~Scene One: Planning Day~


𝘢𝘬𝘢 𝙈𝙄𝙉𝘼 !

First Scene. This is where all your friends

start talking about the day. Start getting everything ready.

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Danielle and Winter Kingston

Winter and Danielle both were already ready for the trip. Both had everything packed. But now they just had to wait for everyone to get to there meeting point. "Should we text them?"Winter asked her stepsister. Danielle nodded and grabbed her phone. Typing it up, she sent it out to everyone and smiled. "There. Everyone should be getting here at this point......Man, I can't wait until we get to our cabins. Its gonna be lit!"she exclaimed. Winter rolled her eyes and chuckled. "Why does everyone say that? Can't you just say 'Its gonna be amazing' or 'its gonna be awesome'?"she asked. Winter never understood why people said that. Danielle rolled her eyes playfully. "Well yeah you could say that." she said and chuckled. 


Park So Woo


Woo walked to the meeting place, humming along to the music she was listening too. Woo walked into the room, smiling at the two and sitting next to Winter.

"Hey guys!" She said happily, turning off her music and putting her phone back in her purse. She sat her luggage down beside her and turned to them, "This is going to be so fun! I can't wait!" She said happily, clapping her hands and starting to bounce in her chair a bit.

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Kennedy sat on her bed, playing with one of her dogs, Jumbo. Ironically, Jumbo was a small Shih Tzu but Kenney liked silly names like that. When she got the text she smiled and stood up, putting down Jumbo. She grabbed her luggage and drove to the meeting place. While driving there, she talked to Anne, her sister. Anne playfully warned her not to get into too much trouble, and Kennedy also joked saying she would never. Once she was there, she saw three girls and she smiled at them. "Hi," she said to them. She put her luggage down and  sat down on a chair getting very comfortable.





         Theodore was out by the time he received the text, still a bit blurred eyed from waking up and, hair just lazily brushed into something decent. He had manage to get his oldest sibling to drive him, not wanting to leave behind the car with the key inside of it. Though tired, his fingers moved quick to reply. 

                 T.D: [ Be there in 10, mentally not there until 40]

         "You gonna be okay?" his sister ask, casting him a look that seemed either worriedly or annoyed. It was a bit difficult for him to tell.

             "Mmn, I got everything packed and ready" He replied, his voice drawled out. 

             They pulled up to the meeting spot and Theodore was quick to get out of the car, receiving his bags from the back and waving a small wave to his sister before she was gone. He perked up seeing another friend heading towards the spot, seeming to be Woo just in a distance. Theodore didn't bother to catch up but did finally make it, giving a side-sleepy grin.
"Good to see I've not missed the bus" he said, shuffling off to the side to place his bags down, releasing the weight off his shoulders. 

Elch woke to her phone going off from a text. 

"Oh Jesus!" Elch yelled out in Russian, this effectively woke her father up. Elch rushed to the bathroom, got dressed, used the bathroom, showered, and made herself presentable. By then her father was in his pajamas and waiting for her in the car with their husky named snezhinka (Russian for snowflake). They drove over to the meeting point where Elch and snezhinka hopped out. She grabbed her bags and walked over as she waved to everyone.



Elliot was still asleep when he got the text. Slowly he opened his eyes and reached for his phone. He stared blankly at the screen before replying with a simple, 'I just woke up. Lol'. "Oh... I shouldn't sleep so late anymore," He mumbled before it all set in. "Holy shit... I need to get ready. Eh... I have enough time. Don't I? They wouldn't leave without me anyway." Why didn't his mother bother to wake him up? He jumped out of bed and began running around his semi-messy room. "I'm screwed," He groaned as he pulled a sweater over his head. "Who's going to feed Min?! Mom..." Min was his guinea pig. Luckily he took a shower the previous night so no shower was needed until that night.

The boy ran down the stairs and found his mother drinking her coffee at the table. He spoke in only Korean to her. "Mom, you'll take care of Min... Right? Oh and he we have to go like now," He explained as she stared at him. "Yes, I'll take care of Min... We have to go now? I don't look presentable... Alright Alright! Lets go," She replied. I guess his mother didn't know they were leaving at this time.

After packing the car with his luggae and a nice drive they had arrived. "Bye mom~ Love you," He said as he gave his mother a quick kiss on her cheek. "Be good. Don't get in to any trouble... or I swear you'll be grounded till you're in college and you won't have your phone till I die. No drugs, alcohol, sex. Nothing that is not good for a kid your age. Love you honey," She smiled. He was glad that was all in Korean so no one could here it... except So Woo. GOd dAmmiT. "Tae Won," His mother called to him. Tae Won was his Korean name. She only used it while either disciplining her son or being sincere to him. He glanced over at his mother and hummed in response. "Be safe," She said as she ran her hand through her hair. "I don't want to hear my son got hurt because of how he was acting." Elliot nodded in response, "Of course." 

He took his stuff out of the trunk and walked over to the group. "I'm here," He mumbled to himself with a smile before glancing back at his mother, who was driving away. He hurried to put his bags in that little hatch thing on the side of the bus. He kept his backpack with him. He tilted his head, realizing he hadn't eaten yet. He had like six granola bars. He wasn't going to eat all of them... Just some... By some I mean most. That's when the food craze began. He had already eaten two granola bars right there. (idk if they're on the bus or not. If they are on the bus then he's on it. If they're not then he's outside the bus with them. I didn't intend on writing so much, but whateve).

Outfit link~

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outfit : ( in pic )


lilith flipped her phone open and a text popped in front of the screen. she let out a squeal and raced out of her somewhat cluttered room. she rounded into the kitchen where her father stood wearing large circular glasses and a scruffy beard, peering down at the news paper in front of him. lilith came next to him and stood on her toes, planting a kiss on his cheek. lilith rolled the small suitcase out of the house just after snatching something off of the counter. clyde. clyde, the free-range, greencoloured gecko. her best friend. he crawled up her arm and into the pocket of her black and grey striped hoodie.

clyde and lilith were off to join her friends on a vacation in the snow.

lilith stepped onto the bus and arrived at the meeting location, only taking her about five minutes. they were there in no time. lilith slid into the room with her few friends inside. she bounced on her toes in excitement.

this was going to be fun.

apparently, clyde thought the same. he jumped out of her pocket. she knew he wasn't escaping, he just wanted to explore. clyde the clumsy gecko stumbled and scrambled into the center of the room and looked around. lilith snickered and clyde came running right back and perched himself onto the small suitcase coated in stickers.
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Danielle and Winter Kingston

Once Danielle heard the first greeting she smiled small and looked up. But when she seen the amount of people that were already here, she squealed in excitement. Grabbing Winter by the shoulders, she shook her. "Winter winter winter! Look there coming already!"she said and smiled wide. Winter yelped in shock when she felt her sister shake her uncontrollably. "Alright alright." she said, chuckling while picking up her earbuds that dropped onto the floor. Looking up in amazement, she greeted everyone. Seemed like everyone just appeared out of nowhere in the last 10 minutes. But Winter did notice that not everybody was here. "Where is everyone else?"she asked, looking at Danielle. Grabbing her phone, Danielle made sure that she sent the text out of nowhere. Shrugging, her smile faded. "I don't know. The text was sent to everyone. We can wait thought. We have plenty of time to get to the cabins." she said, smiling returning.


Kennedy sat up whenever Danielle said that they'll weight. "Yeah, we'll wait," she said to the sisters, agreeing with Danielle's idea. Kennedy was a fan of a lot of people, not just a few. She was a people's person. She then sat back, getting into her comfortable spot again. She then started looking at something on her phone, while waiting for the others to come. Kennedy wasn't patient, but she'd stand by. "Hey is there anything to drink here?" she asked.




the first thing spook noticed when he finally showed up was that everyone appeared to be waiting... probably for him. late again, he thought uncomfortably, hoping no one would tell him off for holding up their vacation. he walked silently toward the group, trying not to stand out any more than absolutely necessary.

"yeah, sorry about the wait," he said, watching their reactions. "i could make up some grand and elaborate tale of how i had to save the galaxy, but truthfully i had my music up too loud and didn't hear the text... again."

his black hair fell over his face as it often did, hiding the look of embarrassment in his green eyes.

"sorry," he half-whispered, staring at the ground awkwardly. spook had never been the best when it came to handling crowds, though the fact they were friends took off much of the edge.

still, he was more than a little thrilled about their upcoming trip. if it didn't inspire new songs and creativity, he didn't know what would. bring on the adventure!
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Danielle and Winter Kingston

Danielle looked over at Kennedy and nodded. Grabbing a cold water from the ice chest, she handed it to her. "Here you go." she said with a small smile. When she seen that Spook was here, she smiled. "Alright we can go!"she said and called over at the station. In about a few minutes, a small tour bus parked up. Opening the door, she climbed inside and opened the huge cabinet. "Guys you can come inside." she hollered out. Winter waited for everyone to get inside. Danielle had placed her on helping duty. She just waited by the door and when she seen that someone was struggling with their luggage, she would help them out.



outfit : ( in pic )


lilith had noticed spook being nervous again. lilith was already freaked out from crowds. maybe he had the same problem? eh, she didn't know. but she moved over to him just in case. lilith was not excited to sit in a bus ( bad memories ) even if it was a tour bus and not a school bus. she also got car sick...boat sick...airplane sick...vehicle sick in general.

lilith practically felt the wave of awkward radiating from. oh...he was awkward in crowds. and people. no surprise. lilith wasn't awkward, just quiet to most. she looked up at him and frowned, nudging his side, telling him to lighten up and suck it up. this was going to be a one-time-thing most likely, so she was determined to make everyone enjoy it. she tossed her wild white hair to one side and let her crazy bangs fall slightly over her eyes.

she searched his face for some kind of expression. she gave up when they began to board the tour bus. welp, maybe they could sit together. she grasped his hand, hoping not to give him a shock from her always colder-than-normal hands. lilith got on the bus, tugging spook and her tiny suitcase with her, following winter and danielle.





              spook felt someone touch him, and he brushed his hair aside to get a look at who'd done it. even with his bangs being the way they were, he could tell it was lilith by her remarkable white hair. 

she tugged him toward the bus, and while he was more than a little surprised, he followed along wordlessly.

spook had been in a tour bus before with his band, but it hadn't been even close to this nice. he didn't exactly enjoy long car rides, but he figured this would be a fun experience either way. 

as he'd only brought his guitar, phone, mp3 player and some basic necessities, he didn't have much trouble with luggage or carrying things.

spook stopped for a minute, admiring the vehicle and its foreign, yet luxurious details. yeah, this was definately  something else... he'd probably never see another tour bus like it. interesting.
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Kennedy grabbed the water handed to her and thanked Danielle for it. She took a quick sip and grabbed her luggage. Handing her luggage to Danielle with a kind smile, she stepped into the tour bus. "Woah," she breathed out. "Never been in one of these before," she said. "It's nice," she then added. Sitting down in one of comfortable and soft seats of the bus, she took another sip of her water. Then, she kicked up her feet and put her head back on the seat behind her.



outfit : ( in pic )


lilith let go of spook while he admired the bus and flashed him a quick, small, smile just before bouncing to the back of the tour bus. it was nice. nicer than she was used to. lilith felt like she shouldn't be here, things that were too nice made her do that, because she just doesn't have any nice things. that, and she would end up ruining the leather seats by spilling a drink or something.

but lilith admired it. danielle and winter had really thought this through and gone all out. she was excited, nonetheless.

lilith folded the handle on her small suitcase and looked up at the compartments above.

um...yeah. there was no way in hell that was going up there. at her height...yeah, no.

she ended up shoving her stuff under a bunk bed. at least it was out of the way.

lilith gave a huff of breath and sat cross-legged on a leather seat in the back, the one closest to the bathroom. there was going to be a time where she had to throw up or be sick if she was going to be stuck in this bus for a while. again, all-types-of-vehicular-device sick.

lilith still had her small draw-string bag with her, with stuff that could entertain her as the drove. lilith was more childish than most and got distracted like one easily.

while waiting for the others to board the bus, she tugged on the ends of her sleeves to cover her hands. she did that when she was nervous or excited.



while most of his attention had been focused on the bus, spook had noticed lilith smiling at him. how unusual. truthfully, most people only looked at him if they were about to say something mean, or at the very least shove him aside and rush towards whatever unachievable goal they were chasing. he stored his stuff rather uneventfully, making sure his guitar and lyric booklet were safe and easily accessible in case a sudden burst of inspiration struck.

spook then made his way to the back of the bus, hoping to secure whichever seat was the most private and detached. he enjoyed his friend's company, but being totally social 24/7 was a bit too much to ask. he'd need time to relax, maybe work on sketching something if the roads weren't too rough... and he really hoped the roads wouldn't be too rough. 

to his surprise, lilith was already occupying the most secluded area. this didn't make him angry, but he was a little more nervous, thinking of having to face his more rowdy and talkative friends for the entire trip.

"hey," he asked, "why are you here? it's my job to occupy dark corners, don't you know?" 

he kept his voice light and upbeat, but he kind of wished she hadn't gotten there first. 

oh well. he'd just have to make the best of it. he sat down next to her, giving the girl a slight smile before pulling out his sketchpad and flipping through some recently-finished artwork, looking for one he could improve.

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Danielle and Winter Kingston

Once everyone seemed to be on the bus, Winter got in and shut the door behind her. Leaning against the seat, she smiled at her stepsister and nodded. "All set." she said and sat down. Danielle smiled and mouthed a 'thank you' to Winter. "Alright people. Take a seat. We are going to start leaving and heading towards the cabins." she said and walked over to the very front of the tour bus. Tapping the driver on the shoulder, he slightly nodded and started the bus. Danielle quickly walked back with all her friends and smiled. "You guys can all pick your beds now." she said and sat down across from her sister.



Elliot hadn't uttered a single thing to any of his friends. He just sat and ate patiently. As they were picking beds, he quickly claimed the bed nearest to him by plopping down on it and throwing his full back down on it. It was nearest to the bathroom. Instantly he regret his choice, but there was no use in trying to claim another bed. He would just have to deal with the smell that would soon come if someone dared to use it instead of going to the bathroom at whatever place they decided to stop at for food. 

He was honestly hoping no one would go to the bathroom in there. He knew they wouldn't decide to empty that tank that held all that...you know... every single time someone went to the bathroom. That would make them stop and make the ride much more longer than wanted. The task of emptying out that tank itself was disgusting. Honestly it made poor Elliot want to vomit. He was sure he wouldn't be the one emptying it. 

 As he sat there, regretting his decision, another thing came into his mind. Did this bus have wifi or would he have to use his data... the data he paid for himself. "Does this bus have wifi?" He asked to basically everyone, hoping someone would have an answer. He looked down, feeling like the question was stupid. In the end he didn't care if it was stupid... he needed to know. 

He got back up, taking only his phone and earbuds with him back to his seat.


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omg im so sorry never got a notification!! new name and faceclaim! sorry! <3)))


                                [SIZE= 20px]  [/SIZE] Devon walked out of his house, two large traveling bags in his hands, drawstring bags slung over his shoulders. He smiled already driving to the meeting spot when he got the text. He pulled up, seeing cars already there and he jumped out of his car, smiling big. 

He then walked up to the beds and threw his stuff on one not saying anything. t was behind Elliot's and he sighed taking out his phone about to ask a question that was just asked. Wifi. He looked at Elliot and commented, 

"I was just about to ask myself." he did a lopsided grin then asked, " We can look for a wifi information thing. Buses usually have them somewhere.." He slowly looked around then stood, walking around the bus. 

@FairlyLocal @any.one

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After picking her bed, Kennedy sat back down in her chair. She'd finished her water by now and threw it away. Now, she was just quietly watching. Just looking to see who else was on the bus and what they'd seem like. Of course an occasional glance at her phone to check notifications. Also looking at her phone a lot to not seem too creepy. She was just interested. Noticing a guy who also asked for a wifi password, she decided to introduce herself. "Hi," she said to him with a smile. "You wanna sit by me?" she asked and gestured to the seat across from her.


He looked on walls, doors, and even under seats for the WiFi information.Devon stopped looking around when a girl asked if he wanted to sit with her. He nodded smiling slightly. 

"I'm Devon." he glanced around then whispered,

"Do you know if there's WiFi on here?" he bit his lip, crossing one of his legs over the other, looking outside, then at the girl.


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Elliot looked up from his phone to look at Devon. "Oh. Alright," he smiled before sitting up. Now was the time to find the wifi password. He stood up and began to searched for the wifi. Honestly he needed it. The thought of using all his data would be terrible, and since him and his mother share the same plan... she would get the notification that it was all gone, and Elliot would get a smack to the back of the head.

He nibbled on his bottom lip as he looked around for the wifi. Finally after a while of looking, he found. It was above an empty seat. Carefully, he stood on the seat to get a better look. He quickly typed the password into his phone. "It's right there," he said as he got down from the seat. He pointed to the where the password thing was. 

[SIZE= 12px]@KawaiiCurls[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px](sorry for taking ten years to reply~ lmao sorry. Trying to pick gifs is hard :/  )[/SIZE]



Devon then jumped out of his seat and ran over to Elliot. He could easily see what it was and typed it in without saying a word. After he got done typing the password and saw he was connected, he smiled.

"C'mon." He said, looking behind him at Kennedy. He then looked over at Elliot and grinned.

"Thanks. My Mom and Dad would kill me if I used all our data... which I have before." he chuckled and ran a hand through his hair. 




(idc that he doesn't have orange hair in this one).


Elliot smiled at Devon, "My mom would smack in the back of the head if I used all of our data. She said she needed it for work... but her work has wifi... I don't know." Looked like the two had similar situations with their parents and data. His mother was over protective, so he had no clue how she actually let him go. Elliot went back to his seat and sat comfortable. He picked his earbuds back up off the empty beside him and plugged them into his phone. He liked his personal space, so sitting alone was perfect. He put the earbuds in his ears, and began to play music. To past the time, he simply just played a game. No, he wouldn't end up playing this game the entire time because it would become boring pretty fast. 

In no time he turned off his music, turned off the game just watched Hello Counselor, a Korean show where they try to help out people. Like this Woman who's husband was obsessed with her. They had the husband there as well and convinced him to calm down and let her live. The young married couple probably fixed their relationship. It was just to entertaining hearing all the people's problems, and stuff. He also liked the fact that they had famous guests on it that also help with the counseling... Not to mention it was pretty funny as well. Elliot was very concentrated on the show to the point where he wouldn't even pay attention to anyone.



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