Scholar's Seas - Quaven Rent's Sea journal [Halcyon 2nd Ed]


Junior Member
Island Farewell

Finally she emerged from the Zenith stronghold . . .

“I have got to tell you what I found,â€
Halcyon Days Begin

After being shown to my bunk, and meeting my bunkmate – who is a completely separate story – I began melding in with the crew.  Captain Seaborn asked me to assist his Purser, Rhydon as he was having issues.  Rhydon and I were soon fast at work cataloguing the different crates making sure that the crew’s wages were properly calculated and the like.  I came to find that he was empowered with Earth powers though had little call to use them on the Halcyon.  He also explained that through some genetic attachment his family could track him whenever he stepped foot on land, thus he was deathly afraid of landfall which severely hampered his work.  Not having that issue I would be able to help in that arena, which pleased him (and the Captain) greatly.  I did notice a stray red ledger that seemed to appear and disappear separately from the remainder of the books in his use.  I haven’t questioned Rhydon about this yet, so I can’t say he’s lied to me about it, but something feels wrong or incomplete.  It maybe that the red ledger has to do with the extra crates currently residing in the lower holds; we were able to account for all of the food stores, glass, Chiaroscuro, spices, fabrics, and other items we would be reselling in the Wavecrest Archipelago.  I never was able to get a straight answer on the extra boxes but he never was surprised when we came across a mis-marked item.  He was also reminisced about some of their old travels but was never able to remember the shipping having four Solars on board at the same time but one or two wouldn’t be unusual.

Outside of my shifts things started falling into place for the remainder of our team.  Stone Soul became an assistant to the pilot – who had a strange habit of talking with those that weren’t present, though I have a strong suspicion he had a method that allowed him to converse with the spirit of the ship and other spirits onboard.  Even with that explanation, I still think he was a little bonkers.  Yngwie kept her watch, usually on the last shift.  She seemed to have gained her sea legs and was excellent in her assigned duties.  It was not unusual to walk out in the dark and find her eyes staring brilliantly on deck and off.  She still would be seen in the mornings practicing her craft with Thorne – who as I first thought was a fluid and remarkable marksman.  They would take turns splitting arrows on the far mast.  This of course caused some mutterings from Patches about the hurt they were causing the wood but as he touched the wood, it acted as if it found a salve and quickly healed itself.  Yngwie also seemed to have made good friends with the Dragon Queen who was on crew.  She was another beautiful example of the race, with her wings folding around her to appear as if she wore a cape, a look not often seen outside of the far south east, but Taree wore it well.

Balota on the other hand had issues adapting to sea life.  His first few days were spent either bowing over the railing, clawing the decks trying to keep his balance or running from Patches as he dashed to the injured spot and soothed the wood until it turned malleable in his hands and covered the gouges the moon silver had left.  The Captain helped him throw his nausea by throwing him over the side to “assistâ€
The Journey Continued

The next day and a half after the meeting went by quietly.  Even my shift with Rhydon went quietly - though after nearly three weeks, I'd learned the books and until something left the ship or something else was brought on, there isn't much to do with book keeping, even with two sets of books and unwritten rules.  We talked some about previous journeys the Halcyon had been through, and how the Captain and crew had reacted.  Unfortunately, it was a very small sample of data as the small man preferred to be below with his ink and ledgers, but at least it helped pass the time and kept the door open if I needed to investigate further.  And so the bells passed, basically uneventfully (just like the quartermaster liked)

As I exited and closed the door to his cabin, I was met with fury incarnate.

“Listen, you silver tongued lummox,â€
Arriving in Jade City

Imposing cliffs harkened our arrival to Jade City.  The gap between the monstrous formations was barely two ships wide.  The opening was protected by what the Pilot called the Coral Talons which separated the open ocean from the docks.  Keeping watch were four huge fire cannons aimed at the opening.  I’d hate to be an opposing captain trying to invading this island.  But Seaborn evidently wasn’t worried as he and Finn retired to the Captain’s quarters when we were a bell outside of the entryway.  The other interesting thing was all of the not-completely human looking crew members went below deck.  The rest of us made sure Halcyon made it through the maze.

As we finally were tied to the dock, I had to give Rhydon a hand up to the gang plank as he clutched the blue ledger (the ONLY book) of records we kept.  The harbormaster met him at the end of the dock.  Rather the harbor mistress was waiting for him with her two brutes, errrr body guards.  She carefully went over the blue book, calculated the percentages and added in the docking fees, and coldly set the price.  Rhydon reluctantly handed over the appropriated coinage, and held the book steady whilst she put the appropriate mark in the ledger, then turned and walked landward.  Rhydon watched her for a moment then staggered back onto the Halcyon.  He passed word that all was in the ready and we could disembark as needed.  After watching the fees be carried past the two huge guards at the end of the pier, I followed him back to his storage area, and went over the adjustments just so we knew what the standing was.

While we were below deck several members of the crew started taking liberties or began leaving to see to their duties onshore, including the Pilot leading Stone Soul to the ‘good joo joo’.  Thankfully moving the figures to the red book was a quick process so I could return topside.  As I did I saw that Sévatuan and Balota were in the middle of a fairly heated discussion.  The commander was attempting to convince the wolverine to leave the daiklaive recovered from Dawn-that-was as it was a calling card for trouble.  However Balota was overly reluctant to depart with out his newfound weapon.  Finally one of the soldiers in Sévatuan’s group, Arringdale, stepped forward to bargain (and did an apt job of it) convincing the reluctant one to hand over the giant sword, and he would purchase something more appropriate for public.  So, like a child being forced to hand over a favored toy, Balota pulled the sheathed weapon from his shoulder and passed it over to the closest deck hand (Tylan).  Who promptly dropped the monstrosity to the deck.  Balota looked at him; looked at his sword then looked back at the embarrassed helper.  A slight chuckle growled from his throat.  Tylan called for four others to assist in carrying the weapon below.  Balota watched his pride and joy carried away, and then promptly turned to Arringdale, and they departed.  

Sévatuan watched them go then head up to talk to Throne, who as always was on a spar watching the surrounding area.  Yngwie was on the other end of the beam so I decided it was crowded enough and stayed on the deck.  The two men had a discussion about delivering the item.  It was decided we would go after dark so we be less noticeable.  Sévatuan mentioned that he too had an errand he’d like to run but he’d have to go seemingly unarmed.  I knew with my ability to pull Enchiridion to me that my weapon wouldn’t be seen, so I volunteered to assist.  He nodded his assent and went below deck to find a sack to carry his sword.  When he came back a few minutes later, he was awkwardly carrying a wooden box.  I helped him with it and couldn’t help but notice the embellished corners that were a standard sigil of our beloved cooper.  Sévatuan had some impromptu help.  And very nicely worked help to boot.

We wound our way through Jade City’s reef district.  Tightly packed buildings and crooked streets seemed to be the norm.  We trudged up Arbiter’s Way to the Emerald Square.  As we turned up Accordant we ran into Balota and Arringdale.  Balota was holding a gaudy long sword in his hand.  The bejeweled hilt glistened in the sun.   It was hideous and worlds away from what those who knew Balota would expect him to carry.  Sévatuan openly quipped at the quality of the weapon; however Arringdale replied, “Of course it’s a nice sword.  I picked it out.â€
Very Nice!

So when we go into this velvet lined mousetrap that passes itself off as a "reception", strange people are going to greet you as old friends.  Ah, yes.  You are silver toungued indeed.  

I wonder if I need to go shopping? Somehow, my fine fur doesn't sem to be fitting attire.

And what impressed me most (although it shouldn't have, coming from you)?  The correct placement of braggadocio.  

Well I figured if a certain M'uad'Quinn has his heart (he still has one right?) set on 'luring' us into this reception (assuming we can get Sévatuan in handy carrying-sized pieces) who am I to get in the way???

But yes, I should have several interested in my being there (and yes I've been rehearsing, "why yes dear I did use your ticket and it's greatly appreciated" hehehe)

And yes, I'll be sure to pass on the tailor's information I have, and I'm sure several us will be going.  I mean, really, do you think Balota has anything 'appropriate' to wear?  (Fur coat doesn't count, in his case)

And thanks for the compliment, I try to slip something like that in when I can.
On thing I was wondering about the first bet Quaven made was for 2 obols, is this appropriate for a fairly good sized bet in this venue?
The Final Battle (today)

As the formalities wound down, the furor in the crowd grew.  Betting action was outrageous but I stayed out of it this time.  Sévatuan was sitting quietly but I could see his eyes – his mind was racing and his body was grabbing for every bit of energy it could muster.  I wanted to do something but could see no opening.  

Over to my left, a fellow in similar raiment to Sévatuan’s opponent, save his long black hair was pulled back into a simple braid, was placing a nicely sized bet on his comrade.  Now I had someone to watch and be wary of – not that any of the barracudas beside me could fully be trusted. I wanted to move a little closer but Reela was again in my ear (and any other place she could get her hands) asking who she should wager on.  I told her that if both were at their first fight, I’d lay heavy monies on Sévatuan but that first match was against the Smiling Imp, as Balota had been dubbed during his third match, and had to have depleted his physical stores.  She tried again to get me to wager, which again I declined, and mentioned that if I wasn’t sure then it would most likely be more money I could spend on my date.  She smiled and dropped the subject flat.

The ring master called for attention and introduced the combatants, well he pointed to the two men.  As he pointed to the left, he reminded the newcomer that house rules stated bare-chested and bare-footed fighting would be observed.  So the behemoth removed his sandals and his red shirt to reveal, if anything a more deeply, red hue covering his body.  [Now it clicked, a Dragon Blooded – this was mischief and in the worst way]  I turned to Stone Soul and told him to INTERNALLY compose himself and be ready for any necessary action.  He nodded, but it could have been the latest saltwater steering his head as far as I knew.

Now with both men properly attired the ring man called for the gong to start the match.  Sévatuan immediately broke into a kata.  His opponent almost scoffed and took three full strides and met him in the center of the ring.  Sévatuan made the first move with a slight feign that didn’t seem to fool his opponent, but didn’t stop my friend from connecting a glancing blow with a leg sweep.  The Dragon Blood punched towards Sévatuan’s head but missed.

Then both men regrouped and went through katas.  And strangely they were nearly the same.  Well, that would be misleading.  Both went through different forms and movements, though several of each was similar, the order was different but the school they were learned from was the same serpentine path as obvious as the dragon form could be.  The crowd hushed at this unusual event.  One of the few comments I picked up was the recognition of some that they were both using the same style.  But they also commented that the mere mortal had no chance against one of the Dragon Blooded.  

At this point another commotion drew my attention momentarily to the ring itself.  It was shaking as if an earthquake was battering its foundations.  But a scan around its circumference showed that it was Balota, still recovering from his fights, but feverishly wanting to return to the ring.  He was raging against the steel bars keeping him out of the arena.

My attention was drawn back to the combat but laughter.  The hulk was laughing – I think at Sévatuan’s forms – which would normally be an idiotic move.  He then made it worse but disdainfully walking to the far side of the ring; back to Sévatuan; a sneer oozing of his entire body.  (Some one in the crowd let loose with a “Pompous Assâ€

I am not (Holy f$cking Jhylis Sextes that Hurts) "Howling." (In the Name of the Empress, give me some Opium First, Man). I am an exemplar (Hey, watch where you put that needle!), model of Legionairre toughness! (Oooowwwww. My Ribs! The Pain! The Burning. Make it Stop!).


but we were there when the howling from below deck began' date=' as Doc began to stitch Sévatuan together again. [/quote']

The long string of expletives, and the frustrated response about letting proper medical advances told me that Sévatuan was under the 'caring' hand of Doc already.  I'm sure he'll be happy to find out most of the ship had already left so were missing the poke by poke 'discussion' he and Doc's needles were having trying to get him back into close to normal repair so we could get ready for our delivery mission

OOC: Better?
I kinda of guessed it was but it was too much fun switching it out . . .

Sevatuan said:
It was fine the way it was. I had to object on Principle :)
and hey at least he didn't send a note home to our parents or give us detention.
The Delivery to Donava

As the howling, errrrr, voluminous colorful language test subsided, I checked in on Sévatuan, who was still face down on Doc’s desk.  â€œYou’d be embarrassed if your sails were as shabbily stitched as what you’ve done on me,â€
I am not particularly looking forward to the conversation that's going to happen with Seaborne when we re-convene... :)
Barbs of death!

I really was just planning on giving him a love tap.  Can our defense be that they started it?
YA think???!!!!!  The ONLY saving grace is that we got the money BEFORE anyone said he was dead . . . this is going to be petunias
Shopping for more than normal

The night passed all too quickly, and morning found us mostly on deck.  Sévatuan doing his morning forms.  I was in my normal spot by the aft railing doing my meditations, Balota was staring at the Man at Arms – trying diligently not to toss things at him and Yngwie was on the upper most spar surveying the area.  (You’d almost think nothing unusual had happened yesterday . . . well except the Guard, and well, the broken ribs Sévatuan was sporting.)

(OH, and the bags of money, Balota, Sévatuan, and I had drug aboard with us)

Balota gave up on finding new ways to annoy our anchor and was fashioning Gatehouse pieces out of obols.  One of the crew, Marcol, I think, ran up to the boy berated him at destroying money and had given him some hard oak to use.  Hope he knows that won’t be good for his life expectancy – Balota does not like people running up on him, they end up kabobbed.  Luckily this time my companion just took the wood and began fashioning the pieces from the new materials.

Yngwie slid down to the deck and whispered to Balota she wanted to go shopping.  After a shrug from the young man, they came over to me.  I agreed that it would be good to get started but suggested we go to the local guild bank first.  I looked towards Sévatuan who looked up at a pause in his 42nd form.  I quickly mimed what was proposed, but a pair of glances told me that we should go, and leave him here to talk with the captain.  I left a quick note of our plans so that he could join us at the Jeweled Peacock.

And with our money we headed out to the Red Hills district.  There was no problem in the progress as most were busy with their normal business.  There were rumors flying about of course, with a new murder that either, happened in a room locked from the inside and was left in pristine order, or was decimated or was blown apart, depending on the source of ‘information’.  It also went on with a wide variety of counts on the number of murders in the last ten month.  The numbers ranged from seven to 20 from gruesome to uncomfortably puzzling.  Others mentioned his eccentric nature and how nothing was stolen.  The other thing we noticed was the sparse and disinterested police presence that soon after a ‘major’ tragedy.  I couldn’t tell though if they were disinterested because it had become a happenstance to them, something they knew they wouldn’t be able/allowed to solve or if they knew what had happened and nothing was going to be done about it.

When we got to the bank, the poor teller that helped Balota was beside herself.  His winnings from the arena all seemed to be in obols and smaller.  His manipulating (or mutilation) of one of the obols didn’t seem to help matters at all.  However, her anxiety did attract the attention of one the managers who gladly helped us.  Of course we had over seven talents of currency to deposit.  Balota kept three bars worth and I kept a couple as well, and headed off to find the Peacock.

It was not a difficult area to find.  We marched a little further up the hills towards the Palace Region.  The shops became even nicer and more ostentatious, and the Peacock fit right in.  What didn’t quite fit was our companion Sévatuan who was leaning on the corner of the building waiting for us.  (We must have taken longer than I thought at the bank or the discussion he planned to have the captain was shorter than expected.)  However, the proprietor was a nattily attired man who spoke as much with his arms as with his mouth.  His first glance showed an air of disparagement but when we explained what we needed (and he caught a glimpse of the bars) he was more that excited to help.  He started with Sévatuan who laid out what he wanted; full Realm regalia in merlot and dark purple with leather and metallic accents.  Singing Lotus was impressed and inquired on how long he had been on the island and what house he was associated with.  (It was decided that simply saying we were traveling on the Halcyon was enough.)  Next he moved to Balota; inquiring on his elemental tendencies and settling on the tides as a theme.  He brought forth two assistants to help with measurements.  He then turned to me, “You sir, are made for free flowing robes of a classic realm design.  I will hear of nothing else, and I have a spectacular fabric that would work magnificently for you, it is not the darkness of the forest you wear so well now but you will be magnificent.â€
Off to the Party

Returning from the Jeweled Peacock led us into the next phase of preparations for the Gala.  I was able to show Yngwie the proper steps for a few of the galliards, and pauvanes.  She is an apt student learning each step in rapid succession but none of the much needed nuances yet to appear in her movements.  But she’s more than passable and in the gown she has for the Gala will distract most of the men.  (Of course it will also incense most of the women.)

But after a few hours, I called a halt to the practices, as we were all getting tired and needed to rest before getting dressed and heading out.  As we were doing our cooling down, Yngwie presciently asked about our transportation as she “was not about to walk two miles in those shoes in that dress!â€
Good story!

But I just want to say that she started it.  

Yeah, that's it.  I'll just convince myself of that.  I'm just saying that if there were a firefight in the ballroom, there might be...accidental casualties.  

I'm just saying I wouldn't miss her.
Yngwie said:
I'm just saying I wouldn't miss her.
I completely believe you, 20, 30, 50, 100 shots however many it took, you wouldn't miss her  . . .

And for the record, I never claimed anyone started anything, you are of course as always innocent
A little Post, while thte copier begins

Open Letter to Quaven

Sir, are far too good at being a Diplomat.  Pas Xentuate, your mentor, taught you too well.  Do a girl--a Circlemate, and one from your past--a favor:  Be human every so often.  Fail, show some emotion during a stressful time.  Take lessons from the Wolverine.

Or, conversely, you could have warned us that people were going to be there.  Casually, such as: "By the way, while Balota was busy wetting the sands with blood, I was arranging tickets to the Gala.  Didn't need them, but ah, well...I smoothed our way into Society".  And a casual drop of "Some of them might be very attractive, and I might have promised a few things" would have gone over well.  

Communication, man!  Cause I solve problems, too.  And I have a brand new dagger.

Your Circlemate, and lover-in-a-shard-that-was, Yngwie

Edit:  Due to the flowery phrases from a silver tongue and unheralded notes, the letter is a non-issue.
I had thought I had mentioned that I was close to procuring a series of tickets from other audience-members that day.  And I was certain you were on watch when I sent the runner out with the appropriate notes of apology and sincere appreciation for the offer of the tickets but letting each of the would-be benefactors that I would be at the Gala through other, more military means.  And yes I did send the three ladies a rose with the letter, a dark-pink rose.  To the gentleman (who's delivery will make us a pretty purse) I sent a small flask of libation.

As for taking lessons from our surprising friend, I envy his ability to thrash through the interfering issues and charge straight to the best solution he sees.  I find that when I do that, I close opportunities and blind myself in ways I regret every time.  When have more time and fewer foes and mysteries staring at us from the shadows, I'll share some examples if you wish it. . .

As for mentioning their appearance, do you mention a daisy's appearance to a golden rose?  No . . . I didn't think it needed mentioning because you had nothing to worry about their appearance.  Now I will admit that Teera's appearance was much more taudry that I had expected, it had no baring on my opinions of her or her household.  And Jasnia is Jasnia, no amount of explanation would have prepared us for her harpiness.  For her I apologize and completely understand your protests.

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