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Scavenger Hunt

Musician said:
There is no definite release date. @The Dark Wizard still needs to speak with the app developers. He said that this process can take up to a few weeks.
App developers?

I'm waiting for Apple to release it on the App Store. This can take from a day to several days.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]App developers?
I'm waiting for Apple to release it on the App Store. This can take from a day to several days.

Any estimate on when the android app will follow?
[QUOTE="Miss Electric Daisy]
1) Um, I don't do drugs tyvm. -_-
2) I see nada about Android in the first post, just a screencap of an Iphone. If Android is mentioned somewhere else on these 12 pages then okay, but I didn't read every single page.....

Glad to hear Android is being included. Too many sites just put apps out for one and not both.

[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]It will be free.
Once iOS is correctly working, I'll release the android counterpart.

Glad to be of service. :captainHappy:

Captain Hesperus
Captain Hesperus]Glad to be of service. :captainHappy: Captain Hesperus [/QUOTE] And [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11171-atom/ said:
[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]Glad to be of service. :captainHappy:
Captain Hesperus

Oh that's right! I forgot he said that last night haha

Go me right? Lol
Like I said, I didn't see anything on the first page about android and just assumed since there was no mention of android on the first page that this was just another apple-only situation.

However, I now think it's safe to say I've been sufficiently informed that an Android app is coming, eventually. rofl (@V@)
Nerdygeekflower said:
Killing me here! WHEN?
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]'m waiting for Apple to release it on the App Store. This can take from a day to several days.

[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]nce iOS is correctly working, I'll release the android counterpart.

[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]Soon™
Captain Hesperus

Did you really just trademark soon?
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]This is a screenshot of my iPhone, see if you can find the fun thing.

Let me guess its the emoticons right? that's what makes you giddy?
I just want to point out that t he push notifications are awesome.

Staff have been testing both iOS and Android versions and its going splendidly
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]I just want to point out that t he push notifications are awesome.
Staff have been testing both iOS and Android versions and its going splendidly

Any additional capabilities compared to tapatalk?

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