Scarlet Luna [Sign-up]


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[ Intro ]

Vampires vs Hunters RP + steampunk

Where: Paris, 19th century

Who: Only normal human and vampires!

Why: Because it's an original challenge!

Short story:

Since the beginning of time, these two were sworn enemies. The blood-thirsty vampires who saw the humans only as a way for food and on the other side the violent people who want to do everything, to kill those flying monsters.

But most normal people did not know of the existence of vampires, or simply didn't believe it. And If they had doubt about it, this was written off as this is a myth or they were told their crazy. But they had been right all along, because there are vampires among us. Old, mighty masters but also many young men and woman, made by the oldest as a new generation followers.

Yet there is a strong secret organization who knows that "the leeches' ​​exist and will do anything to fight them. Their latest weapons technology and the power during the day to lie and just wait, ready to attack their enemy at night. This organization receives support from the government, who do know of the existence of vampires.

Not so strange, because how will they explain how all those innocent victims who have been found. Torned open and sucked dry. To prevent chaos and keep the secret, all the hunters are paid to remain silent and more important, to do new surveys. They do not only make weapons but also examined captured vampires to find out their strengths.

This struggle is happening allready and will cost what it costs to remain a powerful winner that gives him the fate of the world. Or at least the fate of the city where it all happens, Paris ... Now I have only one thing to say. On Which side are you on, the vampires, or the hunters?

Vampire Benefits +

-The older your character is, the stronger it will be compared to other vampires.

So an older vampire will be a stronger spirit who can protect younger vampires.

-Vampires can read the thoughts of humans and other vampires.

- Superhuman speed.

- The power to be very strong

- Unhuman vision and hearing.

- The ability for wounds to heal in a few moments

Vampire Handicaps -

-Once the sun rises, a vampire isn't in safety, because he is a kind of automatic sleep.

-Garlic is unbearable, just like heat and sunlight. Also a wound of an wooden stake can be deadly.

- A vampire can not take other forms.

- Crucifixes and holy water can keep an vampire away from you.

Hunter Benefits +

- Hunters can both night and day to move freely, their enormous advantage.

- They can have many connections in government. (Police, politics, etc.)

- Hunters have the modern technology. Weapons like: nightvision, phosphorusbullets for refractory wound care, Molotov Cocktails, steampunk flamethrowers. To name a few.

Hunter Handicaps -

- They are still the "food" of the vampires.

- They have none of the supernatural gifts that vampires have.

- Weapons can break and need munition or energy.

[ Sign-up Vampire ]





( Picture please! )


( How is he/she? Did the personality changed a lot when he/she became vampire? How does he/she think about being a vampire? )


( Who maked him/her a vampire? Voluntary or not? What did he/she before the changing and what where their future dreams? )

Favorite attack:

( You may leave this blank. )

[ Sign-up Hunter ]





( Picture please! )


( How is he/she? Is he/she is overwhelmed with hate and ravengefeelings of because his/her loved ones were murdered?)


( How did he/she came at the organization? Does he/she works there making weapons or is it just for the fight? And what did he/she before? )

Favorite weapon:

( You may leave this blank. )

Approved Characters:

Vampires Hunters
Gabriel Lucio ( Logeg ) Connor ( WalkingDisaster ) Agon LeCarde ( Riddle78 ) Chastity ( Jabberwocky19 ) Melusine La Blanche ( Melusine )
1 charming male vampire coming up in the near future ^_^

Name: Gabriel Lucio

Age: 23 (for the last 600ish years)

Gender: Male

Background: Gabriel Lucio was born in Venice, Italy. He grew up there and had a nice childhood with loving parents. When he was 23 years old, there was a home invasion at his and his parents home. However, it weren't burglars. That night he and his parents died. For some reason, he managed to survive his death. The bite meant to drain him from his blood and kill him, gave him immortality instead. On purpose or by accident, he never found out.

The first few weeks and months he learned how to survive on the streets of Venice. After that he started to use his new found skills and powers to find the vampires that had killed his parents and had changed him. It took him 5 long years but he never gave up. And when he found them, he didn't bother asking why. The first was the hardest. A long exhausting fight, but he won. A wooden stake to control the vampire and keep him long enough outside to see the sun. A tormenting long painful death. It served him right. The others one by one got the same punishment.

After that his life had little purpose for a while. He had his revenge and that was all that had driven him these last years. His nights were used to find these killers and he hadn't noticed what a great place Venice was. In the years that followed he started to explore the nights for things to keep him entertained. Masquerade balls became his favourites. It gave him the chance to learn about the days, the people and the world.

As he grew in age, he grew in power. 200 years ago he moved to Paris. The world was changing and the excitement was to be found there.

Personality: -soon-
Name: Agon LeCarde

Age: 33

Gender: Male

Portrait: Except...You know...With actual,normal colours.

Personality: Agon is a strange man. When in friendly company,he's a very friendly man,with a sense of humour. However,when on the job,he is serious buisness,only speaking when it benefiets him,or furthers the job. He hunts vampires for the church because he sees them as unnatural abominations to nature,perverting the Cycle of Life.

Background: Although not exactly pious,Agon still considered himself religous. He joined the Hunters in an attempt to put his faith and knowledge of applied physics to use. Before,he was a simple boiler mechanic. During this career,he learned rudimentary physics of motion,due to the boilers often springing leaks. He experimented,and learned how to make all manner of devices with them. With the Hunters,he pulls double duty;he makes innovative weapons that harness the power of steam,and hunts for the fould undead abominations whenever he gets the chance...Or to test a new weapon himself.

Weapon of choice: Although he makes new weapons,and tests the new ones himself,for safety's sake,he holds a parficular fondness to his first steam driven weapon,a Pneumatic Cannon,which sees constant modifacations. In it's current state,it consists of a backpacked boiler,a feed hose to a valve,which leads to a chamber,which leads to another valve,which leads to the breach. In the breach is a wooden stake,or even a container of holy water. The weapon is break-loaded (think sawed-off shotgun). Has a pressure gague.

Agon also carries a crucifix.
Name: Connor

Age: 19 (been a vampire for only 4 years, still very young)

Gender: Male


Personality: He is very shy and closed, but will open up eventually. He is a total spaz ojnce you get to know him, and a great friend. Connor can be dark and a pretty scary, but only because he usually can tell what's what, and just wants to try hard to protect those he loves. Break his thick shell, and appeal to him, and you have a friend who take a bullet for you. Or...A wooden stake. He sees the glass as half-empty, and can be a bit pessimistic

History: The vampire that changed Connor acted as his mentor for a while, teaching him moves to counteract other vampires and hunters. One night, while Connor was training with him, a hunter jumped them. Connor's "father" and mentor was killed in the scrap. Since then, Connor has been a bit of a loner.
Name: Chastity (Latin for “purity”)

Age: 21

Gender: female



Personality: This is a girl who is as smooth and charming as her Parisian accent, but not nearly as sweet or calm. She is a ticking time bomb, and it only takes so much to unleash her violent ferocity. However, she has her goals, and knows how to filter her anger, or even inflict it on someone else.

History: She was physically abused as a young child by her drugee father. After that stopped, her bottled in rage had to find a way to escape. She went into training to become a cop for a bit, until she found out about vampires. Unholy injustice that needs to be righted. So, she became a hunter and is using all she learned as a cop-in-training to kick some vampire ass.

Favorite weapon: old fashioned garlic and stakes.
Im happy to see all youre character profiles! Of course you all may enter! :D Personally im waithing a bit longer.

If there is one group who hasn't enough sign-ups to make it kinda 'even', ill will take a place there myself!

Still, i prefer to be a hunter. Anf if you all are okay with it, i'll take an 'higer' position at the hunting-organisation.

Maybe that will get some nice conversation like ''Im not gonna listening to you, im all hunter by my self enough''.

Oh and tip for new vampires! You can ask vampires here, if they would like to be the one who have bited you.

Then you allready have a band together and is it maybe easier to start with the storyline. You don't have to! ;)
[ Sign-up Hunter ]

Melusine La Blanche

Age: 27

Gender: Female


View attachment 727


Lady La Blanche is a chic, rich lady who at the top of the organization is. She was contemptuous and arrogant, and has difficulty trusting people and appreciate their talents. But when you finally have tested well then you have someone who will do anything for you what is needed. She is full of revenge and bad faith, because of her friends have betrayed her husband, making him a victim of the vampires. That's why she works in the lab, making extremely poisonous weapons to fight her enemy in combat. But meanwhile she also works on devices for the hunters that makes them more invulnerable and faster healing after deep wounds.


On her 22th she married her husband Jaques, who was killed less than six months later. That's already five years ago. Through her ​​husband she came to know about the organization, therefore she had just simpel dreams. A good study as one of the first female doctors of Paris and just getting married happilly.

Favorite weapon:

A small machine gun firing bullets with chemical fluids containing. She has specialized herself in painful methods that makes the blood of the vampire changing for about 12 hours. Its a poison what makes healing themself impossible, but is also terrible burning and extremely painful. One drawback, it is not the best marksman.
ok here is my question, if lets say a Vampire on here gets into a fight with a hunter, how will you tell who wins, who loses, and who dies/what happens to their corpse?
blackwind1kaze said:
ok here is my question, if lets say a Vampire on here gets into a fight with a hunter, how will you tell who wins, who loses, and who dies/what happens to their corpse?
At first I have to say that the most fights are in groups, and not 1x1. It also prevents the characters are instantly slain, because that's not much fun for the story. That does not mean it is impossible to murder someone. Even a vampire can be killed, he can't die of a natural cause but if you kill him he can't keep running around happily.

The hunt is very simple and has an relatively easy start. Vampires (alone or maybe not) are on their night out for 'food', and before they succeed, or if there is a corpse of an innocent man found, there will be a meeting between the vampires and hunters, or just one vampire and one hunter. Both sides will call for strengthening in their own way (vampires use telepathy and humans can use a phone or just get someone) and then the fight started.

Which group starts attacking does not matter. You just post your special tactics, or wait and see what the others do, and after that other will responds by having a lot of pain or also starts attacking . You can consciously choose 'to miss' an attack to keep it realistic. It is up to the players to keep the game real! So don't hit everyone allways and dont get missed by every attack. But truly 'dead' is really your own choice.

If you have a good idea for an epic murder, then you consult that with the victim in question by sending a PM for example. If someone dies his/her body will be stored by his mates in a quiet honourfull place. This does not work out to be RP.

Is it so obvious for you?

And is anyone agree with this or does someone know a better tactic that might be better to play with?

After a few days horrible internet connection im back! And i'll post the RP today! :D

People still can sign up if they want!
Hi guys! Im having a very bad internet connection for a few days! Saturday it will be better. Till then i can post anything because it will take to lang before i can react. Sorry for this! Saturday 'Scarlet Luna' will start! ;)
[ Sign-up Vampire ]

Name: Phillis langstrid

Age: 29



View attachment 757

(minus the halberd and tattered cloak, the latter of which is replace with a normal black cloak from the time, and a pair of reading glasses, designed by his father)


A man who always seemed more at place in a library than the alleys of pars, Phillis never felt like he was cut out for the organization's work. Never the less, he knew that the vampire threat was one that could not be ignored. anyone who knows this young man would say he was almost a walking library, always talking abotu something he'd read about in this or that book, and spouting his theories on vampire evolution. Many people say he was born ahead of his time, and that he qould never ammount to much. of course, with his recent turning, no one knows where his life may lead.


Phillis has been around members of the hunting organization all his life, as his parents were long time members. His father, Gerard Langstrid, was a professor at a local university for many years, before he retired to take a more active role in the hunt, and his mother, Maris, was Gerard's secretary, and in their double life, his partner. He never gave much thought to the meetings his parents had behind closed doors, or that the people coming and going from the house always seemed like odd company for an ex-professor and his wife, and was laways far more interested in his father's vast library than his parent's night life. A book learner at heart, he didn't join their ranks until a few weeks after his 29th birthday, although many members of the organization felt like he was one already.

Then, only three months after he joined the organization, his family many was attacked by a powerful ancient vampire, and both his parents were killed. The vampire, hoping to use Phillis against the organization, turned him right then and there.

(i'm planning on Phillis starting this rp as having just beeen turned in his first post, is this acceptable? if not i can add history)
Name: Alister Crux

Age: appears 30 in actuality around 400 years old.

Gender: Male


View attachment 791


Calm and collective, Alister has always had this personality even as a human. He has a bad temper though if subjects of certain nature are brought about, mainly about a past conflict he was involved in. He has no problem talking to you if he has a problem with you nor does he have a problem being blunt and to the point.


Alister was strolling down a dirt road when he was bitten by a wounded vampire who was most likely trying to restore himself, Alister was sure he was going to die but a hunter was patrolling from a nearby village and staked the already wounded vampire. Alister fled from the scene afraid that he was next.. after all he was bitten all he could do was run, He traveled from area to area resting in the woods, caves and attics till he realized he had gained powers, strange unnatural powers. He had become one of them, a Vampire. Alister knew he couldnt go back, after all he wasn't human he had to feed survive.. it was difficult he forgot his family and friends he once knew and dedicated himself to the study of his new found power; This was his new purpose this was a reason to live, to realize just what he had become... years pass rigorous training and feeding on human blood, he had truly become a vampire mentally and physically through, he has forgotten his humanity, yet holds an open mind to humans even though they end up his next meal.

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