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Sssalazar notices the ambition in the other acolytes eyes, and cackles internally. This man’s hopes and dreams are laid bare before my superior intellect! Perhaps a gift before I make my leave. Sssalazar turns his disconcerting mask to the other man. “Luck implies that there was chance involved. Men like us, we do not believe in chance. We know how to make our own luck, yes?” He then sets to work preparing the station for the acolyte, biding his time for his moment to strike.

As he leaned over to organize the bottom drawers, Sssalazar’s hands quickly dart out as his feet remain still. In a few deft motions, he uncorks a bottle, swabs a bit of fluid from it, and wipes the clear solution on the third test tube from the back where he knew the final product would be kept, and would remain stationary until it was time to present the final project to his master. The aqueous humor of a hyena... there is no slicker liquid to be found. When he presents his potion... Sssalazar bites his tongue to stop from laughing, hurrying through the final steps of preparing his station. He turns to the acolyte, and gives him a brief nod. “See you around, kid.” He turns to leave, and makes it about 15 paces away before he bursts out laughing at his own pun, echoing loudly across the room. Cackling all the way out, he finally exits the Mansion, and begins to think about where to go next.

He then pauses. Why go anywhere at all? Sssalazar sits down in the middle of the street, and crosses his legs, remaining motionless as he begins to cast his mind about. Suddenly, his mind was flooded with knowledge of Aseah Brewe, overflowing with information. He quickly begins to dam up the constant stream of knowledge, sifting through it like a man panning for gold in the river. She is... home. No, but it is gone. But she is here. But she is not! After about an hour of this back and forth, Sssalazar relinquishes his hold on the knowledge, quickly leaping to his feet, somewhat frustrated by these results. Why can she not make up her mind on whether to be here or not! Kicking the ground beneath him, Sssalazar regains control of himself. I suppose I should go where she is / is not, then. No better place to begin! He begins to make his way over to Aseah's manor, the mask hiding the smile that was growing on his face. This truly is a mystery... one that will position me quite nicely to begin to ascend the ranks of this land.
Sssalazar crosses town moving towards Brewe's manor, managing to arrive not long after the other group. At first the guards begin to repeat the same message they have for other onlookers, changing slightly now that there were people inside the yard, when they catch sight of the mage robes.

Just as they open the gates to allow him entry, a yelp is heard as Montesombre jumps back from the edge of the house, exclaiming a warning.
Hmm... I see the reports of fellow reptilians were true... If these damned fools manage to blow my cover, there will be no end to my wrath! However... Sssalazar looks at the odd group assembled before him. Strong... powerful... He notices the dragon born doing some sort of strange dance. Stupid... They may prove to be useful yet. Sssalazar approached the assembled group flinging his arms open in a welcoming gesture. "Esteemed guests of Stogrove! Please, allow me to introduce myself. I am Boan Gartener, skilled alchemist and representative of the Mansion, who have graciously offered to oversee the resolution of the strange happenings of this place. I am certain you see the value of having the knowledge and resources of the Mansion behind your backs, yes?" Sssalazar bowed low to the ground, sweeping his arms back as he did so. These lizard brained louts will not have a clue as I sweep in at the last moment, claiming all of the glory for m- ... What in Ssveth's name is that? Sssalazar finally notices that little of the cold-blooded group assembled before him had been paying attention, instead focusing their attention on a strange black slime that was attacking the dancing dragon born. His eyes widen in excitement, and his cruel snarl curls into a grin. "Capture that abomination! I need it for science!"
Thisk's tail twitches once, twice. "A mage." He steps further away from the black slime. Twitch. "Some time is saved by a mage's arrival." he says flatly. After a moment, it occurs to him to run down a mental checklist of his possessions, but he doesn't come up with anything he's willing to lose to an evil oil slick.
Montsombre clears his throat surprise of the noise that he made when he saw that the sludge was still alive. He continues to back up, glancing at the new arrival. I thought the guards weren't letting anyone else in here...guess they considered this guy to be important enough to be allowed in. As he backed up, he made a move to back the man up with him, but then decided better of it. "If you want this shite, get it yourself. It might have made a whole house disappear, I am not touching it."
Ixen tenses, her attention caught between the black sludge and the newcomer. His tone irks her, not because of its confusing grandeur but because it distracts her from the first threat. Potential dangers from multiple sides - she can already feel the fight-or-flight instincts welling up.

She forces herself to be still, to keep her gaze level as she turns to the mage. "It is as the burly one says. Kindly assist us, performer." Social obligations fulfilled, she turns back to the goo and curls her fingers into a fist. Once smoke begins to curl from between her claws, she pushes her hand forward and opens it.

As the fire rushes forward and burns the substance to vapour, it occurs to Ixen that she might have run this by the others first. Well, guilt may be a worthwhile emotion to explore.
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The black ooze, the robed stranger, the fire... so many interesting events had happened in a short time since walking onto the grounds of the missing manor. Kadaru did not waste time speak to the others and immediately sets himself to searching for more ooze. Closing his eyes he mutters an incantation under his breath "Yes arzhani yem, Essyllis! Avelats’rek’ dzer uzhy im sep’akany!" He strikes the air with his fist and then beats his chest twice with the last words of his spell. His eyes flash white for a moment. Having empowered himself he now retrieves his shield and scimitar from their places. The cleric's lizard eyes scouring the grounds for signs of movement.

Finally he finds a dark spot which he immediately begins to poke. The tip of his blade begins to sink into the darkness and when he tries to pull it back out it won't budge. He struggles to retrieve his scimitar until finally the ooze consumes it in entirety. Kadaru lets go of his weapon before it takes his arm as well. The reptilian cleric looks at substance curiously... wondering how best to get his weapon back.
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Sssalazar rolls his eyes and reaches into his bag behind him, removing a glass jar filled with a cobalt covered liquid. He dumps it out onto the ground and begins to search for signs of the strange ooze. He spots a puddle by the house, and recalling the melting weapon, focuses his mind on his inherent resistance to poison, extending it to similar substances. He picks up a small twig from the ground and swipes at the ooze, failing to collect any of it. Frustrated, Sssalazar balls up a fist and punches it into the ooze, attempting to catch some in his hand, but ultimately getting himself stuck. He yelps and calls out to the nearby reptilian party, “If you would not mind, I could really use a hand! Mine appears to be a bit stuck at the moment.” Hurry you fools, before I melt your eyes from their sockets! No... these buffoons seem like the perfect type.. rope for manipulation. I can’t wait to... hey! Quit pulling! The ooze continued to slowly drag off Sssalazar despite his inward protests.
Thisk watches the newcomer for half a moment through cold eyes, as he assesses his choices. With a soft sigh, the hunter steps forward and grabs the snared scholar by the waist, then digs in his heels and pulls.

It takes a few long, worrying moments, but they manage to best the ooze. Gartener comes free and the two stumble backwards on momentum as the resistance from the ooze is suddenly gone. Thisk breathes a sigh of relief and adjusts his gear. Seeing the black substance still inching forward, he takes a step back.
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Thinking back to his vision, Kadaru muses on the nature of the black ooze. His blade is gone, but to where? The substance had covered the home and now it was gone, perhaps this was a portal to another realm... Having saved himself from the dark pool just moments ago, the cleric thrusts his hand into the ooze. He reaches out with his clawed hand trying to feel for his weapon.

Nothing. Kadaru reaches further into the cold dampness, the pressure against his arm is painful but manageable. Finally he feels some resistance almost elbow deep into the black ooze. His hand breaks through and... air? Wriggling around desperately trying to find purchase on something his fingers find something hard, metal perhaps? Pushing further, he grits his teeth as the pain increases the more of his flesh he gives to the black liquid. His fingers wrap around the item and he begins to pull his arm out. Slowly, not for a lack of want but because the ooze wishes not to release him.

At last he frees himself and looks at his prize, a small metallic brush. "Kadaru has made a discovery," he yells back to his companions in Draconic, seemingly not disturbed by whatever predicament they be in at the moment. "Come." he states bluntly.
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Seeing Kadaru sticking his whole arm into this black ooze, Montsombre froze for a moment as he tried to understand what just happened. Clearly this black ooze was some sort of portal somewhere else, because Kadaru's entire arm disappeared into the ooze, which was sitting on the ground. Ignoring Kadaru's discovery, Montsombre strode up behind him and grabbed the back of his shirt with one clawed hand and tried to pull him away from the ooze, but the lizard did not budge. He moved to swat Kadaru on the side of the head, to try and talk some sense into the reptile, but his hand met the forearm of Kadaru. Rolling his yellow eyes, he settled with admonishing him right in front of the ooze, keeping an eye on it in case it made a move for them. He followed Kadaru's lead in speaking draconic however, saying "We have no idea what this stuff is, how dangerous it might be, and you stick your whole arm into it? What is wrong with you? We are here to gather information, not get ourselves killed. If this malai" Pointing to Sssalazar "Wants to get himself killed, let him, that is not what we're here for." Sighing briefly, Montsombre scratches at his left shoulder as he resigns himself to asking about Kadaru's discovery, no matter the stupidity that was responsible for obtaining it. "Well, let's see it then -- and can we move away from this shite? It creeps me out. But what did you discover?"
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The cleric slowly rises to his feet and stares coldly into Montsombre's eyes. "Do not be mistaken, dragonkind. Kadaru only has one master, Essyllis, and shall fear no thing alive or dead." he replies in draconic. "The... ooze has taken a weapon but Kadaru has taken this item." as he says this he hands the brush to the fighter. "Essyllis has shown me the path, our band need find a greater pool. To travel between worlds." he finishes resolutely.
Montsombre stares unflinchingly back at Kadaru, saying in a low serious voice “Well that is unwise, fear keeps us on our toes, makes sure we are aware of danger. You should allow yourself to feel the fear rather than suppress it, it might save your life one day.” Montsombre allows his gaze to linger for a second longer before glancing down at the brush. He could see some of the staining of the black ooze, similar to the description he was given by Alenas. Other than that, it seemed like a typical brush, which hopefully indicated that the other side of this portal was safe as well. He thought about what Kadaru said about going to the other side with a larger pool, and while his initial reaction was that they didn’t know enough about it, he couldn’t help but admit to himself that it was a fairly simple idea. They could tie ropes to anchor themselves...Montsombre brushes the thought away. He would not be reckless about this. He steps away from Kadaru and shouts over to the new arrival, asking “Hey you, Science man! Have you any idea what this stuff is yet? Or have you just been playing around with it?”
Hearing Montsombre and Kadaru's raised voices, Ixen backs off from the ooze and edges towards her two companions while keeping her back to them. Her eavesdropping is not subtle; she stands a few feet away, staring in the vague direction of the ooze and occasionally lightning a new flame in her hand before letting it gutter out again. This continues for some time.

Fortunately, she seems to decide against intervening to smooth things out between the fighters.
"Yes, performer, discussion brings insight," she chimes in, gesturing for the others still near the goo to come away. While the substance does burn, she doesn't want to risk a patch getting the drop on them.
Sssalazar held his tongue to stop himself from laughing as he listened to the group conversing in Draconic. Even had I not been a scaled one myself, it is foolish to expect a great mind such as my own to not be skilled in a great many tongues... That Dragonborn is in need of instruction. Pity that their paltry scales cannot be used as substitutes for the real thing in potions... he could have proven to be useful.

Sssalazar turned to the lizard folk who had helped him free of his plight. “Thank you for your assistance, my hard scaled friend. The Mansion will reward you for your efforts when I am it’s head.” Sssalazar then turns to the Dragonborn who had called him out several times. “My apologies, I was simply conducting research in the manner of the bold. It’s odd, my studies had told me that Dragonborn were a courageous, proud race, yet you seem to be afraid to make that leap into discovery. Forgive me if I am mistaken about your people, I suppose bravery is something that is easily exaggerated.”

Sssalazar then turns to the lizard folk who had reached his arm into the ooze, nearly asking what he meant about travel between words before realizing that would reveal his hand at understanding draconic. “My wise cold blooded friend, would you mind sharing with me what you discovered from your experience? It could be very important for solving this case.”
Montsombre walks up close to the robed figure and stares down at Sssalazar with a slight sneer on his face, almost imperceptible on the black scales of his face. “Yes, you are mistaken friend. Do not mistake my caution for cowardice. I had information that suggests that this, this goo, may very well be responsible for disappearing this entire house, so to run about grabbing at it barehanded is just foolhardy. But please, continue your brave experiments while I cower over in this corner in fear.” His last sentence was spoken with such a heavy mocking tone that he followed it up with an amused snort and walked back towards Alenas by the gate and crossed his arms as he watched the two of them discuss Kadaru’s findings. Muttering under his breath, he spoke in draconic to Alenas, “it’s no wonder the mages have been totally useless in this investigation, if they’re anything like this ‘un here it’s a groupa gits.” He snorted again, quieter this time but just shaking his head and watching.
«I don’t trist anyone hiding behind a mask. And I agree, this one doesn’t seem like a skilled mage yet. I am still shaken by the story from the servant, the way his mind was torn and the fact that this goo almost seems alive.»

Alenas shakes his head in this disbelief, and ponders the next best move. He continues in draconic: «I suggest we follow the others for now, and the mage, and see where this all leads, keeping our eyes open to deceit and dangers. Something powerful has made this happen, and jumping in head first is not something we should do.»
"Kadaru is not your friend, Soft one..." the cleric says in a neutral tone and having switched back to common. Handing the brush over to the mage he continues, "The Drowned Death has shown me the path, a gateway between worlds, and Kadaru says we find a larger pool of this... ooze." The lizard man touches his arm that was not but a moment ago engulfed in darkness. "It was cold and wet. The dark wrapped around Kadaru's arm like a giant snake, squeezing the life from it. This one is strong and pushed through to an open side. My blade is lost but I found this thing." He nods to the brush now in the possession of the mage. Done with his piece he looks to his companions in expectation, but without saying a word. He then turns and begins to search for a large collection of the black ooze.
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Sssalazar bit his tongue to stop himself from laughing at the dragonborn’s wounded pride. He then turns to Kadaru as he approached, and quickly takes the brush. “Excellent work... Kadaru was it? I must say, you do seem to have the mind of a man of science in you. Experimentation is key to discovery...” He trailed off as the lizardfolk began to walk away from him, and sighed inwardly before turning his attention to the brush in his hands. He stroked the black ink-like stains on it, watching it seem to flow like across the surface. “Strange... tell me, friends. What is it you have discovered as of yet about this situation? I have information to share as well. I can tell you with absolute certainty that Aseah Brewe... may or may not be here at this very moment!” Sssalazar announces this last part triumphantly as if revealing a key part of the mystery, and then looks around at the group around him as if to ask for questions.
Montsombre grunted agreement in response to Alenas' statement about caution with how this should be approached. As the new figure began to work with Kadaru over the discovery from the ooze, Monty stared at this new mage, trying to figure him out. He couldn't see anything under the...whatever the hell the dude was covering himself with. The figure makes his 'triumphant announcement' and Montsombre flicked his tail in anticipation. When Sssalazar did not continue explaining, Montsombre stepped forward a few steps and said "Well? Is Aseah here or isn't she? And why is it that the mage's guild has finally decided to send a representative over when they have been denying the towns help all this time?"
Kadaru spends some time searching while the others speak. The strange black substance is scattered in places throughout the empty lot. Some seem inactive and lifeless, most are too small. Finally, the cleric comes across a pool that may be large enough to accommodate his form.

The Lizardfolk priest mulls over in his head whether he should call to his companions. They were exasperating at times but had proved themselves capable otherwise. With a slight sigh he raises his hand and calls out. “Here. Kadaru has found a path.”
Grateful for direction, Ixen sets off to find Kadaru the moment he calls out, though his 'path' isn't obvious to her when she arrives. She looks around the lot in confusion until her eyes settle on the black pool near the cleric's feet. A long moment passes as she searches for the right words.

"The substance consumes whatever it touches, like living sand," she begins, slowly, like the analogy takes effort to put together. "Any of the tribe who enter may drown, or be kept where this one's magic cannot reach." She looks levelly at Kadaru, her expression free of judgement. "Is this risk worthwhile?"
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