Scars: an Avatar rp [Inactive]


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zeron251 submitted a new role play:

Scars: an Avatar rp - based on the hit tv shows Avatar: The Last Airbender and The legend of Korra.

Years after The Legend of Korra and The Last Airbender, The world is at war once again, but not from the Fire nation. Complete World War!
It's up to our Heroes, or villains, to stop it.
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20 year old Zenkai was out on a mission. His mission was to invade in a small Water Tribe village. A pointless and small task, he thought, running his fingers through his hair. He remembered what his father told him, "Keep a calm mind. Water benders are predictable, but powerful."
Hya was currently in a rowboat, freezing and living off rations. She was just floating nowhere, somewhere near the water tribes she guessed. It brought back memories, of her parents, of the marauders but...

She couldn't blame everyone, that would make her as bad as them.

Hya sighed, what was she doing with herself these days? But... Hya spotted a village somewhere nearby and started rowing towards it...
His boat landed against the ground, and he stepped off. He gazed around the village. What a disgrace, living in huts!

"Listen up, water-runts! My name is Prince Zenkai of the Fire Nation! If you cooperate, then there will not be any casualties!"

Zenkai then launched a short blast of intense blue fire, making the villagers move quickly.

"into the boat!"
Hya was close by now, and she widened her eyes as she spotted Zenkai... a marauder... he was just like them..

Hya charged forwards towards the village, "Stop! This isn't right!", she screamed. She was a known daughter of a powerful Fire Nation noble family so perhaps they'd listen, she thought... But she'd doubt they'd pay that mind at all anyway...

"You can work this out without fighting! This isn't the right thing to do! You're worse than any of the nation's killers and bandits if you do this!" She yelled out as she stood, freezing and shivering. A tear ran down her left cheek and she was shaking, not only because she was cold, but she was also scared, but she wasn't scared to face her fear...
Zenkai looked right at her, then at his men.

"Get the girl. Let her know that Prince Zenkai said hello." He said calmly, then blasted a ball of fire into the air again.

"Move it, into the damn boat!" He yelled, motioning his men over towards Hya
Shun sat on a bench inside a little hut of the small village. He had arrived there only a few days ago with his sister. He lit up a smoke and yawned a little putting it into his mouth. He heard the commotion outside and got up to grab his coat. He looked at his sister Yui and signalled for her to follow. "remember, no bending unless the situation states other wise" Shun said as he walked outside to see the fire nation boats. He walked up to the crowd of villagers who were boarding the boats and glared at the general as he and his sister boarded themselves. He sat down and continued to smoke. As he exhaled Heavily he looked at his sister who seemed kind of worried. " Hey sis, what's wrong" he said. " I'm just wondering what will happen to us now" she replied. Shun looked up at the celling and inhaled his smoke. What will happen to us He wondered.
Hya backed up, abit scared. She drew her two daggers and held them up, as if ready to charge no matter what.. yet..

Hya turned the daggers towards her throat, ready to pierce it. Tears ran down and she yelled out again, "This is wrong! If you won't let them go then I'll have to take action!". Hya's eyes overflowed and showed more pain than before. She kept backing up and slightly tripped....

The blades nicked her throat, and a stream of blood ran down. In about a day she'd die if she let the stream keep going... Hya still looked straight in their direction. "What do you intend to do with this war!? Huh? Waste resources and people... you just want to destroy people's lives!? You're monsters! At this rate we might as well just kill ourselves in our homes, because whether you get it or not no ones on a good agenda! You're all bad people, no matter the nation, you're all.... bastards..."

Hya's eyes were drained of rage, and she looked abit pale by now.
The troops grabbed Hya, throwing her onto the boat. Zenkai stopped to think for a moment when everyone was on. '

He let out a roar, and launched a barrage of blue flames onto the village, explosions shaking the area. He then launched a bolt of lightning into the forest, setting it ablaze.

"Next time, don't build a village out of wood." He recommended flatly, getting onto his separate boat.
Hya was nearly unconcious by now... Her daggers.. they took them.

Her wound was still bleeding and bad, as no one was instructed with actually caring for it... they wanted her to die, she thought. Hya gazed over at all the people, crying still. "I wish I could've helped better, I wish I was a fighter, not some diplomat's daughter...", she said out quietly... No one responded...

Hya laid depressed, wondering what would happen next. All she could think about was... death.
Shun looked up. " don't you think that's taking it a little to far General" Shun says to provoke the general. He looks at his sister motioning to her to prepare to fight. He looks over at Hya and smiled a little letting her know that it was all right. he got up and to eye went eye with the general. " So where do you plan on taking us, O Fearless Leader of this boat" said Shun yet again trying to provoke the General.
Zenkai looked him dead in the eye, not looking to fight. "Sit down, I told you people if you cooperate then no one would get hurt. And no one did. It's the girl's fault shes hurt," he stated, "and thats why she's not getting these back." He waved the daggers around and put them away.

"Now sit, friend, and we'll treat the girls wounds."
Hya heard the words and burst out in tears.... she couldn't help but think he was going to throw the daggers away...

Hya eventually atleast tried to stop... She laid and sang to herself quietly, no one could hear her but she looked in a daze... Hya was suddenly calm and she dug into her sophisticated little noble's skirt to pull out a carving of a sheep. She just laid there, paralyzed, and... smelled it.. while singing the song, of course.
Shun looked at the General as he began to sit down but stopped after a couple of steps. He inhaled his smoke and as he exhaled he began to move his hands a began to bend the smoke around him and sent it at the General attacking him. " I suggest you let these people go General, before I sink this ship, and also, Yui wrap a cloth around her neck to stop her loss of blood. If she is lucky her wound will close in a day. And Genral, I'll have to ask for those daggers back" Shun Said with a very serious tone.
In a a tribe far away, Lem is roaming around. He sees children play and men work on village damages. He then notices some of the men worryingly talking and he approaches them and asks "May I ask what you are talking about?" Guy 1: "Oh, Lem. Uh, we were just talking about how we don't have enough resources to fix all the damages." ... "I see. So what is your plan?" Lem responds.
"Stop!", Hya suddenly yelled out, she then sunk grimly.

"There's no point, y' know? We're just gonna keep fighting for no reason..", she said, sighing. She wiped some blood from her throat and then allowed Yui to wrap the cloth around her neck, if she still was going to.

"The daggers are nothing..."
Zenkai breathed in the smoke and exhaled blue flame, hitting Shun head on, and threw the daggers over at Hya.

"Your smoke won't work on me, fool. Now sit down before you get seriously hurt."
Shun looked at the general. "blue flames huh, Well then that's new" he said as he launched a barrage of fire balls at him followed up by several bolts of lightning.
"Ok, I will go to the nearest village tomorrow morning and gather more supplies." I suggest. Guy 2: "No, I don't think it's such a good idea. I have a bad feeling about what could be happening outside our walls." Guy 1: "Ever since the war started, everything has a bad feeling." Lem: "Yes, living in fear will just detain us. I will leave in the morning, make sure my things are ready for tomorrow. " Guy 3: "will do."
((Guis maybe we should organize the turns abit better... lets see. Im going to throw this together real quick))





Person (Etc)
Hya didn't even say anything about it, she just watched helplessly. These guys were stupid, stupid enough to be friends or something... All they did was mock her dream of peace.
"Well I guess I'll go on and rest for tomorrow's journey." I say. Guy 1: "That would be wise." I start to walk away and then I stop and turn, "Don't forget to set up the barricades and close up the village before nightfall, we don't want anyone entering our village." All three guys nod and leave. I had into my gut and doze off to sleep. (I'm going to sign off now. Sorry if I didn't post on my turn but I just wanted to end my postings like this.)
Zenkai dodged then and caught a couple fire balls, throwing them back at shun. He then redirected the lightning back at him

"I said sit down. You will not defeat me in hand to hand combat, and if you fire bend, you're welcome on this boat." Zenkai says flatly, nipping him with fire then walking away.

"Troops, make sure our friend is comfortable! It'll be a long ride back to the Fire Nation."
Mao had been travelling for weeks on end trying to find a good place to work. At the moment, she was bundled up in jade green coats with leather work pants and boots, traveling through water tribe territory. She wasn't sure what to look for. So far though, nothing seemed right. The metal cuffs on her wrist made the skin ache, so she breathed into her sleeves, letting out puffs of white cloud. She looked up from her attempt of warmth to see a ship. Fire nation it seemed. Something spoke to her, something was wrong. She sprinted towards it, seeing a smoke filled set of homes. It looked like nothing was left. She saw she ship sailing away, and was unsure of what to do, so she chased its movements.
Well no one else is posting so here I go))

Hya, using the fight as a distraction, crawled off towards a vent and slowly opened it. She squirmed inside and closed the vent just as Zenkai walked off. Hya crawled through the vents until she lead herself to a strange room.

She quietly entered, seeing that the person inside was asleep, and she looked around. She spotted coal burning and knew this would lead to a smokestack!

Hya took out a huge canteen of water and sprayed it unto the coal until it stopped burning. She then searched for something to climb up with, which took her awhile...

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