School werewolfs


Junior Member
we (me and 1 other person will play the roles) are all normal school kids and we go to school but (this is less realistic) 2 of us are werewolfs but the two students think that they are the only werewolfs here they do not know about the other one. My character is a new student (girl) who is a werewolf and she is also very pretty in her human form.

here is how to post info-

Name- Mandy

Age- 16

Gender- Female

*student 'place'* new kid


age must be 16 or something like 16 1/2

gender must be male

your kid must not be new

bio - you can have one if you want

have fun !

must e a werewolf

*sorry for rules but it must be spasificly what i need i will add rules as i think of them*
:: Hmm, sounds...interesting. I will post my little thing. Let me know if I can join. :) ::

Name: Matthew Lorsh

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Bio: Matthew has lived in town for his whole life. There are few students here who have been around their whole school career. A lot of people come and go. So, new students aren't a big deal. Though, he does have a secret. Matthew, well, Matthew is a werewolf. For as long as he can remember it is something that he's had to live with. He is easy going and fun to be with.

Looks: View attachment 9072
(perfect ! Thanks for joining we can start when you are ready and you can play as many extra characters as wanted but thge rest would have to be human :) )
(cut off i got pulled away from the computer) she dropped all her books and then she said ," sorry " she felt angry at herself because it was the 1st day there for her and she already made a fool of herself
Matthew stepped back shocked. He held in a laugh and smiled at the girl who looked distressed.

"It's alright. Here, let me help you," he said bending down to pick up her books.

"Are you new here?" he asked. He securely placed her books under his arm and held out a free hand for her to grab so she could get up.
she grabbed his hand and got up and said ," yes i am new and Thanks " she never felt so embarresed or silly in her life well in awhile
"Well, hey. I'm Matthew. You can just call me Matt though." Matthew adjusted her books and handed them back to her. She seemed different than the other new kids. He wanted to get to know her better. Suddenly another person came from behind and placed their hands around Matthew's neck.

"Oh, Matty! You're here! I thought you were going to be sick today!" squealed a voice.

A smile spread across his face and he turned to look at Krystal. Krystal had long blonde hair and light brown eyes. She placed her hand in Matt's pocket from behind and giggled. Matthew pulled her hands out and turned around back to the new girl.

"Hey, Krystal. I want you to meet my new friend. This is..." Matthew paused. "Actually, what is your name?" Matthew asked.
Matthew smiled slightly and held out his hand. "Nice to meet you Mandy," he said. Krystal pretended to pout and leaned into Matthew more.

"Sweetie, will you walk me to class?" she asked batting her eye lashes. Matthew sighed and then complied. "Sure," he said.

"Mandy, I hope to see you around again," Matthew added with sincerity.

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