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Realistic or Modern School for the Gifted and Talented *Anime*

Haru stopped playing and looked away trying not to laugh as he heard her stomach growl. "S-sounds like you're hungry Mayuna." he stood up and began to pack up his guitar. "Come on I'll buy you some food if you are hungry."
"E-eh..." Mayu stared at the floor, a bit embarrassed that her stomach had made such a noise. "I'm not hungry," Mayu lied, looking at the floor. She really wanted to hear him sing. "And 'Mayu' is just fine. 'Mayuna' is too long, in my opinion." She looked at Haru, trying to think of a way to get the boy to sing for her.

"Are you ticklish?" she asked.

Haru raised an eyebrow and thought to himself. "Ticklish? I am not sure…" he said pondering on the topic. He was always the one to tickle Akane so he had no idea if he was ticklish or not.
Experimentally, she reached out to poke Haru's neck. Mayu had a friend back in elementary school who had giggled and raced away as soon as something touched her neck. She was the most ticklish person she had met, too, but the girl had long gone, and moved away.

"Does this tickle?" She devised a layout of the possible ticklish spots she could remember. She suddenly felt curious about his laugh. That thought gave her a new goal in trying to find Haru's ticklish spot.

* Megumi *

"Megumi-kun, you forgot to change!" A voice called out to her as she left the gym, causing Umi to pause and look down at the plainly colored leotard. She sighed, not really caring if she went out in such clothing but assumed that the senseis would be angry at her. So she spun around to grab her sweatpants and gymnastics jacket, pulling them on as she headed out again.

"W-wait! Megumi-kun! You can't go to morning assembly like that!" She ignored her senpai's calling, casually turning the corner into one of the various halls.
macaron said:
Experimentally, she reached out to poke Haru's neck. Mayu had a friend back in elementary school who had giggled and raced away as soon as something touched her neck. She was the most ticklish person she had met, too, but the girl had long gone, and moved away.
"Does this tickle?" She devised a layout of the possible ticklish spots she could remember. She suddenly felt curious about his laugh. That thought gave her a new goal in trying to find Haru's ticklish spot.

Haru just chuckled at Mayu's actions and his phone vibrated in his pocket. He pulled out his black phone and answered the call. "Huh? What do you mean? How is she not allowed in?!" he asked and grabbed Mayu's hand once more and began walking out of the room with his guitar back in its case and slung over his shoulder.
~@macaron, sure.~

Aki was so busy scrolling through her pictures that she didn't see the boy in front of her until she had slammed nose-first into his back. She stumbled back, landing ungracefully on her butt. "Ouch."
Mayu inwardly smiled at Haru's chuckle, though she was more determined to get a full laugh out of him. Just as she was about to aim for another spot, Haru pulled out his vibrating phone and answered it. She pulled her hand back, watching in curiosity as the male replied to the caller.

Before Mayu could process anything, she was being pulled along my the teal-haired male. "Miura, what happened?" she asked, wondering what had gotten him into a rush.



Lukas felt something bump into his back, and he turned around to see a young blonde girl on the floor. "Oh, I'm sorry," he apologized, holding out a hand to the girl. "I was in your way, wasn't I?" He smiled, as to not intimidate her.

Aki stared up at him awkwardly before realizing she had dropped her camera. "Oh god. Oh my god," she scrambled up. "Where's my camera?"
Lukas watched the girl scrambled up. "Camera?" he echoed, and looked around, aiming to help the girl. It seemed like the camera was a very important possession to her. Since she had probably dropped it when she bumped into him, he guessed that it would still be around the area they were standing at.

Spotting the item a small distance away, he walked towards it, picked it up before another flood of students could make contact with it, and headed back towards the frantic girl.

He held it gingerly, as if it was a fragile artifact, and held it out. "Here," he said. "I believe this is the camera you're looking for?" He could literally feel the quality of the camera. "Did you apply to this school for photography?" he asked.

Aki looked at the guy like he was a god or something when he handed her the camera. After realizing he asked her a question, she nodded. "Yup. Photography is my thing. And you joined for modeling, I'm assuming," she said with a smile.
Lukas chuckled at the girl's gaze. Finding her quite fun to be with, he shook his head. "I'm here for voicing," he corrected. "I don't have what it takes to become a model." From what he's seen, though, it seemed like this girl was fit to be a model. She was certainly fair enough, and bright as well.

"Oh my friend. They aren't letting her into this school." Haru huffed as he pulled Mayu along. He jogged down the stairs to try and avoid the teachers patrolling the area. He had to let them let her in or it might end up badly. He remembered the last time they kept her waiting and he didn't feel like reliving that again. (@macaron )
"Well, that's too bad," she said and took a quick picture of him. "Because I declare you my personal model." She smiled brightly and took another picture.

Miou ducked her head as she sat in the assembly hall, focusing on a drawing in her sketchbook which is open on her lap, her hair fell in her face as she focused on her drawing.

Yurara made her way from the sewing room towards the assembly hall, keeping her head held high as she strode with confidence and grace.
Mayu wondered why they wouldn't let his friend into the school...Assuming she wasn't a criminal, and it's not likely that a criminal would try and get into a school.

But deciding not to say anything more about the topic, she chose to wait and see what would happen.

@kawiibunnygirl (Sorry, I had a problem that I had do be AFK.)


Lukas blinked at the sound of the camera shutter. After the second picture, he started to laugh. "I never knew you were so bold," he teased through his laughter.

@Cyline - (Had to be AFK for a bit--sorry.)
"Huh? How is this not allowed?" the pink haired girl snapped as she had been standing outside for an hour while others students just walked in. She wasn't quiet and shy anymore. She was super mad that she couldn't wear her own clothes, bring her pet to school, and eat. She was wearing a short off the shoulders black dress with black thigh highs that had suspenders holding them up. Apparently that wasn't school appropriate which irritated her.


Haru reached the front gates and peeked between the gaps. "Uh oh..." he murmured looking a the short pink haired girl with her pinkish red eyes bright with furry. Her pale hands were on her hips as she stared angrily at the guards. (@macaron )
Mayu spotted a pink-haired girl who looked pretty infuriated, and was throwing a glare at the guards, more or less. "Is she your friend?" she asked Haru, glancing from him to the girl outside. Whether the pink girl was Haru's friend or not, she was sure of one thing--she would not want to cross paths with the girl in a dark alleyway.

But the girl's feelings were understandable--it would be pretty annoying if one wasn't allowed into the school. But Mayu had yet to learn the reason for the deny of the girl's entry--Mayu hadn't caught the conversation between the new girl and the guards.

"Um yeah. Want me to introduce you to her?" Haru said chuckling nervously. He never was one for being on Erika's bad side. Erika had walked closer to the guards who stood there nervously as she pulled out her phone and called the headmaster of the school as she couldn't physically do anything.

macaron said:
Mayu spotted a pink-haired girl who looked pretty infuriated, and was throwing a glare at the guards, more or less. "Is she your friend?" she asked Haru, glancing from him to the girl outside. Whether the pink girl was Haru's friend or not, she was sure of one thing--she would not want to cross paths with the girl in a dark alleyway.
But the girl's feelings were understandable--it would be pretty annoying if one wasn't allowed into the school. But Mayu had yet to learn the reason for the deny of the girl's entry--Mayu hadn't caught the conversation between the new girl and the guards.


Mayu nodded, though she was a bit nervous to meet the girl. She'd rather have a 'happy' meeting when the girl wasn't irritated.

"Sure," Mayu said, though she silently moved closer to Haru. She wasn't completely terrified, but it was possible Mayu could get on the girl's bad side easily if she was already in a foul mood.

"Oh? Haruo?" Erika asked as she noticed the tall teal haired boy walk past the guards with a nervous expression. "Hmph. This is what I get when I call the headmaster? Fine. You'll have to do." She replied as she stepped up to Haru and in one quick movement removed his shirt from his body. She then put on his shirt like a dress and glared at the guards. "I'm in dress code no?" she asked with a devilish smirk on her face and Haru's face was drained then a light pink returned to his cheeks. Now he was bare chested in front of two girls his age...and he look pretty attractive too... (@macaron )

Mayu turned her face away from Haru's body, intent on looking at anything else but him. Minding someone's privacy was the goal. She just hoped she wasn't convincing herself.

Mayu wished she had her bag with her, but she had left it back in the music room when she had been listening to Haru play his guitar...wait...guitar...

"Y-You have your guitar with you, right, Miura?" Mayu asked, a light heat rushing to her face. She couldn't risk looking at him, or the heat to her face might increase, or she hypothesized. But either way, she was not in a rush to experiment.


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