School of Magical Arts


The Druid
CelticHero37 submitted a new role play. @CelticHero37, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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Interview Form (Following application)






Appearance(picture or discription is fine):


Magic Abilities:

Can you control it?:

Other Skills:

You are? (Teacher or student, if teacher what subject?):


Name: I am Midorikawa Chiaki, but you may refer to me as Headmaster Midori.

Gender: Male.

Age: 22

Likes: I love teaching, and art. In fact, I like many things.

Dislikes: I detest bullies. All students should be aware of this.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf4b550db_AnimeSamurai.jpg.29be897cdc2f2972b279111812f34cab.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18891" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf4b550db_AnimeSamurai.jpg.29be897cdc2f2972b279111812f34cab.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Race: I am a Wyvern. We are a magical people that have wings.

Magic Abilities: I am a Telekinetic.

Can you control it?: Yes, I am the Headmaster after all.

Other Skills: I have many skills, including a talent in martial arts training.

You are?: I am the Headmaster, yet I am also the combat instructor.




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Name: Goes by Rhythm

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Likes: Music, reading, writing and video games

Dislikes: Shopping (unless it's for books or video games) and most sports

Appearance(picture or description is fine): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/picture062.jpg.8b2ffe3574c1bd880577aa72e003b81d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18900" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/picture062.jpg.8b2ffe3574c1bd880577aa72e003b81d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Red hair, purple eyes that almost seem to glow

Race: Unknown

Magic Abilities: Can produce a sort of energy that's not quite electricity (it's made up of sound waves, forming a purple "spark" that looks sort of like lightning bolts), made by her own body. She can use this energy as either a weapon or a sort of "charger," which can be used to bring energy back into both machines/electronics and her own body, as well as that of others.

Can you control it?: Sort of... Not really... Like, at all...

Other Skills: Pretty good at hand-to-hand combat, but has never had any formal training. She learned through experience, trial and error.

You are? (Teacher or student, if teacher what subject?): Student

Other: Can be mistaken for being anti-social or even rude, but she really just doesn't quite know how to deal with people. If she's spoken to and doesn't know how to respond, in most cases, she'll just keep her mouth shut.



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Name: Philis Tivnan

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Likes: Books (Prefers Fantasy or History), fiddling with small things like gears and screws, snakes (because they are so cute!), simple strategy games

Dislikes: Being forced to meet and talk to a completely new person at once (prefers slowly getting used to them), putting down a good book, direct sunlight (not harmed by it because of his race or anything, just doesn't like it), temperatures above 10 C and below -10 C

about 6'3

Race: Fourth generation Cambion, Human with a devil tail he prefers to hide

Magic Abilities: Telekinesis

Can you control it?: Can control about half a kilogram at one time, in extreme stress or anger can lose control completely, still only lifting a few pounds

Other Skills: Something of an intellect, knows everything about Kai Justu except for how to actually do it properly (he read about it but has no actual training if I didn't make that clear)

You are? : Student

Other: He can do anything in subjects like math that have some sort of end result that simply requires applying knowledge or subjects like history that are all facts. On the other hand he struggles with doing anything that has no defined end such as writing. After his last "episode" with his powers he tries to keep his emotions under check, rarely getting very exited and while he can laugh and find things fun, those feelings usually fade shortly leaving him feeling (for lack of a better word) bored.
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Name: Ajax Wellington



Likes: Knowledge, literature, Soccer, loot, teaching, and classical and contemporary instrumental music.

Dislikes:Hipsters, morons, gluttony, hempen rope, dubstep, and dust.


Stands at 3'0"

(Edit: Doesn't have hairy feet. Wears shoes)

Race: Halfling

Magic Abilities: Ajax is a very powerful Wizard, he draws most of his power from his books and some from natural intelligence.

Can you control it?:Yes

Other Skills: He can pick locks with pretty much any two things that will fit in the lock. Very dexterous. Being very familiar with the magic of this world, he has learned how to use his own magic to channel that of others and otherwise help them control their powers. Knows his way around the crossbow and punching dagger.

Teacher: I teach "Arcane Studies" along with "Control 101" (For clarification, these are two separate courses.)

Other: He is quite physically weak compared to most others, even compared to most other Halflings. He has some spells to fix that, of course, but he prefers to stay in his his natural form. Has a fruit bat familiar affectionately named 'Batarang'. Since Ajax is a powerful wizard, Batarang is quite a force to be reckoned with, even without Ajax around. Sometimes has anxiety attacks in social situations and can be sometimes forgetful.
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xXxAnimeBellxXx said:
Name: Goes by Rhythm
Gender: Female

Age: 17

Likes: Music, reading, writing and video games

Dislikes: Shopping (unless it's for books or video games) and most sports

Appearance(picture or description is fine): View attachment 53898 Red hair, purple eyes that almost seem to glow

Race: Unknown

Magic Abilities: Can produce a sort of energy that's not quite electricity (it's made up of sound waves, forming a purple "spark" that looks sort of like lightning bolts), made by her own body. She can use this energy as either a weapon or a sort of "charger," which can be used to bring energy back into both machines/electronics and her own body, as well as that of others.

Can you control it?: Sort of... Not really... Like, at all...

Other Skills: Pretty good at hand-to-hand combat, but has never had any formal training. She learned through experience, trial and error.

You are? (Teacher or student, if teacher what subject?): Student

Other: Can be mistaken for being anti-social or even rude, but she really just doesn't quite know how to deal with people. If she's spoken to and doesn't know how to respond, in most cases, she'll just keep her mouth shut.
Um... I'm not sure I'm doing this right...
Name: Lucia Blackbourne

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown, but very old. Looks 18.

Likes: Night, quiet places, old books, blood (Of course), playing violin, powerful figures.

Dislikes: Disrespectful people, loud gatherings, sunlight, being afraid.

Appearance(picture or description is fine):



Race: Ancient Vampire Lord

Magic Abilities: Throughout the years, her family has practiced many magical abilities. However, the ones passed down to Lucia are very rare, and particularly deadly. She has the power of Dementia, which means she can rip a persons worst fears and memories into reality for a short amount of time. However, she rarely uses this power on others, and prefers not to. Her last ability is blood manipulation, which is where she can manipulate her own blood at her own will. For example, she can turn blood into weapons. She can only use this power a certain amount of time per day, or else it can weaken her and cause her to pass out.

Can you control it?: She can control it with the help of the red and silver brace around her neck. Without it, she wouldn't be able to control her bloodlust or her magic.

Other Skills: Being an older, and more experienced vampire, her strength and speed is increased than most vampires. Her sense of smell, sight, and touch is increased to the point where she can see people's emotions, and smell the scent of blood spillage from a long ways away. But she is not immortal. A simple stab through the heart or too much direct sunlight, could easily kill her.

You are?: Student.

Other: She comes from a vampiric family famous for their power and wealth, known as the Blackbourne's. Also, she doesn't drink others blood to survive. She puts blood tablets in her drinks as a substitute for actual blood.
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Anika Grimm






Rams, sleeping, being lazy, reading.


Loud noises, alarm clocks, and rainy days.

Appearance(picture or discription is fine):


Race: Ram/ Human

Magic Abilities: When she gets angry, white horns appear on either side of her head and she can damage or destroy pretty much anything with them.

Can you control it?: Somewhat.

Other Skills: She can call any other ram any time she wants.

You are? (Teacher or student, if teacher what subject?): Student.

Other: Nope.
Name: Well um I'm Ivy Anne Vega.... *Looks down*. Call her Ivy.

Gender: Um isn't it obvious... She's Female

Age: *Gasps* asking a lady well princess for that matter her age is rude... Ivy is 17.

Likes: Well to list a few.... I like Singing, my powers, reading, writing stories and playing music.... She is very into becoming a music artist while being a princess.

Dislikes:Well I hate bullies, my bloodlust for humans, drinking blood around other people, Garlic, and Wooden Stakes.... Keep Garlic and wood stakes away from her please.

Appearance(picture or discription is fine): Oooo yay! I'm popular already!! *Giggles* here <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.4c5dcc71fce00c11490bb5ddcfc18b38.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18963" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.4c5dcc71fce00c11490bb5ddcfc18b38.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Aren't I cute

Race:I'm a Vampire princess... Yep

Magic Abilities:Well I Can see two years into anyone's including my own futures... And I can read anyone's mind/emotions if I am less the 10 feet to inch away though.

Can you control it?: Well I can control the mind reading but the visions I can't control.

Other Skills:I can sing and play guitar pretty well and I am a very quick learner and reader

You are? (Teacher or student, if teacher what subject?): I'm a student duh.

Other: Um I am always wearing this <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.5f3b2ab88b1971161abdb55f12b2e731.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18966" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.5f3b2ab88b1971161abdb55f12b2e731.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Which is my family symbol oh and because I'm a princess I am some what popular... That's everything I guess.



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Cynthia Aster






Reading, forests, music, strategizing, and nightime


(most)people, small spaces, romance,hipsters, morons, and show-offs

Appearance(picture or discription is fine):

except with green eyes



Magic Abilities:

Can shape things with light (bow and arrow in picture) and telekinesis

Can you control it?:

not the telekinesis

Other Skills:

Can track easily and is really stealthy. She is extremely smart.

You are? (Teacher or student, if teacher what subject?):



Can be underestimated because she doesn't like to talk about her accomplishments. She doesn't express emotions to others. She is straight to the point which is constantly mistaken for being rude, if she even talks to you that is. She severed ties with her family and has few people she can relate to.

"Uh, Mei Miyamoto."

*drops shoulders swiftly and tucks her chin to her chest to bow.*


"well... Female?"

*looks down innocently.*


"Welll *looks like she is thinking hard* Je suis âg- err..."

She is 298, but the way she ages she looks 282 years younger.


"I like being at home."

Her "home" is what is in the picture. So, she pretty much likes being in solitude and around nature. This will be a difficult adjustment for her, she hasn't been in civilization since the fall of her family's territory.


*looks around the room*

"Not having sun light."




"Well... a witch?"

We aren't quite sure what to call her. She kinda was created to destroy, but... yeah...

Know any magic?:

"Well, of course. Why else would I be here?"

*Smiles sarcastically and tilts head"

She can control earthly things, like flowers and trees. Not make them grow, just control the living ones.... she thinks?

Okay, can you control that magic?:

"Eh, not so well... I don't even know all of my skills..."

She can do well in the areas she knows of.

Do you have any other skills?:

*rubs forehead*

"Didn't I just say I don't know all of my skills?"

You are?:

"A student."

*Smiles confidently*


*tilts head and raises shoulders*

"Whats a "crush?"


"Umm... I know another language? Umm... Bonjour... *mumbles* c'est gênant..."

*intertwines her fingers together on her stomach and swings her arms, turns as red as a fox*

she has a little helper;


Slenderpig? xD whaaa?
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Slenderpig.jpg.d10ff48a21e9d85c25d9b273f7f96eb7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18994" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Slenderpig.jpg.d10ff48a21e9d85c25d9b273f7f96eb7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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My form:

Name: Dorris

Gender: male

Age: 6 years (normal life span of normal hamster is 2-3)

Likes: women, literature, hot springs, sushi, Alchemy, dramatic changes

Dislike: scary things, cold deep water, being ignored, though he is a professor of Alchemy, he is not a fan of Gold but rather healthy living and keeping one alive


Bigger than average rodent, as big as Pikachu. Overgrown hamster -.-

Race: Magical Beast

Magic abilities: Cloning like naruto

Other skills: fake die when cornered, swift and moves very fast

You are?: Good Morals Instructor or something like HUMANS101 Alchemy Instructor

Other: kinda weak but cares for the students, likes to act innocent but actually an old man inside.

Slenderpig <3
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Name:Drake Kuran


Age: unknown but looks 18

Likes:Blood, Other Purebloods, Full moons

Dislikes: Light, Lower class vampires, people with low IQ

Appearance(picture or discription is fine):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Drake.jpg.68cec1fca364cd9f1ea4b9a737dcdf92.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19015" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Drake.jpg.68cec1fca364cd9f1ea4b9a737dcdf92.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Race: Pureblooded Vampire

Magic Abilities: He can amnipulate shadows to his comand turning them into weapons like swords or using them to cloud peoples vision and/or mind.

Can you control it?:Yes

Other Skills:All the skills of a regular Pureblooded Vampire plus his high IQ comes in handly.

You are? (Teacher or student, if teacher what subject?): student

Other:Something about a slenderpig ?? :P



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Name: Cross Angelico

Gender: male

Age:222, looks 22

Likes: Wepons, young girls and boys, messing with people.

Dislikes: stuck up people, students who don’t listen, un-open minded people



Race: Elf

Magic Abilities: Metal manipulation

Can you control it?: obviously.

Other Skills: light manipulation; that comes with his heritage though.

You are: Music Instructor

Other: He has an assistant; he created. He meant for it to be more… evil? The poor thing thinks it’s human!

Name: Alia Ethedil

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Likes: Poetry, piano, sunset, waterfalls, and art.

Dislikes: Homework, heat, stupidity, the color yellow, and spiders.


Race: Caelum Dryas (sky elf)

Magic: Alia's powers include the generation and manipulation of ice. She likes to use her ice to make a sword that is pretty lightweight and fast. It's in the shape of a delicate elven sword.

Can you control it?: Mostly, unless she has a strong emotion.

Other Skills: She has advanced physical and mental abilities because she's a type of elf. She's also pretty good with a sword.

You are?: student

Other: Being a Caelum Dryas, she has a tattooed pair of wings on her back that she can transform into real wings. Her parents sent her to this school because she doesn't have complete control over her abilities, unlike her brother.
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Name: Michael Finnighan

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Likes: Animals, girls, messing around.

Dislikes: Bullies, bugs, bricks.

Appearance(picture or discription is fine): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Anime!.jpg.70c0623faa62eb8d8f0fb150bd7c388a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19061" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Anime!.jpg.70c0623faa62eb8d8f0fb150bd7c388a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Race: Shapeshifter

Magic Abilities: He can shape shift into anything.

Can you control it?: For the most part.

Other Skills: He can play the guitar.

You are? (Teacher or student, if teacher what subject?): Student.




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Name: Shadow Ally, he keeps his birthname to himself

Gender: Male

Age: 55, looks late thirties

Likes: Mocha, his family, blacksmithing, his bastard sword, children, sparring, teaching

Dislikes: Evil, selfishness, treason, people to hurt his friends of family, being woken up

Apperance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Shadow.jpg.67873ff40d0c5bf4804225d52973e1fb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19078" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Shadow.jpg.67873ff40d0c5bf4804225d52973e1fb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Black messy hair, Green eyes.White jacket, Black pants and shoes with a black undershirt. Has his precious bastard sword he refers as "X" on his hip, with the hilt chained to his belt. Looks mid thirties with a groomed 5 o clock beard. He stands 1.84 meters tall

Race: Human, but with a powerful demonic heritage

Magic abilities: Knows several arcane spells, usually to produce fire, electricity or force. Can also control ilumination, darkness and shadows, can give sentience and humanoid shape or any shape in general to shadows, knows how to channel magic through items. Can fly for a few hours per day. Knows lesser divine spells. Can see the magical auras and strength of them at plain sight.

Can you control it?: Yes, he has trained since childhood.

Other skills: He is flawless with his bastard sword, can handle himself in a fistfight, he is also a master blacksmith, knows basic medicine knowledge.

You are?: Shadow is the teacher of enchantology.

...Slenderpig i guess!<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Shadow.jpg.6421c5325f81a2cef1002d467602d8c4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19081" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Shadow.jpg.6421c5325f81a2cef1002d467602d8c4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Aria Montgomery






Reading, her family, loved ones, candy, sparkling water, ice, the pool, cats

Dislikes: snobs, horror movies, loud sudden sounds, rap music, crowds, small tightly packed spaces.

Aria has fair, flawless skin, and hazel eyes that lean more towards the green side. She is small, standing at just 5'2 and weighing around 106 pounds. Her build is a bit stalky rather than tall and lanky. Some say she has the face of a doll.




Magic abilities:

Enhanced speed, telekinesis, and remarkable intelligence

Can she control it?:


Other skills:

Aria is a quick learner and is know to be very fast and agile.

Teacher or student:


Other: slender pig

Name:Maria Lynn Abbot



Likes:Music, Reading, learning how to control my spells, learning new spells.

Dislikes:Stress, Blood from family, Bullies, getting frustrated with new spells, and not having any books.

Appearance(picture or discription is fine):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.720d755faa05914951bc01550578434d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19257" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.720d755faa05914951bc01550578434d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Magic Abilities:I know and can do a bunch of spells

Can you control it?:Most of the time if I am angry then no oh I also can't control spells I just learned.

Other Skills:I know how and love to sing. I am excellent reader. I can dance pretty well one of my spells helps me a little with new dances.

You are? (Teacher or student, if teacher what subject?):Student

Other:When I am angry my spells get out of control cause I haven't learned how control or gain control on my spells when I am angry. Oh I wear this.. Bracelet <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.cde31b194975fcf50d130e329a236ee2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19258" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.cde31b194975fcf50d130e329a236ee2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> To keep my spells in control it will glow bright blue when I am angry the charms will glow bright purple when the chain on the bracelet glows blue oh Slender Pig!!!!



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Appearance(picture or discription is fine):




Magic Abilities:

Heavenly/Angelic Magic

Can you control it?:


Other Skills:


You are? (Teacher or student, if teacher what subject?):



Sent to Earth to study the various forms of magic and mysticism that the humans and other races have learned, cultivated and have begun to utilize in their daily lives. Carries and wields a mystic Staff that helps to channel his powers. (Slenderpig)

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