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Realistic or Modern School Vs. School

Shane Emil Reeze:

Shane tossed the empty bottle of tequila at a garbage can and took out another bottle but of vodka. "Duh, does it seem we are Everson students?" He asked. Well, he could pass himself off as a student from there with the way he dressed but he didn't want to take a chance. "So any of you want to go burn some type of stuff like school material by the river?" He questioned as he took a sip from the bottle. "Want some?" He offered to any of them. @Tsiwentiio @rbshinichi @Talon
"I'm Kurt.It's nice to make your acquaintance." and his politeness coming out of nowhere again. He reached out to her.

He downed the cup from his hands and waved for another. "Whoa this is life. This is life." he said to himself.

Shane offered them a sip from the bottle. "No thanks, I'm okay with beer."

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Evan refused anymore liquere. "cant be too drunk when your DJing or else it sound horrible. speaking of DJing though. it looks like its my turn to finish up this joint. cya guys!¡!¡ he said as he jogged over to the stage and put on some tunes and started mixing like a boss. the crowd going wild and cheering for their favourte DJ.
mymartianromance said:
Matthew JonesMatt looked at Sarah and starting trembling. His sneak to class failed and he's now looking at this woman. Big guy? He's barely 5'6 he's short compared to everyone else. He noticed her eyes had trailed over his body, hoping that she didn't see his left hand, that's an awkward way to make friends. He felt warm standing here in this girl's presence. "Uh, hi... I'm uh, Matthew." he stuttered hoping she'll walk away so he can make it to class without anymore issues. @djinnamon
Sarah chuckled , she was 5'4 so in her opinion he was big. " I got to go, see you around big guy. " She said before walking away to class. Sarah sat down in class and listened to the lesson before the bell rang and she got out of there. Soon she was out of the school and walking to the side walk only to see a shiny car pull up with Sage in the drivers seat. " Get in. Mom what's to see her daughter for the first time in a few years. " Sage said grimly.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c83d4cda3_th(2).jpg.dd76650b229a123e288ad8a282f202a9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109946" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c83d4cda3_th(2).jpg.dd76650b229a123e288ad8a282f202a9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c83d4f4d3_th(1).jpg.2da8b78f2851d6ef6640db48393139b2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109947" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c83d4f4d3_th(1).jpg.2da8b78f2851d6ef6640db48393139b2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Paige Mason and Carter Mason

Location: Party

Interacting with: @Pyromaniac

After they had finished the song, a girl had come up and told them what song to play. They both shrugged and smiled while grabbing guitars. As she was singing the played each note correctly. When the song was finished Carter draped an arm over the girl and said " Not bad. I like you already." As they got of the stage Carter seen a cute guy there and she didn't hesitate to tell him that. As she pressed herself against him and winked at him. Paige seen this and quickly grabbed her sister and gently pulled her away from you. Paige draped and arm over her shoulder and grabbed Carter a drink. " You really like that guy don't you?" Paige asked. Carter smiled and said " He's hot and has tattoos. Can you blame me, sis?" They both laughed at this and started dancing.​



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Name: Aria Griffith

Location: Party

School: Everson

Interacting with: @Julie


"You'd be surprised how stupid people are at Everson." The girl was about to continue until she heard the girls talking about a man with tattoos. Looking over, Aria was about to get her flirt on until she saw who the man was exactly, "ew him?? He's my brother!" Her face turned to a face of disgust as she sighed. Turning to them, she muttered, "did you want me to introduce you guys or something?"

Name: Hades Griffith

Location: Party

School: MaKinley

Interacting with: @Julie


He had been smoking a cigarette, jamming to the metal, until the singer switched back to the typical DJ. Rolling his eyes, he groaned, "not this shit again." He was about to leave until he heard a shout and a few giggles all coming from the same group.


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Names: Carter and Paige Mason

Location: party

Interacting with: @Pyromaniac

The girls shook there heads and responded at the exact same time " Nah I just wanna party and drink"

After talking to his mother with Sarah, Sage went to get ready for the party . He stripped out of his clothes before walking into the connecting bathroom to take a shower. After a half an hour Sage sighed and stayed goodbye to his mother briefly wondering as he walked out of house and to his car only to see Sarah sitting in the passer seat.


" Get out . " was the first thing Sage said to her said to her when he came outside. " Hell no. " Sarah shoot back as she folded her arms. " Mom said I had to take a ride with you. " She said with a bored expression as Sage got in the car. " Put on your seatbelt and don't speak. " Sage said as he put on the ignition. Sarah put on her seatbelt but keep talking. " So tell me , what is rich life like. " Sarah asked as she looked at him. " Its not as great as you think , its annoying. You have everything handed to you and some of the people are absolute assholes. " Sage said as he looked straight ahead. Soon they arrived at the location of the party and got out of the car.

" Damn , this place is lively as hell. " Sarah said , she looked eager to start grinding on some people. " Don't get pregnant. " Sage said with a smug smirk only to have a condom hit him in the face. " I'm always careful. Keep that on you , this place is full of horny people and me being the good sister I am don't want you getting aids." Sarah said before she disappeared into the crowd. Sage rolled his eyes but placed the condom in his pocket as he walked around.

Sarah walked around until she saw a group of girls talking bout some hot guy. She walked over before looking at the guy. " He is actually pretty hot , anyway hey. I'm Sarah. " She said as she danced with putting any real effort into it.

Names: carter and paige mason

Location: party

Interacting with: @Pyromaniac @djinnamon

Carter nodded at Sarah's response. " Hey I'm paige and carter. We are twins." She said. They started.dancing with their hips swaying to the.beat
Julie said:
Names: carter and paige mason
Location: party

Interacting with: @Pyromaniac @djinnamon

Carter nodded at Sarah's response. " Hey I'm paige and carter. We are twins." She said. They started.dancing with their hips swaying to the.beat
" Its nice to meet you guys then. " She said as she began swaying her hips as well occasionally pushing a lock of hair from her face. " Which school do you two go to? " She asked.
djinnamon said:
" Its nice to meet you guys then. " She said as she began swaying her hips as well occasionally pushing a lock of hair from her face. " Which school do you two go to? " She asked.
Paige replied this time. Carter was still looking at the guy. ". We both go to makinley.".
Julie said:
Paige replied this time. Carter was still looking at the guy. ". We both go to makinley.".
" Cool , I do to but my twin goes to Everson. " She said as she did a body roll before crouching down.
Shane Emil Reeze:

Shane shook his head before he left them and went to sit down at one of the empty chairs. He took a sip of his drink, the party was already becoming boring. He didn't know a lot of people only those whom he had introduced himself to and that kinda was annoying. @anyone
Shane Emil Reeze:

Shane shook his head before he left them and went to sit down at one of the empty chairs. He took a sip of his drink, the party was already becoming boring. He didn't know a lot of people only those whom he had introduced himself to and that kinda was annoying. @anyone
Name: carter mason

Location: party

Carter was getting bored dancing by herself. She looked for someone to dance with and she spotted a person sitting down. She quickly went up to him and grabbed him by the hand. She build him to the dance floor and started to dance against him. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
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Shane Emil Reeze:

Shane shook his head as he started to dance with the girl who pulled him out to dance. He knew a few things about dancing but not a lot. He was kinda surprised she decided to dance with him instead of him. @Julie
Shane Emil Reeze:

Shane shook his head as he started to dance with the girl who pulled him out to dance. He knew a few things about dancing but not a lot. He was kinda surprised she decided to dance with him instead of him. @Julie
Carter Mason:

Carter continued to dance but she had a feeling that he didn't want to. She turned around to face you and stopped. " Are you okay? I can dance with someone else if you don't want to." she said
" Well it seems like your sister is interested in him more than us. I wonder if I should be offended or not. " Sarah said thoughtfully as Sage walked past and over the to a table before sitting on it. He had a annoyed and bored expression on his face as he pushed hair out of his face.

Julie said:
Carter Mason:
Carter continued to dance but she had a feeling that he didn't want to. She turned around to face you and stopped. " Are you okay? I can dance with someone else if you don't want to." she said

Shane Emil Reeze:

"I'm just surprised someone would want to dance with me." He told her while passing his hand through his hair and smiling at her. He pulled her closer while dancing. Why exactly did he do that? He had no idea but eh, it was whatever.
djinnamon said:
" Well it seems like your sister is interested in him more than us. I wonder if I should be offended or not. " Sarah said thoughtfully as Sage walked past and over the to a table before sitting on it. He had a annoyed and bored expression on his face as he pushed hair out of his face.
Paige shook her head. " Don't be offended. She does that a lot" she replied

Julie said:
Paige shook her head. " Don't be offended. She does that a lot" she replied
Sarah shoke her head as she stood up and stretched. " Don't worry. " She said before she noticed Sage. " You want to go talk to my brother , find some cute guys or stay here? " She asked
djinnamon said:
Sarah shoke her head as she stood up and stretched. " Don't worry. " She said before she noticed Sage. " You want to go talk to my brother , find some cute guys or stay here? " She asked

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c83e13121_th(2).jpg.0f8197afac9288f1d91df74efaaa0f14.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109979" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c83e13121_th(2).jpg.0f8197afac9288f1d91df74efaaa0f14.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Paige Mason

Location: Party

Interacting with: @djinnamon

Paige looked at you and shrugged. " Let's just keep dancing. The cute boys will come to us" she laughed as

she said this. She started swaying her hips and added a few body rolls in between.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c83e1588d_th(1).jpg.05d19ae4491f7174f3c98d484d9d416e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109980" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c83e1588d_th(1).jpg.05d19ae4491f7174f3c98d484d9d416e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Carter Mason

Location: Party


Carter bit her lip and started swaying her hips from side to side. She danced like that for a while not

caring if people gave her dirty looks. She added a few body rolls and kept dancing against you.​



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djinnamon said:
Sarah nodded as she pulled her hair over her shoulder and bended over slightly as she began swaying her hips to the beat. " Warn if some creepy guy comes up behind me. " She said.
@anyone @Julie

Name: Paige Mason

Location: Party

Interacting with: @djinnamon

Paige chuckled a bit a nodded. " Okay i will" she said as she kept dancing to the beat​

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