Scars: an Avatar rp [Inactive]

Shun stopped and tried to relax his mind he push away the guards for a moment " and what about my sister, is she welcome aboard this ship?" Shun asked as he calmed down a little.
(My turn I guess)

I woke up and exited the room from where i was sleeping. Seeing that everyone else was still asleep I walked to the main entrance of the tribe and let the barricade down and sounded the bell for everyone to get up and start the day.
"Well she hasn't been thrown over board so that might answer your question." A troop answers him, giving his Shun's sister a piece of bread.

Zenkai goes inside the ship for tea. He was very aware that Hya was inside but didn't say anything about it, knowing she wasn't a threat.
Hya unwrapped her cloth, luckily her wound didn't bleed anymore. She looked over to the sleeping guardsman, she needed his blade.. but..

The guard's blade was resting in its hilt, and she could wake him up...

Hya took deep breaths and grabbed the blade slowly dragging it out until it was free, but then she fell back and caused a loud thud as her buttocks hit the ground. The guard shook and mumbled in his sleep, but didn't wake up.

Hya smiled, a naughty look on her face. She tied the cloth to the blade and then ripped off some fire nation banner hanging on a wall and tied it to the cloth. She then ran out to the non-functioning smokestack (as she put out the coal) and threw the blade over it, then running and climbing up the wall of the smokestack abit before grasping the rope she had made.

Hya took slow steps and was now close to the top!
Getting close enough to the boat, she realized that the ground was far too much ice for her liking, she boarding it by making a bridge from it wouldn't work. However, fire nation boats were metal. She grinned and got as close as she could to it, climbing upon a broken off piece of ice, unsteady. She began bending the metal of the boat. It was awkward and unusual for her to bend something that wasn't in her hand. A chunk hung down and was perfectly within her reach. She grabbed on and climbed aboard.
Hya's rope suddenly started falling, and she leapt up and over the smokestack whilst screaming. She then landed on the railing around the smokestack safely.

Hya calmed herself down and continued on. She went down a ladder that split the railing and found herself on the deck of the ship..

"Hey!", a guard called out to her, "What're you doing on de-"

Hya, terrified, ran up and punched the guard in the face (as he had his visor up), knocking him unconcious. Hya then felt really bad but she undressed the guard and stuck herself into the bulky armor, then throwing the guard unto a lifeboat and letting it loose into the ocean...

What a horrible person Hya was.
People scurried around the tribe getting food prepared and starting on their jobs. A guy walks up to me and hands me a list, "This is all the material we need. The nearest town to gather these materials are in the earth kingdom east of here. You will need to take a polar bear dog to help you carry it all back and it also shows a sign of peaceful business to the earth kingdom." I take a look at the list and nod. "I will gather my things and head off." The guy tells me, "The trip will at least take a whole day. I will take charge to keep the tribe safe." I nod in agreement and walk off to get my things.
Zenkai walked out on deck to see Hya. "You need to stop. put the sword down and come have tea with me." He offered a smile to the young girl, very different than the one he had on his face when he burned the village down.

"Come on, it's good tea."
Mao worriedly looked over the deck as a stripped down man was thrown onto a raft. She walked over to the most likely captive girl who did it, then a well dressed fire nation man. "Well.. he's probably going to get hypothermia before he can find anyone. Why are you so worked up..?" She said, making her appearance before them. She wasn't worried. She was surrounded by material to bend with and no reason for them to take her. She wasn't water nation, after all, and it was obvious just by looking.
Hya sank down and fell on her knees, she was scared half to death by Zenkai... she sighed and followed him.

Hya had no idea what she was doing, she should have ran at that moment but instead she was just going back to her captors.

"What're you doing here?", she asked the other girl.
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I stand in front of the pack of polar bear dogs and watch for a moment. I put my hand out and choose one of the dogs. I gaze and admire their great size and fur. After a while I rerealize that I should get going and start walking towards the main entrance of the tribe. As soon I reach the entrance there is a woman along with all my things. I climb on top of the polar bear dog and she hands me my things. As soon as everything is settled I wave goodbye to the village and head out to the earth kingdom.
They get inside the ship, the interior looking quite dark and. . . well, red! Zenkai's twin scimitars are hanging over on the wall by his bed, and his desk lay skew of the bed. He gestured for Hya to sit, pouring two cups of tea.

"My grandfather taught me how to make this tea. It calms the mind, and is very good. Because I bend lightning, it is essential that I keep a clear mind."
Mao blinks twice. Then follows wordlessly. She wanted some fun and gets ignored by the first interesting group she finds.
Hya sighed, what did she get herself into?

Hya sat, thinking. Zenkai had changed quickly out of the sight of his men...
Mao took a seat next to the other girl. "So.. You a captive, or what?" She asked in a straight forward tone, loud enough for anyone around them to hear.
"I don't know...", Hya said honestly.

"I guess I'm a captive, it's kind've hard to tell by now. I'm not water nation, I'm just the daughter of fire nation nobles, that's all", Hya said. "I did try to stop them from capturing them and burning the village, I don't think its right to destroy peoples homes..."
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Zenkai sipped his tea, exhaling a small blue flame. " I apologize for the burning down of the village. Father's order. I'm against this war." The prince heated up more tea.
"Then why don't we stop this war?", she asked. "It's pointless but one day someones going to stop all of this, like an avatar or something... But.. if that doesn't happen then everything will just go to waste", she explained.

"That's how it always works, right?"
Mao shook her head. "So that's why I wanted to get on board... makes sense..." She turned to the other girl. "What's more powerful, on person with a lot of power being told they have to do something, or a whole lot of people with their own strength who want to do this with a passion?"
"Sure, there are people like The Avatar but she's been dead for years." Zenkai said, referring to last avatar, Korra.
"I'd say a whole lot of people...", Hya replied.

"I've always been against fighting, you see I grew up on Yukisa Island, an island off somewhere in the sea, I think around the Fire Nation... Well I grew up there with a wealthy family who dealt in politics with all of the nations and my uncle owns this big company that produces mechanics, like cars and your Fire Nation ships. But I think my father and mother said something against someone important because when I was seven a bunch of ragtag water tribe mercenaries burned down my home and killed everyone... I've always wanted to get them back but I can't help but think that if I do I'm no better than them"

"And who knows, anyone could be the avatar.. Even a jerk like you!", she said with a smile.
Mao wiggled a finger. "It would be a waste of time training a kid at this point. Why are you needed for this?" She asked in pure curiosity. People don't usually hunt down who they want help from.
"These were different water tribers, and besides those mercenaries couldn't have been in an actual tribe, probably just a group of hunters who decided to become bandits or something.." Hya frowned, but looked up to Zenkai and smiled.

"You're better than I thought you'd be... and.. you..", Hya turned to Mao.

"How'd you get on the ship?", she asked.

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