can think of would be to leave before anyone sees us, I'm sure one of his subordinates will eventually discover the two..." Sukai suggested still wanting to eat him up! (B') "Well anyone other than the person whose already watching us. We may need to find out who he is..." Her intuition told her it was a person of a male species, possibly a crossbreed with the ghoul species. (Get it, get it?)... "Let's make a jump for it..." She suggested, placing her hand already within his as they prepared to find out who this peeping tom was.

Eto shrugged calmly, as she watched as Ayato frowned. "Well what will you do to get her attention?" She asked wanting an idea of his plan.

(Yea, he may not use that word exactly but maybe it would be funnier? Lol! ^_^ )
"That's fine, as long as we can have some fun after," He said, a little amusement his voice as he grasped he hand and counted down so they would jump at the same time, "3, 2, 1," He said before he bounded up the rooftops looking for a person that would be enjoying the view. when Kaneki made a 180 with his head, he saw a man siting down looking at them.

"I don't know. I bet kicking Kaneki's ass would be good! It could humiliate him and he'd be all alone!" He exclaimed happily as he continued to think about his win.
"Oh believe me, we will..." Sukai smirked under her mask, as they jumped and landed safely on the rooftop she lifted both eyebrows. "Uta-San?" She asked curiously, amazed how on point her intuition ended up being... "What are you doing here?" Sukai asked intrigued a bit.

"I don't know how happy Sukai would be about that..." Eto was knowledgeable, that was definite! "Also why do you think Uta doesn't have a chance? They showered together..." Yet she didn't know exactly what had happened with Uta and Sukai when she borrowed his apartment briefly...
Kaneki raised an eyebrow as he noticed it was Uta, but decided to let Sukai do the talking. "I was bored," He simply said with a smirk on his face, "By the way, I really liked your finisher on Akira. Very Mortal Kombat like," He said admiring her new abilities. Uta stood up and nodded at them both, "I guess I'll be on my way," He said as he moved started walking away.

"Bull. Shit." Ayato said as he fumbled around with his mask, "She's faking it anyway, she won't care about what happens to the loser," He said trying to believe his own statements, but Eto being a world class writer, was starting to persuade him.

(Hey I gtg for the night, I'll be on tomorrow around 5. See ya!)
Sukai simply nodded and bowed, as she gestured her hand to Kaneki as if to say, "Let's go home..." She smiled in her mask. As she began following Uta... "Thanks for coming with me." She bowed to Kaneki blushing before she started on the walk. "You really made my day!" Sukai grinned sweetly.

"Hmm, hmm..." Eto giggled cleverly, knowing she was toying with his mind. "I think you should go for it..." She seemingly changed her attitude towards Ayato's plans; but made it believable.

(Sweet dreams! ^_^ )
Kaneki sighed, a little sad that they were going home already, but nodded. "No problem Sukai. I had fun," He replied, happy that he could do something for her to make her happy. Amon groaned as he felt his body being moved. He opened his left eye for a moment to see a stretcher, Arima, and a body bag. He then slipped back into unconsciousness.

Ayato nodded, his smile coming back, "I think I will. I just have to find a good time when they are together and we won't get punished by the higher-ups," He said confidently as he toyed with his mask some more.
Sukai grinned blushing a bit, as they headed home. Meanwhile Arima was waiting for Amon to awaken, "Amon... Amon?" He asked standing next to his bed. What happened to Akira's body? Did they devour it like that? He thought pulling out the same photo of Sukai and Kaneki; and a small strand of hair that had fallen onto it. "Hmm..." It was Sukai's weirdly, he recognized the scent it was the same as Kaneki's. Except with some girly, Britney Spears perfume in it. (Lolzness!)... "My daughter... My son..." He thought in a shall we say? Disturbed mindset... [Misinterpret as you enjoy! ^_^ ]

Eto continued egging Ayato on, "She might like it if you spoke to her alone, before you attack Kaneki..." She explained deviously; more intrigued to see what Sukai's real agenda was.
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(Wow, idk what he's thinking about Kaneki!!)

Kaneki walked along next to Sukai on their way home. He was enjoying the weather and her presence. Kaneki took the occasional glance and smiled every time he saw Sukai's face. Uta was 20 feet ahead of them and was thinking about different kinds of mask ideas. But he was still listening for any chatter between Sukai and Kaneki, hoping he could hear some plans maybe.

Amon heard a voice in his deep subconscious. He groaned and awakened and was immediately stricken with pain, "Ugh," He said through clenched teeth a he looked around and noticed a figure, "Arima-San?" He asked, a bit confused.

"I don't know... I sort of like the idea of surprise," He said as he rubbed his chin thinking about some strategies.
(Hee, hee... ( ;) ))

Sukai giggled innocently at the sight of him grinning at her, as they came closer to the Aoigiri HQ... "White hair..." An image of a white haired man who looked like Yuu from Persona4 suddenly hit her; as she paused momentarily. "Huhh, weird..." She shook her head and kept walking. "Sorry, it was nothing..." Sukai bowed innocently to Kaneki; the image of Arima still on her mind... I don't have a dad or a "papa", I'm not that kinky... And what would an old man like that be doing smelling my school uniforms. Let alone Kaneki's! Wow I have a big ego... Either way, it's still wrong! Who is that guy? I feel like we've met before...

All the whilst in the infirmary of the CCG H.Q., Arima was still examining evidence he had gathered from Kaneki's college. Sukai's hair brush, Kaneki's old jacket and even more creepily Sukai's gym uniform. "Huh? Oh I see you're up, welcome back Amon?" He remained cool as he placed the items down as if there was nothing weird about the very things he had collected... [i'm liking the idea of Arima being kind of a creep, in order to prelude him "saving" Kaneki... I hope you like it, too! ^_^ ]

"You know what would really surprise her? Kissing her in front of him..." Eto suggested deviously, a slight coldness in her tones.

Kaneki frowned when she saw Sukai having trouble, but kept his mouth shut not wanting to alarm her, "Oaky," He said skeptically. He continued to follow Uta to HQ, and about 10 minutes later he could see the building that we were holding up in.

Amon rubbed his eyes with his left arm, the one that wasn't unusable at the moment, and looked over at his boss and the items he put down, "Who are they?" He asked pointing at the pictures of the dark haired Kaneki and the blonde Sukai. It seemed that his eyes were still foggy or something was going on in his mind (Epic foreshadowing?)

"Ooooo," Ayato said, obviously intrigued with the idea, "That would be good, I could kiss either before of after the beat down," He said with a devious grin appearing on his face
(Lolzness, I like it! ^_^ )

Sukai nodded as they were then in front of the Aoigiri H.Q... "So what were you and Eto up to before you came to watch?" She asked Uta hoping to the subject smoothly. Key word hoping... "Any new mask ideas?" It almost appeared her innocent personality was still intact, but it all depended on the situation!

Arima looked Amon in a confounded way, "That's Kaneki the boy who is dating Sukai, the ghoul that almost murdered you..." He explained feeling Amon's forehead. "Why don't you take a nap? I'm sure everything will come back to you later..." Arima was hoping Amon would re-awaken vengeful towards Sukai particularly yet she had already put other plans into motion...

"They're here..." Eto explained smelling their scents as she heard the doors opening. (I know short, right?)
Kaneki waited to enter along with the group and waited for Uta's answer. Uta looked at her and answered, "We were bored. And I am thinking of a few new designs. Thank you for asking," He said with a forced smile as he opened up the doors to the headquarters revealing the glances of Ayato and Eto, "We're back," He said as he went in and sat at his desk. As Kaneki walked in with Sukai he noticed Ayato giving him a death stare. Kaneki did his best to ignore. He followed Suaki to see what she was going to do.
"You're welcome." She bowed to him as they walked in then bowed to Eto politely. "Hello..." Sukai bowed to Eto and curtsied; showing off a calmer, kinder side of herself. "Hmm? Ayato forgive me if I'm prying, but are you okay?" She asked revealing she was still an innocent person somewhere deep down. [i like switching her personalities, lolz. I hope you like it as well... ^_^ ]
( Ido, think it's interesting and gives a wider variety of scenes and plot twist!)

Ayato smirked at Sukai and winked, "Yeah," He said as he stood up and interlocked his fingers and cracked them. "Hey, Kaneki!" He called over. Kaneki looked at him, still with his mask on, but his normal eyes were showing "Hmm?" Kaneki asked as he blew some snow white hair out of his face. Ayato grinned and applied his mask, "Fight me," He said as he stared walking toward him. Kaneki gave a soft chuckle and nodded, "It's your death wish," He mocked as he popped his knuckle, mimicking Jason and spooking Ayato, but he kept his poker face. (Would you be Ayato for the fight? Just wondering, if u don't that's fine)
(Okay, that'll be fun! And thank you! ^_^ )

"Kaneki..." Sukai placed her hand on his shoulder in fear for him. "Ayato, why do you want to fight him? He didn't do anything to you..." She was certainly protective of Kaneki if that wasn't sign of love Ayato was rather ignorant. "I want to see how strong he is against me... Don't worry, he'll still be breathing by the time I'm done with him." He chuckled cockily, "Kaneki... Please be careful." She knew she couldn't stop him but she still wanted a kiss! "A kiss before the battle?" She winked innocently; planning to take off her mask. (How about I play Ayato for the bad*ss battle and you play him for the kiss? If not, it's cool... ^_^ )

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