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Realistic or Modern School Vs. School

Day 1

First day back at classes, all students arriving at Everson High School


Easton groaned as he heard his alarm going off, today was the day, the kids from Makinley were coming to his school. He was nervous, these kids weren't the nicest, he just had to make sure to keep all of his belongings locked. He got up and got dressed, he walked down stairs to the kitchen and made himself a bowl of cereal. He was hoping his parents wouldn't make him go, his mom just kept telling him to keep his head up and try to be nice. Easton agreed he just wasn't sure how well of a job he could do. He grabbed his book bag and his car keys and headed to the school.


Maya woke up late, as usual to a quiet house, her mom was god knows where with god knows who. Oh no she was definitely not looking forward to the new school she was not forced to go to. Yeah being forced in the same school with the stuck up rich kids felt worse then going to school at all. She grabbed a pop tart and went outside to the bus stop to wait.

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Shane Emil Reeze:

Shane could be found walking to school whike yawning. First day of school? Life must be horrible now that it just started and he had to go to some school he had no idea how it worked. Well he had been told they were rich snobs, but he didn't care, they were just another bunch in the human chain. He passed a hand through his hair as he walked, maybe he should had asked his older brother for a ride? Nah, that would had been too much troublesome and taking a bus was stupid, he rather walk and count it as exercising than ever taking something as stupid as a bus. He had even woken up two hours early just to walk to a school that was 45 minutes away from where he lived.



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Ember groaned as her older brother yelled at her from down the hall,"Let's get a move on, Emmy! Gotta go to school with a the rich kids, isn't life just dandy?" Running a hand through black hair she exited her room, and made her way to the kitchen. Her brother sat at the kitchen counter, a shit eating grin on his face. She scowled at him, plucking the keys to her old 1968 Ford Mustang off the counter,"Goodbye, idiot." Ember smiled sweetly at Graham before exiting the house and tromping to her car. This day was totally not one she was looking forward to.


Lian's alarm clock started to play a familiar tune. She woke up to the sunshine shining through her tiny bedroom and birds chirping. She lazily walked over to the bathroom and took a refreshing shower and brushed her teeth. She quickly went back into her room and change into a black a-line skirt, black high top converse, and a simple white tee with the logo "G E N I U S". Her black Jansport backpack hung over her shoulders and her curly hair framed her face. She grabbed a granola bar and left with mumbling a hi to her parents who were to busy on their phones. She hopped onto her bicycle and rode her way to school. School was only fifteen to twenty minutes away.

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Matthew groaned as he rolled over in bed, his eyes peeking open and reading the clock. Thanks to his brother, he didn't get to sleep in as late as he usually did because of the early ass alarm Donovan had set to make sure he wasn't late. He sighed harshly and threw the covers off his body, preparing for the day. Once he finished messily styling his hair, he grabbed his longboard and his bag, heading downstairs. Matthew only found his brother messing with his hair with his keys dangling from his mouth.


Donovan was always the first person up, saying bye and have a nice day to his mother before she left for work. He got himself pretty early before school, so he could get everything done, appearance wise. His outfit for the day was a pretty big deal, especially if you go to Everson. He ran his fingers through his hair and turned to look at his brother as he came downstairs. He gave a sweet smile to his brother before taking his longboard from his possession. "No need for that. I'll drive you."



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Easton arrived at school, he sat in his car for a few minutes, he finally forced himself out of the car. He walked into the school, there was a huge banner hanging over the doors saying Welcome, he could tell the cheerleaders must have spent so much energy on that. He walked to his locker and placed a few of his binders neatly in the large space, he kept a spiral notebook and pen in his hand


The probably only good thing about transitioning schools is that the bus ride didn't seem as long as it used to. She stepped off the bus, a bunch of kids gave her a scared look, she stared back at them and then walked past the half ass sign above the doors. She went to look for her locker, not that it really mattered she didn't bring much to school anyway​


Cora's car pulled up to the front of Easton High School. The driver, Hathaway, turned back to Cora, who sat in her button up black shirt and pencil skirt, along with fishnet stockings and black pump ups. "Please, Ms. Fitzpatrick, you need to take your medicine for the day," Hathaway coaxed. Cora snatched the handful of pills from his hand. She laughed in his face. "Fuck you, you're not my daddy." she snarled, throwing the pills out the window, and taking a big gulp form her handy dandy flask of vodka, which was pink and "Princess" bejewelled on it. Kicking open the car door, she strolled into the door and into the halls. She lit a cigarette and walked down the hallways, knowing that the staff knew who she was and wouldn't want to deal with her. What to do today? she thought playfully.​
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Shane Emil Reeze:

Shane walked inside the school without a care in the world, he was didn't even go to his locker to throw his bag in. He raised an eyebrow when he saw some guy fall on top of a girl and walk away like he didn't care what happened. Shane would ignore that but shrugged as he went toward the girl. "Here." He said as he held out his hand out to her. He wasn't one to do this but what he just saw, he didn't like it so he had to do something. @Nanax



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Ember shoved her keys in her back pocket, making her way to the front doors of Everson high. She glanced up at the Welcome sign and rolled her eyes,"Well, isn't that sweet." Ember laughed and entered the school, glancing around at some of the students that occupied the hallway. Some girl had been knocked over by a football player and the douche had just simply gotten up and walked alway, a tall blonde kid had come to her rescue. Damn, his hair is long. She shrugged and moved to find her locker, in the process she managed to bump into some random pole that held up roof or something, and all the books and things clutched in her hands fell to the floor. "God damnit. Who puts a pole in the middle of a hallway?" Ember asks no one in particular, and bends down to pick up her things.
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Matthew quickly got out of the car, not wanting to be seen with his brother. Typical, but he needed to follow Donovan to know where the hell he was going in this school. He sighed softly and ran a hand through his hair, watching as his brother began his way towards the entrance. Matthew followed behind, trying to make himself look like he wasn't in contact with his brother. He groaned, knowing this wouldn't last long and caught up to Donovan. "Hey, when do classes start?" Not that he really cared, but he wanted to meet some people. Possibly transfers from Makinley.



Donovan chuckled lightly as Matthew and himself made his way into the school, smiling and giving a short 'hi' to one of the girls he sits with a lunch, He turned to his brother and smiled. "Um, I'm not quite sure. I'll have to ask someone, but until then, we'll grab our stuff for first period and hang out in the courtyard until the bell rings." Donovan quickly rushed through the small horde of Makinley students and a bit more Everson. He pressed in the combination, the lock popping off his locker, grabbing his binder for his first three classes.




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Cora leaned up aganist the lockers, still smoking, watching the kids all hurry along to their classes. She remembered that the poor kids from the ghetto school we're coming today. Well hopefully school won't be a complete waste today she thought to herself. As she sat there, she saw a few different faces. Two cute boys walked by, new faces, fresh meat. Then a girl walked into a pole! Cora laughed loudly and manically at her, pointing at her too. She walked over, putting her foot on the last binder she dropped. "You must be one of the new kids?" She said, leaning down to look at the girl. @WinterSoul​


Maya walked through the hallway, she was basically just looking for people she knew from her old school, she recognized a few but didn't feel like talking to them, she finally spotted Ember, she also noticed her running into a pole. She went over to help her, then some random girl started laughing at her, Maya gave her a dirty look, getting in a fight on the first day of school seemed fun​

@WinterSoul @simkimchild

Ember's eyes travelled up the foot that had landed on her binder,"You wanna move your foot, or do you feel like having a broken leg?" She challenged, moving all her other things to the side. "Listen, princess, your not use to girls like me, and trust me you do not not want to fuck with me." Ember noticed Maya walk up and give Maya a dirty look. This should be fun. @simkimchild @Tsiwentiio


Lian grabbed her trigonometry textbook and hurried her way to class. Her backpack hung over her shoulders and she hurried her way out of the busy hallways. She noticed the others mingling. She kept her head down low, but that seemed to work because she bumped into a tall fellow. She definitely didn't recognize him, perhaps a new kid.

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Cora laughed at the girl's spunk, kicking the binder under her foot to the edge of wall, getting up in the girl's face. "Listen honey, girls like you are exactly the kind of trouble I can handle, so if you're threatening a broken leg, let's see a swing, bitch. One of us will get expelled, the other will not." she said confidently. She noticed the girl looking at the two of them. "The hell you looking at?" she said to the other girl.​




Maya looked at the girl with a disgusted look on her face "Well I'm obviously not looking at anything" she took a step towards Ember "Just back the fuck off" she said looking back at the girl, and of course coming to ruin the fun two teachers came, both from her old school. "Get to class" they both said standing between the three of them​

@WinterSoul @simkimchild

Ember laughed, cocking her head to the sighed,"Well, I seem to have stereotyped you by the way all the other girls here are." She stood up, shoving her hands in her pockets,"Or I just overestimated the amount of brain cells you have, but same thing." She shrugged, picking up the books that she'd managed to piece together. She swept by Cora and plucked her stray binder off the ground,"Ta-ta now, princess." She waved, walking off to class and beckoning for Maya to follow.

@simkimchild @Tsiwentiio

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"Sounds like a g-" Matthew's little praise to his brother was cut short when a random, obviously Everson, bumped into him. He lurched forward an inch, turning his head and looking down. He smirked at how small the girl was. All the girls Matthew came in contact with were pretty small, or was he just tall? He turned around to face the girl, observing her appearance. "Why, hello, shorty."




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"H-hi..." She said softly. She lowered her chin a bit. She wasn't nervous, although that's the kind of vibe she gave off. She hugged her trigonometry textbook to her chest and bit part of her bottom lip. Awkward wasn't it? "I'm sorry to be a bother." She apologized.

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Shane Emil Reeze:

Shane shook his head in amusement as the short girl. "That's what i get for being nice. He said to himself efore heading to whichever class he needed to go. He checked his schedule but he actually didn't know where he was going. He looked ahead and saw three girls and two teachers there, he decided to walk over there. "Hey Girls and...." He greeted them before looking at the teachers, he actually didn't know what to call them until something came into his head. "You Old farts, care to tell me where the next class is at? Cause I ain't got no fucking idea." He asked them, all five them without a care if he had actually offended the teachers and the girls. He watched one of them leave and shrugged at it, maybe she didn't care about the classes so why should he but he still waited for an answer.

@WinterSoul @simkimchild @Tsiwentiio



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Evan was cruising down the steet on his long board. he hd his beats on and was rding without a care in the world. well maybe a small care. he had to go to everson with everyone else. but it wasnt that bad for him, well not as bad a for other people, he knew some of the rich kids from parties he had DJ'd at. he pulled to a stop and headed into the school nodding to a few pople he knew.

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Matthew smiled. He couldn't help but crack one, she seemed quite adorable. "Kinda bumped into me, didn't you?" He chuckled lightly and watched her hug her textbook, biting her lip, so he caught the vibe she was a bit anxious. "You know, if you wanted to talk you could've just said 'hi'."




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"N-no that wasn't what I was achieving," She chuckled nervously. She tried to loosen up the tension she's built, it didn't seem to be working.

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Maya stood there for a second, she looked over to see Shane, oh boy she thought to herself "I have no clue where anything is" she said before turning to follow Ember, as they walked she noticed Evan "What's up Evan" she said slowing her pace but keeping up with Ember


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