Scandals and Secrets (1x1 with Sire Souriez and Wolphie)

Sire Souriez

Eleganza Extravaganza
As his father gets sicker and the war wages on, Prince Aleksandru must marry and train to be on the throne. With his hand servant at his side. Will they be able to pull things together or will an unrequited love, a traitor, and an unbeatable enemy keep things in chaos? Welcome to Bogdan, enjoy your stay.

Name: Aleksandru Yates

Age: 17 coming to the age of 18

Social status: Prince

Hair: Wavy red hair to his jawline, soft and fluffy

Eyes: Light brown eyes, slightly narrowed, long eyelashes, bushy husky eyebrows

Skin: Tan skin with a large birthmark on his neck that he usually hides with a scarf.

Body: He's got a larger build with wide shoulders and large arms and legs. He's got a fuzzy chest, tummy, and bottom. Also a scruffy face with chubby cheeks and a strong jawline.

Height: 5'10

Weight: 179

Skills: Hand to hand combat, sword fighting, horse riding, playing the harp, caring for children.

Personality: When he's in front of his parents and other officials he's kinda stiff and awkward. When he's alone he's shy and pouty and cuddly. He likes to talk and laughs and eat. But a prince musn't sit around all day so when he's doing his princely duty he has to act noble and proper. He's not too noble to stop a wrong doing when he sees one or talk to the lower class folk and ask them how they're doing. He's a kind guy with a sweet tooth who can sometimes be a bit dumb.
Name: Sora Hiroto

Age: 16

Social status: Servant

Hair: Dark black hair sort of always has a messy look no matter what he does with it.

Eyes: A light purple, slightly more wide eyed look, and dark lashes.

Skin: Pale skin, he has a few scars on his arms and legs and a big bite mark scar on his right ankle when he had a run in with a guard dog.

Body: He's short and scrawny, he does have some muscles from working all his life but not much. He's mistaken at times for a girl even but he mostly gets stuck with the women servants chores.

Height: 5'6

Weight: 143

Skills: Taking care of children, cleaning, being able to escape from situations via being able to talk himself out of it or but being able to walk away without the person noticing.

Personality: Sora always acts like a nice person though he would really like to tell you how rude your being or how stupid you might sound. Though he does think about things before he says them knowing how much trouble he can get into. When he's around the prince though he's not as scared knowing the prince wouldn't hurt him since he's been around him for quite while. He;s a smart person and loves to learn as much as he can he likes to look at books and guess what there saying even though he doesn't know most of the words. He really wishes he was in a position to help servant kids, though he does mostly give them as much of his food as he can.
Aleksandru didn't want to get out of bed today. He sighed and pulled the covers over his body. Today was the first day of meeting women that were eligible to be his brides. He groaned, knowing someone would be coming in soon to tell him to get up and to run him his bath and help him get dressed to meet these cursed brides. He groaned again and rolled over irritably. He didn't want to get out of bed today. He closed his eyes with a yawn, scratching at his furry chest and going back into a light sleep.
Sora sighed heading to the Princes room he was assigned for his servant for the week again, due to no one wanting to put up with him knowing he wouldn't want to meet any of the women. He of course volunteered it was this, or kitchen duty and he couldn't cook to save his life so it was painful in there. He opened the Princes door not knocking knowing he might not get a reply. "Come on up sir. Today is your big day the day you find a bride, yada yada yada your mum said I had to say that now come on up." He walked over to the end of the bed and pulled the covers away
The prince felt his nude hide be exposed to the cold air and opened his eyes. "Excuse me?" he said groggily. He looked over and saw Sora and glared halfheartedly. "Give em back." he whined. He put one pillow over his nude bottom and one over his head. "I won't go! I refuse!" he said, his voice muffled by the bed. He bet all these maidens wanted one of 2 things, his money or his sex maybe even both. Not like it mattered, if he was forced to go he would pass harsh judgement until no one was left and would have to be a single king with no queen and adopt a heir.
Sora sighed and tossed it back, "Fine than, I'll just go tell your rude mother that you wount come. Than what hummm? She'll get our swards master to get you black and blue. Now I know you don't want to but hey knowing you after a few moments they wount care what they get but living with you wount be worth it." He pulled out clothing for the prince to ware with a sigh.
Aleksandru turned around and sighed. He didn't want Sora to be punished for not getting him up so he pouted. "Fine. Run me a bath will you?" he grumbled, sitting up grumpily. This was probably going to be the worst day of his life. "You'll have to stay with me the whole time." he ordered sleepily.
Sora nodded, "Yes sir." He walked into the bathroom. "Maybe there will be some nice girl there for you." He called out. "You never know, you had to talk with that matchmaking woman for hours they had to have at least gotten one right."
"I doubt it!" he called over the running water. "She asked the silliest questions. Nothing about my personality. Just about what I like in a woman, appearance wise." he muttered. He got up and shuffled into the bathroom. He leaned against the door frame, completely nude. "Make sure it's warm but not steaming."
Sora waved his hand at the Prince, "I know I know. But at least you know they'll b pretty or did you just answer backwards to piss them all off and have yet another reason to post pone it?" He chuckled shaking his head and glanced at the Prince not shocked how he was nude, he's probably seen him naked more than clothed by now anyway. "And anyway with a wife it means you dont need to do any more lessons, and can work on the better things in life, what ever they may be. And I don't know have a child or two you love children."
Alek frowned. "I answered truthfully, dark hair and stunning eyes." he said. "Who said I wanted a wife anyway? I want to be a single father. Nothing more nothing less." He walked over to the tub and got in, handing Sora the sponge to start washing his back. "Gently, alright?" he ordered. He leaned forward for Sora to get better access. "I bet they'll all be shallow and rude. Not today, they'll hold it in but when I marry one? Then the evil will show."
Sora scrubbed his back for him, "Very true, and I'm sorry sir but theres a problem with that to have a child you fist need a wife to make one." He smiled to himself always loving to hear the prince talk and is plans which sound so brilliant at times to himself but foolish to others.
Alek sighed. "I'll pick one up from the streets." he said strongly, crossing his arms. He huffed. "Don't laugh, that was an obvious choice and it was obviously what I meant." he muttered indignantly. He leaned back and started to wash the rest of his body then handed Sora the shampoo and closed his eyes.
Sora took the shampoo and started on Alek's hair, "Taking one from the streets, because everyone will be fine with the next prince coming from the streets." He chuckled and shook his head wondering where the prince got such ideas, but he renumbers him always being like this even when they first met though he's sure the prince wouldn't remember himself. He himself had been picked on my some of the lord's sons and pushed in the mud when the prince showed up yelling at the boys. Than stating nothing like that will ever happen to anyone again and not understanding no matter how much Sora explained it to him society didn't work like that. "You haven't changed one bit." He said to himself with a smirk
Alek huffed. "What do you mean? I have so." he muttered. "I'm not as nice as I used to be!" he growled. His stomach growled along with him. He sighed. "Plus the lower class may appreciate it, you know? Give a poor little boy a new home?" he said, immediately thinking of how he took Sora in. He smiled fondly. "I've done it once already and i'll do it again."
Sora snorted, "I don't mean anything sir. And yes you are as nice as you used to be, rude to the ones who need it and nice to all others though too nice." He finished with his hair and grabbed the pitcher and pored water over Alek's hair covering Alek's eyes. "And I'm sure they would but you know how lower class acts why just one boy why not five or ten humm? Or why not feed them all if you can spare for one; or something along those line. As well you don't need to only please them but your council firstly my sir or did you for get about your uncle and all of those old men complaining and you mother as well." He chuckled and got up brushing off his knees and putting a towel on Alek's head. "And I couldn't repay you more sir, but raising a child is a lot of work without a woman you can't wash your own hair with out somehow turning it a different shade which is still unknown how you achieved that or getting soap in your eyes and having a meltdown. Now you would go crazy if you had to do that with your child." He chuckled coming up with an imiage of the prince and the child both crying.
Alek sighed. "Don't call me sir when we are in private...." he sighed once again. "I wish I could feed them all...." he thought about if for a second. "Today after my meeting with the ladies, we'll make sandwiches and deliver them to the homeless!" he said cheerfully. "We'll have to tell mother and father that we're going shopping or such." he sighed and pouted at Sora. "Hey....I can too wash my hair....I just like the way your hands feel when you massage my scalp...." he said with a dazzling smile.
Sora laughed shaking his head, "Yes I know you would, oh remember Nico? The boy who was pushed from the wall by one of the knights and was in the hospital. He's out I saw Annie the caretaker of that orphanage last night. We should bring him some thing extra he loved your vists in the hospital with you reading to him." Sora chuckled not admitting he loved to go to simply hear the prince read as well. He placed all the cloths for Alek to change into on a chair and stood behind Alek again and drying his hair with a towel. "And your lieing you just cant wash your hair."
Alek pouted. "Am not..." he grinned. "We'll visit him first! The little thing, he'll be my heir!" he said happily. "And you'll care for both of us and we'll be a happy family!" He stood up and held his arms out for Alek to dry him. "I'll read to him and feed him and everything...." he said. "And I can so wash my own hair, I just like the way you do it!"
Sora nodded as he continued to dry him off, "Yes if you say so." He frowned thinking how the queen would react to something such as that though in the end it might be slightly funny to see her upset and she her self might be too unsure how to deal with it, he decied to change the subject before the prince thought to hard about it. "So anyway I was serving outside your mother'r room today and herd her and her maid, you know that prince in the kingdom to the east. Well a curse is going on there your mum seemed to completely buy it. The woman who practice magic are tried of the men so they cursed them all to carry children." He laughed shaking his head. "And your mother was trying to convince her maid of it. Your mother is out there some days."
Alek scoffed. "That's insane....that is a woman's duty...." he muttered. "I'll have to knock that idea out of her head." He stepped out of the tub and grabbed his undergarments and began to dress. "The blue suit? Can't I wear the grey?" he asked, blinking up at Sora. "It's softer."
Sora sighed shaking his head, "fine but you can get it yourself." He smirked sitting down and watching him. "Oh pulse I want to see this I'm going with you."
Alek frowned. "What kind of servant are you?" He pulled the suit out and got dressed quickly. "I already said that you were now hurry up and come with me to breakfast." he muttered. "We're late." He checked himself in the mirror then beckoned Sora to follow him out of the room. They went to dining room and he smiled brightly. "Mother, Father, good morning."
Sora mumbled, "The good kind of servant." And followed him to the dinning hall standing by the hall with the other servants.

The king nodded to his son giving him a smile.

The queen looked him up and down and frowned, "Your late."

(Did you want to be one or me just continue as both? Lol)
((I don't mind. Do you want me to be one?))

Alek sat down. "I apologize mother....I was getting ready...." He sat down and ate quietly. "Today is the day that I meet the brides, correct?"

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