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Realistic or Modern School for the supernatural

She swallowed and took it in her hand. Something strange happened to her, she touched a wall. It was solid, she could feel it. She looked at him with her eyes still wide and hugged him, hard. "thank you" she said quietly.
"I figured this would make your first day slightly better. But understand you are still a ghost and being physical for to long can drain you. So Don't stay like that for more then an hour." I wrapped my arms around her squeezing.
"Uh.. Like I said my kind have a connection with the dead." I smiled. "I don't know how it works but its like instinct.. Ya know?"
She nodded silently. "I mean.. I guess all I really want is to just, not be sad anymore, not be mad that my life was taken from me" she said.
"You life wasnt taken, you can start new. Look your here now, and maybe I can find a spell to give your body back or a new one.." I say with a sad look on my face.

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