Scholar's Seas - Quaven Rent's Sea journal [Halcyon 2nd Ed]

Oh, Nice!

I checked my notes (so nice to have them on the flash drive).  Yes, I was on duty when you sent the notes and the flagons.  I forgot that part.  So, strike that, if you will.  I am not sure if you mentioned that you had acquired other tickets  (I think you went through a note), but I shall assume that you were forthcoming on details for inquisitive souls (*waves*).

And as for this:

As for mentioning their appearance, do you mention a daisy's appearance to a golden rose?  No . . . I didn't think it needed mentioning because you had nothing to worry about their appearance
Nice.  Consider me very mollified.  

So I won't kill that poacher Jasnia.  But can I at least wound her?
Yngwie said:
Nice.  Consider me very mullified.  

So I won't kill that poacher Jasnia.  But can I at least wound her?
Most welcome  (and please don't ask where it came from cuz I have no bloody idea other than, oh dear god DIVE DIVE, bail bail bail)

And by all means wound her in the worst place possible, though I cannot for the life of me think whether that would be her reputation, her pocketbook or her ego/vanity.  I think the best path is to let you have any or all that you wish to wound. . .
Oh - look.

A Domestic Dispute.

*very quitetly steps off to one side, doing his best not to be noticed*
Sevatuan said:
Oh - look.

A Domestic Dispute.

*very quitetly steps off to one side, doing his best not to be noticed*
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, you throw a grenade like that and think you're gonna get away with it that easily . . . think again soldier boy . . . and you wish to tell me you and Balota haven't had discussions on maiming or more one Mr. Frei?

And if you haven't

A very scary thought

and you wish to tell me  
And if you haven't (you and Balota having discussions on maiming or more one Mr. Frei?)

A Balota, in the same room as the Walking Meal, without specific instructions.  

Sure, I might have caused some disturbance prying loose that snake from Quaven, but I don't plan to kill her.



Scratch that last part.

Let's say that I don't plan to eat her instead.  Too messy, too salty, and probably has too much plastic filling.

By the way--Who has the quote lists for the last game?  It's been a while
Yngwie said:
Let's say that I don't plan to eat her instead.  Too messy, too salty, and probably has too much plastic filling.
It's funny I was thinking about what would be the local equivalent to botox and silicon, lol, and yes, that is a very definite distinction . . . You definitely don't want to eat this one - gristle, hot air and whatevfer that silicon equivalent turns out to be
oh I'd noticed that too . . . not sure how much penance that really is but it was/is great to see.
Drinking and Running

And so the room spun.  I of course in the middle as always with two beautiful leopards in human finery plotting on how to best remove the throat of the other whilst leaving the jewelry clean and claimable.  Yngwie thankfully allowed herself to be distracted by Mosito’s antics and I was left with only one predatory huntress, Jasnia

For a moment. . . .

Leetha coalesced next to me already attached to my arm and purring at how wonderful it was to see that I was able to attend.  (And sending unmistakable glares of death towards the woman on my other arm).  I made the requisite comments on how stunning her appearance was (and it was though I would have recommended a less haughty shade of crimson against her pale skin and tresses).  I guess I should have recognized this as a harbinger being sent from the Unconquered Sun as soon red would dominate the evening.  

Yngwie and Sévatuan had made their way over to a solitary man with passé raiment who I finally recognized as the first mate of the Icy Jade.  They attempted some small talk but were curtly dismissed as another of his servants stopped by and whispered to him.  As I thought on it and watched he had a cycle of runners going   However, I was given no opportunity to investigate them.  

Sévatuan called me over; telling me there was an issue we had to get to.  I disentwined myself from the clutches of my overbearing harem and left them with my regrets and unwanted promises to follow up with them individually.

As we cleared them, a note was thrust into my hand.  Something intelligible that seemed to say the Captain was under attack at the ship.  Once outside of the palace and its gates, I almost ran into Balota how was looking for the crew to Yngwie’s sedan.  They were soon drug around the corner by Flynn along with the commander’s men and we were storming towards the Emerald Square.  As we got to the western edge of the square a fresh dawn struck our eyes.  Animas flared and illuminated that a battle had been raging for far too long and showed little sign of reaching a conclusion.  We broke into a full run.  Well, Balota ran to the side and came out in a half-wolverine form making a straight path for the Halcyon.  

However that was made insignificant as blinding beam of light shot straight from the Icy Jade’s crows nest and deep into the heart of Captain Seaborne.  The giant of a man slumped to the deck; lifeless.  The crew around all stopped; stunned; disheartened; panicked.

The commander was the first to act.  He bellowed for Yngwie and I to take out the cannons.  He quickly drew out the weak spots with a practiced hand and without further word dismissed us.  Somewhere in the words two of his men Swallow and Dan were on the way with us.  As we left, Sévatuan had turned his orders to Balota and some wisp of a man that must have gotten mixed in our flight.  I knew not his name or his situation but it couldn’t have gotten any worse since he was sent with Balota.

The soldiers took the south ridge; the investigatory and I the north.  Somewhere about half way up the encampment she asked, “at the temple, are you really that good, or were you simply lucky?â€
Once again...

Briliant.  Simply brilliant.  But who is Niklo? It's odd--your account mirrors mine, although I did have you against tougher somewhat tougher opponents.  My body count for you:  27.  (14 in jade armor, 1 DB)
Thanks - I had to rearrange things and wasn't sure I had the order right

Niklo is random Halcyon crew member 73, just felt funny saying he sent someone when we would have known all of their names . . .

And if you want an accurate count (and yes I know, we both do) you're probably closer to the true count but I didn't want to brag further than I already had
my notes weren't the greatest from this last time but that's what I had . . . I will admit I glossed over Balota's search of the cabin but the rest should be pretty close
My notes on the choosing of the Captain are less diplomatic than yours.

But that's likely because Sevatuan is a less diplomatic character than Quaven ;-)
oh that - yeah, I can imagine Quaven's would come across as much more diplomatic . . . it was kind of a railroad job, huh

And see, he posted!

Now he's caught up to date.  It was like Big Ben being five minutes off.  Look later today for my stuff.
Landing on Skullstone Island

Having a decision didn’t make things easier for some of us.  Yngwie was beside herself trying to understand why we were willingly going into a Shadowland island.  She made her protests well known, but our new Captain stuck to his guns and kept us on that northern tack.   I kept trying to explain that we were only touching the outskirts of the area, and that they would have lucrative wares that can get us back into the merchant business this ship belongs in.

“But there are DEAD things wondering about there.  That isn’t right.â€

The world as we know it, is complete.  We are caught up.

I will say, though--that I thought that Leviatans were the only ships that could actually give "Birth".  

Would Halcyon's love child with the Icy Jade be a gunship?  Enquiring minds want to know.

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