Royal Historian
NOTE: You can use any format you'd like, as long as the base information is still there.
Full Name: (Include any middle initials.)
Personality: (You are still a tween at best, keep in mind.)
Appearance: (Either a description or a HS-style image will suffice.)
Associated (Shirt) Symbol: (Don't be too simple, and get creative with it!_
Chatterbox Handle: (Will still be specialCase, but doesn't have to follow any naming scheme.)
Typing Style: (If you have any special typing style (but nothing wild like quirks), please put it here.)
Text Hexcode: (Must be readable against pale colors and can't be too dark.)
Symbol Hexcode: (Probably close to your text code, but distinct in it's own way.)
Kind Abstratus:
Family: (For this, you are not limited to one family member; they should all have one name, but it's not restricted to 3-letters.)
Home: (What does your home look like, and where do you live?)
Interests & Hobbies: (This will be a list; Make sure to differentiate both interests and hobbies. Also, people are more interested in certain things over others. If this is the case, make sure to mark Major I/H over Minor ones.)
Full Name: (Include any middle initials.)
Personality: (You are still a tween at best, keep in mind.)
Appearance: (Either a description or a HS-style image will suffice.)
Associated (Shirt) Symbol: (Don't be too simple, and get creative with it!_
Chatterbox Handle: (Will still be specialCase, but doesn't have to follow any naming scheme.)
Typing Style: (If you have any special typing style (but nothing wild like quirks), please put it here.)
Text Hexcode: (Must be readable against pale colors and can't be too dark.)
Symbol Hexcode: (Probably close to your text code, but distinct in it's own way.)
Kind Abstratus:
Family: (For this, you are not limited to one family member; they should all have one name, but it's not restricted to 3-letters.)
Home: (What does your home look like, and where do you live?)
Interests & Hobbies: (This will be a list; Make sure to differentiate both interests and hobbies. Also, people are more interested in certain things over others. If this is the case, make sure to mark Major I/H over Minor ones.)