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Graded Scaly Tails and Trails


Roleplay Artist
The following RP will cover the Ryken Adventurer Guild’s turnout for a quest investigating why a trail which acts as a trade route which merchants and travelers alike take has been attacked with increased frequency.

For participants make sure to link your character sheet in your first post.
Time: Morning

Place: Travel and Trade route, Ryke

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Wheatley Wheatley

A quest request had been posted for the Ryken Adventurer Guild. Travelers and less established merchants had been disappearing from subsections of a trade route which if followed long enough eventually branched off and led to the capital Ryken. It had been primarily in areas which were farther away from the capital where the incidents had been taking place. These incidents were not isolated as there were patterns of disruption.While it could have just been bandit activity, what was more strange was how there didn’t seem to be any people who managed to flee these incidents and report what they had seen.

It was the merchant faction which had initially reported these challenges to the Ryken Adventurer Guild. The quest was broken into two parts, the first and primary objective of those who accepted the quest was to first and foremost find out what was causing these disruptions so that there could be proper recourse if the threat was larger than what was assumed.

Second, if they were strong enough and could provide evidence they had taken care of whatever the problem was, they would be compensated additionally should they be able to contribute to defeating or stopping whatever the identified threat was. Those who were not members of the guild, should this quest be successful, could use it to obtain membership in the guild and the benefits associated with it. Alternatively they may be able to leverage a positive affiliation with the Ryken Merchant Faction

Those who were gathering to respond to the guild request had been briefed of this information before accepting the quest.


The established meeting place was a landmark on the route that was left of some sort of circular stone gate like structure which was on the path presumably left behind from long ago.

Shael was waiting patiently at the landmark for those who were involved to arrive. Normally she was one to try to get some semblance of a team going at the guild in person but this time around she wasn’t entirely sure who she’d be working with. It had been a more desperate request in a lower request tier, perhaps because the Merchant Guild couldn’t be as bothered to put up a premium price for higher grade adventurers when the targets so far had been more small time merchants.

Jareed Tahir
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Nevertheless she was at attention standing nearby a young man who seemed decently well dressed suggesting he had some wealth to his status.

The young man carried a walking stick and a carrying pack.

“Thank you again for showing up, I know that this isn’t exactly the most glamorous adventurer work but we were desperate to get some help, my father’s people keep disappearing..and it’s severely cutting into our profits, there are operation costs to take care of, employees to pay, and we need to be able to afford to pay the Merchant Membership Guild fee..furthermore there are missing people..I just hope that the worst hasn’t happened to them.”

The young man seemed to genuinely care.

“Oh..also before I forget my name’s Jareed, Jareed Tahir, I’ll be able to provide some insight into the area and places of interest, I've traveled here many times..my father wasn’t too fond of the idea but, if employees are going missing who are under my watch, I can’t just sit idly by and do nothing.”

Shael nodded, “I understand Jareed, I can promise you that I’ll do my best to help you to the best of my ability with your current plights…your decision to be here with us is admirable.” For now all the pair could really do was wait for the others to show up.
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Adelhein - [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus]
Saber Alter - [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman]

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Wheatley Wheatley

The rykens which both Adelhein and Saber Alter had acquired from the corpses of the thugs belonging to the Crimson Cutthroats had been dwindling, being used in basic everyday expenditures such as food and shelter. Eventually, it became clear to both that another source of income had to be procured. While Saber Alter’s first thought had been to simply take what they wanted from those who couldn’t offer much resistance against her brutal might, the pair had, thankfully, learned about [Criminal Titles] and their ramifications. Another opportunity, which could be seen as more ‘honorable’, presented itself in the form of a request posted at Ryken Adventurer’s Guild. Not that either Master or Servant cared about concepts such as ‘honor’ to begin with, but still, the offer was good enough to catch the teen magus’s attention.

The pair walked, side by side, upon the dirt road towards the meeting spotting. Adelhein’s magecraft coat fluttered slightly with the wind. His smaller form was dwarfed by his vigilant protector, who stood with her pitch-black armor, which gleamed under the morning sun. During the walk, the magus’s mind contemplated how useful would a membership with the Adventurer’s Guild be. If both Master and Servant achieved a high-enough standing in it, certainly his family name would become known in this foreign world. That would certainly make it easier for him to accomplish his other goals, besides prestige.

Eventually, both would come upon the designated location: a landmark with parts of some stone-like archway. Besides the architecture, which should have had some sort of meaning at some point, there were two others already in the location: a female with white-hair and crimson-eyes, much like Adelhein’s, and a male with some distinct-looking clothing. Approaching them, the 15-year-old spoke, with a small smile playing on his lips. “You two must be here for the job regarding the travelers and merchants, right?” He asked, his crimson eyes shifting from the female to the male for a few moments, scrutinizing both of them from head to toe. “I am Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer...” Introducing himself, he nodded his head slightly out of courtesy. There was undeniable pride in his voice when he had spoken of the El-Melloi family name. His gloved hand moved, motioning towards the armored female who was at his side. “... and this here is my Servant, Saber.” He continued, introducing his companion by the class she once possessed in the world they came from, not seeing any reason to disclose her true name.

Shifting his attention towards his companion, his crimson eyes would meet her golden ones. “Are you ready for the second step into your supremacy, Saber?” He would ask with palpable interest on his tone.


Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Journal Entry 38​
It has come to my knowledge that the other kids in the orphanage can hardly tell the difference between an animalistic monster driven by instinct and an innocent beast-kin. Of course they’ll slay any monster if given the chance but question themselves if they should stop there. Beast-kin and some fae look exactly the same as the monsters we’re taught to slay. Sometimes they even act the same if we provoke them hard enough. Is it ignorance or madly unfair propaganda of the East Empire that we’ve been forced to believe?
Is conscience really an excuse to not kill them? It’s a very thin line that we tolerate.


The slowly walking man, fully plated, stayed off the main roads for the sole reason of avoiding any happy-go-lucky non-humans.​
Arriving from the field to their left.​
It was obvious he wasn’t trying to practice his stealth with the clang of his armor. It’s because he wasn’t comfortable seeing happy beast-kin as he traveled. It’s not that he didn’t approve of it, it was because wasn’t used to the concept. Beast-kin were always treated ferociously back in Otenza, sometimes even worse than slaves. Not that he ever tried to stop that normalized behavior, sometimes it's necessary to put a thing back in its place. However in Ryken they weren't things, they are considered people. His younger self could debate that even with all this glorified freedom, beast-kin and fae are holding the world back, this quest for example. The second a quest like this was on the boards in Otenza it would had been solved in an hour with how many bloodthirsty humans there were. They weren't itching for a profit, not at all, it was a fight they were looking for. He questioned if he were the same as them, then question if that was a bad thing?​
The landmark was easy to spot however he spotted the young merchant first before the broken remnant of a forgotten time. Especially with his gait. The young man had a stance that only nobility or the rich had, as a street urchin of Otenza he found them quite fickle beings. They toss coins to beast-kin and have them perform tricks like they were dogs, it leaves sour memories. They were more likely to toss coins at beast-kin and fae for their own entertainment instead of a starving human child. Annellanus Gilgramfried never did receive a single coin, but that only made him appreciate his belongings even more, even if all he had was a rusty suit of armor and a sword beyond repair. Walking closer he spots the red of a woman's eyes. Unnatural. Pale skin and snow white hair. Is she a thing?
Then a young boy and an adult figure as his view clears more. It's probably his mom.​
"Let's go before anyone else shows up. I don't want them to slow us down." He eyes Shael, concluding that he was stuck with her kind. Slight disgust hidden behind his faceplate. He'd bet his body language was showing disappointment as well. Most people could tell if a human was eastern empire just by the way they spoke to others. Demanding and forceful. It wasn't out of disrespect but just the way he was raised, however he didn't try to hide it either. He looked over towards the young boy and his mom. His age didn't bother him, Gilgramfried was way younger when was forced to go on hunts. Though the boy had crimson eyes like the vampire-looking Shael, but it wasn't enough to determine if he was an inferior being "Annellanus Gilgramfried." Stating his name. "Don't call your mom, 'Servant', it's weird. "
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The pitter patter of bare feet against the dirt road marked the arrival of this ragtag group's final member.


She came sliding in from a full-sprint, locking eyes with the man who'd sought to bring a hasty end to meeting before she could introduce herself. Compared to them, she might've looked like a beautiful savage. Barefoot, little more than a wrapping of leaves for clothing, and not a single item to her name beyond that. Face covered in sweat with woven flora as hair. Nothing more than a desire for adventure and to test herself against the world drove her forward. A mere glance at the fae would likely remind Annellanus of everything he'd been taught to hate. To the rest, she might've appeared as little more than a tardy child, panting to catch her breath after a long sprint. For Demeter, herself?

This world was far too new to think anything of these people beyond what what one could glean with a glance. They would define themselves through their actions in the journey to come. For better or worse.

"Wait," she forced the words out as she fought to catch her breath, "I've come to help. And I won't be slowing anyone down, today."
Time: Morning

Place: Travel and Trade route, Ryke

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Wheatley Wheatley Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

Shael Xyvern
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Shael looked over at the new coming pair curiously. A youth and a woman who actually had a rather imposing appearance with the way she carried herself.

When she heard his name and the way he spoke about his servant, Shael felt inclined to bow out of respect so she did. Something about this guy told her he was a noble of some kind and she had no intention of making a bad impression this early on the quest.

“That we are, here for the quest. Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer, It is a pleasure to meet you, I look forward to this opportunity to work with you. Is there a way you’d prefer to be called besides your full name?”

She’d pause before continuing,

“I am Shael Xyvern.” She spoke, her own name having an asset attached to it back in the Fae See, which Adelhein probably at this point was not privy to. She also gave a respectful nod of acknowledgement to Saber.

Saber Alter
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Saber looked back at Shael with her cool hard to read gaze, staying near Adelhein, however when he shifted his attention to her, she looked a bit more lively, a more confident look falling upon her face, which would probably be pretty concerning for a would be adversary’s vision to fall upon.

“Of course I’m ready Master, I’m here to take as many steps by you side you as it takes. They’ll all be witness to my greatness yet.” She replied looking over at him, a hint of adoration in her voice along with a sound of conviction.

Shael looked over to Annellanus Gilgramfried, and he also had a feeling to his stature and appearance, very warrior like was her first impression, which wasn’t necessarily a bad thing for a potentially dangerous quest like this but at the same time, she looked over his non verbal demeanor, and his name and pretty quickly came to the conclusion that he was probably from the East Empire based on the sound of the name alone.

Shael had some mixed feelings to say the least about working with someone from the East Empire right now, last she had heard her father might be killing people like him right now, but for the quest and her general desire for the world to get along..even if an albeit [Naive] aspiration Shael would work with him, and would try her best not to stir the pot. She nodded before figuring he should at least have a way to call her.

“My name is Shael Xyvern, I will do my best to ensure our quest is successful.”
was the best she could really say at this point to someone like him.

Saber upon hearing Annellanus refer to her as Adelhein’s mother, her stance shifted some as if one was perceptive enough they’d be able to see her clench her right fist, while maintaining a somewhat more tenuous smile as it was clear she was holding back what she really wanted to express in this moment. To Adelhein, it was probably pretty clear that she was prioritizing his success by trying to keep the peace with those they were supposed to work with. It was safe to say Saber saw herself going well beyond the role of a simple maternal figure.

“I”m not his mother. I am my master’s servant, his sword and his shield.” She reasserted in a calm and collected voice.

Jareed Tahir
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Jareed smiled a bit bashfully at this development.

He then looked over at the so far three newcomers and also gave a bow in Adelhein’s direction as he quickly picked up on the fact the youth was probably nobility too with how he carried himself.

“Thank you all for coming out to help, I really appreciate it. I’m here to be a local guide of the land of sorts, I’m affiliated with the Merchant Guild who filed this request with the adventurer guild..” He said before also giving a small respectful gesture toward Annellanus.

“I agree it’d be best if we get moving, the more of this we can get done before nightfall, the better.”

Thankfully for Demeter Jareed looked over to her a bit surprised, “Ah yes! I thought there was supposed to be one more! I can really use all the help we can get so thanks again to you as well.”

Shael looked over at her, and looking over her appearance, she felt a bit relieved to see another Fae at the very least in the party. Not that she hadn’t worked with other groups who didn’t have any before, but now he felt like there was at least another possible ally should things start to deteriorate with this bunch.

She then gave a soft smile in Demeter’s direction. “Right then, glad you could join us, my name is Shael Xyvern who would you be?” Deciding to give a full proper introduction even on the off chance Demeter had overheard her name.

After giving Demeter some time to breathe, it was time for the group to move on as Jareed guided them down the path.

Saber stayed close to Adelhein during this. Shael naturally gravitated toward Demeter some, presuming she was agreeable to speak too. After some time Shael spoke up,

"Since we'll be working together I believe it would make sense if we disclosed some of our skills sets now so that we can better strategize. I believe myself to be proficient with the bow, and I am most confident I am capable of providing ranged support." Shael spoke matter of factly to the group.

After some relatively uneventful walking on the side of the trail there was a broken down caravan which looked like it had been destroyed, there were empty smashed wooden containers sprawled out and pieces of the wheels, furthermore there was no evidence of any life or sign of anything valuable left.

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Jareed stopped for a moment before looking a bit more serious. Shael stopped as well to listen.

“This is where one of the most recent attacks took place, and unfortunately if I told you this was the only one I’d be lying..”

Not too far off from the relatively open area, in the distance the forestline could be seen, and there was something that looked like a path.

“Now if you’re asking my opinion..There are a couple of options I would personally consider knowing this land..searching the forestline isn’t a bad idea, there’s actually a cave not all so far from here within, and we might be able to find some more information which could help indicate what likely has been causing these attacks, alternatively we could go further up the path, since your the adventurers you might very well have better ideas than me, but, just figured I’d throw in my two Rykes on this situation.”
Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer // Saber Alter

Adelhein - [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus]
Saber Alter - [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman]

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Wheatley Wheatley

Adelhein accepted the crimson-eyed woman’s gesture, watching her bowing to him with palpable interest. Did his family name carry weight even across the threads of time and space? Or was it merely the imposing combination of both Master and Servant? He did not know, yet he accepted any of the possibilities. When prompted by the woman, how else he could be called, the young magus fell into contemplation for a moment. Coming to a decision, his eyes would meet hers, glinting with something unknown on them. “Well, since my arrogant ‘uncle’ Kayneth went ahead and died, I am the most skillful magus in my family. It would only be proper to address me as Lord El-Melloi, Shael Xyvern.” The youth said with chilling naturality, harboring no feelings at all for the death of his kin, while repeating her name and committing it to memory. While Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald had been a prodigy, with accolades, his pride had been his downfall. Only time would tell if Adelhein would take that page from the former family head’s book.

Hearing his faithful Servant’s answer to his question, the small smile who had been on his lips would grow. While he already knew that he had summoned the best Servant from the Throne of Heroes, that only kept being proved to be correct time and time again. Adelhein’s attention would then be focused towards the knight who had joined them. It would certainly be good to have more canon fodder from the frontlines, as the young magus possessed quite a few supporting magecraft. However, when Annelanus had made the assumption that Saber was his mother, he could feel the air shifting, if only slightly. He didn’t even need to watch any mannerism coming from his Servant to know she was keeping down her true feelings, as such was the arcanic bond between them. Glad about the answer Saber had given him, safeguarding the nature of that quest, he added after her. “I hope that clear up the nature of our bond, Annellanus.” He said in a cool tone, narrowing his eyes while he kept them trained at the warrior for a moment longer, before shifting his attention to the male with distinct-looking garments.

Hearing the man express his thanks about their participation in that endeavor, as well as disclosing a bit further what their purpose there was, the young magus would tilt his head in curiosity. “Oh, so you are our employer in a sense. I am pretty sure this experience will be quite… unique to your eyes.” He said, brimming with confidence in their success. It was then that another one would join the group: a female with greenish skin. Her skin hue would vaguely remember him of one of the thugs he and Saber had encountered as soon as they had been whisked away into his world, but that was about it. Without being able to gather much further about her, as the youth was fairly new to the many non-humans who seemed to exist in this plane. Still, it looked like she was eager enough to participate in this quest. Looking at her for a moment, his crimson-eyes locked onto hers as she waited for her to introduce herself to the group, he would soon begin to follow the group to their destination, having his stalwart Servant besides him.

Eventually, Shael would mention that information of their skills should be shared. Adelhein thought it was wise, as that would open possibilities for strategies and tactics. As he heard that the crimson-eyed woman was a ranged fighter, he began. “I know quite a few offensive and defensive magecraft, most related to Volumen Hydrargyrum. Meanwhile, Saber is an unmatched swordswoman, as some of the locals had the unfortunate surprise to learn.” There was palpable pride in the young magus’ voice as he talked about his Servant’s capabilities. He would listen to whatever the others would say attentively, already churning the best battle orders in his own mind. Eventually, as the group would come upon the broken caravan, he would come to a dead stop as well, hearing what their guide had to say. He would approach the caravan, peering at it intently with his crimson eyes, taking note of everything he could. Whoever did this, appeared to be after taking everything and leaving no-one behind.

Hearing their guide’s suggestions further, about how the options he had, Adelhein would bring his gloved hand to his chin, falling in deep contemplation for a moment. “The nearby cave could very well be a place where whoever did this stashed the contents of the caravan, or possibly used as a temporary place for respite...” Giving his opinion, he would look to his side and towards Saber, his full attention directed at her imposing form. “... what say you, Saber?” He asked, not being foolish to pass the chance of asking for King Arthur’s sage advice.


Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

He didn’t care for what the child’s servant told him. The way she strolled at his side, he might as well claim that Saber was his woman. At least it would have more dignity than having a female be your bodyguard, he thought. Gilgramfried refrained from commenting any further. He was planning to mock that she was either his slave or his girlfriend but then decided not to provoke them any further. To him the only difference between slaves and servants is how many generations they were under rule. Their relationship at face value sickened him, especially since the boy was of a noble bloodline. He plans to bring up the stink of royal later on. "That's quite beautiful, Lord Melloi" Uncaring in his voice.

If it wasn’t already obvious what his skill set was by being a heavy plated warrior from the empire. They could take one look at him and see that he could be good with swords, taking physical abuse and also squeezing the life out of someone’s neck. Shael wanted them to state their usefulness, but he didn’t want to retell the gruesomeness of what they already knew. They already have a sword user, he assumed the lord's slave had the privilege of having actual masters train her. Though he doubted she'd match the brutality and willpower of Otenza fight pits, a place he found himself too often as a wee lad. “Following orders, Miss Xyvern.” That is very much the best thing he was good at, excelled even. There was no pride in his voice, just the training of a child molded by war.

The caped warrior held everything back to hide his disgust walking alongside this green thing. Practically nude like a savage, using mud and fuck as garments. Wasn’t this being cold? The green thing seemed to be some sort of plant type monster. It was human shaped indeed, but demons also shape themselves like humans in order to trick us. It spoke words with borrowed emotion which he largely saw through and ignored the creature gasping for breath. Plants don’t have lungs? Gilgramfried distanced himself from it, trying not to overshadow and let it photosynthesize in the sun while they traveled.


The merchant guided them to a caravan that’s been sucked dry of any loot. It saddened him that he couldn’t pick off anything. Lingering around it for a few moments, not even a wooden shield in sight, something that he’s been trying to afford for a while now since his last one broke. He remembered his pack leaders mentioning that he was a runt of great strength because every shield seemed to crumple before his arms did. Jareed stated that there was a cave but also gave us freedom of choice, was he being polite or did he not know how to lead? Never give your men more than one option. Be direct and clear and they will follow. “Cave.” He voted. Gilgramfried glances at the lord asking his slave her opinion. In Otenza a slave's opinion was beneath a fae's or beast-kins, so no matter what Saber said he'd ignore it. Which led his attention to the green bean. Staring at her until she gave an answer. "Say something, pea."
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A small sigh of relief as Jareed accepted her into the party. Another fae quickly made her way over, flashing a soft smile that the dryad quickly met with an equally soft wave.

"Demeter. Glad to be here."

She fell silent for a time as Shael asked everyone to explain their worth and the group went about doing so. Or, at least, it seemed like they'd been making a poor attempt to. Lots of words with very little to gain from them. She understood that Saber was good with a sword, but beyond that? She hadn't the faintest idea what a... Hydrargyrum was. Not even the "Volumen" kind. And Gilgramfried? It was almost like he'd misunderstood the question. One of a few misunderstandings, really.

"No, no, it's a "D". Demeter starts with the letter D, Gilgramfried!"

She understood, though. Language wasn't exactly the easiest thing to pick up for anyone. As for her own skillset? There wasn't really all that much to it, was there?

"I guess you could say that I'm a lot like Adelhein. Though my magic has a lot less Hydra..." she squinted her eyes as she dove deep into her short term memory, "...gorum and a lot more roots and stems? And pollen. And wood?"

Plant-based combat magic. Though, most of the party probably could've guessed that at a glance. That said, they also might've noticed a distinct absence of, well... anything remotely resembling a magic focus.

"But yes! Let's inspect the cave."
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Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer // Saber Alter

Adelhein - [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus]
Saber Alter - [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman]
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Wheatley Wheatley

The young magus didn’t show any surprise with Gilgramfried’s short and unspecific description of his own capabilities. It was pretty clear that he was some sort of frontline fighter, even more so with the heavy armor he was wearing. However, it was pleasant to hear that he was good at following orders. While a pawn was always useful, an unwilling one had very limited use. And Adelhein knew he would be able to squeeze even more extra value out of him, thanks to his own magecraft. It would then be only a matter of how much pressure the ‘nutcracker’ could be put under before he broke.

When Demeter spoke, however, the whole situation was different. The youth didn’t seem to be that much bothered that his first name had left the mouth of the creature so casually. But his eyebrow would twitch momentarily when she said both her and him could be thought as the same. The female’s inability to mention the Hydrargyrum at first was understandable, as he wouldn’t expect simpletons to be aware of the higher arcanic arts. But when she continued, mentioning a few bits and keywords of what appeared to be her domain of expertise, Adelhein’s face would contort slightly in clear disgust.

It appeared she was a spellcaster, alright. However, what she was experienced in appeared to be the ‘mambo jumbo’ that some primitive magic users were proficient at, in his home world, not even being considered a proper magecraft. “Are you some sort of shaman or druid, then? Or maybe a witch of the wild?” The young magus would ask, narrowing his crimson eyes, which were glued on her barely dressed form. Still, seeing how the group’s spellcaster had difficulty understanding what he was proficient at, there was little chance of the others would have even the slightest clue. Being generous, he decided to offer further explanation and tone it down for them, crossing his arms over his chest. “Volumen Hydrargyrum is the manipulation of metals for offensive and defensive uses. Along with it, I also possess skills in Barrier Magecraft and Healing Magecraft.” His said this time with a neutral and dry tone, hoping that much information could be grasped by her and whoever was interested in it.
Time: Morning

Place: Travel and Trade route, Ryke

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Wheatley Wheatley Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

Shael Xyvern
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“Understood Lord El-Melloi.” She replied as respectfully as she could, not showing one way or another externally a least how she felt about how seemingly un-empathetic he was at his relative’s death. Perhaps there had been some family drama there from the sound of things, which wouldn’t exactly be unheard of particularly given how nobles could be.

Shael listened to what each party member for the quest described their abilities to be. She found Adelhein’s description of his use of magic. Then there was Saber who was skilled at the sword according to him, presuming that was true it sounded like a good team composition wasn’t out of the question.

Jareed Tahir
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Jareed nodded at Adelhein’s words, “Yes..my family is and I’d certainly be part of it.”

Saber Alter
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Saber seemed to appear only more confident in her stance as she received a positive description from her master, after all she was in fact superior, she would show herself to be the best.
“I believe that the cave would be a most fitting place to investigate. Those sorts of places attract all kinds of undesirables after all.” She gave her opinion on the matter in response.

However Saber’s reaction to the tone which the knight took on..it would be very clear to Andelhein at least that this Empire warrior was absolutely vexing her, that alone would have been enough for her to lash out, but thankfully for the sake of the quest once again she managed to show restraint even if one followed her sight line they’d see she was looking toward the point she’d need to cut just right to inflict grievous harm.

It was far from ideal to have Gilgramfried throwing around referring to people like that or being so blunt but as long as he was good at what he looked like he was, he’d fit into the combat party well. Thankfully it didn’t look like Dementer had been offended as much as she was confused which was probably for the better at the moment. She did throw another look of acknowledgement when he said following orders.

“Very well then it sounds like we’ll head to the cave first. ” Shael replied aloud, turning to Jareed.

Truthfully that seemed like a logical move to her. A cave could provide good cover for someone or something who was attacking the route.

With that Jareed guided them toward the forest entrance before turning back.

“I’m sure those in the line of work you take on don’t need to be reminded that you should take extra precaution in the forest, while the forest yields many great things there are some less than safe ones to be found.”

"...That is certainly the case from my experience.”

As the group moved toward the forest line Shael looked to the rest of the group and decided to speak on what she had heard.

“It sounds like we have a pretty good team if we need to get into combat then, Gilgramfried and Saber seem like they’d be good at getting up close and personal while Lord El-Melloi, Demeter and myself have ranged support options, I guess It’s also worth mentioning that I’m also capable of making it difficult for the enemy to detect me to various extents.” Shael rationalized out, hoping that the discussion might inspire some good synergized team work.


While the group moved Saber still stayed near her master. Jareed stayed ahead of the group, and Shael stayed near the back some so she’d have a better chance of getting off her shots if any enemies approached. So far the forest had seemed relatively tranquil for the group the sounds of nature occurring every now and again from the wind blowing, birds chirping and other small animals moving about the forest floor.

After some time lapsed Jareed commented, “It won’t be all too much farther from here..” However at a certain point during the walk he paused where he was completely freezing, he then quietly gestured over with his walking stick,

There was some sort of cloaked short figure whose full features were difficult to make out but it looked like they were definitely not human with the way the mouth protruded and what could be discerned of the ‘skin’ on the shorter side of things. What was more curious was that they appeared to be holding what looked like a more ornate broadsword sword which was sheathed, but it did not look proportionate to their scale, They looked up at the group suddenly and almost immediately upon seeing them began to run away down one of the side paths off route as quickly as they could manage, not saying a word.

By this point Shael had drawn her Eclipse bow but did not want to risk hitting them if they were just a passerby..mainly bringing it out for self defense purposes, even if there was circumstantial evidence to suggest something fishy was going on.

Jareed then spoke, “It looks like they’re heading in the same direction of the cave…!” The group would need to act decisively if they were going to try to pursue, follow and or stop the stranger.
Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer // Saber Alter
Adelhein 4.jpgSaber Alter2.png

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Wheatley Wheatley Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

Adelhein looked visibly pleased with Shael taking the young magus form of address. It looked like things would go smoothly with most party members, with the only simmering point being the knight Annellanus, as he would do his very best to tolerate the green-skinned spellcaster in their party. Maybe there was even something slightly worth learning from her primitive tricks, albeit he highly doubted that.

With the guide’s confirmation that both he and his family were the ones who posted the request to the Adventurer’s Guild, the teen would think for a moment how much wealth was involved in the job as a whole: the losses which they had so far and how expensive was this recruitment. However, wealth seemed not to be the only thing that Jareed possessed, there was prestige behind it as well. Would he be one of this nation’s nobles?

Those thoughts were quickly cleared from his mind as Saber echoed her own opinion on their next course of action, the cave would be their next destination it seemed. His battle-tested Servant’s sage advice certainly took precedence over anyone’s else opinion, even his own.

Adelhein stopped for a moment, feeling the increasing animosity of his summoned Servant towards the Eastern knight, his tone appearing to be catching on her nerves. Before things could take on a worse turn in the next few moments, the young magus approached his stalwart companion, communicating with her in a low-soft tone. “Not now. We might cross paths with him in the future.” He said, without further clarification, being sure she knew what he meant by that.

Furthermore, with Shael’s input, it seemed like the cave had been unanimously decided on and, as such, would be their next destination. With Jareed’s warning, the young magus would nod. There could be a great number of things waiting the group deeper into the forest. And, whatever they found it, Adelhein was going to make sure he was ready for it.

“We certainly have an excellent group composition. And your stealth skills also open possibilities for scouting ahead with little danger, doesn’t it? Unfortunately, I am not experienced in Summoning Magecraft, so I can’t conjure familiars for that sort of use.” He added, already seeing extra capabilities which Shael brought to the table.

Adelhein’s crimson eyes would keep darting around the forest while they walked, some twigs being crunched beneath his feet as he walked. The teen would come to a complete halt upon their guide freezing, pointing his walking stick towards something. Squinting his eyes, he would see the creature at the distance. For a moment, he thought about attacking the robbed creature there and then, but there was no confirmation that it had anything to do with the attacked caravan. Still, the group needed to give chase to it, lest it disappeared for good.

There were dangers, however, with simply running after whoever that was. With quick thinking, the young magus came with a solution to mitigate the risks. Activating his magic circuits, he let his mana flow through his body. With his catalyst, the signet ring on his right index finger, glowing in a bright crimson color, a magic circle would appear under Adelhein’s feet. “Magnam Ferro Corpus!” he said, activating his magecraft.

Targeting Saber, Demeter, Annellanus, Shael and Jareed, he released his spell. The ground around each of them would burst open, liquid metal being brought forth from the depths of the forest soil. The metallic mixture would splash onto each of them, creating a protective cover. Due to Adelhein’s close distance to Saber, he would also end up being bathed in the liquid, a metallic armor being formed over his coat. “Let’s not waste time! Let’s go, Saber!” He said, already giving chase to the creature.


1 - Magnam Ferro Corpus - Magic E, Energized E, Magic AoE F, Magic Range F, Magic Targets F, Selective Magic [Target Allies] F, Barrier F, Affinity Elemental [Metal] F - After declaring the name of the spell, Adelhein selects up to five members of his party, up to 30ft. Liquid metal bursts out of the ground, bathing them for 4HP of extra protection, for a single turn, further expanding to other allies in a 15ft radius of the original targets - Grade E Cooldown 0


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Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Maxxob Maxxob Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

"I agree, Pemeter. It does start with a P."
It was like he was talking to a toddler. She mentioned something about roots which brought him a distant dream of becoming a peaceful farmer. That dream was too far gone, walking towards the forest with the intent to kill for the sake of it was far from peaceful


As Shael mentioned her fear of the forest line Annellanus walks in without care. The forest didn't scare him since they were a large group. We'll trained soldiers in an open space was a threat that would scare off any monster. However they were running into a tightly spaced fuck.

This wasn't an ideal situation.

Annellanus was programmed to assume the enemy is not only stronger than him but also smarter. The scaly beings ability to hold or even comprehend a sword was that sign to take precaution. He'd hope he wasn't alone in this thought but these were adventurers of 'ryken.' From what he's seen they were very hotheaded and charged in without much thought. Is this because the monsters in these lands were too easy making this fool of a boy rush in without worry? Is it because his mom is there to protect him?

"I trust your tactics" He lied but followed anyways for the sake of keeping formation. There was a worry of monsters caving in their only exit but that was just a rare paranoia. The defensive spell he casted won't protect them from the sheer weight of earth above them.

With what he was able to process in the short amount of time he couldn't assume much. The lizard thing had a sheathed sword, the only explanation to him was that it either looted it from a caravan or someplace else. Questioning if it knows how it use it properly.

He made sure his back was to Jareed and the green bean at all times. Gilgramfried paced himself behind the lord and his servant allowing him to stay in the middle. Even with the lords defensive spell he'd doubt it was as protective as actual armor. Incase they were to fall into ambush he'd be in the correct line to defend the squishier party members. Everything Gilgramfried did was hard programmed in him. Formations and correct positioning was extremely vital in the Eastern Empire. The first thing he learned in Ryken was to let the hothead ones charge in without care to gather more information about an enemy, which is exactly what he suspected was going to happen.

Keeping an eye on the lung capacity of the green bean. There was no sun or water here to provide her energy he assumed. Unless she was some sort of moss thing. He didn't like charging in without information, it's what leads to mass party deaths and he didn't want this plant thing's death on his mind. Following a beast was one thing but chasing it down a cave where it had tactical advantage was the opposite of genius. "Miss Shael and Mister Jareed, I hope one of you know the layout of this cave." Speaking to those behind him.
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The dryad could not conceal the budding annoyance slowly building within her.

"No, it's Demeter! It's..." she sighed as her brow began to furrow, "Fine. Gilgamfraud."

She certainly wasn't going to be the only one whose name got mispronounced around here.

Not long after that enlightening exchange, Jareed froze at the head of the pack. He pointed out a suspicious looking figure who, even more dubiously, took off the moment he'd caught sight of them. The chance to test her abilities against an enemy excited her. That excitement was quickly dampened as Adelhein blasted her in the face with warm mercury that quickly coagulated into a suit over her skin. She glanced over at Shael with a deep frown before turning back to Adelhein.

"Um... thanks... for that."

Might not've been the most pleasant experience, but she understood that it was supposed to help keep her safe.

Adelhein and Saber lead the charge into the cave. Gilgamfraud took mid. Demeter entered the cave at the rear alongside Shael and Jareed, doing her best to convince herself that the thick goop clinging to her skin was, indeed, a good thing that she should be happy to be experiencing at that moment and not completely gross. And as the prospect of battle drew ever nearer, a question popped into the dryad's mind that was best answered now than later.

"To be clear, we are trying to capture someone to get information about the disappearances... and not just kill everyone who looks at us funny, right?" her gaze shifted left to right between her party members, "I'm perfectly fine with either. I just want to make sure we're all on the same page before someone makes a mistake that they can't take back."
Time: Morning

Place: Travel and Trade route, Ryke

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Wheatley Wheatley Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

Saber Alter
Screenshot 2024-03-30 at 1.32.44 PM.png

Thankfully Adelhein did a great job of diffusing Saber as she gave him a small bow of her head in acknowledgement.

“Understood Master.” she responded softly back.

Shael Xyvern
Screenshot 2023-02-20 at 11.10.46 PM.png

Unfortunately Shael would need to hold her tongue for the time being with Annelanus being rather obnoxious at the moment regarding Dementer’s name.
Shael was glad that Adelhein at least seemed to be agreeable to the notion that they could work together, even if Saber was a bit unsettling, she seemed loyal to him so if he was in good enough spirits that was probably a good sign for the rest of them.

“I would say that my skills would lend well to such a purpose.”

“Regardless it does sound like you are skilled in multiple crafts which makes your ability diverse, it is good to have you with us Lord El-Melloi."
She spoke positively.

During the run away encounter Shael readied her bow catalyst, drawing one of her arrows for good measure just encase, with quick reflexes. What she wasn’t expecting was for Adelhein to toss some liquid magic protection on them, noticing that her cloak had the protection on it for the time being.

Saber was quick to draw her blade and respond to her master’s words as she got ready to pursue and engage in combat if necessary.

As a result Shael assumed a position toward the back near Demeter. WIth the whole group moving so quickly to hopefully keep their lead, something which Shael would normally take more time to think about before partaking in, much like Annelanus thought, she too knew this was a risky move but with group consensus and the opportunity seeming potentially fruitful for their quest; the cave entrance would come up quickly as Jareed had said. Jareed himself also stayed near the back of the group presumably because he wasn’t intending to fight on the frontlines, not that he looked like much of a fighter to begin with.

Unfortunately their scaly friend had been fast and was even seen moving on all fours at one point to get more distance before rushing into the cave before them, it would be difficult to discern where it went without someone who had good observation and or perception skills.

Cave Entrance

“We’ll need to take it slower from here while we breach, we don’t know if there are any traps or enemies waiting for us beyond it..” Shael spoke to the group albeit softer in tone.

"I'd..suggest we're ready to fight if necessary but our primary objective is to get information so that should be our focus for the time being until we better understand the situation." Shael answered the other Fae's question carefully, giving her opinion. While they could get a bonus if they took care of a dangerous threat, might as well get the main reason they had been sent first.

Shael also added, “To my understanding Jareed should know this area well, he’s gone cave spelunking for valuables in these sorts of areas or so he told me earlier..”

Jareed Tahir
Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 11.21.33 PM-1-1.png

Jareed perked up upon the party being informed he should know about the area. “Oh yes actually, I brought the perfect text on caves like these around Ryke..” He began to go into his carrying bag and actually pulled out the handcrafted looking book as he began to flip through it.

“...Now if I could just remember the name of it..” He said to himself softly with a bit of a bashful smile developing now as he went through the text, the top of his walking stick now glowing a faint white glow.

By the time the group entered the cave the space in front of them had some light coming in from the entrance but was rather dim, the sizable stone space had some stalagmites..and what was also interesting was that the very same sheathed they had seen earlier sword had been dropped on the center of the space and had been left there. Beyond that there was a wooden barrel against the cave wall farthest from the party in the space. On either side of the space it split into two natural paths which were both somewhat narrow, one of them to the right didn’t seem to have much light coming through at all, while the path to the left sort of looked like there was a faint glow in the distance perhaps from a fireplace.

Shael looked around the space carefully with her dark vision. The real question was what should the party do now in this unfamiliar territory? Saber was guarded in front of Adelhein now.
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #f5fa6e

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Wheatley Wheatley

When Shael's praises reached Adelhein's ears, it sounded nothing short of than a melody in the teen's mind. As a proud magus, of a foreign world, stroking his ego was the easiest way to get in his good side and the female was already in pretty good terms with him because of that. Still, the young magus knew he wasn't exactly at the same point of when he left his world and the brutal competition he was partaking in. His capabilities had certainly regressed, not even being able to feel the long-standing connection to Abyssal Magecraft which the von Breyer were known for. Regardless, he had no plans to pursue the accursed domain. It had served its purpose, earning his place, through adoption, into the El-Melloi family.

Hearing the shaman's thanks for his earlier protective magecraft, the teen would look at her, with a grin on his face. "Always glad to help." and nod. After the praise he had received, he was unable to catch her displeasure about the warm liquid mineral, which had covered her. His crimson eyes would go back to the path ahead, ready to support his Servant if there was need. During the charge, he watched the lizard-like creature until it simply vanished in front of them. Still, there had been an expression of disgust on the teen's face, for a moment, when the being started to walk on all-fours.

As soon as the group got to the cave, the layer of mercury which had been formed by Adelhein's magecraft would simply dissolve, vanishing in thin air. For now, he lacked the proper skills (Duration) to make the protective coat last longer. When there was some conversation about the group having to come of a consensus on how they would act, if they found anyone inside the cave. "I suppose the biggest worry is earning [Criminal Titles] by attacking those we shouldn't. Qualms about killing are secondary to that." He added, without a shred of emotion, waving his gloved hand in dismissal. The trauma of the Grail War still fresh in his mind and the corruption of its black mud adding to it.

Next, he would watch with palpable curiosity as Jareed fumbled to find his notes about that particular cave. His attention was then diverted from the man and towards the cave itself. His eyes caught everything that was more obvious: the stalagmites, the ornate sword in the center of the rocky chamber, the barrel at the opposite side, as well as both paths they could take. Narrowing his crimson eyes, the teen shook his head at the absurdity of it.
"Oh? Seems like someone wants to play 'smart' and set up a trap for us. They take us for children..." Adelhein said, chuckling in a low voice, not even grasping the irony of what he had just said.

Pointing at the barrel on the other end of the room, he continued.
"I will try and use my magecraft to try and destroy that barrel. May have explosives or something else in it. Better get some cover and prepared for anything." Warning the group, he would place his hand on Saber, activating his protective magecraft once more. "Ferrea Virgo!" As the warm mercury splashed on her, he would be using her as a cover. Next, channeling his mana through his magic circuits, activating his magecraft once more. "Fervor Mei Sanguine!" Without seeing the need to go out on the offensive magic, only a hole would burst upon from the ground near him and, from it, the liquid metal would start to exit it.

It formed a metallic tendril, which moved with fluidity towards the barrel, almost like a whip. As soon as it got close to it, the appendage would move down the barrel at full force, attempting to smash it, before bursting into a cloud of metallic dust.

1 - Ferrea Virgo - Magic F, Energized F, Barrier F, Affinity Elemental [Metal] F - After declaring the name of the spell, Adelhein selects a single party member. Liquid metal bursts out of the ground, bathing them for 4HP of extra protection, for a single turn - Grade F Cooldown -1
2 - Fervor Mei Sanguine - Magic E, Energized E, Magic AoE F, Magic Range F, Magic Targets F, Selective Magic [Spare Party] F, Affinity Elemental [Metal] F - After declaring the name of the spell, Adelhein selects up to five enemies up to 30ft. Metal tentacles erupt from the ground, moving towards them to pierce them. After the attack, the appendages burst, further dealing Metal damage to other enemies inside a 15ft radius from each original target - Grade E Cooldown 0 - Int C(+4) + Cat D(+3) + Magic E(+2) = 9 Base Effectiveness


Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Maxxob Maxxob Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

Breaching without a shield was his worry, no matter how much they slowed. Approaching someplace where there would always be evil waiting for him around the corner. Be it monsters or demon fae. Even with all these party members Annellanus felt like he was going alone. He couldn’t trust any of them to have his back. None of these beings could classify as brothers-in-arms, especially the noble snobs. He could sense they didn’t have true violence in them, the Lord seemed too young and guarded.

Glancing down at the dissolving liquid metal that layered him, it had been weightless to him therefore he doubted its practicality. He saw sabers complete confidence in her lord's spell, it was slave trained ignorance. At least Dementer had some rebellion asking if they should be following the lead of a tiny boy.

Then she uttered something that could claim that she was a killing machine. ‘Perfectly fine with killing’. “We shouldn’t be fine with murdering anything, little one.” He used the word murder, because that’s what they were going to do. It wasn’t a pretty word but it was the truth.Their quest was counter productive to what he said, an opportunity to kill a bandit or monster wherever it might lead but that still doesn’t make it right.

The violence of murder and death lingered through his experienced voice, a heavy toll that burdened him greatly. “Do what you can but when the time comes-.” Perhaps it was how tiny she was. Despite her being a disgusting plant humanoid Annellanus could only see her as a young girl, unstained by war. At least that’s what he was deeply hoping for but his trained eyes told him otherwise, she was a demon fae.

The other demon fae had mentioned that she was also skilled in the art of murder. She was an exception compared to the green thing. Annellanus reminded himself what she looked like without turning his head. Pale white skin complimented with blood moon eyes, she was the classical look of a children's book villain. Her statement matched her tone, and so did her expert draw of a bow. “-leave the killing blows to us.” Making eye contact with Shael as he spoke. Acknowledging to her that beyond her pretty species he knows that her kind is capable of great volumes of death beyond any other kingdom.

Breaching the cave the armored warrior kept formation. Sweeping himself to the left side of the cavern wall, assuming they knew to use him as cover as they traveled. The smell of a dampy mold was always excessive in caves like these, however at least the green party member didn’t remind him of that stench. Betting that the Lord boy could stink all he wants and his slave servant wouldn’t say a word.

He didn’t have a torch on him, but he wasn’t too pleased to see that there was light coming from one of the tunnels either. Revealing a barrel just enough distance from the sword that the lizard had earlier. Such foul play didn’t fool these adventurers either. If it wasn’t an obvious trap then honestly he’d be let down. “If it is what we believe it is, then we’re dealing with an intelligent creature.”

For once the kid made a move he'd agree upon.
Standing in front of Jareed and the fae demons as their armored meatshield. Knee’s lowered, bracing himself for anything.
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Given their response, it was clear that everyone in the party was on the same page.

They were all here for answers, not heads. And, much like the others, the dryad grew suspicious of the barrel and sword the moment she saw it. For now she chose to conserve her power for when and if the party needed it. She knelt down behind Gilgamfraud and grew extra quiet; glancing over his shoulder at the barrel in the distance. If anything emerged from that drum that Adelhein's magic couldn't handle alone, she'd offer immediate support to defend the party that positioned itself to defend her. But for now, she'd watch and wait.

A cannon ready to fire at a moment's notice.

Wheatley Wheatley Maxxob Maxxob TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Time: Morning

Place: Cave, Ryke

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Wheatley Wheatley

Shael Xyvern
Screenshot 2023-02-20 at 11.10.46 PM.png

Shael was in agreement that was a concern. It’s why one needed to be absolutely sure that who they were dealing with was a monster and or criminal before acting with violence if necessary. Getting accidental criminal titles was far from the goal for the group.

“That is a very real possibility.” She responded softly to his trap comment.

As he announced he was going to attack the barrel, Shael decided to heed his words, as he looked pretty determined. Truthfully she wasn’t sure if she herself would have interacted with it at all out of precaution since it wasn’t really part of their quest to begin with in this case.

Regardless Shael got against the wall closest to the entrance, allowing the melee people to shield the group some.

Jareed Tahir
Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 11.21.33 PM-1-1.png

Jareed looked a bit nervous now, putting his text away for the time being. “Are you certain that is..uhm, absolutely..” He didn't’ finish, just gulping a bit , before bracing himself. It was pretty clear he was concerned about there being some sort of explosion too.

Saber Alter
Screenshot 2024-04-08 at 2.19.21 PM.png

Saber stayed near Adelhein, a steely glint of conviction in her eyes as she faced the barrel, looking like she was combat ready, standing slightly to his side to give him some room to cast the spell but staying between the barrel and him, covering quite a bit of him just encase anything problematic happened as a result.

Shael gave a nod when Annellanus looked at her, making some eye contact potentially. That was right, Shael had killed plenty of undesirable things like those large insects, she could certainly help with this as well. What was strange about Annellanus to Shael in her mind was how on one hand he was obnoxious in ways but on another he said something which was strangely insightful.

Then there was Demeter who was at the ready to engage as well, between all of them hopefully they’d be ready for what happened if anything…

Both of Adelhein’s spells went off without a hitch, However what might have been a bit disturbing was when suddenly the barrel sprouted four sets of organic looking legs, and the top of it opened up revealing teeth, a large tongue and an eye which opened on the front of it as it leapt to the side of Adhelhein’s metallic tendril strike, instead only getting partially struck. One of it legs looking worse for wear.

Barrel Mimic
The Barrel mimic began to shriek a very loud sound in response to being struck, causing Shael to immediately wince her enhanced hearing not conducive to her enjoying the sound in the slightest.

Jareed covered his ears in discomfort.

Saber was quick to bring her dark sword at the ready to engage, Suddenly the Mimic leapt across the cave toward Adelhein and her and it started to spew a foul purple hue out of its mouth which was quickly filling up the space in the cave which they had entered into.

This caused Shael to try to take a quick shot at it, which her arrow did strike but with the visibility becoming more difficult she didn’t have time to prepare one to do something a bit more advanced. She didn't even try speaking when the fumes were spewing so quickly, knowing that it would only lead to further agitation for all they knew it was poisonous.

Saber didn’t even hesitate as she struck it with Dark Excalibur Nova II, a dark blight radiating from her blade, dealing extra damage to the mimic, between that, the tendril, and Shael’s arrow which was now sticking out it causing some of it’s body to crack, it was looking worse for wear.

A look of practically hatred on Saber’s face, which was not unfounded given her feelings toward anything that dared tried to harm her master.

Shael tried her best to stop breathing for the time being, but Jareed was immediately violently coughing, the smog causing a most unpleasant burning sensation to one’s eyes and nasal passage (Everyone is within range of it’s AOE in which the thick irritant smog is quickly spreading out)

1. Attack Barrel Mimic with Dark Excalibur Nova II - Fighting Style [Voidstorm Vanguard - Sword] E, Penetrating F, Area F, Selective F, Blight [Darkness] F - With her corrupted sword embued with darkness, Saber Alter slashes a 5ft deadly arc around her - Grade E Cooldown 1
Saber Action Cooldown E 1 post.

1. Fire arrow at Barrel Mimic with Steady Hands F + Focus F + Energized F.

(Narrator note: We’re in combat, 3 round action economy and grade cooldown in effect)
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #f5fa6e
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Wheatley Wheatley Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

As his magecraft was about to connect against the barrel, with the metallic tentacle swinging down at it with its full-force, Adelhein's eyes narrowed as he watched the object shifting into a creature. His face tensed as he heard the shrieking that came from the being, withstanding the sharp noise without covering his ears. To think, he would find a shape-shifting creature in that very cavern only made his mind reel with whatever plans it had for the party. Maybe it was only waiting for a moment of opportunity to strike at them when they were unaware, the filthy skulking barrel!

Seeing Saber already taking position to intercept the creature which leapt towards both of them, he began to prepare himself to use his magecraft once more. It was then that he saw the purple smog which the creature started to release from its upwards mouth. While he didn't know what its contents were, he did know he had to control his breathing, which wouldn't be an easy task as he needed to speak to perform his spells. Watching the arrow flying towards it, being shot from Shael and the darkness imbued strike from the corrupted King Arthur, he would attack next.

Trying his best to withstand the burning sensation on his eyes, blinking rapidly to lubricate them, the teen began activating his magic circuits, letting his mana flow freely inside his body. Bringing both his hands forward, he would once more use his metal manipulation to assault the barrel-turned-creature. "Fervor Mei Sanguine!" He chanted as rapidly as he could, this time aiming to manipulate the metallic tentacles, bending them upwards before bringing them downwards into the creature's mouth.
1 - Attacked the Mimic with - Fervor Mei Sanguine - Magic E, Energized E, Magic AoE F, Magic Range F, Magic Targets F, Selective Magic [Spare Party] F, Affinity Elemental [Metal] F - After declaring the name of the spell, Adelhein selects up to five enemies up to 30ft. Metal tentacles erupt from the ground, moving towards them to pierce them. After the attack, the appendages burst, further dealing Metal damage to other enemies inside a 15ft radius from each original target - Grade E Cooldown 0 - Int C(+4) + Cat D(+3) + Magic E(+2) = 9 Base Effectiveness

The barrel leapt to the side as Adelhein's metallic tendril missed the core of the barrel-cloaked mimic.

Demeter froze in place, eyes wide, as the creature's sharp teeth and claws came into view.


There was a difference between believing that you were ready for your first monster fight, and actually laying eyes on your first monster. The experience of the others showed. Shael fired an arrow immediately. Saber struck without hesitation. Adelhein followed up with a second metallic whip attack. Demeter took a deep breath to try and control her breathing. To remind herself that she'd come with a party. To remind herself that she wouldn't be slowing anyone down to day.

"Stay calm..."

Words spoken aloud, but only meant for herself. Forced out between coughs. She placed her hands on the ground-

"Just stay calm."

-and cast [Root Eruption].

And the "primitive sorcery" that Adelhein witnessed next would remind him greatly of his own dedicated craft.

Roots would erupt from the earth and rocket towards the mimic. Soaring parallel to Adelhein's steel tendrils to aid in their onslaught. Weaving between her close-ranged teammates so as to leave them unimpeded as they, too, moved to smite the abomination before them. And what emerged was a vicious field of metal and root that sought to skewer the monster before it could do the same to any one of them.

1 & 2) Cast
[Root Eruption] on the Barrel Mimic.
Root Eruption- Magic E, Magic Domain[Nature’s Fury] F, Deflect (1) F, Knockback (1) F, Accurate F, Penetrating F, Magic Targets F, Magic AOE F, Magic Range F, Blight[Bludgeoning] F- Demeter summons root spikes from the earth to bludgeon, impale and drive back foes. She can choose up to 5 allies to spare from assault should they happen to be within the radius of the Root Eruption. Alternatively, she can choose to forgo the A.O.E. effect and target 5 specific targets to impale.- 30ft Range.- 15ft A.O.E.- 1 post duration- 2 actions- Grade E- 1 post cooldown.

Intelligence D(+3) + Componentless Casting E(+2) + Magic E(+2)= 7 base effectiveness

Maxxob Maxxob TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Wheatley Wheatley


TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Maxxob Maxxob

There was greatness in the air today.

Lord El-Melloi’s spell struck true, and the world triggered a response. “Go.” A supremacist racist, an ungodly mindset is what most people would say! What Annellanus thought was that they all had weak convictions!

Monster. Kill.
Pain. Ignore.

Something awoke, a wire inside of him was pulled and rewarded speed into his legs. Full pedal to the metal. The embrace of sunlight left the creases of his figure as he charged inside the dark cave. Entering the scene of the tunnel’s crackling fire sculpted reflections in his armor, painting a heavy scene of freshly birthed teeth and tongue across his chest plate. The audible cry it gave out was a pleasurable gift to Annellanus. At least he could tell the difference between an animal whining and a monsters, there was a manipulative fake aura around their screams.

Arrow and dark effects held the creature in the perfect position. The slave servant did her job but what surprised him was Shael. She was better than he thought. Usually fae retreat in the first sign of pain but at least she got off one shot. He'd have to compliment her afterwards.

Crinkled skin bridged all the way to his cheeks as he kissed his teeth behind his armored helmet. Nobody could see but it was the expression of his lecherous addiction for violence. Foam bubbled down his chin and dripped down his suit in response to the barrels fumes. A pain slowed his mind when his eye’s slobbered in salt.
However his body was too well trained and muscle memory took over. - For he, Annellanus Gilgramfried, was the strongest species this world could offer.

Without any magical training even he could feel the rise of mana getting ready to expel. Tingling hairs to rise in awe. The mage began to cast his spell and Annellanus ran ahead of it's path, pacing it's speed across the cave. It didn't take long for the green bean's spell to travel and catch up with them, circulating around the knight and avoiding his foot path in a masterful show of magical control.

Quickly unsheathing his sword by tossing it into the air ahead of him. Fast. Catching the blade in a reverse grip in his sprint. Left foot stomped his momentum, shoveling his position in direct poison exposure. Pitching stance. Headache. Back muscles tightening his swing. Headache. Winding back. Headache. [Pommel Strike]. Headache.

  • Pommel Strike - FIGHTING STYLE SWORDS [F] -Accurate [F], - Knockback [F], - Gilgramfried flips over his weapon and reverse grips his blade. Bluntly striking a target with the handle of his sword within 5ft. Knocking back a foe 1m away. Enemies speed is treated as if reduced by 1 letter grade. [F grade] - Action Cost: 2. Post Cooldown: 0.
Strength C (4) + Sword F (1) + Fighting Style Swords F (1) = 6 Effectiveness
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Time: Morning

Place: Alkaf Cave, Ryke

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Wheatley Wheatley

Barrel Mimic
Thankfully for the party, the barrel mimic was not indestructible, it continued to shriek it’s incredibly agitating sound. Adelhein landed a much more solid hit with his magical meal appendages as more “wood” splintered off the mimic revealing it’s flesh as it became more damaged.

Meanwhile Demeter’s roots struck through the mimic as well as smashing into it causing it to bleed out a most unpleasant dark fluid which also smelled foul. The Mimic being struck so quickly stopped it from being able to really throw up much of a counter attack in the moment, and then there was Annellanus who ran up and smashed the thing’s body in with a pommel strike and before Saber was just about ready to get a follow up the mimic collapsed to the ground and it’s legs went limp as did it’s tongue, the yellow eye on it staying open.

It was safe to say the group had slain the barrel mimic by that point with it’s body smashed.

Shael Xyvern
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After some more coughing and a bit of watering, Shael looked to the group and let out a soft sigh of relief coming down from the tension that encounter had caused, as finally the smog began to dissipate. "Is everyone alright?" was the first and foremost appropriate question. Nobody seemed dead or incapciated, that was great. Upon confirming that she'd continue,

“It’s good to see that you were all honest in your abilities..that was most impressive all of you.” She said looking at the group with a soft smile.

Saber Alter
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Saber would get closer to the corpse of the mimic to verify it was in fact defeated, after examining it for a bit, when she was satisfied she'd return right near Adelhein.

“She’s quite right master, that was a most spectacular display of power and quick thinking at a critical juncture.” Reaffirming and encouraging Adelhein of his power.

She stayed near him like a body guard would for the time being like she was on alert, vigilant, ready to strike anything down that would dare attempt to attack them again, her eyes trailing down either path and occasionally even the way they had come in.

Jareed Tahir
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“That..was absolutely dreadful.. ” Jareed gagged out it looked like he had been on the verge of losing his lunch for a great deal of the smog duration, but he was seemingly relieved to still be alive, before he pulled out his text again and went through it quickly as he came too.

"Thank you all again I'm not sure what I would have done if I had been here alone..."

“Ah right this is the Alkaf Cave..has some nice crystals in the depths, we may very well see some mining supplies from people who ventured out here as well..but lately I haven’t heard of too many heading out to this particular cave for awhile..why I’m not entirely sure..”

Shael nodded after Jareed spoke.

“While It’s certainly a good thing that we defeated the mimic so that some poor soul doesn't end up encountering it themselves with how loud all that commotion was between that cloaked figure and the shrieking and fighting, I imagine it’s safe to say that if there is an intelligent threat here which has been raiding the route they definitely know that someone is here. Frankly if we’re moving further into this cave we should absolutely be prepared for an ambush attempt.”

“If we’re fortunate we’ll be able to travel a route of this cave which is conducive to allowing us to spy in on the threat and or find enough clues to give a better idea of who or what has been attacking..does anyone have an idea of where we should go? The path with the light to the left coming from it might be more well traveled but it could also be a trick, while I’m not too concerned going down the darker path to the right with my dark vision it could prove to be more treacherous.”

Unfortunately it didn't look like Jareed would be producing a map as he found the section and wasn’t mentioning one. In addition during all the commotion the sword appeared to still be undisturbed where it had been left, still sheathed.

"We live!" the young, green skinned fae cheered as the mimic became little more than heavily perforated pile of meat.

A rather energetic response to Shael's question but, at the very least, it was clear that Demeter was doing fine. And, admittedly, having a group of seemingly well-experienced adventurers around did a lot to ease her mind as she set her sights forward. The sword captured very little of her attention. Maybe it was rigged somehow or maybe it had been left behind by someone who'd previously been ambushed by the mimic. Either way, it wouldn't have been of much use in her hands. Shael's words, on the other hand, presented a dilemma that didn't seem all that complicated to Demeter.

Probably because she couldn't see the world the way that Shael could.

"I have no idea which tunnel is booby trapped. But, unless someone here can light up the tunnel and keep it lit, I won't be able to see anything if we go down the dark side. If it is trapped, I'm doomed. If it's not trapped, I'm probably still doomed as soon we get lost or something mean makes its way over to meet us. So I say we go to the tunnel that's lit up!," Demeter exclaimed, putting her vote in towards the team's decision, "At the very least, if that side is trapped, I might actually be able to see it coming and do something about it."

Of course, the fae was open to suggestions if someone had a better idea. There was a very real chance that she was that she was the only one who couldn't see down that hall, after all.

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Wheatley Wheatley Maxxob Maxxob

Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #f5fa6e
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Wheatley Wheatley Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

There was a flicker of recognition in the teen's crimson eyes when he saw Demeter's own spell-casting abilities. There was an expertise and mastery to it, which Adelhein had to grudgingly admit that was almost on par to his own metal mastery. Both organic and inorganic matters worked in tandem, in a seemingly natural symbiosis, to assault the vile creature. Annellanus also surpassed the low expectations being placed upon him by the magus, ignoring the pain and discomfort which, in Adelhein's mind, would be much greater the closer one was to the mimic. The warrior had worth, not as much as the nature spellcaster, but some nonetheless.

The young magus would throw a short coughing fit at the end of the battle, having had most of his breath used to utter the words for his magecraft, and desperately needed more. Covering his mouth with his black glove, he coughed a few times, before the dark-purple smog finally dissipated completely. As the air became breathable again, Adelhein would greedily fill his lungs with it, just as if he had been travelling a desert for hours and had finally found an oasis. When Shael asked if all of them were alright, he would nod, recomposing himself and running his fingers through the hair on the back of his head. "It was like clockwork..." Adelhein began, when she commented about their skills being a true as they had disclosed. "... our synergy is pretty good. Specially yours, novice." He added, directing himself at Demeter in particular. While the impromptu title could not mean much at first glance, it had a much more positive light than being called a spellcaster from where he came from.

And, as Saber added to the praise after coming back from checking the creature's body, of both his skills and mental acumen, a large smile would appear on his face.
"Thank you. Your own quick thinking and readiness to act is laudable, as always..." He praised the Heroic Spirit in return, while taking a few steps towards the body of the creature, eyeing it down with narrowing crimson eyes. "... still, to think we would find a shape-shifter in this world... disgusting vermin." Spitting those words, his expression turned a tad coldly for an instant. In the teen's mind, if creatures such as this were not under his control, they only existed to be slain. Next, he would turn towards the exquisite looking sword who still remained at the floor, untouched and unsheathed. He had no use for such a weapon of war, nor did his Servant, so he would simply ignore it.

"I agree with Demeter. While I have no doubts of your skills for traversing the darkness, miss Xyvern, I would rather we have more than a single pair of eyes to guide us. And, if there is an ambush, well... it is just bad luck for them." Adelhein also cast his own vote, to travel through the path that had light. There was a clear cockiness on his tone, doubting that, whoever waited for them, would be left standing.

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Maxxob Maxxob

Head's in a daze but it's clearing out.

Countless fights in the Otenza pits made him used to being knocked unconscious. Plus there was nothing like home than getting sand tossed in your eyes.
He didn't wipe his face from underneath, he'd just let it drool. Keeping the helmet on through discipline or through tolerance of constant abuse. Annellanus slightly grunted after the kill. Dissatisfied from the lack of a fight and the building anxiety of his sword breaking on him. How could he even dare ask for a proper rumble if his tool wasn't ready to take a tumble?

He saw Shael giving them a smile. Quickly glancing away, unsure how to feel about a fae acknowledging him.

The infected warrior, gave a single cough towards the toxin infused barrel. They were alive but he wasn't too thrilled about the upcoming cold illness that they 100% caught from this thing. Does he already feel a dry throat coming on? Shit.

'Is it edible?' He decided to not say outloud. It's joints were quite meaty, similar to a pigs foot. Without saying anything while his party members converse about tunnels he silently pulled out one of its legs with the help of his sword. A tough meaty joint and a sharpened metal foot was more than enough for a makeshift impractical dagger but a weapon nonetheless. "I'll eat it later." Annellanus says proudly to himself. All you needed to detox monsters like these was a hot enough fire. Wasn't the worse thing he's ever eaten. Fastening it between his leather belts, but not too tight incase he needed it quickly.

He wasn't entirely fond of moving through the light. They had Shael as an advantage but their element of surprise was entirely gone. Thinking to himself that lizards can see in the dark, so tactically whatever traps or ambushes laid ahead was more of a face-off than anything else. The green bean was right about that. Annellanus took her statement as front face value as possible, agreeing that he'd rather see himself die in the hands of another than in cold total darkness. Despite her monstrous appearance, she did take the personality of an energized youth. She was quite excited? It was a good morale boost to help him ignore the pain he was in.

Took a pause to investigate the sword. It was an awkward thing. The nobles didn't take such a liking to it. They were probably as suspicious of it as he was.

It was next to a barrel mimic, why? Is it a sword mimic? Were they in a mating ritual and we interrupted it? Can't be, the lizard thing had it. Involuntarily dropped it here as a trap? Too many questions. Take the gamble. "Alkaf Cave. Onward then." He gave no debate and grabbed the ornamental sword off the floor.

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