School of Magical Arts

Name: Zaroth Aeogg

Gender: Male

Age: 14 Rebirths

Likes: Video games, making his friends laugh, having some attention, being the best at something with a lot of skill, creative characters like Zoidburg, or knowledge involved.

Dislikes: Disappointing people, losing, property is being taken away, a friend/person being rude to him, he gets false information, and bad books/Video games.

Appearance: A very tall 6'8 foot tall man, chubby, likes to wear robes and shorts.

Race: Beastfolk (Half Phoenix half Human)

Magic Abilities: Energy and Substance shifting (Alchemy)

Can you control it?: Yes

Other Skills: Elemental Control (Major), Star prediction (Minor/barely decent), Foreign language (Almost nonexistence xD ) and Dual casting (Master)

Teacher: Advanced Spell Creation / Mixing Spells

Other: Slenderpig

Below is the concept of a Beastfolk(Not him) - Half Phoenix Half Human

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Charon Seram














Appearance(picture or discription is fine):



Hybrid (Vampire/Werewolf)

Magic Abilities:

Witchcraft (Memorized spells or spells our of a Grimoire/Spell-book)

Can you control it?:

Yes , depending on the level and magnitude of the spell being done

Other Skills:

Mind Compulsion

You are? (Teacher or student, if teacher what subject?):



Being that Charon wasn't 'turned' naturally into a Werewolf or a Vampire in a natural manner, his abilities and powers are far greater than that of the average Werewolf, Vampire or Hybrid. His transformation at the hands of a coven of witches make him much stronger, faster, agile and durable than other vampires and werewolves. (Slenderpig) For More Reference
Name: Bruce Gray

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Likes: Magic,Fantasy,People who are nice to others

Dislikes: Bullies,Vampires,Unkind people

Appearance:Changes on form

Race: Shapeshifter

Magic Abilities: Shapeshifting

Can you control it?: Yes

Other Skills: Depends on form example: Bird can fly or Spider can climb walls etc...

You are?: Student

Name: Adriel Heart

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Likes: moon,stars,blood, my pets,

Dislikes: people who think they can control me

Appearance(picture or discription is fine): A thin young women with long black hair and very dark green almost emrald eyes. Always in Black attire and her choker on. and at leats and on her left hand she has two rings on her right three. All silver bands all a difrent jem stone.

Race: human/demon

Magic Abilities: manipulation,possession, telekinesis, deportation, resurrection, dream manipulation,Glamour, & soul absorption.

Can you control it?: only with my Necklace in place on my own no

Other Skills: weapons

You are? (Teacher or student, if teacher what subject?): Student

Other:As a young girl she watched her parents murder unfold in front of her. It scared her for life she lives with her nightmare each day because her own kind killed her parents. She ran from the place she loved grew up alone in solituted. The only thing she has ever loved was her two pets and an uncoming power serge she got from anger. She has never let another person in the world in.

Shy, quiet, recluse. Get her angry and she'll hunt you down and rip your heart out.

Item of Power: Necklace Of Bail - A choker that enables her to control her self and not turn from her human side. Has a dragon holding an eye.

Weapons: Duel wealding cross bows

Others: Farrets

Caym: He is carmel brown with dark brown soks and dark eyes

Deumus: She is all white with red eyes 

Dryaid said:
Name: Adriel Heart
Gender: Female

Age: 18

Likes: moon,stars,blood, my pets,

Dislikes: people who think they can control me

Appearance(picture or discription is fine): A thin young women with long black hair and very dark green almost emrald eyes. Always in Black attire and her choker on. and at leats and on her left hand she has two rings on her right three. All silver bands all a difrent jem stone.

Race: human/demon

Magic Abilities: manipulation,possession, telekinesis, deportation, resurrection, dream manipulation,Glamour, & soul absorption.

Can you control it?: only with my Necklace in place on my own no

Other Skills: weapons

You are? (Teacher or student, if teacher what subject?): Student

Other:As a young girl she watched her parents murder unfold in front of her. It scared her for life she lives with her nightmare each day because her own kind killed her parents. She ran from the place she loved grew up alone in solituted. The only thing she has ever loved was her two pets and an uncoming power serge she got from anger. She has never let another person in the world in.

Shy, quiet, recluse. Get her angry and she'll hunt you down and rip your heart out.

Item of Power: Necklace Of Bail - A choker that enables her to control her self and not turn from her human side. Has a dragon holding an eye.

Weapons: Duel wealding cross bows

Others: Farrets

Caym: He is carmel brown with dark brown soks and dark eyes

Deumus: She is all white with red eyes
Interview Form (Following application)

Name: "Do I HAAAAAAAAVE TO?" Kiri Tokamaru

Gender: "Smart one I am Male"

Age:" Stop pestering me." 17

Likes: I like Good humor, Manual labor, Red and yellow, blades, fire, rain

Dislikes: Who needs Serious "people", blue, the ignorant

Appearance: Kiri is a tall and rather slender person with a mop of black hair he keeps a little long, and due to being a demon has a tail but keeps it concealed in public. Despite the tail he seems completely normal. He commonly wears red pants with a yellow T-shirt with words that are in some obscure language on it, and always keeps his Katana with him.

Race: Demon (adheres to the strict policy to not show ones tail in public) although not technically being a greater being of evil he has the physical traits of a demon. "PLEASE KILL THE PEOPLE ASKING ME THESE QUESTIONS."

Magic Abilities: can channel his typical demonic abilities that he is incapable of using through his sword granting him uncanny agility and strength, and can channel more energy to hover over the ground for short amounts of time. "Why does it all have to be so little?"

Can you control it?: I can control it in moderation. But who needs moderation right?

Other Skills: Mastery of the Katana

You are? (Teacher or student, if teacher what subject?): A Student of course genius.

Other: Carries around a Katana everywhere. Yes everywhere. It doesn't leave his person. Slenderpig
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"You have not heard of me? What a pity, it's best you remember such."

Amador Oleastro

"Well, I hope you could at least take a guess at my gender. You're bound to be correct."

At the moment, he's male.

" your pitiable human understanding, I would be 17. However I am far older than that."

17 in human years, however his actual age is quite an overwhelming number.

"What do I like? Well, I like a many things! Sit back and listen in- it may be a while."

He honestly doesn't like much. He has a huge infatuation for skeletal anatomy, he's a star student in drama and he loves superstition and folklore.

"I'll admit, there's plenty I don't like as well. Hmph, what's that look for? Nobody's perfect."

He's self conscious about it, but he's terrified of intimacy, despite his race and this can make him QUITE the embarrassment to incubi and sucubi alike. In fact, for this very reason of aphenphosmpobia (fear of being touched- yes he's a germaphobic), philophobia (fear of love), and genophobia (fear of...what occurs during the 'fade to black')- Amador considers himself of the asexual orientation. Any kind of closeness or physical contact results him to be rather squeamish.


"I'm *cough* Must we really get so personal? I mean it's surely obvious! Why don't we just carry on with this petty chit-chat"

His race is an incubus

Magic Abilities

"Hmph. Fear this- for I am able to drain the life force from your very being!!"

What he says IS quite true- however, Amador being how he is...he is unable to do that. See, in order for an incubus to drain life from another- he must do so my ...intimate 'fade to black' relations and you see here, Amador never plans on doing such.

However he can fly! (be amazed! No? ok...)

"Of course I can control it. What do you take me for?"

Well- I'm sure he can- as he seems to have his hormones WAY too in control.

Other Skills:

"Why should I tell you? Let there be a tainting mystery with me, if you may."

Well, he's quite skilled in drama- being the overwhelmingly dramatic man that he is.

"Mind you, I am a student."

student, as he says.

Other: Slenderpig~

Name: Moni Amelia Josephine Futch

Gender: female


Likes: music, dancing, books, children, spells, nerds with awesome hair, playing piano.

Dislikes: impolite people, large crowds, tight spaces, chains, isolation.

Race: unknown

Magic Abilities: can control the elements around. Affinity to animals

Can you control it?: yes, except when overly excited or upset.

Other Skills: medically trained, use of spells in healing, and strategizes fairly well.

You are? (Teacher or student, if teacher what subject?): student

Other: though I become unnerved around large groups of people, isolation and entrapment is one of my worst fears. I'm really shy and quiet at first but I have a pretty awesome sense of humor. Professor Shadowally is my adoptive older brother and I suffer from dazed spells. When one occurs, it's best to just bring him to me.

Appearance: red wavy hair, dark brown eyes, 5'2 , uh blah here's a picture attached.

...Slenderpig?<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.f155796e71da559f16c2a35c3551f3d8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20264" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.f155796e71da559f16c2a35c3551f3d8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Hope Willows






Being alone, Nighttime, Dark Magic


People who lie, squids,



Magic abilities:

Controls Dark Magic

Other Abilities:

Good in unarmed combat.

I am a..



I prefer being alone and not trusting people,

If you see a girl running around during the night

That is probably me.

Appareance: Who cares about my appareance anyway?


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