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Fantasy School For the Supernatural [Reboot]

Blueblaz said:
Lunette Diazeb








Ability to summon spirits and other ghastly things

Carries a Bo staff that channels spirit energy,it also becomes a ruby tipped spear


Sweet and Naive,she's quite timid and tries to shy away from most confrontation.She carries herself in a regal manner

Bio:Descended from a long line of Evokers.Lunette is of royal evoker blood, and practically had to beg her parents,who wanted to homeschool her in evoking,to allow her to go to the school for the supernatural.At first they denied because they felt an Evoker princess shouldn't be associating with commoners.Eventually---After a lot of pleading and kissing up ofcourse---They accepted but under the condition that if she loses her royal demeanor she wouldn't stay another year.She stays at the dormitories

Dorm Mate:TBD

Best Friend:TBD

Martial Status:Single(not neccesarily ready to mingle)

Appearance:View attachment 197396

View attachment 197399


ForgottenSky9272 said:
Name: Aki
Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Unknown

Powers: Mimic - The ability to copy the powers of others she makes physical contact with (Is that allowed?)

Personality: Aki is usually quiet until approached, though she has a bit of a temper. She can be playful and slightly outgoing when you get to know her. She can also be quite kind and sweet, but hates to admit it. Embarrassment causes her to stutter when someone points it out. She's very dauntless and adventurous and often gets into fights with those she finds unbearable or annoying. She has a unique attitude, personality and judgement; which most people find unlikable. It's not that she can't make friends, she's actually very friendly, but Aki keeps her distance from others due to events that occurred in the past. It's hard for her to throw out a genuine smile, but when she does, it can be very captivating.

Bio: Aki had been an orphan for as long as she could remember. She lived in a small orphanage where the other kids were nice to her. She was adopted by a seemingly nice couple, but was abused non-stop. One day a guest came over and found her in the basement covered in bruises and brought her back to the orphanage. She was adopted a few more times after the incident.....no luck. It was a string of abuse. She thought something was wrong with her and ran away from the orphanage to live on the streets. That is where she developed her toughness and strength, along with her temper. Aki soon after started to attend school and made some friends. It was the worst time to find out she had powers.. She was deemed a freak which caused her to change schools. She didn't make friends easily, due to not trusting others. It soon changed when she met two odd-balls in 8th grade who became her best friends and accepted her. It didn't last too long; she had lost control of her powers one day and killed one of them. The other never forgave Aki, but neither did she.

Dorm Mate: TBA

Best Friend: None ATM

Marital Status: Single


The mimic ability is allowed, but only with some kind of weakness, such as you can only have one power at a time or you can't control/use that ability unless to practice and learn how to use it or something like that.
Sorry i forgot this,need to add something

Favoured Spirits


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/2015-11-28-23-11-03-281258271.jpeg.8478bef64c4bf60f7fb53c6c3c5d4f50.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88199" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/2015-11-28-23-11-03-281258271.jpeg.8478bef64c4bf60f7fb53c6c3c5d4f50.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Lord Ventia

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Pygmy Bahamut

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/images-1.jpeg.94840d6e9df37b42371a76a8868991a5.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88201" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/images-1.jpeg.94840d6e9df37b42371a76a8868991a5.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Sebastian

Age: 17

Gender: female

Species: wood nymph

Powers: speaks to animals and will occasionally take on their mannerisms

Personality: keeps to her self as she feels more comfortable with animals than people as she has come to be distrustful of them

Bio: Born from the rot of a fallen tree, Sebastian was a bit of an outcast among the other nymphs. Rather than chase some satyr or tend to the forest, she found her solace in the animals. Other wood nymphs were more concerned with the the flowers and trees like those they'd come from. But Sebastian's tree was rotten and so that is what her fellow nymphs had nick-named her and so that is how she viewed everything. Everything but the animals. Sebastian's parents decided it may be better if she got away for a bit and that maybe school would give her a brighter disposition.

Dorm Mate: n/a

Best Friend: a leopard named Lilith

Martial Status: single

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/IMG_20150252_094712.jpg.4910f81171752757f25589ddaa8674b2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88309" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/IMG_20150252_094712.jpg.4910f81171752757f25589ddaa8674b2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/IMG_20150252_094712.jpg.4910f81171752757f25589ddaa8674b2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88309" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/IMG_20150252_094712.jpg.4910f81171752757f25589ddaa8674b2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[QUOTE="Captain Azulium]

Name • Allen (just call me Atlas) Dike

Age • 17

Gender • Male

Species • Elemental

Powers • Cryokinesis/ Hydrokinesis

Personality • Atlas will stay quiet unless asked to speak and the few times he does talk, he does it in a kind and polite manner.

Bio • Atlas grew up in a small town living a simple life with his sister and his mother until he was informed by his mother that he had powers. He was then given a book written by his father explaining how to use his powers. He was then reenrolled at [insert name of school here].

Dorm Mate • Unknown

Best Friend •


Martial Status • Single (8))

(Hahahah you could go to 5 or 6 stores...or....just 1! I had to xD )
Name: Akemi

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species: God


- Can control fire in many ways. (Revealed in RP)

- Sword of the Heavenly Flame



- Very Fiesty

- Short - tempered

- Slightly Rude

- Is also sensitive

- Is very caring (if you are friends)

- Overprotective (If you are friends)

- Stubborn

(More revealed in RP)

Bio: Akemi has always had to fend for herself. She is an orphan and was never adopted. She spent most of her life in an orphanage but because of her feisty personality no-one seemed to think they could handle her as their child. This really upset Akemi as a young child and her personality got worse as she got more rebellious. She has a hard time trusting people because of this but is also scared that people will not accept her as she is. If she upset she will most likely resort to trying to fight someone or simply getting very angry. She has had her sword since it appeared in front of her when she was 12 and she takes it everywhere, her personality changing completely and becoming vulnerable if she doesn't have it with her. She is constantly looking for someone who will accept her.

Dorm Mate: (you can choose)

Best Friend: N/A

Martial Status: Single

PetalsFalling said:
Name: Sebastian
Age: 17

Gender: female

Species: wood nymph

Powers: speaks to animals and will occasionally take on their mannerisms

Personality: keeps to her self as she feels more comfortable with animals than people as she has come to be distrustful of them

Bio: Born from the rot of a fallen tree, Sebastian was a bit of an outcast among the other nymphs. Rather than chase some satyr or tend to the forest, she found her solace in the animals. Other wood nymphs were more concerned with the the flowers and trees like those they'd come from. But Sebastian's tree was rotten and so that is what her fellow nymphs had nick-named her and so that is how she viewed everything. Everything but the animals. Sebastian's parents decided it may be better if she got away for a bit and that maybe school would give her a brighter disposition.

Dorm Mate: n/a

Best Friend: a leopard named Lilith

Martial Status: single

Appearance: View attachment 197896View attachment 197896
Domxx said:
Name: Akemi
Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species: God


- Can control fire in many ways. (Revealed in RP)

- Sword of the Heavenly Flame



- Very Fiesty

- Short - tempered

- Slightly Rude

- Is also sensitive

- Is very caring (if you are friends)

- Overprotective (If you are friends)

- Stubborn

(More revealed in RP)

Bio: Akemi has always had to fend for herself. She is an orphan and was never adopted. She spent most of her life in an orphanage but because of her feisty personality no-one seemed to think they could handle her as their child. This really upset Akemi as a young child and her personality got worse as she got more rebellious. She has a hard time trusting people because of this but is also scared that people will not accept her as she is. If she upset she will most likely resort to trying to fight someone or simply getting very angry. She has had her sword since it appeared in front of her when she was 12 and she takes it everywhere, her personality changing completely and becoming vulnerable if she doesn't have it with her. She is constantly looking for someone who will accept her.

Dorm Mate: (you can choose)

Best Friend: N/A

Martial Status: Single

Both Accepted!


Connor Delia








Telekinesis, Healing, and Illusions.


Connor is a music lover with a contagious smile.

Likes to run around in circles. Also, he's addicted to Caffeine.


Connor's the son of Apollo, the god of music and medicine. He's also Dana's best friend. And his only friend. Anyway, Connor chose to come to the school to keep Dana company, knowing he'd never survive in a school alone.

Dorm Mate


(To Be Announced)

Best Friend

Dana (^.^)

Martial Status



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I have no wish to change the world. But nor can I stand by while men
suffer and die on the whim of some select few. Do you truly believe you can

change the world? Not even I am so naive as that.
Name: Ramza Aldeatt

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Gifted human (holy knight)

Powers: Ramza is able to channel holy magic into a assortment of different spells, though he has trouble doing this without a catalyst. He has also mastered swordplay.

one of the abilities that he can use. Condenses holy energy into crystals that rain on his enemies. Can only be used with a catalyst, and it weakens him physically.
holy sword Ignis, most commonly used by Holy knights. Ramza is severely weaker without this.

Personality: Initially Ramza's motivation to fight and protect others is mainly to uphold his family name. "he turned out worst of the four siblings and is aware of it", and wishes to prove himself worthy of the house name.

Ever since Ramza was a kid he always wanted to be a hero, but he still struggles about the actions a hero takes. He usually tries to talk his way out of situations, but if provoked he will fight. He usually acts well mannered and calm, but one thing that really posses him off is using someone else for your own personal gain.

Bio: Ramza is the youngest son in the Aldeatt family. The Aldeatt family I'd a well known noble family that have produced great military and magical leaders. Ramza's father and two older brothers have already attended this school, and they have passed with flying colors. For most of his early life Ramza spent most of it at a church learning to hone his Holy powers. During his teenage years he was promoted to a "Holy knight", he was the youngest person ever to reach that status. His parents decided that he wasn't powerful enought, so they sent him to the same school that they went to.

Dorm Mate: (I'll let you choose)

Best Friend: none at the moment

Martial Status: single and sorta ready to mingle.


Ramza has long blond hair tied in a low ponytail and brown eyes. He has an olive Complexion, and he stands at around 5,9.
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Eagershadow3 said:
Name: Ramza Aldeatt
Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Gifted human (holy knight)

Powers: Ramza is able to channel holy magic into a assortment of different spells, though he has trouble doing this without a catalyst. He has also mastered swordplay.

one of the abilities that he can use. Condenses holy energy into crystals that rain on his enemies. Can only be used with a catalyst, and it weakens him physically.
holy sword Ignis, most commonly used by Holy knights. Ramza is severely weaker without this.

Personality: Initially Ramza's motivation to fight and protect others is mainly to uphold his family name. "he turned out worst of the four siblings and is aware of it", and wishes to prove himself worthy of the house name.

Ever since Ramza was a kid he always wanted to be a hero, but he still struggles about the actions a hero takes. He usually tries to talk his way out of situations, but if provoked he will fight. He usually acts well mannered and calm, but one thing that really posses him off is using someone else for your own personal gain.

Bio: Ramza is the youngest son in the Aldeatt family. The Aldeatt family I'd a well known noble family that have produced great military and magical leaders. Ramza's father and two older brothers have already attended this school, and they have passed with flying colors. For most of his early life Ramza spent most of it at a church learning to hone his Holy powers. During his teenage years he was promoted to a "Holy knight", he was the youngest person ever to reach that status. His parents decided that he wasn't powerful enought, so they sent him to the same school that they went to.

Dorm Mate: (I'll let you choose)

Best Friend: none at the moment

Martial Status: single and sorta ready to mingle.


Ramza has long blond hair tied in a low ponytail and brown eyes. He has an olive Complexion, and he stands at around 5,9.

You guys had better accept this

I neeeeeed Ramza


Alico Monaveu








Ferrokinesis and Shadow manipulation. She does not know that she has shadow manipulation yet and can hardly control the first power. She is, however, able to fly but tires quickly.


She is cold at first, preferring to analyse a person before she accepts them as an acquaintance. Because of this she does not have very many friends. She tends to keep to herself and rather likes it when people do not realise who she is


Her parents are great warriors for Lucifer himself and expect nothing but the best from her and her many siblings. She has been trained in combat by her father - Lucifer's right hand man - and is a middle child of 16 children.

Dorm Mate:


Best Friend:

No one yet.

Martial Status:






Charlotte A. "Charlie" Richards






Black Jaguar Shifter


Enhanced Senses

Enhance Strength & Speed

Night Vision


Charlotte is rather sweet, though she can come off a bit mischievous (which she is). She can take a small while to warm up to most people and often prefers her own company. She has a sarcastic, witty mouth, but she never intends to hurt anybody's feelings. With a bit of effort, Charlotte will open up and become one of the best friends you will ever have. B


Charlotte was born to two Jaguar shifters who had been captured and forced to be in a circus. The ring master was some sort of supernatural being that kept them from attacking or leaving. That or the pair had lost some sort of bet or magical contract. Charlie was young, so the details aren't clear, but she does remember one thing. When she was just a cub, not too long after her birth, her parents snuck her between the bars of their cage and told her to run. The tiny cub did as she was told, eventually being adopted as an exotic pet by a man who found her walking in the middle of the road. After about a year or two of neglect the jaguar cub began to shift, as most do at that age. The man freaked, as humans do, and tried to kill her. You Charlotte ran for her life, being hunted by the man and his friends. Luckily, there was a mountain lion pride hunting nearby. A female with a cub not too much older than Charlotte took her in as her own. The rest is history.

Dorm Mate:


Best Friend:

None just yet.

Martial Status:




Name: Zen Niigata



Species:spirit mage

Powers:can summon spirits that will fight for him or help him. he can hear them talk in his mind. can see people's auras

Personality:timid, kind, trustworthy, smart

Bio:his mom was a spirit mage also, so he inherited her powers. unfortuanetly, his mom got very sick. she died when Zen was 13. before she died, his mom gave him her most wise spirit. his father left not long after that. since then, Zen has gained many more spirits

Dorm Mate:you can choose

Best Friend:Kiman (one of his spirits)

Martial Status:single


Spirits he has:


Name: Moreyl'o

Gender: Female

Bio: this was Zen's mom's wisest spirit, given to him when she died.

Powers: can create illusions, is very smart and good in battle. can sense what supernatural species others are.


Name: Xinan

Gender: male

Bio: warrior spirit. he died long ago, but now fights for Zen.

Powers: enchanted sword


Name: Iamos

Gender: Female

Bio: Was created at a shrine, chose Zen as her master

Powers: can fly, can project blasts of elemental force in their lungs in a way that allows them to shape it into bursts, streams, spheres or mist of elemental force from the mouth.


Name: Kiman

Gender: Male

Bio: was first spirit that Zen was able to summon. they are best friends, and Kiman is usually seen on Zen's shoulder or beside him

Power: healing

@Daggora Keket
Name: Soul


Gender: male


Powers: enhanced speed and strength, Erebokinesis, and can shapeshift his limbs into weapons.

Personality:chill and relaxed, doesn't lose anger easily , doesn't fight unless has to , can be very lazy at times

Bio:n/a "I don't really have anything to share really.."

Dorm Mate:n/a

Best Friend:n/a

Martial Status: single

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