School of DEUS {Interest Check}

Should I make this an RP?

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Ene Kagerou

Member of the Mekakushi Dan
Before I start this Roleplay, I want to do an interest check. If I get about six people who are interested in the idea, then I will start up the actual role-play, but if not, then I won't. If you have questions, feel free to ask.

  • 2000's

    2100-2199- Humanity unites as one nation, one world.

    2200-2299-Humanity reaches Platinum Age, and grows highly advanced in technology and energy efficiency.

    2300-2399- Religion begins to fall, as humans believe they have all necessary secrets.

    2400-2499- A new race is discovered, known as Qiaren

    2500-2599- Qiaren use magic to slaughter humans and are thought of as the end of humanity

    2600-2699- Qiaren become new dominant species of earth, and humans are slaves

    2700-2799- Humanity fights back

    2800-2899- Humanity wipe out Qiaren and begin to worship gods again

    2900-2999- Humanity becomes dominant race, beginning to build a new world, with tools that Qiaren left behind.


    3100-3199- Human scientists work on trying to discover secrets of magic

    3200-3299- Scientists discover Basic Elemental Magic secrets

    3300-3399- Scientists advance in Magic to enhancing technology with magical abilities

    3400-3499- Humans begin to use magic and electricity together

    3500-3599- Axiam Incorporated is founded

    3600-3699- Axiam becomes leading organization in entire world.

    3700-3799- Scientists advance deep into study of magic

    3800-3899- Magic divides humanity in half

    3900-3999- Start of the Mana Wars


    4100-4199- Mana Wars continue

    4200-4299- Mana wars continue; Axiam developers design DEUS technology

    4300-4334- Mana wars continue; Axiam founds School of DEUS

    4334- Mana wars continue; School has been around for 10 years, Currently you are a part of the school

[QUOTE="William Henning]I would love to do an RP like this. What are the different types of magic and tech we may have?

Thank you for the commentary~

DEUS gear is in the form of any weapon, but only in the form of weapons, whether locked or unlocked. Locked versions tend to be simpler, weaker and smaller versions of the unlocked version. The uniforms are designed to be fairly similar to school uniforms. And yes, that includes Gakuran and Sailer Uniforms. However, in an unlocked form, they can be almost anything that's wearable. Do remember it has to be something reasonable, and both parts of your DEUS gear (weapon and uniform) have to have a theme, that fits your personality, strong points and your social standing in the school. For an example, if your character would be a part of the archery club, then your weapon would be a simple bow in its locked form, and your locked uniform would be a school uniform, just as everyone else's, but your unlocked form could be some type of armor that one can move around easily in, with a high tech, precision increasing bow that can shoot arrows of any metal.

If you prefer pictures describing the transformation:

  • tumblr_n2hqk3Tnn31sdxeopo1_500.jpg

[QUOTE="Dusk Archon]Sounds quite interesting. I'd be up for giving it a shot if it happens.

Thmetal said:
I would be interested in this for sure.
Thank you very much! 3 of 6!
1 .How much of a divide is there between each star? Divide between soldiers and commanders? Commanders and Teachers? Teachers and Students?

2. Students can be either training to be a commander or soldier correct?
[QUOTE="Mac Burns]1 .How much of a divide is there between each star? Divide between soldiers and commanders? Commanders and Teachers? Teachers and Students?
2. Students can be either training to be a commander or soldier correct?

1. What do you mean by divide?

2. Yes, correct.
[QUOTE="Ene Kagerou]1. What do you mean by divide?
2. Yes, correct.

The social separation. Do they mingle with each other and how often.
[QUOTE="Mac Burns]1 .How much of a divide is there between each star? Divide between soldiers and commanders? Commanders and Teachers? Teachers and Students?
2. Students can be either training to be a commander or soldier correct?

1. No stars have classes without stars. As the biggest group, they can have there own classes, but they get classrooms that don't have very good conditions. They have only one way of transportation from home to school, which is a small, run down train. There is a guarded wall between each level of stars, and the city around the academy is fairly similar to a tower that gets smaller towards the top. I will be supplying pictures in the actual rp threads.

At the school there are special classes that soldiers take and special classes that commanders take, but most of them see each other in other classes. In the rest of the world, a pair of a commander and soldier are barely ever away from each other.

Commanders have a choice to choose a partner or become a teacher at the end of their time at the school, so war Commanders and teachers are pretty far from each other, but at school, commanders are still taught by teachers.

Teachers are all on the same level as the one stars, and students have many ranks, so during school is the main time that they socialize with students.

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