Sayuri Academy *Anime* {Roleplay}

Erabella sat on one of the benches outside. She spotted her friend, Kokoro, and stood and walked over. She sat next to her "It's a new year. Are you ready?" Arson walked towards the two girls and sat next to them. He fiddled with his hand cuff and chain that remained on his wrist since he had drained an innocent human girl of her blood. The chain was his punishment. All that saw the chain knew what he had done. He was scorned at the school and yet he stayed. For his sister and so he didn't have to go back to his ashamed parents.
(Katherine said that you accepted me? :) )

Flower was walking around with her cloak on. She sat under a tree and then pulled her cloak down uncovering her head. Her long white hair spread down and she sighed leaning back on the tree. She didn't talk much, but that was because no one talked to her. She pushed her hair behind her ear and pulled out a book to read.
Mikayla sat on a school bench, quietly listening to music as the wind blew through her hsir. She sighed in relaxation and stared into the bright blue sky. Her gaze flicked down and spotted a few other students talking happily. She just stared in a curious way as if she was looking at an alien.
Zukate was 'hiding' up a tall tree, watching the birds from his vantage point. Every so often a bird would come fly over and sit in his hand, which he quite liked despite the fact their claws dug a little into his weak skin. His gaze dropped from the birds for a moment when he saw someone sitting below the tree. Scared he stopped moving and continued to watch the birds, hoping no-one would spot him; that was until the branch he was sitting on started to cave in a bit, making loud breaking sounds, the very same branch that was almost perfectly above the girl.
Flower heard a braking branch. She got. Up and then looked up seeing someone on the branch. "Um....I'd move." she said and then backed up a bit more Incase it brakes. She pulled her cloak up again and then sighed a bit.
Zukate glanced down at the girl, then moved forward a bit, going further to the end of the branch. He took his heavy school bag off his back and placed it on the back of the branch to even the weight out a bit. The branch started to creak even more and bits of wood started to fall off the branch, zukate moved to the back of the branch and picked his bag up. He sighed sadly then dropped out of the tree, landing in a bit of a roll before getting up and brushing himself down.
Flower looked at the boy and then smiled slightly pulling her cloak's hood off of her head. "Hi." She said and then looked up at the tree. "Mind if I ask you why you were in the tree?" She asked looking back at him.
Zukate looked at her slightly, then looked at the ground, "things." he said, kicking a pebble between his feet with his hands behind his back, fingers linked.
Flower tilted her head and then looked up at the sky. "Hm, um ok." She said and then looks at her book and tucked it under her cloak. It was a sword fighting book. She looked at him again and then held out her hand. "I'm flower." She said and then smiled.
Zukate glanced at the hand, but didn't shake it, "ok." he said, looking around. He spotted a bird and he began to watch it with his eyes. As he did so he shook the hand, "I'm Zukate; pleasure to meet you Flower." he said, seeming a bit nicer suddenly.
Flower raised an eyebrow and then looked up as a huge Eagle flew above. Flower let go of Zukate's hand and then lifted her arm giving out an Eagle call. Sky her pet eagle flew down and landed on her shoulder. FLower pulled out a peice of meat and gives it to her. She smiled as SKy eats it and then plays with her hair.
Zukate smiled, "oh so that's your bird?" he asked, smiling at her and it. He liked everything about the bird: it's feathers, it's size, it's wings, it's beak and everything else about it. However he felt even more nervous around it's owner than he usually felt, and he always feels very nervous around people.
Flower smiled and nodded. She pointed at Zukate's shoulder and Sky flew over onto his shoulder. Flower smiled. "Her name is Sky." She said and then smiled at him.
Zukate smiled, "she's very pretty." he said, running two fingers lightly down it's back in a stroking like manor, enjoying the feeling of it's feathers on his skin as he ran his fingers down it, "are you going to Sayuri?" He asked, smiling at the bird and at Flower.
Flower smiled and nodded. "Yes i am." She said giggling at Sky. Sky stretched out her huge wings showing off. Flower smiled and then looked at Zukate. "Are you?" She asked looked at Sky who was now cleaning her feathers.
Zukate nodded, "me and my sister." he said, looking at sky. Carefully he moved his arm forward to let the eagle go back to Flower, "what dorm room do you have?" he asked, smiling at her as the nervousness started to crumble away. He looked at the branch that had been threatening to snap; it was obvious and going to be hard to cover up.
SKy jumped back on Flower's shoulder and then rests, She stares at the others walking by. Flower looks at him and then smiles. "19." She said simply.
(I'm assuming you nean 17 since that's what you put on your character sheet =3)

Zukate's eyes widened and his jaw dropped, "I'm number 18! We'll be right next to eachother!" he said, not sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing, but for now he was too shocked by the coincidence that he just met this person who is not only going to the same school as him, but would be in the room next to his, "close your mouth or you'll catch flies." he heard a familiar voice say, he turned around and saw the culprit if the voice, his older sister Aleasa. She looked at him with a hand on her hip, then closed his mouth for him, "were you making this girl feel uncortable with your staring?" she asked, before either of them could answer she kicked him into the tree and watched the loose branch fall on his head, "sorry about him." she said, smiling at Flower.
Flower blinks and then looks at his sister. "um....that's ok...he wasn't really doing anything." she said rubbing the back of her head and looking at him. Was he ok? She looked at his sister.
Zukate rubbed his head and pushed the branch away that had rolled onto his legs then sat back on the tree trunk, "hey sis." he said, standing up like that never happened, except he was rubbing his head and stumbling a little; Aleasa walked over to him and smiled, giving him a hug, "I've been looking everywhere for you and I find you here, flirting with a girl; how old are you, thirteen?" she said, smiling at him, "I wasn't flirting!" he hissed, pushing her slightly,

"oh good good." she said, rubbing his head and walking off, "see you later!" she said, walking off. Zukate sighed and looked over at Flower, "sorry about her, she's like that." he said, smiling slightly.
Flower looks at him and then raised her eyebrow. "nice sister..." she said and then looked up. "Only 13 huh? Sorry but I'm older then you." she said giggling slightly.
Zukate looked at her confused, "Why would you be sorry?" he asked, glancing at the tree then back at her, wondering how they were going to explain the fallen branch.

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